State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1859-1859, June 23, 1859, Image 1

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VOLMIiE i. II a ill) .plate |rtss n v ” S. C. Sr. A. 11. ROWLAND.’ SUBSCRIPTION: For Daily paper, Si.-; !>•.:!,-irs a year, invariably in a<l vance. ADVERTISING i insertion, and Fifty 1 ‘ •)'-• <<;<• nt insertion. daily n vnss. —• ’ ‘ l > • ; ; O ~ ! j „ ; _ tO Ko. of; v- S I 5 g :l r ‘. % I Ti 15, ilp;■l 7 I 7 ? i v 1 r, i’ll. 7 o ‘ !i no !M on 17 00 20 00 ” ... 0 Oil'l2 1,1 1 14 on! 18 00 25 00 30 00 3 112 00 1’ 00 Is 0o 25 00,33 00 40 00 4.. 15 00 lii 1 :2 0 ‘',so Oil 40 00 (50 00 5.. 1 s do . - . ,0010 On 50 00 00 00 i; 20 on >mi : hii 50 00.00 00 70 00 7. .. . 25 00 ‘ll 00 00 00 70 00 80 00 8.. ;:o i 0 on jo, n 7o On SO 00 00 00 10 ito 0(i 50 0 ii i ‘BO 00,00 00 100 00 WUHKLY RATKS. —* IV I to Ko. of I = r ~|§ | § a 15. ! -i ?. !g. g. 2 q w - i•” r r ; S s E I ? ’ i .... 2 • 10 • o 15 00! 20 00 2.. . . 5 • ■ 20 00 25 00 30 00 .... 7 50,11 on 14 50 25 00,35 00| 40 00 4 .... ; 10 o' l 13 no 1 o I noo 40 001 50 00 1 5 112 - 1 i 7 1 in’ on 10 10,50 00 60 00 0 15 . i 2i ni) 25 0” 50 O,.;0 00 70 00 7 17 Oli 25 1 00 ild 00 70 001 80 00 S 20 ii” ■ ;•> 70 <10,NI) 00 00 00 10. .250n jo n . o oojso OOjUQ 00)100 JOB WORK: II j , i . COMPLETE OUTFIT, v j r .1’ . ription of Job Work uan .at style on .-hurt notico. A „ % We arc r. ,i 1 v .it • 0 , -t j cxeeuto in a satisfacto ry manner such <v irk POST Kl'S, PAMPHLETS, HAM) 111 LI CATALOGUES, PltOU I’.AMMES, LAIIKLS, —eHH’ULAHS, ‘ CARDS, Ac.. Ac., All kiilils 1 Blanks k ~t constantly on hand. M. TaOH Fashionable Hair Dresser, At thn Redding Alacon, Cia. rpilE Sill)-. I ilicr r tfully informs the citizens 1 „r M -vl iti-ann--’ passine through the city that his well k wvn . ‘ ihli Jiment is still in op eration ni hi- ah! m-l, where he is ready to accom mod tl tain ming. Sharing, Hhan;". ‘in2 and , . in his liue in the best-lyle nf i: i. He rs f,r sale, flood Bar Rum, Pro der's II dr !■ r. Kn.gilt's celebrated Hair Uestorative. 15: S < ombs, Brushes, Ra zors, and all si'uiiar cv:ich -- nc- h-d f>ra gentleman s toilet. 11 t I,id (told B.nh: <m he had at the reduc ed price .if’ . ni- Al-o, wigs and Toupees made to order on sliort notice. He solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage which he has heretofore re ceived. M. LOH. i ile 8-6 m S. BBAINETLBS jlacon Variety tt(oi*c,(?ot. A?., Opposite Rom, Coleman A Ross and C. 11. Freeman . New Goods. CIROCKE/*V and Glass Ware, ) House Furnishing articles, Tin Ware, /Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Cord and Twine. Cutlery, Brooms. Pails, Tubs, Wash Boards and Brushes, Hobby Horses, Wagons and Willow Ware. Transparent Soap, and Extracts lor Ladies, (Tombs of all descriptions, Hair Brushes, American snd English, Medicines for Horses and Man, Worm Tea warranted to perform or no pay, Shower Baths, and in fact ail articles called for. Furniture repaired and made to order, cleaned and varnished in the best style. Violins, Canes, Ac., re paired and repolished. X. B.—Best of Sand Paper of all kinds and best of Copal Varnish for sale as low as can be purchas ed in this city. Hll articles sold if not perfect may be returned. N. ll.