Newspaper Page Text
Kop All Kinds of Work.
' i fast warning favor in the household, as
shown by the rapidly increasing sales.
This Niew Family Machine is capa
ble of a range and variety of work such a:
was once thought impossible to perform by
machinery. We claim and can show that
it is the cheapest, most beautiful, delicately
arranged, nicely adjusted, easily operated,
and smoothly running of all the family
sewing machines. It is remarkable, not
only for the range and variety of its sew
ing, but also for the variety and different
kinds of texture whicn it will sew with
equal facility and perfection, using silk
twist, linen, or cotton thread, fine or coarse,
making the inter-elastic lock stitch, alike
on both sides of the fabric sewn. Thus
beaver cloth, or leather, may be sewn with
great strength and uniformity of stitch ,
and,ina moment, this willing and never
wearying instrument may be adjusted for
fine work on gauze, or gossamer tissue, or
motuckingi of tarlatan, or ruffling, or al
most any other work which delicate fingers
have been known to perform.
Ours having long been tlie popular and
practical machines for maniif.i cturing pur
poses, some dealers, using ‘'the tricks of
trade,” take advantage of this in trying to
persuade purchasers that our family Ma
chine is not equal, for family sewing to our
Manufacturing Machines for manufacturing
purposes. But purchasers—and they are
apt to examine carefully before choosing—
have not been merely persuaded, but con
vinced that our new family machine embod
ies new and essential principles—simplicity
of construction ; ease of operation ; uni
formity of precise action at any speed; ca
pacity fore m ge and variety of work, fine
or coarse -leaving all rivals behind it.
Sewing Machine Sales of 1874.
The table of sewing machine sales for
1871 show that our sales for that year
amounted to 211,61(7 machines, being a
large increase over the sales of the previ
ous year. The table shows that our sales
exceed those of any other company for the
period named, by the number of 148,852
machines, nearly
l hree Times Those of any othe Com
It may be further stated that the sales of
1876, as compared with the sale of i872,
fcljow a relatively large increase beyond
the sales of other makers. For instance,
in 1872 we sold 16,000 more machines than
any other company ; whereas, in 1878, the
sales were
And in 1874 our sales were
118,852 Machines More Than
Any Other Company.
The following is a correct report of the
tales of sewing machines made by the lead
ing companies daring the past four years.
A careful examination of the figures will
show that the “SINGFIt” have largely in
creased each year, while, on the contrary, a
corresponding decrease is shown in the sales
reported by all other companies. This is a
highly satisfactory result to us, and is only
another proof that “merit always has its re
Sewing Machine Sales for 1871:.
Machines sold.
The Singer Manufacturing Cos 241,676
Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Cos 12,827
llowe Sewing Machine Cos., f estima
ted) 36,000
Domestic Sewing Machine Cos . 22,700
Grover & Baker Sewing Mach ine Cos.
(estimated) 0,000
Florence Sewing Machine Cos. £>,515
Secor Sewing Machine Cos.- ....... 4.541
Sals* of 1872.
machines sol* 1 .
The Singermanufaoturing co 232,444
Wheeler & Wilson manufacturingco. 119,190
Domestic sewing machine co 40,114
Grover & Baker sewing machine co. 36,179
Howe machine co no returns.
Florence sewing machine co 8,900
Secor sewing machine co 4,13 u
Sales of 1872
Machines sold
The Singer manufacturing co 219,753
Wheeler & Wilson manufacturing c 0.174,088
I owe machine co., (estimated) 146,000
Grover & Baker se .ving machine co. 52,910
Domestic sewing machine co 49,554 sewing machine co 15,793
Sales of 1871
Machines sold.
The Singer manufacturing < ,181,260
Wheeler & Wilson manufuct ring c 0.128,526
Grover & Baker sewing roa nine co, 50,538
Howe machine co.(Jan. 1 t July 1.) 34,010
Florence sewing machine o* 15,948
Domestic sewiiq machine j, )
172 Broughton St., Savannah, Ga.
C. S. BEATTY, Agt.
In Atlanta, Athens, Augusta, Macon, Cos
nimbus, ami Tliomasvillc, Ga.; Charles
ion anrl C Aunibia, S. C. : Jacksonville
an ! it.Halm.- , Florida..
