The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, October 14, 1904, Image 3

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Given Away Absolutely Free. My line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Millinery, Shoes, Hats, etc., are complete—as hand some a stock as ever brought to Athens at as low prices. .Besides we give away hand some premiums to our customers. Call in and examine our stock and see the premiums. E. Buchwald. Corner Broad and Wall Streets. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. MILLINERY. OUR FAIR WEEK DISPLAY OF HATS is made especially for the fair visitors. Our large variety aud choice selections vill bo sure to interest you. We will offer to our customers it:::::::::: Exceptional Prices and Values, which with our exclusive designs and attractive styles will be sure to please the most discriminating taste. Don’t fail to see us before you buy. PARRISH & COMPANY. 102 Clayton Street, near College Avenue. Your Cash or Your Credit is Good. FURNITURE. Rugs, Lace Curtains, Stoves, Clocks, Shades, POLES, PICTURES, TRUNKS, COM FORTS, QUILTS, TABLE COVERS, LAMPS, CROCKERY and TINWARE, and all sorts of HOUSEFURNISHINGS. 12-SPECIALS-12 And hundreds of other Bargains. HANDSOME PREMIUMS FREE OF CHARGE. SPECIAL NO. 1. 5()c 60 poir Lace Curtains worth $1.00 pair, at -j SPECIAL NO. 2. 75 C 40 pair Lace Curtains worth $1.60, pair, at - - - SPECIAL NO. 8. _ , $1.25 26 Brussell Rugs worth $2.00 each, at - - • - SPECIAL NO. 4. Qftr 20 Linen Table Covers worth $2.00 each, at SPECIAL NO. 6. $1 25 100 pair Feather PillowB, 6-lbs to pair, worth $2.00 pair, at SPECIAL NO. 0. Qft C 60 handsomely Framed Pictures, worth $2 60 each, at - SPECIAL NO. 7. $1 7« 160 best grade Foiding SpriDgs, worth $2.60, at - - aPECIAL NO. 8. ’ $1 75 100 Mattresses, 40-lbi each aud worth $2.60, at - - *>*•» w SPECIAL NO. 9. $5 4ft 60 Oak Kitchen Safes, worth $4.60, at • •Pu.tu SPECIAL NO. 10. $1 If) 40 Ladies Rockers, worth $2.00, at ^ * SPECIAL NO. 11. _ $1 0ft 26 handsome Leather Seat Rockers, worth $8.60, at - SPECIAL NO. 12. CA 4ft 26 Oak Dressers, 18x20 Mirror, worth $0.50, at - - Don’t mistake the place, next door to Steam Laundry, Lumpkin St. ATHENS HOUSEFURNISHING COMPANY, ARTHUR FLATAU, Prop. L00IE NOVELTY CO. Graphaphones, Records, Sheet Music AND OTHER MUSICAL SUPPLIES. We want a representative in Clarke County and vicinity. We give special attention to merchants desirous of handling our goods. It will pay you to write even if you do not cars to buy, your letter will have our prompt attention. If you care to make to make a little money let us put you in a graphaphone and when your friends see it and hear it they will buy. Address L00IE NOVELTY CO., Columbus, Ga.fc r Council Chamber, Athens, Ga., Oct. 6, 1904, 8:80 o'clock p. m. The regular monthly meeting of the council was held this after noon. Present Mayor Rhodes and a full board of aldermen. The minutes of the last regular and called meeting were read and confirmed. Alderman O’Farrell moved that the matter of purchasing track for the fire department be left to the committee with power to act. Carried. Chairman Vonderau of the fire committee recommended that the expenses of Chief McDorman, who recently attended the conven tion of fire chiefs held in Chatta nooga be paid, amount $25.00. Report adopted. Chairman Hodgson of the street committee reported that the coun ty commissioners were willing to pay one half of the cost of side walk across Oconee street bridge. On motion referred to the street oommittee and mayor with power to act. On motion the question of ad justing the expensee of the fede- !n!in ral court was referred to the fi nance committee with power to act. ^Further time was granted the water works committee to report section 891 the words “nor any other officer or employee of said oity elected by the mayor and council.” so that said section when amended shall read as follows: No officer of police or police- , . , man, nor any other officer or em eu water main for Mi Hedge a\ e- 1>lu y4e of said city, elected by the Light committee asked for fur- m avor and council, shall election- required by this ordinance shall be done by the mayor and coun cil of the city of Athene and the cost of such work shall be collect ed out of the real estate liable for the same in the manner pre scribed by an act of the general assembly of Georgia approved October 16, 1889, authorizing snch work and the collection of such assessment, and an ordinance of the city of Athens carrying into effect the power granted in said act. And the cost of said paving herein required as necessary to be done is hereby assessed againBt the real estate abutting upon Baid portion of said sidewalk and the amount of such assessment what ever it may be it is hereby declar ed to be a lien upon she said real estate eo assessed from the adop tion of this ordinance. The following ordinance was introduced by Alderman Rowe, which on being read the second time, was adopted: An ordinance to be entitled an ordinance to amend Section 891 of the city code of the city of Athens, Georgia, of 1900 “prohibiting any officer of police or policeman from electioneering in or intermeddling in any manner whatever with any municipal election in said city while in the employ of the city” by adding after the word “police in the second line of said Light ( ther time to report on arc lamp corner Rockspring and Reese ete. Granted. - Farther time was granted street ^ committee to report on bitching posts for Washington street The petition of A. S. Brown, local secretary of the civil ser vice examination board, asking for permission to hold their ses sions in the council room, refer red to the mayor with power to act. The rules were suspended aud a resolution authorizing the collec tion of paving bills on Hill street was adopted. The rules were suspended and Alderman Vonderau offered the following ordinance: An ordinance for improving the sidewalk on the west side of Jackson street from the north side of Washington street to the south side of Dougherty street, in said city, by grading, curbingand improving the same and provid ing for the assessment of the costs thereof. Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Athens, and it is hereby ordained by au thority of the same, that the fol lowing portion of the sidewalk on the west side of Jackson street, in said city, shall be improved, paved aud graded in the manner hereinafter set forth, to-wit: That portion of the sidewalk on the west Bide of Jackson street, begin ning at the north side of Wash ington street, to which point the sidewalk has already been contin uously paved aud curbed, begiu- ning witbiu the fire limits aud mayor aud couucii, shall election eer in or intermeddle in any man ner whatever with any municipal election in said city, while in the Any officer ordinance shall upon proof and conviction of the same be immediately discharged from office, aud such violation shall render the officer ineligible to re-election to office.” Be it ordained by the mayor aud council of the city of Athens, Georgia, that Section 891 of the city code of Athens, Georgia, of 1900, prohibiting any officer of police or policeman from elec tioneering in or intermeddling in any manner whatever with any municipal election in said city while in the employ of the city be amended by adding after the word “policeman” in the second line of said Section 891 the words “nor any other officer or employee of said city elected by tbe mayor and council,” so that said section when amended shall read as fol lows : “No officer of police or police man, nor any other officer or em ployee of said city elected by the mayor and council except, board of education, board of health, as sessors, dispensary commissioners aud city attorney shall election eer in or intermeddle in any man ner whatever with any municipal election in said city while in the employ of the city. Any officer iolating this ordinance shall, upon proof and conviction of the same, be immediately discharged from office aud such violation shall render the officer so offend ing ineligible to re-election to office.” On motion the above ordinance was adopted unanimously. A communication from Mr. J. X. Webb was read in which he de clined to accept the office of dis pensary commissioner. On motion it was decided to go into an election for dispensary Jacksou street to the intersection of and on the north side of Dough erty street. The sidewalk above designated shall be graded, curbed, aud im proved as follower The width of said sidewalk shall be five feet, tbe same to be laid with brick, said briok to be laid flat on sand and curbed in the usual manner that such sidewalks have been curbed with brick in this city, said pavement to be laid at a uni form grade. And it shall be the duty of the owner of real estate abutting upon said portion of said sidewalk to have said paving, cuibing and all necessary work done within thirty days from tbe passage of this ordinance. And such work and paving shall be doue under the direction and su pervision of the street cominis- Honor, and in a manner which ■hall be approved by him. If any property owner along the portion of the sidewalk designat ed shall fail or refuse to do taid work required withiu the time designated or ahall fail to do said ugnated or snail tan to no saia rk in the manner approved by s street commissioner, the work C. H. Phinizy, seconded by Alder man Vonderau. The clerk was instructed to cast the ballot for Mr. Phinizy who was t hen declared elected. The following accounts were ordered paid when properly ap proved : Ga. Quiucev Granite Co. 2,057,- 81; Athens Electric R. R., 270.64; National Meter Co., 105.89 and 104.00; AtlantaSupplyCo., 10 89; The Dean Steam Pump Co., 14.42; Corless, Macv it Co., 158.00; Mrs. C. A. Parr, 85.80; W. J. Holman, 40.25; Palmer & Sous., 25.70, 28.25, 22.05 slid 15.75; The Orr Drug Co., 19.76; Turner* Hodg son, 1147; Athens Electric Co., 480.26 and 81.e6, Kppns-Wilkins Co.,24.70; Talmudge Bros * Co., 87.28; Fabrio Fire Hose Co., 400 00; P. Bisson * Sou 100.00; D. W. Bailey &Co„ 87.50: W. J. Peeples, 80.40; Lyndon Mfg. Co., 46.10; J. H. Carlton, 80.12; Dornblatt P. C., 11 98, Huggins * Son, 78.16; Athens F. * M. Co., 16.10; Talmadge Bros & Co., 20 00; McMahan * Son, 110.00; American Road Roller Co., 5S00; Lyndon Mfg. Co., 28.70. Fn motion counoil adjourned W. W. TURNER, Clerk. OUR STOCK • FALL SHOES IS COMPLETE. Our prices are at= tractive, our terms are spot cash. We respectfully solicit a share of your patron age. E. I. Smith & Co. 114 Clayton Street STOP AND THINK. Why give your laundry package to a COLLARS Chinaman, when you can get better CUFFS Only 2c. work for the same money by patroni- Only,; 2c. zing home people and white people at the ATHENS EMPIRE LAVNDRY, CORNER CLAYTON ANO LUMPKIN STS. FLEMING & COLLETT, Proprietors. •sit s*» About Time You are buying your Shoes for the cold and wet rains coming. Our stock is complete in every respect, and please remember our guarantee, Another Pair of Shoes for everyone that does not prove satisfactory. We are sole agents for the celebrated Walk Over $3.50and $4.00 Shoes When Walk Overs go on, trouble goes out. SOL J. B0LEY. “Be sure you are right, then go ahead." We still continue giving a beautiful and useful present with every purchase of $5.00 or over. Come in and look at our line of free gifts. ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKRCRRRRRRKRRRRRKRRKRKRRRRRRRI FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. ! Our Fall and Winter Stock is now ready for your inspection. We are showing everything new in Dress Goods, Skirts, Tailor Made Suits and Ladies Furnishings. Our Millinery department is complete in every feature, and we have on display every variety of ready-to-wear hats, also the latest grade in trimmed hats. Special attention is called to our line of Clothing, Gent’s Furnishings and Shoes. Every one is cordially invited to call and inspect our stock. Louis Morris, Bishop Building. Comer Broad and Jackson Streets.