—Grafienbcrg Medicine for sale, pure from the Company. S. 8., Agent for Company, jan 6 Wood’s Gallery IS . still the Fashionable resort of all lovers of the beautiful Portraits in Oil and Pastel), Aquarile and Imperial Photographs. A great many on exhi tion. Ambrotvpes, One Dollar and upwurds. Call aud see us. Washington Block, Macon, Ga. fab lfi d-ts WANTED. I Am still buying Military bounty Land Warrants, and will always give the highest cash price. Macon, Ga., Oct 20 G. J. BLAKE. AMMONTATED Bone Superphosphate of Lime, a long established and permanent chemical ma nure, for sale iu largo uM small quantities by feb x d-ts ZHILIN & HUNT, Sole Agents. Religious Books AND SnlUmtli Ndinot liiteratuk e. npHOSE wishing to purchase Bibles, Tracts and J. good books for the library or Sabbath reading, are invited to call and jxainiue the stock of religious for sale at tho “ Dkpositouv” of the Georgia Bible and Colporteur .Society, “Cotton Avenue,” Macon, (hi. Every advantage will be of fered to those who wish to select libraries either for the Sunday School or family, feb 12 d-ts SAM’* BOYKIN, Agent- WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. ARRIVAL and Departure of the Passenger Trains: Leave A. M. “ “ 10.00 “ “ “ 8.30 P. M. Arrive in Chattanooga 4.20 P. M. “ “ “ 6.35 “ “ “ “ 7.05 A. M. Leave Chattanooga 5.15 “ “ “ 2.55 P. M. “ “ 5.35 “ Arrive in Atlanta 4.45 “ “ “ “ 11.08 “ * 4.15 A.M. oct 21 The Macon Drug Market IS being constantly supplied with all that is requi site to establish and preserve health in the way of MEDICINES and CHEMICALLS, And in articles for the toilet, such as Ilair, Teeth, Flesh ami Nail Brushes, Lubin’s Extracts, Lars Soaps, Bozin’s Hair Oils, Ac., Ac. Also, for family use, Starch, Spices, Indigo, //ops, and many others too numerous to mention. For sale by ZEILIN, //UNT & CO., Opposite Telegraph Building, Macon, Ga. dec 2 Zciliii Hunt’s NOYKLTY SOHA WATE FOUNTAIN” IS now in complete operation, from which cun be obtained the superior beverage with Lemon, Sarsaparilla, Ginger, Vanilla, Pineapple, Orange, Sherbet, Strawberry and Orgeat, Cream Syrups, april 13 d-ts Millinery Goods FOR SPRING AM) SUMMER. ms. A. DAMOUR HAVING just received a large assortment of Goods of the above mentioned articles, and will receive weekly, during the season, the best styles and ; quality, such as Straw, Lace, Crape and Silk Bon nets. also Children and Misses’ Hats A Flats; Ribbons, Flowers, Head Dresses, Hair Ornaments, Curls, Braids, Luce and Muslin Setts, Berthas, Lace Capes, Lace Mitts, also many other articless of Fancy Goods, too numerous to mention, all of which can be pur chased at reasonable prices, either bv Wholesale or Retail. gF Orders will be promptly and faithfully attend- I ed to “ march lld*3m GROCERIES! IN Store, and constantly receiving, fulf supplies of Bacon, Flour, Coflee, Sugar, Butter, Cheese, Syr up, Soap, Candles, Ac. ALSO, a choice lot of Tobiooo, S>arri, Suufl, and many other articles too numerous to mention. For sale by JOHN MASSETT. april 12; 1359. Fresh Arrivals by Steamer “W eekly. TEN Cases sparkling Catawba Wine, 5 “ Blackberry Cordial, f> 4< “ Brandy, 25 Baskets 44 Heidsick” Champagne, 10 44 “La Perle” 44 10 Cases 44 Cliquot” 44 50 I)oz. assorted best ‘ Henesse” Brandy, old Sad dle Bug and Bourbon Whisky, old Port, Madeira, i Muscat and 4 ‘o!d Georgia’’ Wines. All of which is guaranteed pure. For sale bv apl 30d GREEK & FREEMAN. Something New. ONE ‘’ask superior Mint Juleps, One “ “ Wild Cherry Brandy, One “ “ Blackberry “ And Wines of all kinds, for sale bv feb 24 GREEK & FREEMAN. FI.OIiR ! FLOUR ! FLOUR T -J /A liliLS. “ I'lrani Smith” Flour, IUlO“ Rve “ 5 “ Buckwheat, for sale by feb 24 GREER £ FREEMAN. BUTTER! Butter!