Semi your addrcs> U the aboveoffi
cestor a catalogue of the celebrated Bazaar
Glove Fitting Pattern. They are the best,
he tlieapeft and the moat stylish patterns
in the market. jan!2-ly.
Just Published , in ci Scaled Envelop. Price
six cents.
A Lecture on the Nature, Treat
ment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weak
ness, or Spermatorrhoea, indue.d by Self-
Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency,
Nervous Debility, end Impediments to Mar.
riage, generally; Consumption, Epilepsy
and Fits: Mental and Physical Incapacity,
author of the “Green Book,”
The world-renowned author, in this ad
mirable lecture, clearly proves from his own
experience tha< the awful consequences of
Self-Abuse may be effectually removed with
out medicines, and without dangerous sur
gical operations, bougies, instruments,rings
or cordials : pointing out a mode of cure at
once certain and effectual, by which every
sufferer, no matter what his condition may
be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and
m-Thls Lecture will proven Bo,n to Thou
sands and Thousands.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, } ost-paid, on receipt of six cents
or two postage stamps.
Addiess the publishers,
41 Ann St. New Yoik 1\ O. 4586.
tJ and SSO or SIOO per week.
For Domestic Use.
With Table and Fixtuies complete, only S2O.
A perfect and unequalled, large, strong
and durable Machine, constructed elegant
and solid, from the best material with math
ematical precision, for constant family use
or manufacturing purposes. Always ready
at a moment’s notice to do its day’s work,
never out of order, and will last a genera
t-io.T with mode.ate care; to under
stand and manage ; light, smooth, and swift
running, like the well regulated movement
of a fine watch ; simple, compact, efficient
and reliable, with all the valuable improve
ments to be found in the highest priced rua
chi ies, warranted to do the same work, the
same way, and as rapid and smooth as a
$75 machine. An acknowledged triumph
of ingenious mechanical skill, essentially
the working woman’s friend, and far in ad
vance of all ordinary machine.?, for abso
lute strength, reliability and general use
fulness : wi'l hem, fell, tuck, seam, quilt,
bind, braid, co.d, gather, ruffle, shir, plait,
fold,scallop, roll,embroider, run up breadths
Nc., with wonderful rapidity, neatness and
ease, sews the strongest lasting stitch equailv
fine and smooth through all kinds of goods
from cambric to Severn thicknesses of broad
cloth or leather with fine or coarse cotton
lsnen, silk or twine. Gives perfect satisfac
tion. Will earn its cost several tunes over
in a season in the work it does, or make a
a good living for any man or woman who
desires to use it for that purpose ; works so
faithful and easy the servants or children
can use it without damage. Price of ma
chine vi- h light tabU, fully equipped for
family work, S2O. Half case, cover, side
drawers and cabinet styles each at corres
pondingly low rates. .Safe delivery guar
anteed, free from damage. Explanatory
pamphlets illustrated with engravings of
the several styles of machines, references,
variety of sewing etc., mailed free. Confi
dential terms with liberal inducements to
enterprising clergymen, teachers, business
men, traveling or local agents, &c., who
desire exclusive agencies furnished on ap
plication. Andress John 11. Kendall & Go..
630 Broadway New York. [mnylMy,
S Institute :
fIF lOU would enjoy the
fmftim ; most delightful luxury ; if
fill I ;V |8 lyou would be speedily,cheap-
Ulllilill/ ly, pleasantly and perma
nently cured of all Inflam
matory, Nervous, Constitu
fional and Blood Disorders
if you have Rheumatism,
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Bron
chitis, Catarrh, Diarrhoea,
Dysentery, Tiles, Neuralgia,
Paralysis, Disease of the
Kidneys, Genitals or Skin,
Chill aid Fever, or other
Malarial Affections ; if you
would be purified from all
Poisons,whether from Drugs
or Disease; if you would
K. have Beauty, Health and
lSll Long Life, go to the Hygien
ic Institute,and use Nature’s
jGreat Remedies,the Turkish
ißath, the “ Water-cure Pro
cesses,” tte “Movement
|Ciire,” Electricity and other
Hygienic agents. Success
is wonderful—curing all cu
rable cases. If not able to
go and take board, send full
account of your case, and
get direcdons for treatment
at home. Terms reasona
ble. Location, corner Loyd
and Wall streets, opposite
H | rril | Passenger Depot, Atlanta,
Dll 111 I j NO g TAISBACK Wilson,
1876. 1877^
First Regular Issue itow in Preparation
1. IT WLL CONTAIN a complete Busines
Directory of every town village and city
in the State.
