The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 25, 1904, Image 2

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(Clat&c ©ottMtjj Convict. J. E. QARDNER, Editor and Proprietor. Eatered at the Post Office at Athena, Ga., aa Second-Clasa matter. Fubltahed every Friday at the office of The Courier, on Broad Street. THE CITY'S NEED. If there is one thing the city needt as much or more than hotel it ia a park, and while park ia generally considered aummer inatitution, yet we ahould remember that our early aummer ia probably not more than four months away, just time enough to prepare for it. The name park usually calls to mind a combina tion garden and menagerie with some beautiful plants and flowors and a few deoreped, unsightly wild animals. Suppose that in place of the wild animala we should have an exhibit of works of art and skill, pictures, embroi dery, objects of mechanical skill, eto. Of course the smaller pel animals and rare and beautiful birds would be acceptable and in teresting. Such a place would not only be interesting but would tend to encourage and stimulate the artistio talents of the people. Curios and relics might be added and as one object would be re. moved to make room for another quite often there would be a con tinuous change and variety. X. After all, the administration cannot be waging a very severe war in the Philippines, or else, where, for the official reports show that during the year ending June 30, but three officers and twenty-seven privates in the regu lar army were killed. This ia not bad when we recollect that some 70,000 men are now enlisted under the flag. During the same period of time three officers and thirty- five prevates committed suioide, and forty-six privates w,re drowned, jilereatter the soldiers variola posts will b»(taught vim. Here is to the National Democ racy of the United States of Amerioa; now the greatest har monizing party known to history. In one feeble effort, unwittingly and perhaps unwillingly, you came very near harmonizing the entire nation on Republicanism One more effort of the kind will finish the job. Brethren, harmo' ny is a good thing. In your next effort please make it national. But for God’s sake give a little variation in the harmony. Will you? Now it is all over, the result ia known, it ia very amusing to read in the Guardian, of Manchester, England, a dispatch fromNew York, as follows, sent to that paper just before the elec ion: “There is a visible shaking the previous Republican confidence. Their affectation of certainty all along has been overdone. No Presidential election was ever so one sided as they pretended this one was to prove.” The Republicans of Missouri are rejoioing over the prospeot of electing a Senator from that state. It is about thirty years since Sen stor Cockrell took bis seat in the Senate, and it looks now as if his time had come to gracefully re tire, and rest upon bis laurels. Fnly one other Senator hat served longer, Allison of Iowa. But be it said to the credit of Roosevelt be has offered Senator Cockrell a job if he wants it. Under Governor F W. Higgins of New York, the work of improv ing the Erie. Oswego and Cham, plain canals, will begin at a cost of 1101,000,000. This great enter prise will give employment to thousands of men, besides provid' iug for the future vast transpor tatiou business of the Emoire state. “Two years from now,” say the Republicans of North Carolina, "we will take our state out of the solid South column.” At the last election they reduced the Demo cratic majority somo 85,000. If this operation is repeated the Old North State will again come into the Union. Gov. Odell of New York recently said: “I am looking for rest and Bimply want to become a private oitizen.” If these are honest sentiments he has no intention of ousting Senator Chauncey M. Depew. The voter “who Scratches" is hflreafter to h« reckoned wO^b, at least on Uassachusetts, Minneso ta, Wisconsin, Missouri, Colorado and Montana. Mr. Thomas Taggart, of Indiana says there is no explaining a cyclone. He should read up on weather bureau literature. Grover Cleveland is very phi losophical under the circumstan ces. He has nothing to say. After the election he took bis gun, and with his dog, plunged into the woods near Princeton, hunting for small game. Mr. Taggart