The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 09, 1904, Image 2

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©larttc ©ouwts ©ouvict. J. E. OARDNER, Editor and Proprietor. Entered at the Poet OtSce at Atbem, Ga., m Second-CUsi matter. Publlahed every Friday at the office of The Courier, on Broad Street. Price Raised. Beginning with January 1st the subscription price of the Courier will be One Dollar year. It takes that much to get out a paper. All those who have paid in advance will re ceive the paper up to the tiny for which they have paid with out the additional charge, anc those who pay us 50 cents it advance between now and that Depression. The outlook for the south is not , not at all reassuring from the tune may receive the paper a! ^.ent low price of cotton. The the former price for. as many years as they may pay ahead We are going to improve the Courier, and we ask the co-op eration of all. There are a few on our large subscription list that we will be compelled tr-~ off, unless they p-y-up, and we hope they will not allow this tc be done. Come on in and re new. It will help us during Christmas. The President’s Visit. There ie a great deal of nonsen- aible hullabaloo being raised in this aeotion about the viait of the preaident to the south next year, and how we should greet him. The faot ie that he will be greeted as the president of this greet coun try should be greeted, with all thtf honors that can be accorded him.: This is no time to pout over apil, milk- The fact of the business is thiif south needs to join hands with the north, and would like to have hordea of them to get their pocketa filled with the golden duc ats and come this way, invest in cur lands and in onr factories, and then yon will aee this the garden spot of the world take up on itself a halo of brightness that will Bhine to the enda of the earth bat as long as you spit at them, and fight them so long will they stand aloof. As to the oolor ques tion, in onr opinion that is a very simple matter. The negroes are here and will stay for a year or two yet, but it is known that should they remain a million years and propagate until they shall be as numberless as the sands of the seashore, and not withstanding a president sees fit to eat with one, or our southern white men amalgamate illegiti mately or any other way, the pare Oancassion raoe will predominate and wield the scepter. So when the President of these United States comes this way put on yonr best front, for the adver tisement that he will give yon will beat ohambers of commerce. We disagree somewhat with Sena tor Bacon, sb you may divide the whites politically any way yon see fit yet when it eomee to the raoe proposition yon will will see them united. The very fellows now who are 10 blatant now against a decent reception for him would be the first to hold his horses. Snoh rot ia nauseating. The Bottom Dog. It ia alright for thoae people who have beensnekingat the pub- lio teat for yean and have pat oat their patronage so as to ae- onre their positions as an ever lasting heritage, to oppose any division whereby their offices and thoae of their friends will be touched, after they have had them eo long, bnt what about the orowd that are always out? Why they are classed a* bolters and will bring on negro supremacy I -That won't wash. The other orowd has barked too long. They want a little meat themselves. Cotton. We are sorry that the prioe of cotton has dropped off to sudden ly. Numbers of the farmers wonld have sold their ooitou far 10 oents had they not listened to the rantings of some wise acres, and held. They have loet mil lions of dollars by it and may paralyse business. Our Idea ie that when yon get good value for yonr product yon shonld let it go. It really Beems, though, that things adjust themselves. Last year when the prioe* of cotton ruled so high, factories were com pelled to stop, and thousands of bands were foreed into idleness and consequently there was ranch suffering. Oar opinion is that cotton at 10c would not only be a splendid- remuneration for the farmer, but wonld keep the milli fanning all the time. reason is simply and solely an overproduction, and oan in a large measure be attributed to the advice given be the Atlauta Constitution before planting time when the farmer was notified that high prices would forever rule, and that the farmer should plant every foot of ground he had in cotton. The consequence is that the south has lost five milliou dollars, that is the farmers, and there will be carried over a mil lion bales to meet the next years' crop; the priees now will hardly pay the debts, and the consequonee will be that the next year’s crop must be made on oredit, with empty barns and empty oribs. This means hard timea for the south. This ia indeed a gloomy view to take, bat it is neverthless true, and eoonomy shonld hold all of aa, until we right ourselves i rom thi< gteti blow A Qb 0 d 1 There will be no trouble about having yonr streets worked now. There is an aot on the statute Lcpks of Georgia giving the Jus tice'Of the Peace the power, where a oity oonncil fails to do so, of appointing an overseer and hav ing the work done. Well, we are glad of this, and we call Judge Foster’s attention to the condi tion of Baxter street, where the ohildren have to wade through mad shoemouth deep in getting to school. There will doubtless be e good many oomplaints made to that officer, while the more favored sections are receiving the oity’s work. Judge J. P. Foster. Speaking of Judge Foster re minds us that he wee eleoted to succeed himself by a very hand some majority last Saturday. We are sure that there is not a more competent jnttioe of the peaoe in the state of Georgia, and we fur thermore say that when he gave np the position of alderman last year Athena lost a man whose ev ery effort was put forth for the interest of the entire city. He had no axe to grind, no foe* to punish, no friend* to reward, and was absolutely fair to all in hia dealing*. We make bold to say that it wonld be onr delight to see him eleoted next year to his old seat in oonncil. Let ns whisper something in yonr ear: It would take only five months’ profits of the dispensary to put up the (20,000 for the Jef ferson road and two montha’ pro* gts wonld finish the $6,000 nec essary to finish the Normal School amount, and a balance of abont $26,000 will be left in the treasu ry, or,$10.000 more than we re ceived three yearsjflago, Don’t this startle you? We thiuk it •hould| be need in eases like the above. Either that or the taxes should be insterislly reduced. It really^seemetb so. , . