State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1859-1859, June 23, 1859, Image 4

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CITY DIRECTORY. MILITARY ITlacon Volunteers. Organized in 1825. R. A. Smith Captain A. G. Butts Lt Lieutenant R. L. Wood 2d O. 11. Freeman s d C. H. Rogers Ensign Floyd Rifles. Organized in 1841. Captain Thomas Hardeman Ist Lieutenant Geo. Y\ . Ross 2J “ John T. Brown 3d “ John 11. Pickett Ensign R. L. Freeman Regular Meeting—first Friday in January, April, July and October. Regular Parades—January 8, 22d February, May Ist, J uly 4. Metropolitan Guard. Organized in i 859. J. R. Griffin Captain J. M. Stubbs Ist Lieutenant T. M. Brantly ‘ 2d D. J. Jackson 3d T. \V. Maugham Ensign Drill Meetings, every Monday night—Regu lar Meetings, every Thursday night. Bibb County Cavalry. Organized in 1834—Re-organized in 185“. Captain E. Fitzgerald Ist Lieutenant W. 11. Ross ild “ C. U. Armstrong Cornet J. S. Baxter Regular Meetings—lst Thursday in January, April, July and October. Regular Parades — Bth January, 22d Februa ry, Ist of May, and 4th July. Jackson Artillery. Organized in 1859. J. IT. Andrews Captain Dr. Theodore Parker Ist Lieutenant F. 11. Burghard 2d “ G. A. Dure 3d “ E- G. Jeffers Ensign M 1391 FI3EDEPARTMSNT. George S. Obear Chief Engineer George IV. Price.... Aassistant “ Protection Fire Company No. I. F. S. Bloom Foreman A. Patterson .. Assistant do. Secretary E. D. Williams Treasury E. J. Johnston Engineer C. D. Wall Regular Me- tings the 1 -f, Tuesday night in each month. Ocmulgee No. 2. Foreman IT. N. Ells Assistant do 0. Machold Secretaty M. P. Westcott Treasurer N. Binswanger Engineer B. F. English Meetings, Ist Friday night in every month. Young America No. 3. J. D.-Van Yalkenburg Foreman Chas. W. Ells Assistant “ S. W. Walker Secretary W. H. Wugnon Treasurer John Streyer Engineer Regular Meetings, Ist Monday night in each month. IIOOK & LADDER CO., NO. 1. A. G. Butts Foreman Jas. V. Greer Assistant “ Jas. Campbell “ “ A. McQueen Secretary & Treas. Regul r Meetings on the first Friday night in each mouth. MACON CHURCH RECORD. Methodist Episcopal Church. REV. JAMES E. EVANS, P. E. PASTOIiS. 11. 11. Parks, Geo. G. Smith J. M. Armstrong City Mission Geo. 11. Patillo Col’d M ission STEWARDS. James Williams.. N. Bass P. Soloman Thns. Cater J. M. Jones R. A. Smith Treasurer & lieu nling Steward.. 11. L. Jewett TRUSTEES. Asa Hi It, Ch'rn Thos. Hardeman A. R. Freeman Juuies Williams Dr. .. McDonald B. F. Ross T. A. Harris B. A. Wise Service on Sabbath, at 10 1-2 a. m., and 7 3-4 f-W” Praver Meeting every Wednesday night. $8?“ Service at the Mission Church Sabbath 10 a. in., and Bp. in. Also, Prayer Meeting every Tuesday night. The Baptist Church. Pastor Rev. Syi.vancs Landrum deacons. Jai-kson Deloaclie Dr. Win. S. Lightfnot Thus. M. Ellis.. .Geo. S. Obear. .Thus. B. Eife Jonathan Collins J. W. Fears TRUSTEES. Robert Findlay, Ch'rn Jackson DeLoache Geo.S. Obear, Thos. B. Else, Dr. W. S. Lightfoot Treasurer Jackson DeLoache Clerk George S. Obear Divine Service each Lord's Day at 10J a. in., and 7 1-4 p. in. 51#” Lecture arid Prayer Meeting every Wednesday night. JrjT” Communion—lst Subbath in each nontli, in the afternoon. Conference Meeting on Friday night -before the Ist Sunday in each month. PresbyteJian Church at Macon. There is nn regular Pastor, but the pulpit will be supplied every Sabbath. ELDERS. E. A. Nisbet John J. Gresham Washington Poe Bates S. E. Bond DEACONS. Clifford Anderson Jos. E. Wells TRUSTEES. Chas. Campbell George T. Rogers Clifford Anderson. .J. A. Nisbet. . I. G. Plant. fpgr* Service on Sabbath at 10 in the morn ing, 5 in the afternoon and 1-4 before 8 in the evening. JsLecture every Wednesday. Protestant Episcopal Church—Macon. Pastor Rev. Henry K. Reese wardens. James M. Green N. C Mum oe VESTRY. Jas. Rea .L. N. Whittle J. B. Lamar. .IV. C. Hodgkins. .John L. Jones Service