IT WILL CONTAIN a complete shippers’
guide to etery point in the State.
3. IT WILL CONTAIN a full, classified list
ot all persons in the State engaged in any
mercantile, mechanical, manufacturing or
professional pursuit.
4. IT WILL CONTAIN a correct list of State
and County officers.
5 . IT WILL CONTAIN a complete post-of
fiee directory of the United States and
Territories. Also an accurate list of ex
press stations in Alabama, Georgia, Mis
sissippi, South Carolina and Florida, pre
pared expressly fo>- this work by loute
agents, and only to be found in our Di
G. IT BILL CONTAIN a revised and cor
rected county map of *Le State of Geor
(. II BILL CONTAIN, in adnition to the
foregoing special features, so much gen
eral information that no business man
can afford to be without it. As an ad
vertising medium we think it presents its
own claims, and we confidently commend
it, to the business public, hoping to re
coive a patronage commensvrate with it
intrinsic value, and .lie great pains be
stowed upon its preparation.
One Page and Copy of Book §25 0(.
Half “ “ 44 15 00
Third “ “ “ 12 00
fourth “ “ “ ‘ 10 00
Price of Look with inch card 5 00
Name in Capital Letters 1 00
' P reus hex: s,
Atlanta da.
Job piloting turnlly executed at this
X2sta,l> islied. 1937".
WE are pleased to notify our friends that we are uow layin in a large and suj erio
stock of
SeasonalDlG Q-oods.
Those who wish Bargains will give us a call.
> fOAI.
'•'Ey??*, /873.
wpfmmvm c-. vqaksi
It requires so butniotiens to rr\ it; not ect out of order.
It will do every class aad lo \ i out:.
It will sew £:e:a i ‘ 00 to r&iaess Leather.
It is as far in advance of ctlir? £:vris s : ..crises m tlio Kiagnitude of
its superior .'sij&cvcsacrb, c.s a £toa:n Car u.icclls in acMevemeats
t]is old fasMeaed Cleacli,
T N w ~ f t p r * , U" n
maciD x.o £>r;:_.;
Either for Cash cr Credit.
for illustrated Catalog of ) WANTED
Address; WILCO U i iO. U: A OHIME CO.
CLEVelaec. GJZZJ-r.:, : ' , -zit yqxk,®.?,,
THE NEW Jk -j-tJfK „ *
b r DoubIe
::lachm e ,
j | j |3 %
~ 2 ' \
i! i Its
‘ 11 a
5 and c- 5
I s = ? s
p] ||
With our printed directions, no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it.
The construction of the machine is based upon a principle of unique and unequalled sim
plicity, comprising simple lovers working upon cent cs The bearings are few, and they
are hardened and polished.
The machines are made at our new works in the city of Newark, N. J., with new special
(patented) machinery and tools, constructed expressly to accomjnish what we now offer.
Every machine pally war van ted.
New York and Chicago.
YT W TkTF SAVINO.-s.—By using the “Domestic” Pa-
La | fg H grai per F’is-Aiso-js the most stylish and perfect-fitting
I H 111 costumes can be produced, at a large saving in
Gi? Hil May \j MONEY t" those who choose to make, or superin
tend the making of, their own garments. With the
highest talent and the best facilities in all departments, and the best ideas of the most skillful
modistes, both at home nnd abroad, we are enabled to attain results far above the reach of the
average dress-maker. Our styles are always the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrated
catalogue mailed to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere.
Kow Voi*k and Chicago.
No. 21 Marietta, Corner Broad Street,
Carpets, Oil Olotlis,
Mat tings, Curtains,
Upholstery Goods.
Letters of inquiry promptly answered. a rl2-
ONE MONTH after date application
will be made to the Court of Ord'o
nary of Gordon county, Georgia, ai
the first regular teirn after the expira
tion of one month from this notice for
leave to soil the lands belonging to tin
estate of M. IT. Jackson, late of *•/ :
county, deceased, for the benefit of the
b irs sitjpj creditors of said deceased.—
This August 31,1876.
Jaspfk N. Smith, Administrator.
Burdick’s National.
