Savannah evening star. ([Savannah, Ga.]) 1872-18??, January 22, 1873, Image 1

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SAVANNAH EVENING STAR. VOL. 1. rr di.t sited daily ky WILIL.IA.iyr. INI. SNVJUEX), 157 BAY STREET. I)R. M. WEIL. A RALE OPPORTUNITY TO IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT ! jyi. WEIL, THE CELEBRATED GERMAN OPTCIAN and OCULIST, has established an office i:i the OLD GEORGIA HISTORICAL ROOMS, On Bryan Street, Opposite Cummin" & Co’s Bank. The Doctor is prepared to furnish a superior quality of BRAZILIAN PEBBLE GLASSES, to suit all ages and visions. He comes highly re commended by the Profession, the Press, and prominent.citizens of the different States—individ uals who are personally known to many of our citizens as reliable, and whose endorsement is a guarantee of his ability as a Scientific Optician, and we have no hesitation in recommending him to our community. Office hour* from 9 a. m., to 5 r. m. Persons not able to call will be visited on appli cation without extra charge. jan9-lw City 'Passenger and Baggage Er press. SURE CONNECTIONS will be made, left at the office of the Marshall House Stable, for the removal of personsa nd baggage to and from any part of the city, and all arriving and departing trains and steamers, day or night. decSOtf M. A. DEIIONEY. BONNE Y’S, 13G BROUGHTON STREET. JUST DECEIVED, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORT MENT OF TIES, SCARFS & BOWS. of the newest designs, for Fail 1872. Also, SCARF RINGS, LINEN COLLARS & CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, UNDERWEAR, PATENT YOKE SHIRTS, and everything necessary for Gents’ Toilet. Head's Grand Dtichess Cologne, The Sweetest Cologne in America. TT XT ! \Lzmnxs Noxnoiiomi 9ei ‘s . a;rn no a oct7-Cm WEDNFSDAY EVE'G, JANUARY 22, 1873 THEATRE Third Appearance OF THE American Grimaldi. MR. G. L. FOX! The llero of 1,001 Successive nights, the Original and Author oi' 101 Dili!! Together with the Grand Corps of American and European Artists, Who will appear in their world-famed specialties. CAST OF CHARACTERS: HUMPTY DUMPTY, “The Original,” the Great Prophet of Fun Mil G L. FOX OLD ONE TWO, a famed Pantaloonatic Mr. C. K. FOX Tommy Tucker,—who everybody adores Mr. C. W. Ravel Little Goody Two Shoes, a bright divinity Miss F. Beane King Icicle, Ruler of the Frozen Regions Mr. G. A. Beane Sunbeam, a radiant Spirit Miss Flora Lee Hon Grandeur Dignity Mr. S. Roller Doctor Cureall Mr. B. Limcr Gnome Cobbler Master Geo. Topack Police Officer Mr. G. Ililderbrand Giant Policeman Mr. A. Copp And other characters by the great Corps of Pantomimists. Synopsis of Scenery, Incidents, Ac, ACT I. —FANCY’S FROLIC. Scene I.—The Ice Regions. Invocation of mys tic influences. Meeting of the Sun Spirit and the Ice King. A melting scene. The bargain struck. Summer and Winter in league to make the Fairy Pantomime. The Chrysolis of Pantomime. Scene ll.—The place where 11. D. was born. The gathering of the Peasants. Appearance ot Tommy 'Tucker, The nursery rhymes of our youth’s days. The meeting of Goody Two Shoes aiul 'Tommy. The gift. Village Hornpipe by Goody and Tommy. Ilumpty Dumpty’* arrival with his Jerusalem po ny from town. “There will he trouble with the old man.” The course of true love. Ilumpty Dumpty as a vegetarian. What 11. I), knows about farming, &e., Ac. Transformation of characters. Clown G L Fox Pantaloon G K Fox Harlequin. Winter Ravel Columbine Miss F Roane Ballad Master Thomas Cassel'i The Pneuomenal Boy Vocalist. Dance Harlequin and Columbine ACT II.—IIUMPTY’S KALEIDOSCOPE. The Wilson’s Bewildering Revolutions Musical Specialties Russian Quartette Senor Cassclli on the Invisible Wire. Skatorial Evolutions Kynock and Smith The infants Venus and Adonis on the Velocipede. The Matchless Wilson Brothers in their Pyramid Somersaults. FOR RAFFLE! ONE FINE Gambrinus Clock! Valutal at Fifty Dollars. And One U’ine CucKoo CloclL 2 Valued at Thirty Dollars. 80 Chances at $1 per Chance. Highest throw wins the £SO Clock, and lowest throw wins the £3O Clock. To be raffled as soon all the chances me taken, at A. SACK’S J smelly Stoue, janlfi fit Cor. Whitaker & Dayan Sts.~ COMMUNICATION OPEN AGAIN BSIWIE.V PHILADELPHIA AND SAYA.NXAH! Arrival of the Steamer C. W. LORD With a largo and select assortment of HATS OF THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES, FOR CHA3. B. ASH, Xo. 157 Congress Street. ttSTThc only exclusive HAT STOUE in Savan nah. ijanloml) Rooms to Rent. rriWO PLEASANTLY SITUATED AND NEAT JL LY FURNISHED ROOMS, faonting north on St. James Square. Can bo rented with or without board. For terms, address R. W M.. novff-tf Caro Evening Star. D.J.EYiK, PHOTOGRAPHER COR. CONGRESS k WHITAKER STS. £)?r”A large assortment of PICTURE FRAMES Square and Oval. Stereoscopic Views of City. Src M for sale. oct7-6m SA LOM O N CO II EN , —DEALER IN (’ ARRIA GE s , BUGG IE S , LIGHT EXPRESS & PLANTATION WAGONS, HARNESS, ETC., ITT and IT9 1 1 XV YT S TIV IE KT , dc9tf SA VANXAII, GEOBGIA. CUSTQMHOUSESHADES J. MED HENDERSON, - - - rr.orniETOit. T> EST OF ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGd ILL > &c., always on band. Belfast and Dublin Ginger Ale. A Fine Lunch spread every day at 11 a. m. N. B.—Also Proprietor of the “Green Room” at the Savannah Theatre. {2ST “Drop in between the acts.” octT-Gm NO 82