—fresh arrival—2s kegs in store and for sale by febxix ‘ GREER & FREEMAN. JEFFREY’S JUG ALE—2S Casks in store and for sale by fab xix GREER <k FREEMAN. I POTATOES! Potatoes!—so Barrels planting po tatoes for sale by GREER A FREEMAN, feb 19-ts MACKEREL! Mackerel!—ln large and small packages, for sale by feb 19 GREER & FREEMAN. J. s. UOYLK. FREDERICK OOULE. BOYLE <fc CO., 59 SECOND ST., CINCINNATI, OHIO, —IMPORTERS OF — Foreign Liquors & Wines; DI“TILLKRB OF— ALCOHOL, COLOGNE SPIRITS, Cnmphene, Burning Fluid, and Spirits oi TURPENTINE. Manufacturers of every description of i Domestic Liquors, Hines, Cordials and 37‘x-on.ola Bitters. Have constantly ou hand various grades of pure BOURBON A WHISKY, , Peach and Apple Brandy. Also, Barataria and New England Bum, &c. 13?” Sole manufacturers of the celebrated “ROSE” WHISKY. Agent for Fred. Goule, Japannese BITTERS. april 28 d-ly Experience Teaches Wisdom TT'ELLOW-CITIZENS, allow me to 1 say to those who have been my pat rons and friends for so manyyenrs,and v f I are now enjoying the benefits of my skill, that lam , in daily communication with all the sources of infor * illation, both North and South, connected with the s Dental protession, and will omit nothing either in I money or labor to give satisfaction to all who may fa vor me -vith tlieir patronage. Please call at my otti office, on the corner of 2d and Mulberry streets, over C. Campbell & Son’s store, sign of the Golden Tooth, nov 12 J. C. McREYNOLDS. MACON, GEORGIA, JUNE 23, 1859. DR. J. DICKSON SMITH, Practicing Physician, MACON, GA. TTTIT.L attend promptly to all professional calls VV made on him, either at, his office or residence. Office on Cherry Street over Menard & Buns hard s Store. Residence at J. B. Rosa’. 1 jan 26 • Gent’s Furnishing Goods. I TUFTY Doz. Linen and Marsailes Bosom Shirts, . 25 44 Merino and Silk under Shirts, 75 44 British % Host. SO 44 Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, SO 44 Silk Scarfs and Ties, 15 44 Fine Suspenders. Just received at F. WINSHIP. I sep 23 . I Fresh Garden Seed. MENARD A CASTLEN have just received a; large and selected stock of Fresh Garden Feed i of all kinds, warranted to he the growth of 1858, which are equal in quality and as cheap in price as anv that can be found elsewhere. Store under Ral ston’s Hall. feb 3 City papers copy. CORN, OATS AND MEAL. ” O A A BUSHELS Corn in Sacks, OUv 400 bushels prime Tenn Oats, 50 44 Fresh Corn Meal, 7(>o 44 Wheat Bran, just received and for sale by McCALLIE & TONES, dec ( J GRATES! GRATES ! A GOOD assortment at very low prices B. A. WTSE, jan Cherry St... Macon. JOSEPH M. BOAP.DMAN. WASHINGTON BLOCK, MULBERRY ST( MACON, GEORGIA. I AW, Medical, School, miscellaneous and Juven% j ile Books. Blank Books, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Pa per, Water Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil and ‘Vatrr Colors, Mathematical Instruments, Mathe mat and nd Engineering Books, Copying Presses and 800 s, Vffiting Desks, Port Folios', Pocket Books, Gammon Boards, Writing Fluids and Inks of the I very best kinds, Faber’s and Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils', Steel and Gold Pens, and all the various articles usually found in n Book Store. Also, Agent of the Southern Mutual nsurance Company. oct 17 ZEILIN & HUNT. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, MEDICNES, MEDICINES, MEDICINES, GARDEN SEEDS, GARDEN SEEDS, GARDEN SEEDS, Instruments, Perfumery, Spices, Varnishes &c., at the MACON DRUG MARKET, Corner of Second and Cherry St., opposite the Store of J. B. & W. A. Ross. J‘* rk a7 Lace Curtains! Something entirely new ct beau tiful, at 3PAR.K.EFCS. april 5 d-ts Just Received. AL A.RGE and choice selection of Lubin’sExtracts for the handkerchief, warranted genuine, and not the offensive imitations usually sold, put up with j counterfeit tables. Also, a splendid assortment of genuine French and 1 American Pomades and Oils for the hair from the most celebrated manufactures, for sale bv april E. L. STROHECKER. MACON DRUG STORE. HAVING resumed business on my own account I am prepared to serve my patrons and the public with the most reliable articles in my line.— My stock is the largest and most complete ever of fered in this city. My purchases being invariably from Direct Im- j porters and Manufacturers I can warrant every ar- j tick* pure and free from adulteration. I have now iu store a large and select stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, j CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PAINT BRUSHES, VARNISH BRUSHES, Sash Brushes, White Wash Brushes, Badger Blenders, Camel Hair Brushes and Camel and Sable Hair Pencils, Together with the beat assortment of Instruments. Planters, Physicians, and Merchants will consult their interest by examining our stock before purcha sing. feb 28 and E. L. STROHECKER. “Ice! IceTTlce! IT MACON ICE CO., D. DEMPSEY, JR., AGENT, IS prepared to furnish ICE. in large and sma! quantities in both country and city as low as an} house in Georgia. Also, keeps on hand a large and well selected sto of family Groceries and Provisions,choicest import Brandies, Wines and Segars, Holland Gin, Bourl and Monongalia!a Whiskey, and a full supply West India Fruit, Candies, &c., <&., Ac. may 23 and A w-ly 1). DEMPSEY, JR. IXJ.! IXL!! POCKET KNIVES! I HAVE just received a large and splendid assort ment of the above Pocket Cutlery, Direct from the makers and will offer extra induce ments for purchasers to cull and examine my Stock of Rodgers and Wostenholms POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, SCISSORS, RAZORS, Ac. I have now in store Glass Preserving Jars, Ice Cream Freezers, Refrigerators Water Coolers, Double Wall Ice Pitchers, The Old Dominion Coffee Pot, Feathered Dusters and Brushes, Bird Cages, Baskets, And the celebrated and invincible Iron Wiich Cook Stove, all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms for cash or to prompt paying customers. B. A. WISE’S House Furnishing Store, may 23 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. FRENCH POMADES AND OILS FOR the hair, warranted to keep swoet in the hot season, for sale by E, L.STROHECKEIv. leb 26 d-ts HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN AIMS NOW RECEIVING THEIR fall winter STOCK, AT their old Stand. Their Mock consists in part of the following goods, to which they invite the attention of Merchants and Planters: 50 Bales Gunny Cloth, 200 Coils Richardson Rope, loon pounds Bailing Twine, U Bags Coffee—Java, Port Rico, Rio and Laguira, lo Chests ’-’ ick and Green Tea, 75 Barrels A, . C Sugar, 25 “ Crushed and Powdered Sugar, 5 Boxes Loaf Sugar, 15 Hogsheads Fine Port Rico, 300 Sacks Liverpool Salt 100 Sacks Alum Salt, \ 150 Boxes Adamantine Candles, j, 40 44 Sperm * 4 75 “ No. 1 Soap, \ 20 44 Family Toilet Soap, ; 35 11 Assorted and Fancy C indy, • 125 Kegs Nails, j j 50 Boxes Starch, * ICO Jars Snuff, 50 Whole. Half and Quarter Kegs of Powder 20 Cans Duck-shooting Powder, 100 Bags Shot, 100,000 Cigars, various brands, 50 Boxes Tobacco, 20 Cases Magnolia and Combination Tobacco, 20 Bales Osnaburgs and Stripes, 5 Cases Homespun. Bleached, 10 Bales Georgia Kersey, 5 44 Northern “ 15 44 Blankets, all prices. 