on Sabbatli at 10 in the morn ing and 5 1-2 in the evening. Evening Prayer Meeting every Friday. Roman Catholic Church. Pastor Rev. Tiios. O'Reilly Service on Sabbatli Morning at 7 and at 101, in the evening at 7 o'clock. jjipT Week Days—Service at G 1-2 o’clock a. m. I Macon Young Mens’ Christian ASSOCIATION. President—Clifford Anderson. Vice Presidents—Robert A. Smith, Samuel Hunter, Samuel Boykin, L. N. Whittle. Recording Secretary and Treasurer—Dr. U. Van Giesen. Vico Recording Secretary—Geo. TV. Ilardie. Corresponding Secretary—Rob’t A. Smith. Vice Corresponding Secretary—Dr. R. 11. Nisbet. Librarian —A. J. Goodcnough. Ass’t Librarian—L. W. Hunt. .Meetings on evory Monday night at 8 o’clock. Reading Room in Washington Block. free to all persons, open daily from 9 a. ji. to 1 r. ji. ; from 2 to 0 r. m., and from 8 to 10 r. ji. Varnishes! Just Received , a Large Lot of Superior Coach No. 1 and 2, Copal No. 1 and 2, Furniture, Japan, Iron, Damar, Harness, <frc. By ZEILIN k HUNT. may 2S 25828 Prizes. FIFTY THOUSAND TICKETS! | More than One Prize to every Two Tickets! Whole Tickets SHIO, Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. ■6ll STATE IITTIBY, For the benefit of the Monticello Union Academy, Authorized by Special Act of the Legislature. McKinney & Cos., .Managers. CAPITAL PR.I2SE $60,000. TO be drawn each Saturday in June, 1850, in the citv of Savannah, Georgia: Class 22, to be drawn June 4,1859 ; Class‘23, to be drawn June 11, 1859 ; Class 24, tofbe drawn June 18, 1889; Class 25, to be drawn June 25, 1859, magnificent scheme. 1 Prize of £OO,OOO is £60,000 1 “ 20,000 is 20,000 1 “ 10,000 is 10,000 1 “ 5,000 is 5,00 J 1 “ 4,000 is 4,000 1 “ 3,000 is 3,000 1 “ 2,000 is , 2,000 1 “ 1,500 is 1500 1 “ 1,100 is 1,100 5 “ 1,000 is 1,000 10 “ 500 is 5,000 2 “ 400 is 800 2 “ 300 is 600 2 “ 200 is 400 50 “ 150 is ,7,500 100 “ 100 is 10,000 100 “ 95 is 9,500 100 “ 85 is 8,500 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of £2OO Approx, to £PO,OOO Pr’s are £BOO 4 “ 150 “ “ 20,000 “ 600 4 “ 125 “ “ 10,000 “ 500 4 “ 100 “ “ 5,000 “ 400 8 “ 80 “ “ 4,000 “ 640 8 “ 60 “ “ 3,000 “ 480 8 “ 50 “ “ 2,000 “ 400 8 “ 40 “ “ 1,500 “ 820 400 “ 20 “ “ 100 “ 8,000 •25,000 “ 8 200,000 25,828 Prizes amounting to £366040 Certificates of Packages will be sold at the follow ing rates, which is the risk : Certificate of Pact ages ol 10 Whole Tickets £6O “ “ 10 Half “ 80 “ “ 10 Quarter “ 15 “ ” 10 Kighth ” 7.50 In ordering Tickets or Certificates enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded Vr first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they mav designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. All communications strictly Confidential Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Ex press, to be directed to MCKINNEY & CO., Savan nah, Gu., or to WM. SHIVERS, J R., Agent, Macon, Ga. P. S—ln addition to the above, he is Agent for the sale of Tickets in all our Combination Classes, which draw twice daily, in forenoon and afternoon, mne 3 ‘59 d-ly McKINNEY & CO. Copartnership Notice. I HAVE associated with me my brother FRANK M. STONE, for the purpose ol continuing the Hat and Cap business. The business will be conducted hereafter under the firm name and style of CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. The undersigned, thankful for the liberal patron age extended to him the past year would most re spectfully solicit a continuation of it for the new firm. They will keep constantly on hand a superior stock of Hats and Caps, which they will sell as low us unv house in the city or State. apt la CHAS, B.ffTONE & BRO. Latest Style! BLACK FROCK COATS. Just received by C. H. BAIRD. uue 8 d-ts NEW BOOKS AT Board mail’s Book Store. AMERICAN Eloquence in two Yols.; anew Cy clopedia of Commerce ; Burton’s Cyclopedia'of Wit and Humor; a handy book on Property Law; Man upon the Sea, by Frank Goodrich; Romantic passages in South-western History; Life beneath the Waters; The Hand but not the Heart, by T. 8. Ar thur ; William the conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier; Doctor Thorne; anew edition of Edgar A. Poe’s works ; the Preacher and the King; the Priest and the Huguenot; Lord George Bentinick, by Dis raeli; Beatrice Cenci; Debitand Credit; Major Rog er Sherman Potter; Douglas Jerrold’s Wit; Belle Brittan on a tour; Life and Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise of the Betsey; Testimony of the Rocks; Jeffer son’s Works; Bulwer’s Novels complete; Grate’s History of Greece; Sparrowgrass Papers; Lord Montague’s Page, by U. I’. H. James; the Three Beauties, bv Mrs. Southwortli; Ventilation ill Amer ican Dwellings; Derivation of Family names; Wis dom, Wt and Humor; Steps towards Heaven ; Den’s Moral 1 hoologv ; Mizimh, a Prayer Book ; Wayside Pictures iu v ~nnce, Holland, Belgium and up the Rhine; Wild Northern Scenes. Also a large assort ment of fine Family Bibles, sep 23 ‘ J. M. BOARDMAN. Magnificent Pianos for SALE. IF you want a Piano unsurpassed in tone and finish, and cheaper than Manufacturers prices, call and see the greatest bargains ever offered at the Commission house of J. F. WINTER & CO. nov 25-ts FOR SALE. | AAA BUSHELS Not thorn Seed Oats, below IV/ Vi * the market price, nov 25 J. F. WINTER & CO. The Insured participate in the Profits, with out incurring any Liability. EITIIITAL IBItE E 8„ NEW YORK. T. R. BLOOM, Agent, MACON, GA. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000. H. H. LAMPORT, GEO.T.HOPE, Secretary. President. Assets, $7(19.137.41.. .Liabilities, $14,288.89. DIRECTORS. GEORGE T. HOPE, President. A. A. Low, Wilson G. Hunt, William V. Brady, Bradish Johnson, Thomas Tileston, Thomas Fraser, George Griswold, Jr., S. B. Chittenden, James Freeland, John Casswell, Wm. 11. Cary, Edmund M. Yomg, L. 11. Brigham, Wellington Clapp Samuel 1). Babcock, Lycurgus Edgerbn, Aurelius B. Hull, Charles I.amson, A. Studwell, John 1). Mairs, JohD H. Earle, David Lane, Chiu. 51. Connolly Wm. M. Richards, William H. Swan, Geo. S, Stephens®, Daniel W. Teller, John B. Wright, Sheppard Gandy, Geo. W. Lane, John Paine, * Robert H. Hawtho*. Charles H. Booth, Horace B. Claflin, j Wm. M. Vail, 1). 11. Arnolil, j Thomas Smull, J. H. Ransom, i James A. Edgar, Henry Eyre, Lawrence Turnure, Joseph /Vattell, \ Hiram Barney, Robt. H. McCurlv, \ H. 11. LAMPORT,\ nov 25 _ SefftA Central, Macon & Western arid SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROADS. GUANO, will for the present, be transported orer the Central Railroad to Macon,or; to any Sta tion on that and the Eatonton Road, in jfnv auaatity, to any Consignee, at $2 00 per ton ot 2000 lbs, and over the Macon k Western, and Suth-Western Rail Roads, or to any Station on oilier of .hese Roads, at $1 00 per ton of 2,000. lbs, provided tach Sack is marked with consignee’s nt ie. GEO. W. ADAMS, Gen’l Sup’}’ R R. ALFRED TYLER, “ “ A&W RR. VIROIL POWERS. “ ‘J.WRII, - GRANITE MALI OPPOSITE THE LANIER B)USE. THE subscriber will open the aboe Hall about the first of April next, for.he ac commodation of Families, Day Boarde-s and Transient Customers. This House i. offered as inferior to no other First Cass Hotel in the South, and from its central locaton, its Urge and airy rooms, offers great inducements and aconi modations to Families and Transient persons. The public may expect from this House, all the luxuies and comforts to be found in any other hotel. ’ B. F. DENSE, mar 2-ts Late of the Floyd Hous. “VVOOXYS “ nun PIBTO6MPB EMU! ~VTOW presents greater attractions than evet — XT A great number of Paintings on exhibition,'n Oil, Pastel, Aquarille and Imperial Photographs. We have just received anew Mammoth Instru ment, by which cun betaken Pictures as large as life. Our Prices are so low that they come with in the reach of all. First class Artists are