The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, August 26, 1904, Image 3

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A PREACHER AND HIS VICTIM What an Observant Critic Has to Say About the Divine Who Takes Away The Chastity of One of His Flock. We publish the following, not that we endoree all the writer has to lay, hut limply to ahow the people how suoh characters are held by men who believe in the right and condemning the wrong whether it be by those who wear the cloth, or the stain of scarlet: How very fortunate it is that the scarlet letter is no longer fash ionable—not for yon and I dear, of course; but for the many women and more guilty men who pass and repass on every street and with whom we mingle in every walk of life. Hawthorne's sad story is based upon a woman who was found out. What people dont know dont hurt em. The woman with a past has none, if there are none to say so. Quilt is nothing but exposure, anyway—without, it becomes a mere matter of conscience, which despite the many beautiful things said and written about it keeps mighty few people awake onights, now adays. A few weeks ago Rev.— and God save the mark—J. F. Cordova, pastor of the Conklin Methodist church at South River, New Jersey, eloped with Miss Julia Bowne, daughter of promi nent people of the little bailiwick and easily its handsomest youug woman. The cad and cur, after a two months’ dalliance with she who had always been pointed out as a good girl in the community in which she was born and lived, deserted her and sent her home. That Cordova’s wife forgave and gathered him to her bosom again is but an incident, and foreign to my text. Many a good woman has forgiven a worthless beast who had been far better off had she shown him the door; but it is of this priestly wolf and his victim I would say a word—likewise a long Northeast Georgia Fair TO BE HELD AT ATHENS October 11, 12, 13, 14. Magnificent Agricultural Exhibit, Fine Cattle, Poultry and Swine. Exciting Races daily and night $£1,000.00 Purses, Exhibition drills both day and night by the famous Seventh United States Cavalry, of Custer fame, whose sixty well trained horses and riders excel anything ever seen. Superb Midway, Four Days-October 11,12,13,14. FOR THE BEST JOB PRINTING COME TO THE COURIER. J.H.Dootson& Co Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. 30 CLAYTON STREET SALE LIST: i aplendid ft room cottage on Bloom- d street, will aell at a bargain, tne of the beat houaea in East Athena Oconee atreet. 'wo vacant lota on Baxter atreet. 'hree very deairable lotacn Prince nut. 'our lota on Boulevard, cloae In. Ilo houae In Eaat Athena to be aold i blf bargain. 'hree vacant Iota on Pulaski atreet. *wo 9 room houaea on Pope atreet, endid colored property at a bargain. >ne 4 room houae on Meigs atreet. DR. C. A. RYDER, DENTIST. Georgia. All kinds of Dental work done at the low est prices possible. shot at that tendency of society and church as well to puuish the woman and idolize the man. Never a girl lived who was born a wanton; ne’er did she yield to the embrace of illicit love without a struggle. Julia Bowne was raised right. She was a member of the church and sang in the choir; know right from wrong, and had been taught by precept and exam ple that virtue was woman’s priceless possession. Promise of marriage is the mainstay of pros titution ; but in this case there was already a wife and ohildren. Now that this sanctimonious old rooster is back in bit olerioal coop he fathers an interview wherein he insists that the flight of the pair was not premeditated but due to the “terriflo force of circumstan ces," which at he then believed presaged discovery of their hereto fore friendly but pnrely platonic relations. The girl had frequently visited the parsonage, ho says, and he had thought a great deal of her; but "always with the purest thought and intentiont.” Caught in her company one night in an alley he broke away and ran and finally threw himself down in the dust beside a trolloy-oar track in "an agony of grief.” Singularly enough he found the girl on the ground near him a moment later, preenmably in agony also, and they rose, olaaped hands as in a trance—withought thought other Your Cash or Your Credit is Good With Us. FURNITURE Stoves, Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Shades, Poles, Lamps, Clocks, Comforts, Quilts, Pictures, Easels. Call at my store, you can furnish your home from top to bottom. Athens Only Housefurnisher. READ A FEW SPECIAL PRICES. Space forbids mentioning; more. AC pair Lace Curtains, others ask $l.oo Flatau’s price 50c pair. 60 pair Lace Curtains, others ask $1 50 Flatau’s price 75c pair. fto pair Lace Curtains, others ask $2.00 Flatau’s price l.oo pair. 35 Chenile Covers, others ask 41.25. Flatau’s price 48c each* 150 Folding Springs, others ask $2.50 Flatau’s price |x.08, 75 Golden Oak Center Tables, others ask $1.50 Flatau’s price 84c each. 60 All Oak Dining Chairs, others ask $1.00 Flatau’s price 50c each. i;0 Leather Seat Rockers, others ask £3.50 Flatau’s price $1.08. 