has hied himself back to his ungrate ful Indiana. Chairman Cowherd, after the fourth of next March, will attend to business in Mis souri. A real lively election is a serious business for some people; it is much like a ten strike in a bowling alley. Now is the time to do your fall advertising, place an ad in The Courier. Farmers _ ka/jse Your own WHEAT V* OATS 47 Buthtli of Wheat on Om Acrt— Wm. Armstrong, GrestaamviUt. da, 87 bushels of Wheat on three acre* is no unusual yield when Gem of Athens Guano is used. Oat crops very largely in creased by the use of this ,1 fertiliser. For sale by wide awake merchants. | ATHENS Q*Matmtmxrn GMMMfBfflf— CHEMICAL CO ATHENS GA J.H.Dootsoo&Xo Real Estate, > Insurance and Loans. 30 CLAYTON STREET SALE LIST: A splendid 5 roofn cottage on Blocm- field street, will sell at a bargain. Five room house, 8 minutes walk from Post Office, big bargain $SC0. Two acre lot on Baxter street, aoo acre farm 7 miles from Athens. FourjQfcwsk OnrTOise in El^rAtneni to be sold at a big bargain. Three vacant lots on Pulaski street, Two 2 room houses on Pope street,* splendid colored property at a bargain. One 4 room house on Meiga street. WE WILL DO YOUR BUILDING m the most workmanlike manner, superinded by ou rselves and every detail carefully looked after at the moat REASONABLE PRICES. Try TJ®. Heard & Kenney. Young Men STOP AND THINK. Why give your laundry package to a COLLARS Chinaman, when you can get better CUFFS Only 2c. work for the same money by patroni- Only.! 2c. zing home people and white people at the ATHENS EMPIRE LAVNRDY, CORNER CLAYTON AND LLMPKINlSTB. FLEMING S COLLETT, Proprietors If you would make a good ealary at light and pleasant employ ment we have the job for yon. Call on or write J. A. Darwin. Sec y •Mutual Life Indus- \ trial Association of £ Georgia. Dr. W M. Slaughter, Dr. N. O Slaughter, DENTISTS. Gas'given for Extraction. QUieo ovorjTurnor ,& Hodgson’s Western f * ** ^ Market OLIVER COLEMAN, Manager. Fin. M«ati of AU Knds. Telephone 29. No, leckion Srect Dr. R. O. Orr, at John Arnold’s, will fill your pro scriptions accnrately and prompt ly. Nothing bat pare drugs, Your patronage solicited; Senator Proctor, of Vermont, as all who know him will agree, ie a very kind, benevolent and grand- fatherly sort of man. He thinks well of old sohool teachers who have been poorly paid and had the misfortune to outlive their usefulness. To make them com fortable the rest of their days he has given them hie honse in Rut land, Vt., and with it a purse of 110,000, The Senator is very wealthy and can well afford to be generous. The United States is very gener ous with Its navy yard employees engaged in building war ships. It pays them per diem wages for fifteen days' leave of absenoe and for the seven public holidays of the year- The ohief constructor of the navy, Rear Admiral Oapps, says the United State* cannot build it* own battle chip* a* cheaply as they can be oonstruo- ted in private yards. MILLINERY! Just to remind you that we still have a large assortment of all kinds of Hats. Also that we are turning out daily from our work rooms, the highest class millinery work. Prices to suit every one. Parrish & Co. A FULL LINE OF Art and Photo -WORK- For the most fastidious from the finest Life Size Hand Work Por traits and Platinotvpe Photos to Penny Pictures, at Stndio 115-2 Broad St. J. S. and MISS M. E. SALTER, ARTISTS. Announcements. for jusTioa or the peace. I herebv announce myself ai a candi date for Justice of the Peace. 3i6th Dis trict G. M., primary. FOB JUSTICE OF TRB PEACE. I hereby announce myaelf a condldatc for Justice of the Peace for'the aifith district, subject to the action of the democratic primary. G. T, MURRELL. FOB JUSTICE OF TRB PBA0B. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election aa Justice of the Peace for the atfith district, subject to the action of tha democratic party, JAB. F. FOSTER, GLENN LODGE, NO. 75, I. O, P. Meets every Tuesday night at hall over Davison & Lowe’s. J. B. Wilbanks, N.. G. G. E. Stone, 8ecy. WILLIAMS LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Monday night at Odd Fellows Hall, corner Clayton and Jack- son street, C. W. SHUPE, N.G. J. A. MLALOR, Secy. OLIVER ENCAMPMENT, No. 14 Meets every Friday night at 8 o’clock at hall over Davison <fc Lowe’s. J. E. Gardner, C. P. J. A. Mealor, Scribe. Y Prince Ave Shoe Shop Near State Normal School. Yonr Shoes Repaired in First- Class style and at the lowest prices. Give me a call. PETER SfllTH. W.P. REYNOLDS UPHOLSTER — AND —a. Repairer : of : Furniture. Corner Church end Prince. ATHKNjE REBECCHA LOjnQST Meet* every Thursday nfw at Odd Fellows hall. Mbs.J. E. Gabuneb, N.G. Miss MybtliPoss, Seo’y. DR. C.A. RYDER, DENTIST. Athens, All kinds of Dental woik done at the low est prices possible. 