employed in this estab lishment, if you want a firrt rate Picture call on R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, apr9dtf Macon, Ga T. R. BLOOM, Factor & Commission Merchant. MACON, GEORGIA. oct 20 N. S. PRUDDEN&CO. Have just received their SECOND SPRING STOCK OF FAVCY mu wms, PURCHASED by one of the firm within tie last two weeks. Among them are styles entirely new, and very beautiful. In Dress Goods we car. show an elegant assort, ment, from the cheapest to the finest fabric. Man tillas, Misses Talmas, Dusters, Kmbroidtries, and in fact almost everything that pertains to our line of business. N. S. PRUDDEN & CO. apl 27 d-ts JAMES M. FOLSOM, A TTORNEY AT LAW, MAGNOLIA, CLINCH CO., GA. WILL practice in the courts of Appling, Coffee, Ware, Clinch, Charlton, Camden, Wayne and Glynn of the Brunswick Circuit, and in the Courts of Lowndes and Berrian of the Southern Circuit.— Particular attention paid to the sale of South Georgia Lands. References—Judge A. E. Cochran, Brunswick, Ga. Judge Peter E. Love, Thomasville, Ga. JACOB SCHALL, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, WALKER’S BUILDING, Mulberry Street, near the Medical College, OFFERS his services to the public in all the branches of his art. He flatters himself that in the manufacture of Boots, Siloes, and Gaiters par-, ticularly, he can give entire satisfaction to his pat! rons. Orders respectfully solicited, feb 22 and 1-y Ambrotype Car for Sale. I WILL sell cheap for cash a good Ambrotvpe Car, suitable for traveling through the county. Also a good Camera and every thing that belongs to the Ambrotype process. A good business lor a young man who wishes to travel and makemoney. Instruc tions given if required. Address JOHN G. MORGAN, may 21 w-im Clinton, Jones Cos., Ga. FANCY BYE HOUSE, AND STEAM 111 ESTIIIIT. OPPOSITE CLARK & BARKER’S, COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. MR. W. W. JOHNSON respectfully informs the citizens of Macon and vicinity, that he is now fully prepared to Die and Finish in the neatest style, unit at short notice, every description of La dies and GeiiHemen’s apparel. Silks, Satins, and Woolen Goods, and in fact, Goods of every fabric; Shawls of every description Dyed and Pressed ; white and all kinds of Shawls cleansed, blenched and stains removed. Articles for mourning dyed at the shortest notice. Gents’ Coats, Pants, Vests and Cravats dyed a beautiful fast black, Warranted not to Smut. Gents’ apparel cleansed from paint, grease, tar Ac., without Ripping; in other words, Dyed or Cleansed whole. Carpels, Rugs, Piano Cloths, Ac., Cleansed at this establishment. Kid Gloves dyed black, Straw and all kinds of Bon nets dyed all the light colors as well as the black, and pressed in the latest styles and shapes. Car pets cleaned Ac., &c. Woolen Goods Not Ripped ! This is the only establishment of the kind in Ma con where the Finishing is executed by Steam. A liberal share of the public patronage is respect fully solicited. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction, or no charge will bo made. Orders from persons in the city should be left at the Dye House, where the subscriber may be found at all times. Orders from the country should be addressed to Mr. W. W. Johnson, Macon, Ga. Persons sending Orders must state fully what they wish to have done, written in a plain manner. All Goods to or from this establishment can be sent by Express. ’ No Goods subject to the claim of the owne r one year from the date they are left at the estub lishment. Cleansing and Repairing promptly and neatly done. Cash terms and ersh prices. W. W. JOHNSON. March 11 and & w-lv NEW STOCK OF CROCKERY. I SUPPOSE all know by this time that have moved my STOCK from Triangular Rlock to the Granite Front Store, OPP. THE LANIER HOUSE. I now have anew and good | STOCK: OF OZEiHSTA., I Consisting of DINNER SETTS, at from $175 down to any single Sett