25 Oak Kitchen Safes, others ask £4.5o Flatau’s price 2 98. Bede, Odd Dressers, Hall Racks, Stoves, Trunks, at 25 per cent less than competitors. Low prices for cash. Easy payments on time. Don’t mistake the place. Next dour to Steam Laundry, Lumpkin street. ATHENS HOUSEFURNISHING CO., Arthur Flatav, Pro. than to escape the Nemesis which seemed about to overtake them—rode away. Thats his sto ry; and the members of his church, and particularly the sis ters—sweet, sympathetic souls who are so sorry for John F. and anxious to alleviate his agony if it still hurts him—insist that the dear, good man has been more sinned against than sinning him* self, and at this writing it ap pears that the smug-faced scoun drel will escape even the usual farce of a church trial. Ntfiriirar tf^case wherein, con-* proposes to work the charity racket overtime—which Im telling them wont do the ’‘cause” any good at our ho use. The very reverend Cordova seduced Julia Bowne—deliberate- r, persistently, and with every rtifice aud evil influence a strong could bring to bear to [dermine and break down that young mind. A feigned faction which she believed pure td^ that animal magnetism lich pertains to sex; lascivious isions and familiarities and lyhap a reference to Solonjefr thought of the fair Julia ..other than to possess, and then desert her. That he had made her an outcast—a Hester Prynne who on her return home must ever after treadjthe stony path of expiation- shovelled no snow with this reprobate and sneak. He is a dastard and degenerate and a dirty dog—and I hope these few lines will find him and his friends well enough to savvy my sagebrush lingo without sequacious shufJle, and quiet their nerves without necessity for other non-sectarian I s< dative. But it was of the double standard of virtue we were talking, wasut it—that damnable and nnjuat discrimination between the actual guilt of the man and the woman? Julia Bowne wears the scarlet letter on her bosom; for her there is neither sympathy nor respect; though repentant she must rot in her sin and walk and be buried with her shame; her former associates insult and shun her— while already the brute who is alone aud all to blaame for her undoing has a home and is in a fair way to preside over a harem. Never again can she enter the lit tle church in which she early pro fessed her faith, else she be shunned as a leper—while Cordova gets gay and insinuates that she lone was to blame, and buys a ew can-opener. And society— and the church—permits and even Remembered it All. A perspiring man, laden with bundles, bustled onto the Hudson river boat, upset a small bey in a sailor suit, carried away a half yard of flounce from the skirt of a lady with a purple silk waist, and finally brought up, panting and exhausted, beside a small woman sitting tranquilly on the after deck, says a contemporary. ‘’John 1” “There, now, I know just what you are going to aay, Jane—that same old question. My dear, I forgot nothing.” “Bat, John—” “No, I did not forget to buy the fruit!” He thrust a basket of peaches into her lap. “Nor the toweling I” An-other package followed “Nor the seven and three- quarters yards of cambric 1” Another package. “Nor the spool of silk! Nor——” “But ” “The rattle, nor ” “But, John, dear, will you ” “No, madam. I will not. There is no use in asking. I tell you I have forgotten nothing—nothing! Here's the prescription, and here's the—-er—thingumbob that your mother wanted, and here’s a book for Agnes. There yon are. The whole list, not a thing missing.” His wife rescued the “thing umbob” from the deck, smiled np into the triumphant face and said: Yes, dear, but in which store did you leave your hat?” And then the boat started. science ought To burn brain, lOld Sox and W3Sy 6Y&r*bslahced brawn, belly and bunions to blister—instead of which III wager that Cordova cops ought eight hours of sweet clumber every night- Heres a case wherein he biblical boys who preached and practiced that variety was the -pice of life—these were the things through which, month and week and day after day, this white- ought to be branded with the scar- frocked and vested villain finally let letter a foot long and scourged at the cart’s tail of eternity —in stead of which the ieecherous old cuss gets fatted calf. Heres