50 Baskets Piper’s Heidsick wine. 75 Cases Gingerand Blackberry Wine and Brandy, 50 Barrels Rye and Corn Whiskey, lo 44 Extra and Bourbon “* 50 “ Gin, Rum and Brandy, 10 Casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine, 10 Cases London Dock Gin, 15 “ Boker and Stoughton Bitters, 10 44 Lemon Syrup, 20 Cask- Ale and Porter, 10 B-xes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs, 30 “ Assorted Pickles, 30 44 Assorted and Funcy Candy, 2< 44 Superior Curb Soda, | 3 ( Barrels and Boxes Soda and Butter Crackers, 2’ Boxes Herrings, 5 Sacks Ashton’s Table Salt, ’ sCases Ashton’s Tablq Salt, 10 Doz. Well Bucke 35 44 Blue “ 10 Nests of Tubs, 10 Doz, Wool Hats, 30 Boxes izcveritt Axes, iO,OOO Pounds White ead and Zinc, 100 Barrels Linseed Oil, 10 “ Tinners’and Machine Oil, Also, a fine lot. of Chrome Green, Yellow, Prussian ! Blue. Terra De Sienna, Burnt Umber, Ac., Paints j and Varnish Brushes and Sash Tools, Macon, Seit 30-ts B TJTTEB, 4hegse Pickled Shad, Pickled Beef and : Codfish received weeklv. For sale bv sep o HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. City papers copy. j j Notice. J’ have aJfombcr of accounts made in 1857 j VV still op<J on our books, and if not paid will | be sued at the fpritig Courts of the respective coun ties. None wifl be slighted, march 8 T HA R DEM AN A GRTFFIN City papers copy. LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA, LOGAN & MEAEA, Proprietors. rrUE PROPRIETORS of this well Known X establishment, respectfully give notice tha they are still candidates for the patron age of the Travelling public, and determined to < nit nothing to deserve well ot their guests and ; mu itain the reputation of the House. Free Transportation j Os > assengers and Baggage, to and from th House, i i by tine new Omnibus and Baggage Wagon, which i the have provided for that purpose. Passengers hertufter will be at no expense whateverfortranspor tatita of themselves and their baggage either way be twipi the Lanier House and the Railway Stations in Macon. We ask a continuance of public patronage aid promise attention and comfort to our guests, pet 20 LOGAN A MEARA. Dissolution of Copartner- SHIP. ! rwHE parnership heretofore existing under the ! .11 Firm name of C. A. Ells A Son, has been this dat dissolved by mutual consent. The business, will I hefeaf'terbe cou ucted by Henry N. Ells (the juni or member of said firm) who is authorize to collect thudebts due said firm. In retiring, Mr. C. A. Ells desires to return his thanks to his friends and the pub lic ®r the liberal patronage they have bestowed up on lim during the long period of years during which ! he mis been in the business of keeping a Family Grocery & Provision Store, and to ask a con tinuance of similar favors to his Son am successor— wholwill carry on the business at the old stand op posite the “Lauier House.” F \ CHAS.A. ELLS, HENRY N. ELLS. All ttose indebted to the firm wil please come for ward and settle Macon, April 4th d-2m MENARD & BURGHARE, WATCHMAKERS AND JS3WBLBHS, HAVE just received and opened a large and