Will Cut more, In glv- .
entime, with less pow- .<ft?Trr a! A
er.than any other Cut
ter In the market. ‘~*T —
Recommended by the I *
Street Railway com- i
£anles of St. Louis ana 'a ra
ouisville. I I I
For Description and M. 5
Prices address 1
Semple, Birge & Cos.,
:-U ufacturers Agricultural Implements and
Specialties lu Hardware
910 Washington Are., ST. LOUIS,
13 r Plcaee mention la vhat papor you cead this.
A Spicy, Interesting Local and Family Newspaper.
ONE Y l3 Alf $2 00 THREE MONTHS . ... jp r 0
The TIMKS having entered Jl3 seventh year of its existence, and become lini’.iy csiab
iisUe<l, 11 > pains will bj spared to nuke it a newspaper supplying t ie wants 0' the read
big pu i- whj desire to obtain
at a emall co . s i t ’ as well as general selection of news from all parts, while those of l't
rary will not be forgotten. Every available resource will be made use of to make
ti e TIMES a necessity to all who want a
Gs-oodL KTcwspaper,
ai "! ° ne ,llat bo highly appreciate! every week as a welcome visitor to the
The TIMES ha3 a constantly increasing circulation in the counties of Cherokee Geor
in. mating it an invaluable medium to the business man through which to make nov. n
hi3 bu iness. thus securing the greatest good to the greatest number. Rates reasonable
D. B FREEMAN Proprietor.
For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and
I MUST OWN that your Sim
mons’ Liver Regulator lully de
serves the popularity it has at
tained. Asa family medicine it
has no equal. 1 t cured my wife of
a malady [ had counted iucuiable
—that wolfsbane of our American
people, Dispensin'
Professor in Nicholas Public
School, Parrish of Terrebonne,
You are at liberty to use my name in
praise ot your Regulator as prepared by
you, and recommend it to every one as the
best prev ntative of Fever and Ague in the
world. I plant in Southwestern Georgia,
near Albany, Ga., and must say that it has
done move good on my plantation among
my negroes, than any medicine I ever used;,
it supersedes Quinine if taken m time.
Years .jc , Hon. 13, 11. lIILL. Ga*
CHILDREN ! —Your Regulat
or :s superior to any other remedy
for Malarial diseases among cnild
iei>, and it has a larce sale in this
section of Georgia—W. M. Russel],
Alb iny, Ga.
TICE OF GEORGIA.—I have used Sim nous’
Liver Regulator for the constipation of my
bowels, caused by a temporary derange
ment of the for the last three or four
years, and always when used according to
the directions, with decided benefit. 1 think
it is a good medicine for the derangement of
the Liver—at least such has been my per
sonal experience in the use of it.
Hiram Warner,
Cl ief Justice of Gejrgia.
EDITORIAL, —We have tested
its virtues, personally, and know
that for Dispepsia, Biliousness, and
Throbbing Headache, it is the lest
medicine the world ever saw. We
have tried forty othe/remedies be"
fore Simmo s’ Liver Regulator, but
none of them gave us more than
temporary relief; but the Regulat
or not only relieved, but cured us.
Ed. Telegraph and Messenger,
Macon, Ga.
Having had during the last twenty
years ot my life *o attend to Racing Stock,
and having ha I so much trouble with them
with Colic, Grubb 3, etc., gave me a great
deal of trouble; having It card of your Reg
ulator as a cure for the above diseases I
concluded to try it. A.ter trying one pack
age m mash i found it to cure in every in
stance. It is only to be tried to prove what
I have said ini's praise l I can send you
certificates Ho 1 Augusta, Clinton and Ma
con, as to the cure of Horse.
July 24,1 ;<7n.
of ti:k
RfSi{cray Hsll Publish!nr C3,
i >lx 51 P. Jewett, ITEsttiujjer.
a i i V. I sj W| a New paths marked out to
" efi u ki l 2 VIS! Health by that plainest of
all books— Plain Home Talk and JUirmoAi.