wanted. Tea Setts Kilt, I from £9,00, (best French Chinn) to £2s,ooand £75,00 WHITE CHINA, made in Setts to suit purchasers ami priced accord ingly. Glass in Setts, French, for from $ IS,OO to $30,00, per sett, handsomely en graved. GOBLETS, from $2,50 ptr dozen to sls White Granite Ware, made up as wanted. I also have a fine assortment of fine Taslors and Plated Tea Setts. All the above Goods I otter at New York Prices, as small profits, quick sales and satisfaction to all parties is my motto. Orders will be filled same as though the purchaser were here, oct 2$ R. P. McEVOY. ii * I feb lOth-tf TO PLANTERS. THE subscribers have on hand, a good stock of Osnaburgs, Kerseys, Blankets, and coarse Shoes suitable for the season, also, a general stock of Gro ceries which they will sell cheap lor Cash or approv * ed credit, at the old stand on the corner above the Lanier House. C. CAMPBELL A SON Macon, October 20 1857 : . cunnM t A. M. BLACKSHEAR & CO, Washington Block, Invite attention to their SFBIIGII SUMMER STICI Embracing aii the new styles of the SEASON in Fancy Goods, together with a large stock of black Cloth, Drap’d eta and Alpacca Frocks and Sacks, Linen Frocks and Sacks, Linen Dusters, Black Cassimeres and Drap’d eta Pants, Ac. march 80d-tf G GENT’S Furnishing Goods in large variety at A. M. BLACKSHEAR A CO’S, march 30d-tf TRUNKS and Ladies 9 Hat Boxes, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas Ac., at march OOd A. M. BLACKSHEAR A CO’S. YOUTHS’ and Boys 9 Clothing, to lit all sizes, at A. M. BLACKSHEAR A CO’S, march 80d*tf AMBROTYPES taken and nut in neat Cases at 50 Cents, at S. GOODMAN’S Gallery, next to Mrs. Audouin’s Millinery Store, feb 24 d-Om* TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet and Gutta Percha Bags, Umbrellas, Ac. oct xiv A. M. BLACKSHEAR A CO. Oranges, Pine Apples, Lemons, &C. BOXES Messina Oranges, j£\J 15 “ Sicily Lemons, 2 Bbls. l J ine Apples, 5 “ Bussett Apples, In store and for sale by apl 30 GREER 4 FREEMAN, (ggr Citizen copy l\v Just Received. AFRESH supply of Garden Seeds. Cabbage, Beet, Parsnips, Onion Setts, Kentucky Blue Grass, Lucerne, 4c. By march 14d j ZEILIN 4 HUNT. BRUSHES. A LARGE assortment of Paint, Wall and norse Brushes. For sale by 1 march 14d ZEILIN 4 HUNT. PAINTS, and VARNISHES. For sale by i march I4d ZEILIN A HUNT. SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, if A COX. GEORGIA. JOHN SCHOFIELD, JOSHUA SCHOFIELD. Wo arc prepared to Manufacture STEAM ETxra-UKTES, CIRCULAR SAW MIL US, MILL AND GIN GEARING, SUGAR MILLS, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS and VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Rail ings in the State, which for elegance, neatness, du rability and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suitable for the fronts of Dwellings, Cemetery Lots, Public Squares, Church Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous of purchasing Railings will do well to give us a cull, as wc are determined to otter as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. Urgr* Specimens of our Work < \n be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in his city. dec 2 STJisrrmiEs. FIFTY THOUSAND Lbs. Tennessee and Georgia Bacon, 100 Bibs. Whiskey, various price and brands; 1,000 Bushels Coin, 500 “ Meal, 2,000 “ Oats, 50 Package tine Leaf Lard, 190 Bbls. Georgia Lime, 50 “ Rosen dale Cement, 300 Bales prime Eastern and Tennessee Hay. The above, with other articles in my line, in’ store and for sale by WM. M. DUNN, General Commission Merchant and Produce Deal ers, Macon, Ga April 25 and A w if Wanted Immediately! ONE or two Moulders and Machinists ; also three or tour good laboring hands may 28d-tf R. FINDLAY k SONS. ’ NEW SPRING (CLOTHING. E. WINKHir IS now receiving a splendid stock ot fine Ready Made Clothing for tne spring trade and invites the public to call and examine it. march 10, Vv. Citizen copy. SEWING MACHINES* rpilE subscriber is Agent for the sale of ltarthrop'* X Sewing Machines. He has thoroughly testet them and recommends them to the public. He war rants them to perform well or no sale, march 17 E. WINSHIP. SHIRTS ! sin RTS! JUST received a large assortment of the “ Goldei Hill” Shirts, a superior article. They are wel made and tit first rate. E. WfNSHIP. march 17 Citizen copy. Geo. T. Rogers & Son HAVE ill Store and constantly receiving a large and general stock of Groceries, consisting iu part of 12<> Bags Rio Coffee, 25 Bags Old Government Java Coffee, 1 Cask Ceylon Coffee, very choice, 20 Bags Pepper and Spice. 50 Bbls. crushed and Powdered Sugar, 75 Bbls. Refined Sugar, various grades, 25 llhds. choice Molasses, 15 Hbds. Bacou Sides, 100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles, 50 Boxes Soap, varioivs qualities, 80 Boxes Starch, various grades, 50 Boxes (gross) Pepper, Spice and Ginger 45 Boxes Candy, assorted, 60 Boxes Tobacco, all qualities, 30 Boxes Pickles, assorted sizes, 65,000 Cigars of every grade, Together with a general assortment ot Liquors—all of which will be sold low for Cash. oct 20 DR. W. HORNE TENDERS his Professional services to the citizens of Bibb and adjoining counties. When not pro tessioually absent he may be found at his Office, on Cotton Avenue, next door to Clark & Barker’s store, or at the Lanier House. He will promptly attend to calls from the country. mar xi-ts HATS, HATS. CHAS. B. STONE & BRO., WASHINGTON IJLOCK. INVITE attention to their stock of Spring and Summer Hat- and Cap*. The following comprise a few of their leading styles: Gents’ Barrilla style Silk Hats, “ New Orleans style Silk Hats, “ Bebee “ “ “ “ Everet “ “ “ “ Black, Drab, Pearl and Fashionable Cassi meres, Gent’s superior French Cassimeres, of all colors. And an endless variety of Boys’ and Children’s Straw and Leghorn Huts and Caps. We also have something very superior in the way of Straws and Leghorns. We invite attention to our stock and promise to sell as cheap aa any house in the city or State. CHAS B. STONE & BROTHER. Macon, apl 19th, ’59 d-ts W. T. MASSEY’S LAW &c ORDINARY’S OFFICE Is over E. L. Strohecker k Co.’s Drug Store where he can be found from 8 o’clock A. M. to 1 P. M. nov xi BOOKBINDING. JACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every description of Blank Account Books, and binds in any style desired, Magazines, Law, Music and Mis cellaneous Books, Clerks’ Record and Docket Books with or without printed foumh, and warranted best quality paper. Engineers’ profile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the countrv promply and carefully attended to. Office on Cotton Avenue onedoor below Ross and Colemans’. may xiii T. P. STUBBS. B. BILL. STUBBS & HILL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Macon, Ga* WILL practice in the counties of the Macon Cir cuit, and also ip Jones, Upson, Merriwcther, Muscogee, Talbot, Mnrion, Taylor, Schley, Dougher ty, Lee, and the Federal Courts at Marietta and Sa vannah, and in every other county where the foe will warrant. Feb. 10 1859 w R. A. COLCLOUGH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW And Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Georgia, Montgomery, Ain. Will practice in the 2d, Btn, 9th and 10th Judi- ! cial Circuits of the State, and iu the Supreme and Federal Courts. References.— William Knox, John Henly, llont 1 eoniery, Ala. feb 25- GREAT ATTRACTION. 1000 Stitches per Mnute. y DECIDEDLY THE lIEST ‘ gnuinj} pitflthif OF Tin: ACE! ! ■’TSTARRANTED to do nil lands ~f Hewing both VV on fine and com sc (itbrks with the greatest Ease and Rapidity. Call or send your ordi i to tin* Macon “Lamp Store,” Cotton Avenue. BOLSHAW A HERZOG, Agents. Certificate from Thumv- J>. FJJt\ Ma.-Ur Md - chinist of the Sovllt JiVslu/i Hail Hoad Workß) Macon, O'a. Macon, Ga., May 27th, IS&9. Messrs. Mathews A (\\mi i ; c.i.