splen did assoituicnt of Goods in their line consist ing in part of the following articl :s, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, Hunting Magic Case, Independent 2d, &c., for GEN TLEMEN. {;OLD WATCHES .or Ladies, rich and beau tiful. SILVER WARE, such as Spoons, Cups, Gob lets, Ac. SILVER I* ATED WARE, such as Castors, Egg Boilers with Gold Plated Cups and Spoons,) Fruit Baski s, Pitchers, Candlesticks, \\ niters &c. jewelry, Cons of DIAMOND and GOLD RINGS, PINS Ac., ic., sparkling and bright. ill SICA L INSTUM ENTS, ns VIOLINS, FLLi’ES, GUITARS, BANJOS, TAMBORiNES. Gold PENS, and PENCILS. Guitars and Violin STRINGS, and a varied assortment of FANCY GOODS, Music Boxes, too numerous to particular ize in an advertisement. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them, since they commenced business they solicit a continuance of the same, and will spare no pain’s to give satisfaction to tlieir customers, both in the style and quality of their wares and iu price. Watch and other repairing executed with dispatch aud on reasonable terms. M. A B. sep 30-ts Fluid Gas Lamps. I HAVE just received a lot of the above Lamps con sisting of Hand Lamps, Suspending Lamps, Par lor Lamps, nnd Billiard Lamps. It is unnecessary for me to say anything about this Lamp, as the Press of our city has said all that I could say. It is also suitable for running through Houses or Factories, on the same principle as Gas. upr 29-ts R. P. McEVOY. Notice to Shippers. Komi-Westkkn R. R. ) Macon, July iTS SSS T3SJ ipvssqn -r^^ran SOUTH- WESTERN Kail Road is now completed and in operation to Brown’s Station and Daw son. Passenger Trains passing over it in connection with Albany Train daily. Freight Train, at present, between Macon and l)aw.sou, tri weekly. Kate oi Freight between Savannah, Augusta, Macon and oth er points, and Brown’s and Dawson’s, will be the same as between those places and Albany. All Goods for Cuthbert and places West of Dawso , should be shipped to Dawson, july xv GEO. W. ADAMS. Supt. Pity papers copy. J. F. WINTER & GO., Auctioneers L General l ommission Merchants, MACON, BA. THE undersigned have formed a copartnership sot the transaction of the above business in this city j and solicit the patronage of the Public generally. From its central location, Macon often rare facili titv for the quick and advantageous sale oi Flour Gram, Dry Goods. Grocerii> Ac. Particular atten tion given to the public and private j Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds Ac. Liberal edv-nces made on consignments. All goods warranted as rep- ! resented or no sale. J. F. WINTER, sen 23 J. S WINTER SFEEB & HONTEfi ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA., Office on Triangular Block, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. YYUE have associated as patners in the practice of V ? Law in the counties of the Macon and adjoin ing Circuits, and elsewhere in the Slate by special contract—also, will attend the Federal Courts at Sa vannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPFI’.R, Feb. 17,1555 SAMUEL HUNTER. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, faints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, instruments, Perfumery, Garden Seed, Arc., hr -. On hand by ZEILIN A HUNT, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, Opposite the store of J. B. di VV. A Ross, feb xci-t.f Mr.con, Ga. T. C, NISBET, II AN U F ACTUHER 6 V Steam Engines & Boilers, SAW MILL MACHINERY, MILL GEARINGS, AND MACHINERY IN GENERAL. Wrought Iron Cotton Screws Su gar MILLS. SHAFTS & PC LI.IES, IRON RAILING. WROUGHT & CAST, &C. THE undersigned believes that he is manufactur ing and selling the above Machinery, Un per cent, cheaper, and of as good quality as any establish raent at tiie South, ano i> willing to warruut all the work as equal, it’ not superior to any. dec “.0 R. FINDLAY, SR J. N. FINDLAY, C D. FINDLAY FINDLAY'S iF;l! §>AllSle%l;i iEoinvocKS, A. STEAM ENGINES AND MILL MACHINERY, COTi ON PRESSES AN D SCREWS, lIORSE POWERS, CANE MILLS AND KETTLES, IRON RAILINGS, COLUMNS. MILL STONES, GIN GEAR. GRIST & CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, PULLEYS, WHEELS, SHAFTING &C., AC. IS. FINDLAY Ac SONS. feb 8 S3O Sewing Machines. WE are the Agents for a double thread Sewing Machine, something entirely new which we guarantee to give satisfaction or no sale. Call and see them. J. F. WINTER A CO. nov 25 ENGRAVING, BY JOSEPH E. WEI.I.S, JR. ROOM in Ralstou’s new building on Triangular Block, over J. H. & \V. S. Ellis’ Drug Store.— Orders left at his room or at Menard & Burghard’s will be promptly attended to. oct 7-one y Wm. It. Arnold, Merchant Tailor. is now prepared to cut nnd make up CLOTHmG, OF tho latest fashion, ami by giving them good fit and bv strict attention and moderate charges, hopes that ne will obtain a share of the public patron age of Macon and its surrounding country. Give him a trial, lie is located in Ralston Build ing, up stairs, next door to the State Press \ inting office. NUMBER 114. Wocl Wanted! HCHE highest market price will be paid in CAS A for Wool, in any ni-antities. niarci. lfi H. M NORTH. CLOTHING! CIOTHiMO I! Xi3 M OVAL, E. WINSIIiP nAS removed to E. Suulsbury’s old stand nex door to Strong & N\ nod’s shoe store, and is ore l‘a> ed to exhibit one of the largest und finest stocK o READY MADE CLOTHING in the city. sep 23 Watches! Watches!! r CELEBRATED ENGLISH MAXEBB.—lames Hod- V ‘ dell A Cos.. U. A (1. Beeslcv, Jesh. Johnson, Josh Oinrenshaw. Edward Robinson, and the celebrated American Watch it> Gold cod Silvn ( .-es, SWISS MA V-TRS- Eugene Unninet. Bieith.'ng. I,a deriet. Edov ard. Favre,Brandt and otlier> too numer ous to mention, by DA V A MAUSFEXET. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CIOCKS. The Marble Clock running three weeks without winding-striking huurand half hour. AI-n,l igl t i>uv, Marble and Marbleized lion. Bronze. Wot and and Ma rint Time pieces with and without the alarm DAY A MA EXFT Fine setts of Jewelry. DAY A M ACSSENET. Diamond Pins, Finger Hints and Eat Rings. DAY A M A DESK NET. Fob, Vest, Chatelaine and Guard < limns DAY & MAUSSENET. A tine assortment of Necklaces. Crosses. Medalion* and other Trinkets, bv DAY A MAUSSENET. Silver Table, Tea,'Salt, Mustard, Berrv, Sugar and Cream Spoons. Also, Desert and Pickles Forks, Cups, frobb ts. Waiters, and sundry other articles too numerous to mention, bv DAY A MAUSSENET. Musical liisSt'itiiieggfs. V miincelos, Vh,.. ns. Plum-, • Fladgeoletts, Fifes Ran joes, and Tamborin -; al.-o a line assortment Italian, French and English Vn ‘in Strings, l>v DAY k MAL'SSENET. t ( - ‘ h !