The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 02, 1904, Image 2

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©lark* ©outtijj ©ottvieu. J. e. dARDNER, Editor and Proprietor. Eatered at the Poll Office at Athene, - Ga., ae Second-Clue matter. Publiehed every Friday at the office ol The Courier, on Broad Street A HEROIC REMEDY Since the Kaiser's sister has advocated that a man abonldtake a younger wife .after he reaches the age of 45, some one else comes forward and suggests that that marriages bp pnt on the proba tion order—say let the.oontract be for 25 years, and at the end of that time, they can either remar ry or quit. It is held that this wonld do away with the divoroe evil. This is praotically the same thing as the kaiser’s sister would have. The woman is laid on the - shelf after years of suffering, in many instances, to give place to younger and fairer women. It makes us weary to see suoh stuff floating around in reputable pa pers as they are obliged to knpw that suoh estate of afflaira could never exist under any other than a heathen government. The best way to stop divorces is through the medium of a friendly shot gun in the hands of a wronged husband. Make it somewhat dan gerous for a brute in human shape to cross the threshold to mar the sanotity of the home. Had this been done years ago, yon would not find as many wrecked homes, wife, husband and children gone to the dogs, while the betrayers are petted and honored by socie ty. The above is a serious reme dy, but it-,would, if.used properly, save many a girl in the home, and render uteless a good many Grittenden homes for the fallen. I A FINE 5ERH0N. It was’ a pleasure on Sunday night last to visit the Baptist ohuroh and listen to a most in teresting treatise by Dr. Young, the beloved pastor oftbat eburoh upon the “Seven Churches, found in Revelations. He took up the number 7, as used in Biblical parlance and showed that it was perfeot number. That its use was to illustrate God and man; that 8 and 4 are 7, mean ing the Trinity (8) and the 4 cor ners of the earth all an embodi ment of Christ, he showed that the entire era of the world's his tory was divided into 7 ages ' be ginning at-the oreation and end ing at the judgment. He had before him a painted chart which described bis ideas to perfection. The entire elaboration wds upon this subject, and it seemed to open the way or dear the puzzle of that part of Revelation to certainty, keeping in view all the time the history of the world and the fall of ages. This sermon was exceedingly interesting and instructive and we do not wonder now why it is that the church always well-filled, and oftentimes to overflowing. This series of Bible study will continue for some time and those who would see the mysteries of the Bible opened .up to them clear and distinctly would do well to attend. There are five members of the new oity counoil who are mem bers of the Baptist ohuroh, and this fact brings on more talk. It is not our intention or desire to mix religion and politios in our last municipal election, l-ut as it is well known that this denomi nation is in favor of much water, the meter farce will at last be regulated. So mote it be. FIND THE JEWEL Pr. R. C. Orr, at John Arnold’s, will fill your pre- We notice a certain daily paper achptions accurately and prompt- kas kaavi AllnJ nritk aa! 1 V.. iL ... .. I 1 — - J whioh has been filled with col umns of football and baseball news, with acareheads galore, now comes tb the front and reads the same riot act that the Courier has been reading for lol these many years—that it was doing the University an injustice to be continually blowing these things, putting the coach’s name in type an inch wide, making people be lieve that he was a bigger man than the Chancellor, and that he should happen to fail to show up that splendid institution would go to the devil a calahooting. The only thing that has surprised us is that this paper hasn’t asked the legislature to appropriate $4,000 ehair for the coach. It must be understood that we arc not kioking because this daily has gotten on the Courier’s platform, as they all do that if you give them time. They usually slip in, piok np the game we have killed and run off with it; and then say look what we have done. Bnt it is all right, if they mean what they say. They make the state ment that too much prominence is given by the dailieB of football games and too little said about the workings of the University proper The very next day the public was greeted with a double- header relative to a recent game, and we wondered if there over , was a jewel known as consistency. >1. - It - is strange but true that hu man nature it so constructed that it is generally a delight, even in childhood, to make somebody un happy. Why not change the or. der a while and turn in the sun shine. We have seen and heard of more of this lately than for . many years.