The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, March 24, 1904, Image 3

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SACRIFICE SALE OF SHOES. We need the room, as our Spring Stock will scon be in and ro offer a splendid assortment of shoes at prices never before offered. We want you to call and cdfikmine them, and see for yourself that we do just as we claim and offer new up-to-date stock. No old goods or out of style shapes, but new goods of the season. :: Bargain,Counter No. i. We offer 60 pair Men's 4 rn ; Mb. Editor: , Several little social incidents of Tecent date coming under my no tice have caused me to think a great deal. I wonder why it is Bargain Counter No. 3. We offer 140 prs Men’s n rn Hand-Welt Shoes worth/ nil $3.50, at • - LlUU * Bargain Counter No. 4. Wc offer 00 pairs La dies’ Vici Shoes, worth 4 nr to 2.00, .],(_{) Shoes worth |2.50. f nil Choice ... llUli Bargain Counter No. a, staffer 25 prs Men’s f\r-Welt Shoes, n nr May^Saud $3.50, ) and seMsh state. SociethrggTiS 1 allpos- mfernal hmena- Jrom FLOUR ANI CHEAP td ,li SHOE CO. Onlf Exclusire Shoe Store on Broad Street. MYKR STERN, Prct. Vice-President. >ach Excursion ATIOXS IX Look Here Farmers! Now IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR PEANTINU. You KNOW THAT AS WELL AS WE DO, BUT WE KNOW THAT YOU need : : : : : Farm Implements AND WE HAVE THEM ON HAND—ANYTHING YOU WANT AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Also hardware of all kinds. Just drop in on BEARING Hardware Co. le Jewish Nation, CoL Al. Fairbrother Gives Its Origin in a Graphic Manner. Clayton Street. Athens, Ga Lumber Those desiring Bough Lumber, FramiDg, etc., call on or write Noell & Erwin, WINTERVILLE, GA, DR. S. E GREENE, DENTIST. ATHENS, GEORGIA Office 31 Clayton Street. Formerly Hajos’ Studio. Moses CHEAP CASE Some things first happen 'way back yonder, amt we feel that we have now discovered the first case of appendicitis ever tuking place in this world. It is a long story —but ono of interest. It is not ours—the story isn’t—but the discovery is—even if we had to go to ancient Rome to got it. Roi- lin's Ancient History furnishes tho facts which we hero relate, while the conclusion is ours. Of course there is no use to dwell long on the obaraoter of Anti- oohus Epiphanes whose name standi highest on the rolls of im piety and crime. Having biseiged the oity of Jerusalem, he took it by atorm, and daring the .three days it was abandoned to the fury of the soldiers, hi caused from sixty to eighty thousand men to be inhumanly butchered; ho exer- oised every ipecies of cruelty upon the citizens and unmercifully put to death all those who fell into his hands and whom he considered his enemies. He despatched Appollonius at the head of 22,000 men with orders to plunder all the cities of Judea, to murder the men, am _ in a most inhuman manner, in order to compel them to ewallotr swine’s flesh which their law for bade, and when they refuted ^ was so exasperated that he ordered pans and cauldrons to be heated and when they were red with heat caused the tongue of the eld est to ho cut off—had tho skin torn from his head and the ex tremities of his hands and feet out off—all thisliefere hisA%*tcer and brother*. Afterbeing Thus mutilated he was brought close 1 the fire and fried in the pan. Tit' second brother was then taker and after the hair of his head wit Ii his skin was tom away lie was likewise tortued as wore the re maining brothers—except t he Inst, tlie youngest who was more griev ously handled than tee rest. Then the mother was put to death Hearing sometime afterwards that- the Jews had revolted, lie as- sembled as his troops which formed a mighty army and de termined to destroy the whole Jewish nation, and settle ''other people in the country. He com manded Lysias, one of his gene rals to extirpate them root and branch—not to leave a single H(| brew in the whole country. When 9 in Persia advices were brought to™ him of the defeat of Lysias—he was told that the Jews had retaken the temple—thrown down the nl- tari and idols which he had set up, and re-established their ancient worship. At this news his fiyj^ so f ar f rom the teachings of our rostfjon^dnefis. Id the violence Savv'jier, drifting into Buoh a cold UA COTTON iE AT NEARLY ALL ST NORTHEAST GEORG I..' MAmncrMa (-QTT0N CO — HODGSON ^FERTtUZERS ’(Poor Young Men In Society. OIL 17 l warmness fhat only 1 is mani- retimes in t will be Alii 25 centB per quart? peck, $8.00 per Bushel. W. P. VONDERAtr ATHENS, - GEORGIA. Dr. N. G. daughter, DENTIST OVER