*■•’ Steel and Plated Specks with t Scotch Pebble Glasses, a large usm l tinent bv DAY A MMUSSENET. Fancy Goods. —A large assortment bv ID-1Y A MASSENET. Also, a good assortrnei- <•’ Cv.Pviv. Watches and Jewelry neatl\ keoaired and War ranted by * DAY A MAUSSENET. oct 21 rattsi \(‘wn lj Uif ,‘ilar.tic Telegraph ISAACS’'SALOON! ‘I'M) all whom it may concern : This is to notify the i public that ISAACS is at home again and begs to assure his patrons that his Saloon is not a thing | a day. Citizens Mid the traveling public will lincl their establishment open, not foi the season only, but at a!i reasons of the year, and those culling on us will at all hours find our Lai del supplied with all the delicacies that the Now York and other markets wiP a Hurd in tin- way of eatables and something good to drink— -and, six days ouf oi seven, more than can ! be found in anv other house. E. ISAACS A PRO TTIEH, Undei Ualdoi'* llall , Cherry lst. PTs Bill of Fare niil every dny Be just the thing fur little pay, And those who at their placeViay eat Will find in it ail things compleee, Aud going once, they then w ill know That Isaacs’ is the place to go. We shall be happy to see our friends, assuring them that ii will be our unremitting care to please in every respect, as we flatter oursehes we have dor® till now. It may not be generally known, that we have, tc meet the wishes ol the Medical Faculty, imported bv ourselves a very superior quality of Pale Braudv tine Old Port, Sherry end Madeira, possessing all th medicinal qualifies so much de>imi by them. Look at our Dill f Fare and elfoose *fo* “ourself OYSTERS From New Yoik, Savannah and Rruittfwick, in the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, iu any vav you want them. ALSO, Shrimps and Crabs, Yv ild Game of every variety. Venison and licet Steaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, 11am and Eggs, Deviled Ham and Deviled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup, Ac., Ac., A-'. Wood-cock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks. Fish, and anything that an epicure wants, can always be hud v* hen in season. Confectioneries ar.d Fruit. ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of CONFECTIONERIES, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Various descriptions of Nuts., Ac All of which can be purchased at iow prices torC’rxf Be sure and call at THE ISAACS HOUSE, or, ISAACS’ RESTAURANT, Cheury Street, mar Ralston’s s oct 7 J /(itf*,, (ivMvio mi Dai i.. DR. H. A. METTAtJER, nAVING spent a portion ottl ?e successive yen’ in this city, during which time lie has limited his practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re spectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon and the surrounding country, in ull the brunchesot his profession. Otlice on the South-east cc rner of 8d and Cherry streets over Asher Ayres’ new Grocery Store. dec 31 Designs for Monuments BY ROB’T E, LAUNITZ, N. Y. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO., Agents, Macon, (ja. HOPKINS, HVU, &ATKINSOnT - Importers A Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN Sc DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 258 Baltimore St., (O anover ,) BALTIMORE. BASIL B. HOPKINS, ROBERT HULL. THOMAS W. ATKINSON. may 26-dfm To Publishers. sole one second band Princeton Power Press in good running order—at n Great Bargain .Also, one No. f> Imperial Hand Press, nearly as good a ’ lievf, with itikmg apparatus complete, for S2OO, cash. Also, one small Job Ramage Press—Price s4o. Apply at the office of the apl lO and A vy-tf “ GEORGIA CITIZEN,” Macon, Gft. JOHN LAMART Attorney nt Law, MACON, GA. OFFICE near Mechanic's Bank, on Second Street, may 20