- Life is short, and the party we would make unhappy now may soon lie upon a bed of languishing and death, and an opportunity may not be given us for reparation. As the glad days of Christmas approaches let every body make some one else happy— it sometimes takes only a smile. How the only real thing about the war in the far east is that skeletons have been reduced in price, and poor medical students oaa now own one. ly. . Nothing but pure drugs Your patronage solicited. Unconscious Humo There are some remarkable in stances of unconscious humor in the world. In a German ohurch there is a painting representing the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham. In this picture Abraham is about tb discharge a huge pistol at Isaac when an angel descends and pours a pitcher of water ou the pan of the pistol, thereby saving Isaac. In Rome there is an old painting representing St. Peter denying the Saviour and several of the Roman soldiers in the’ background havi pipes sticking out of their mouths. Those who are on the lookout for them will find many amusing blunders in the daily papers and in periodicals of all kinds, great metropolitan daily one morning gave its readers the fol lowing information regarding the wrecking of a ship the night be fore: “The captain swam ashore and succeeded in saving the life of his wife. She was insured in the Northern Marine Insuranoe Com pany and carried a cargo of ce ment." Equally am using as an instance of unconsoions humor was the statement made by an other paper regarding the capsiz ing of a boat at sea. It said that ‘bnt one life was lost, and that was found afterward." He must be sadly deficient in humor who does not find himself amused by a sign like the ( follow- seen in the window of a 'shoe* maker: “Any respectable man, woman or ohild, can have a fit in this shop." It was an enterpris ing furrier who placed a card in his window, stating that for the benefit of the ladies he would ‘muffs, boss, eto., out of their own skins." The Correct Time. Get a - Farmers eight day eloek with alarm gong and spirit level Being sold at $8.00, we sell yon at $8.50. Call and see them. WILSON AUCTION HOUSE “Negrophelites.” For The Cornier. Talk about the “color lino*! iu the South, it’s-pretty badly fraz zled if not eutirely broken. The President did dine with a negro ’tie true, but he is a Northern man and a Republican beside, he had votes to make thereby, but how about the'white Democrats of . this section who dodge into tbe negro restaurants Bud “cook shops" of Athens and get their meals? You often hear a msu boasting of bis honesty and in a few min utes you will hear him brag about gettina “bargain," boast of get ting aome article for less than its actual worth, getting something for nothing, what moral difference .is there between getting some thing for nothing by sneaking it out of a man’s pooket and getting it for nothing by taking advan tage of his mistake, hie ignorance or his necessity? Every person’s face is an index to bis character; the cares, sor rows and joys of life aa well as the evil passious, loving and beuevo lent thoughts and study passing through the brain contract the muscles of the face until after a time the muscles become relaxed and fail to draw the flesh back into t.he plump and youthful form. These human charts may be simulated somewhat, hut never with any great amount of success and to the student of the human face they are “as an open book.” X. RAISE MORE WHEAT AND 47 bnahel* of WhMtt on One Acro-m v- Wa, AmatiooesGtesbaBVtUCtQie kmKnsiimaa- GEM OF ATHENS GUANO u «Md. *ssasr* m fDrsalaDy wide iwwbbbm Writ* fir mfrrmatkM. WE WILL DO YOUR BUILDING in the most workmanlike manner, superinded by • ourselves ana every detail carefully looked after at 'the most REASONABLE PRICES. Try Us. Heard & Kenney. Dr. W. M. Slaughter, Dr. N. G Slaughter, DENTISTS. fiat given for Extraction. Office over Turner & Hodgson’s Western ** . > f Market OLIVER COLEMAN, Manager. Fine Me*U of AUKnds. Telephone 39, No. }ackcon Sreet. Prince Ave Shoe Shop Near State Normal School. Your Shoes Repaired in Firat- Olaes style and at the lowest prices. Give me a call. PETER SniTH. W. P: REYNOLDS UPHOLSTER m— AND -mm Repairer : of : Furniture. Comer Church and Prince. DR. C. A. RYDER, DENTIST. Athens, All kinds of Dental work done at