TURNER h HODGSON’S STORE SEE J. R. Brantley and get KENNESAW GUANO And Other Hi"h Class FERTILIZERS For Your Crop. their whole race. He isl crec that all nations within his dominions should forsake their old religion and gods, and worship those of the king, under the most severe penalties. Ho dedicated the temple at Jerusalem to Jupi ter Olympus, and set up his own statu* on the altar of burnt offer ing, and all who refused to come and worship this idol wore either massacrecd or put to some cruel tortues until they either complied or expired under the hands of the executioners. He put to death Eleazar one of the most illustrious of tho Jews—a venerable old man ninety years of age, and a doctor of law "whose life had been one continued series of spotless inno cence,” and his execution was ac companied with the most oruel tortues. He seized the Seven Brothers commonly called the Maccabees, along with their moth- or, and caused them to bo scourged J< W. CASKEY. C. M. CASKEY. CASKEY & CASKEY, Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Furnished on Application. RESIDENCE WORK A SPECIALTY. Orricic is Clayton St. atiikiy., Ororoia. FOR THE BEST JOB PRINTING COME TO THE COURIER. its inhi tants gave (fvdera to proceed still greater celerity in his j uey. But* as his horses were run ning forward impetuously he fell from his chariot and bruised every part of his body in so dreadful a manner that he suffered inexpres sible torments and soon finished an impious life by a most misera ble and inglorious death. So it will be seen that append! citis is not a disease—but a pun ishment brought upon people fo r something or other. The Jewish nation and file whole nation owe it to themselves to rejoioe ove.JSio fact that the dootors of that day were not dealing in “euccessful operations”—for, had it been so, the vermiform appendix of Anti- oolins Epiphanes would perhaps have been removed, placed on the front of his chariot, still gory; and he would have proceeded to wipe from the world the most wonderful and successful raco of poople that ever placed their feet on God’s groin foot-stool. It was a close call—and some one is to be congratulated. Thoy owe their perpetuity to tardy Soienos.— Everything. Buckten’s Arnica Salvt , Has world wine fame for marvellous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands,Skin Eruptions; infallible lor Piles. Cure guars anteed. Only a$c at all Druggist. a half-hearted tested by our people s- worthy movenmpts. thus so long a/there is no more unity among us/than is at present exhibited. Oh Virtue! where hast thou hidden thy face 1 Oh, true merit apd just ice I Have ye flown from bur hearts to be gone forever! Dear friends and readers of these sets of society, I would ask you to atop and think: Is it right to debar any nice young man or woman from your midst because of his or her family? I trust I shnll not bo considered bold when I ask this question. Is there a family in Athens that, if their premices were thoroughly searched, or their ancestry ex amined closely, would not be made to blush because something ob jectionable had been discovered and brought to light? Well may you think! Remember that we oil more or less “live in glass houses," and we must not throw stones. Before you say he or she if of common origin, look back over your family history and see if there is not n skeleton or black sheep somewhere hidden. Treat every boy and girl as they per sonally deserve and merit. Keep a dose watch over your own heart, “aot woll your part, there all the honorliea.” Have apurposo, and that purpose keep ever in view. 'Half the wrecks that strew life's ' H oo*au, If seme star had been their guide, Would have surely anchored safely Bnt they drifted with the tide.” Thought ftl. SEABOARD Air Line Railway. Athens, Ga., to St. Louis, Mo. SEE THE WOBLD’S FAIR IN ITS OPENING BRILLIANCY. $15.70 ** For RounTrip, Monday, May 16th, 1904 Tickets good to leave St. Louis not later than ten day*, in cluding date of sale. See advertisement in this paper for other St. Louis Exposition Rates. Call on J. Z. HOKE, Agent, Athens, Ga. Or write W. E. CHRISTIAN, Asst. Gen^Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. J. A. VON DOHLEN, Traveling Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE! DON’T PAY FOR A NEW CLOCK OR WATCH TO GET YOUR OLD ONE REPAIRED. BUT SEE F. G. DENARD AND BUY A NEW ONE OR HAVE YOUR OLD ONE RE- PAIRED FOR LESS THAN OTHERS CHARGE AND GET A 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE, o-o-o-o-o-o-o F.G. Denard, The Jeweler. 117 Broad Strut.