'Special Rates. OCONEE The Seaboard announces that during the month of November, they will continue to sell the 10 day Coaoh Excursion tickets on Tuesday and Thursday of eaoh week as heretofore. Ohoioe of routes west of Atlanta. For fall information apply to any agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, or the undersigned. FRED GEISSLER, Traveling Passenger Agent. 116 Peaohtreet St., Atlanta, Ga. High Grade COAL Full2,000 lbs -OF- High Grade Jellico g Tennessee Dive Gem. The.bighest grade Coals, extant, delivered promptly. N-'iin but.the best at the lowest prices. Try us and see what full tons you get. O. Lr. PlTNER, At Gas Works, Jno. J. Wilkins, President. W. P. Brooks, Cashier. THE UNIVERSITY SAVINGS BANK, Hampered by the lack of funds at the critical moment many a man has missed 'the opportunity to put himself beyond want, if not to' make a fortune. Acquire [the saving habit by putting your first five or teu dollar bill in this bank for savings, let it enlarge through the 8 per cent interest we pay and to be ready for the ffrst chance to make an[even[bigger income. THE GEORGIA NATIONAL^iANK 0F~ATHiNi OAP1TAL $100,000. SURPLUS $16,000. Receives accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals, and nffee o depositors every accomodation, tbeir business, balances and responsibility warrants. Directors: Tho«. I*. Vincent, Jos. N Webb, A.S. Erwin, Hamilton McWhorter, Jos. H. Fleming, Jno. J. Wilkins.. Athens Electric Railway Company „ „ LIGHTS AND POWER, Cor College Avenue and Clayton Streets * 7 crbTFLANKiEN. TvTngT" ~ ^ J- W. CASKEY. C. M. CA8KEY. CASKEY & CASKEY, Contractors and Qui :ders. Plans and Estimates Furnished on Application. RESIDENCE WORK A SPECIALTY. Oi pick 18 Clayton St. atbrxch, Groroia NOTICE! Meets every Wednesday night at their Wigwam in the Deuprec hall, cor. Broad and Thomas Sts at 8 o’clock. All visiting Red Men are invited. 0. P. Ebbbhabt, Saohem. 0. A. Lakbbbt, X. of R. THE LATEST Modes and devices, the newest Wall Coverings end Draperies, the latest color ithemes and decorations, years of experience In house painting, a reputa tion for good and honest work are ell at your service. J. G. TRUSSELL, Painter, Decorator and Sign Printer. 128 Clayton Stmt. Coaoh Excnraion rates Athens, Ga., to St. Louis, Mo. The South ern Railway will sell ten day Coach Excursion tiokets to St. Lonis, Mo., and return for $15 70, acconnt of the World’s Fair. Dates of sale every Tuesday and "’hnrsday dnring the month of lovember. For full particulars Ml or phone R. W. SIZER, General Agent. Phone 81,106 Clayton St. On eaoh Tuesday and Thursday in November, the Central of Ga. Railway will sell Ooseh Excursion tickets,to St. Louis and return at very low rates. Tickets will be limited to leave St. Lonis not la ter than ten daye from and inclu ding date of tale. Same will bo good only on coaches, not accep ted in Sleeping or Parlor cars. For further information apply to you nearest ticket agent. DON’T PAY t FOR2A NEW CLOCK OR WATCH/TOIGET YOUR OLD ONE REPAIRED. BUT SEE F. G. DENARD AND BUY A NEW ONE OR HAVE YOUR OLD ONE RE PAIRED FOR LESS THAN OTHERS CHARGE AND GET A 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE. o-o-o-o-o-o-o F.G. Denard, The Jeweler. 117 Bboad Stbext. Citizens Barber Shop NO. 30 CLAYTON STREET. The most experienced white barbers. Hot and cold baths. Absolute cleanliness in everything. Prompt, Polite and Satisfactory Service. KYTLE & JACKSON, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. At Athens Hardware Co, Telephone Ho, 44, They do a general Fire Insurance business, repre senting the strongest and best companies in America. A. Share Of Patronage Solicited. The Athens Savings BanL * Does a Regular Banking Business. Pays Interest on Savings Deposits. 6. A. MELL, Cashier, MYER STERN, Pres. M. G. MICHAEL, Vice-President.