the low est prices possible. ntrOxae WILLIAMS LODGE. NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Monday Fellows Hall, corner son street. C. W. J. A. MBALOR, Secy. Monday night at Odd orner Clayton and Jack* 2. W. SHUPE, N. G. OLIVER ENCAMPMENT, No. 14 Meets every Friday night at 8 o’clock at ball over Davison 4c Lowe’s. J. E. Gardner, 0. P. J. A. Mealor, Scribe. ATHENE REBECOHA LODGE Meet, every Thursday night at Odd Fellows ball. Mas. J. E. Gardhkb, N.G. Miss MvbtliPoss, Seo’y. OCONEE TRIBE, NO-- 15 MILLINERY! Just to remind you that we still have a large assortment oi all kinds of Hats. Also that we are turning out daily from our work rooms, the highest class millinery work. Fnces to suit every one. Parrish & Co. 'stop and think. * Why-give your laundry package to a C0LLABS Chinaman, when you can get better CUFFS Italy 2c. work for the same money by patroni- Only.; 2c. zing home people and white people at the .1 „ ATHENS EMPIRE LAVNRDY, CORNER CLAYTON AND LUMPKIN STS. rLEMING « COLLETT, Proprietors. High Grade COAL Full 2,000 lbs -OB'- High Grade Jellico g Tennessee Blue Gem. The highest grade Coals, extant, delivered promptly. None but the best at the lowest prices. Try us and see what full tons you get. . . .. C, Iv. PITNBR, At Gas works. Jno. J. Wilkins, President. . W. P. Brooks, Cashier. THE UNIVERSITY SAVINGS BANK, Hampered by the lack of funds at the oritical moment mauy -a man has missed-the opportunity to puthimself beyoila want, if not to make a fortune. Acquire the saving habit by putting your first five or ten dollar bill in this bank forsaviogs, let it enlarge through the 8 per cent interest we pay and ,6 be ready for the first chance to make anjeven^bigger income. THE GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS CAPITAL *100,000. SURPLUS *16,000. Receives accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals, and • offee o depositor! every accomodation, their business, balances and responsibility warrants. Directors: Thom P. Vincent, fos. N Webb, A* S* Erwin, Hamilton McWhorter, Joa. g. Fleming,Ino.J. Wilkins. Athens Electric ' LIGHTS AND POWER, L, Cor College Avenue and Clayton Streets C. D. FLANIOEN, Mng. J. W. CASKEY. C. M. .CASKEY. CASKEY. & CASKEY, Contractors and Builders. : Plans and Estimates Furnished.on Application. RESIDENCE WORK A SPECIALTY. • OrriCK JB CIvSvtok Sr. ATHKRII, Gb CIWOSA Announcements. FOB JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for Justice of the Peace. ai6th Dis trict G. M., subject to the democratic primary. C, T. YOUNG, FOB* JUSTICE 07 THE PEACE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election aa Justice of the Peace for the aiGth district, subject to the action of the democratic party, JAS. F. FOSTER. NOTICE! Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. 30 -OLAYTON STREET SALE LfiST: A splendid ■ room cottage on Bloom field street, will eell at a bargain. Five room house, 8 minute, walk from Post Office, big bargain fi8C0._ Two acre lot on Baxter street, 900 acre farm 7 mllea from Athena, Four Iota on Boulevard, close In. Clin bouse in East Athens to be told at a big bargain, Three vacant lota on Pnlaskj street, •Two 8 room houses on Pope street, splendid colored property at a bargain. One 4 room house on Meigs street. - DON’T PAY FOR A NEW CLOCK OR WATCH TO GET YOUR OLD ONE REPAIRED. BUT, SEE F., G. DEN A HD AND BUY A NEW ONE OR HAVE YOUR OLD ONE RE PAIRED FOR LESS THAN OTHERS CHARGE AND GET A 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE, o-o-o-o-o-o-o . F.G. Denard, The Jeweler. 417 Bhoad Stbzkt. . Citizens Barber Shop NO. 30 CLAYTON STREET. The most experienced Elegant white barbers, ' ’ Hot ana Absolute cleanliness in everything. Prompt, Polite and Satisfactory Service. Meets every Wednesday night at their Wigwam in the Denpree hall, cor. Broad and Thomas Sts at 8 o'clock. All visiting Red Men are invited. 0. P. Ebkbkabt, Sachem. 0. A. Lucbbbx, K. of R. THE LATEST Modes and devices, the newest Wall Coverings and Draperies, the latest color sthemes and decoration!, years of experience in house painting, a reputa tion for good and honest work are all at your service. J. G. TRUSSELL, Fainter, Decorator and Sign Printer. *M Clayton Street* KYTLE & JACKSON, FIRE INSURANCE 'AGENTS. At Athens Hardware Co, ’ ’ - Telephone No, 44, They do a 'general Fire Insurance business, repre senting (he strongest and best companies in America. A. Sbare Of Fatronaffe Solicited. J • The Athens Savings Bank. Does a Regular Banking Business. Pays Interest-on ' : 1 Savings Deposits. • - G. A. MELL, Cashier, MYER STERN, Pres. M. G. MICHAEL, Vice-President.