a case where most any old rusty case knife would serve—aye, even an ax—instead of which the beast is turned loose with power to reproduce his kind and repeat his crime. Heres a case where we sinners who know how would give the Rev. J. F. all thats coming to him, while his congregation accomplished his purpose aud rob bed a good girl of her good name. I can understand the poor devil who though married discovers that he loves some woman other than his wife. Wrong—all wrong and woefully wicked; but Cupid some times uses a shotgun, and the blamed thing scatters. But when the real man loves he also cherishes and protects for aye and aye, while this coward and cur Cordova got cold feet aud flew. He had no III N ew Furniture Store... • STOP AND THINK. Why give your laundry package to a COLLARS Chinaman, when you can get better CUFFS Only 2c. work for the same money by patroni- Only 2c. zing home people and white people at the ATHENS EMPIRE LAUNDRY, CORNER CLAYTON AND LUMPKIN STS- FLEMING & COLLETT, Proprietors. Citizens-BarbeF^iiop- CLAYTON NO. 30 The most, experienced STREET. Elegant. Equipment. white .barbers. Hot and cold baths. Absolute cleanliness in everything. Prompt, Polite and Satisfactory’ Service. KYTLE & JACKSON, FIRE INSU RANCE AGENTS. At Athens Hardware Co. Telephone No. 44. They do a general Fire Insurance business, repre senting the strongest and best companies in America. A Share Of Patronage Solicited. C. J. O’Farrell Furniture Co., Corner Clayton St. and College Ave. ALL KINDS OF .UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE. YOU WILL FIND Bedroom Furniture, Dining Room Furniture, Hall Furni ture, Kitchen Furniture, Parlor Furniture, Office Furniture, Odd Bedsteads, Dressers and Washstands. Also Iron Beds, Baby-Go-Carts, Cribs, Mattings, Pic tures, Screens, Mattresses, Springs and Chairs, in fact, most anything in the Furniture Line COME AND SEE US And look at our stock. We take pleasure in showing same. C. J. OTarrell Furniture Co. ATHENS, GEORGIA. approves of this jug-handled justice. I am well aware that no preach ment of Pure Stuph will change this condition. Christ himself protested agaiust it, and ehal lenged humanity to throw the first stone; but no sooner had he got hustle on his mule than someone raised the old cry of “unclean!” Twas ever thus, and will he—poor and to be pitied Julia Bowne is oulv one of that mighty multitude of whom someone says: “At the end of the world is a garden fair, where the wicked women go- sweet women wuo lived in the heart and glare of the devil’s beauty show—dear women, whose love was their fierce undoing, maIV * bloom fair in that garden past pursuing. And only the sun shall kiss them there, and only the moon shall know—the moon that has paled when women, rare kisses for love bestow; aud none shall discover that garden sweet save the weary women with weary feet.”—Sagebrush Philosophy. For Sale. 0 room house, outhouses, sta bles, servants house, large lot, well fruited, well-vcatered, on maiu artery leading into the city. For sale or exch&ugn for lauda in the country, ten minutes walk to poet office. Apply at thie office. An noil ncements. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 1 hereby announce myself as a catidi- ;te for Justice of the Peace. 216th Pis- ict G. M. t subject to the democratic imary. C. T. YOUNG. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. j condidate the 216th ion of the ocratio primary. G. T. MURRELL. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. I hereby announce mrself a candidate for re-election as Justice of the Peace for the at6th district, subject to the action of the democratic party, JA$. F. FOSTER. FOR ALDERMAN FIRST WARD. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from the’First ward, sub- 'on cf the democratic pri- A. W. VESS. FOR ADDERMAN SECOND WARD. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Alderman from the Second ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary. j.h.i . DOOTSON. FOR AI.DERMAN THIRD WARD. ? hereby announce myself as a candi date for Alderman from the Third ward subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. EDWARD BANCROFT FOR ALDERMAN THIRD WARD. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from the Third Ward, sub ject to the democratic primary. C. M. SNELLING. FOR ALDERMAN FOURTH WARD, I hereby announce myself ndi date tor Alderman from the Fourth wmd subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. B. Y. HARRIS. FOR ALDERMAN FOURTH WARD 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for alderman of the Fourth Ward, sub ject to the action of the democratic f mar/% of the democratic prt- JNO. N. BOOTH,