Common Sense, which contains neai !y I,(H o pages
of original matter, as cutei turning as a (ascii at ij V
story. Health and long life made easy for the
learned and unlearned. Crammed lull vf brand
now Ideas, which arc cheering to the si< k. and
intensely entertaining to those who are loitu’nate
enough to escape disease. It guards the nadco
against the pit holes of human suffering, ar.d
points the way of deliverance to those who ure
already engtilphed. By all means, find out all
about it. It is for you. It's author. Hr. K
B. Footic, of 120 Lexington Avenue, Few
York, is consulted by invalids at heme aid
abroad, in person and by letter, and ha* 1 ad tl.a
experience of nearly a quarter oj a century
to the treatment of long standing and difficult dis
eases of every character; hence his ability to
write practical tiuthsfor the invalid reader Ilis
consultations are free to the sick everywhere ;
hence his immense correspondence \\ ith the sick
all over the globe, Yor. reader, /re vt lib
erty to consult the able author of Plain Horn*
Talk and Medical Common S' use. Write to him
and you will be struck with his Common Sense.
Whatever your malady, you will receive light
which will do you good, by investing only a
postage stamp, and writing to Hr. F. We w ish
to interest you in both the doctor and his im
mortal book. ITioSlook itself, which gives--
satisfaction to all who read it, can be had of
agents, or of the publishers direct. Plain mus
lin binding, $3.25, in the English or German
language. Library binding, m English only.
$3,75. Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt
of the price. A lady writes the author: “ I
have always felt that you were the physician o?
the world, from the fact of your wonderful suc
cess and original ideas." One reader says
“I have found it to be one of the grandest
works of tfie age.” Another says—”l would not
be without it for twice its cost.’’ Similar letters
reach the author every day. Contents table
,rv stor¥ ; a,s ° h v
.11“ IyS g_§■ Dk. Foote. Cheap edi
-8 laß ” tion. 5 vols. in 3, neatly
bound. £2; in 5 separate vols. at $5 and $7.50,
according to binding. Sent by mail on receipt
of price. Just the thing for young people. Con
tents table free.
DIRS? 1 Publications. TTecnnfur-
S fill 3- nish all of Dr. Foote’s popular
I B'ifiLa Dime Publications on health and
kindred topics. “OLD EYES MADE NEW,”
tells how to restore the sight and give up glasses,
without the aid of Doctor or Medicine. Half a
million have been issued already ! “Com fort
and cuke for the Ruptured” is a valunblo
monograph for those who are afflicted with Rup
ture or Hernia. “Physiological Improvement
of Humanity,” relates to the subject of having
people born right. “Physiological Marriage”
gives the latest researches regarding the laws
governing temperamental adaptation, Ac., &c.
A Step Backward, reviewing inconsiderate
legislation concerning the Prevention of
Conception. “ Spebmatorrhcea,” or Sem
inal Weakness with evidence of its curability.
“Croup, its causes, prevention and cure,” inval
uable to every mother having the care of smull
children. “Cold Feet,” causes, prevention
and cure. Any one of the foregoing DiniQ
Publications will be sent by mail, postage pre
paid, on receipt of ten cents.
Publication*. Wewillsnp-
I Hrr Ily Dr. Foote's Free Public,'t.
I llhu tioris. “ Gratuitous Advice to the
Sick," abroad as well as at home ; a circular of
value to the sick. “ Evidences of Dr. Foote's
Success; ” a sixty page pamphlet, free by mail,
—Send for them.
S_jbn|\i 9 V can find profitable employ
mSUi" 8 O meut in the sale or the
foregoing publications, and also several others
published by us. Read all of the above, and
send for particulars. Address, for terms, outfits,
&c.,The Murray Hill Publishing Company, l'Zi>
Fast 28th Street, Sew York.
The Ladies’ Hand-Book/ r
of valuable information to ever}'Vcuj-V
woman, OLD or YOUNG *
Married or Single. #***
will thank u# for *****
Hand-Book, and
mother will objectNFß"
to placing it in
hands of her dough fl [I Q
ters These Hand- A, / " U U
Books are n o t ASS/ ®EIRAA GFI -
private lral ./<jS'K.Vr of both
. „ i /sexes, particularly
i es, iut aj< bfcsp paralysis, Apoplexy,
and all ner
for gen-/<§y/VOUS derangements ;
prol rdr # heir Cause and Cure,
' /This Essay will be found
cuia-A.^p/ ( -j ee piy interesting to all
tion. sufferers, BOTH
Jr / EITHER of the foregoing
jfyxV /HAND BOOKS sent fi<ee to
address. Address, with
N. Y. E. Cos., Bedford,Mass,
t 0 uflh—3
Job printing execDted at the Times