- Gentlemen For several years my attention h;. bett called to the various kinds of Sew ing V ;u-1 ii < s v. loch have been i introduced to the public at high us well as low prices, but not until vour inti< dueti'c here of the Fcovel A Goodcll Machine have I I>* •n able to convincr my self of the real proctiftl <■ 1 any Sewing .Ma chine lor gen* ral family t 1 eofl bo above Muchines for some time in my family, I am fully persuaded in my hum!'• judgment that this Machine is all that m claimed for it, combining, as it does, great simplicity and < : Gv m to the perfection of the Sewing Machine, but not found in any other Machine now I ‘ n the public, all of which I have carefully examined. Yours, Ac , . may 28 TIIOS. B. ELFE. BELBEN & CO. JSTXI.^’\7E7 r aOOUS AT COST FOR CASH! NO IIUMRUG! UJYs have just received : .tra up]>ly of Straw Goods, consisting of Panamas, White and Brown Leghorn?, White Senates, Slate and purple Canada?. For Boys and Infants, every variety of Hats; ana Misses’ Flats of every style. These Goods must he* sold n? soon n? possible, and to Cakii customers we can offer great inducements. BELDEN A CO. Macon, May 25. dAwtf City papers copy 4t John Massett, Wholesalo and Retail Dealer is Family Groceris, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, PROVISIONS, &C., &C. Mulberry Street, opposite the Medieal College, Macon, Ga.,~®a apl., 12, 1859-dtf MENARD & CASTLEN, DRUGGIST AM, 4POTHECARY, CHKURY STRK ,T, MACON, Crj\. HAS jut received ni will l;t-i-ri constant lv nn hand a fres: upj iy oT DRUGS A yjf MEDICINKS, consisting QI'IMIMF., IODINE, SAI.Af INK, CIII.OKOEOmi, IODINE POTASH, CALOMEL. MORPHINE, PIPER IN’ E, HU E WAS Arc., Ac. Also, a large ot of American, English unu Gerirnn PERFUMERY. CAMPIUNE. BURNING FLUID, SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL. SWKEDISH LEECHES. GARDEN SEEDS, Ac.. Ac. He will also keep a pure article of BRANDY 4 WINE for Medicinal purposes. oct 17 John Massett Opposite the Medical College, Macon, Georgia, keeps always ou hand a large and choice stock of the best Old Brandy. Irish and Jmericun Whiskey of various superior brands, St. Croix and Jamaica Rum, the lim quality of Giu, with everything else in this line. Also, Champagne, Madeira, Sherry, Mallnga and other kinds of Wine, A\ his Bytß. his patrons are sure to receive polite attention, and get the best ot Liquors. lie hopes to retain a liberal share of public patron age by striving to deserve it. lie invites a trial of his Stock'. JOHN MASSETT. april 12, 1859-dtf NEW FIRM. THE undersigned having taken t ho Livery Sta ble formally occupied by H. M. Lindsay, intend carrying on the .same in all its branches. We shall always keep Phaeton's Carriages, Buggies and Dors es, to hire on as good terms as anybodies. We have also the most ample iicoominoclations foi Drove Stock We would say to the public that we have taken the Hit into our mouth in earnest and can always be found with our harness on ready to serve you; we iutend by keeping a straight tonyv*-, jmllinej to<j<ther and by buckling d(<iin dost to business, to succeed or break a trace. Wo shaU never tire fellows in hitch ing up for you so log as yon come up to the lick log and settle. Now if you want us to wag-on to Hock-a way and not to b c sulky, in fact if you don’t want to sue uh check vp too close put vour shoulder to the wheel, give us a share ami if you find a single trace of ingratitude you may halter us. Very Respectful Iv, apl 23 d-ts ADKIiHOLD k JEFFERS. Opposite the Passenger Depot, and near Brown’s Hotel. City pupers copy. NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day formed a part nership under the firm of Nkwcome k Pattehson, and are prepared to administer to the physical and spiritual wants of till their old customers, anil ns many new ones as feel disposed to call nt “ THE GEORGIA ” I!. S. NEWCOMB, june 3-ts A. PATTERSON. 13?” City papers copy It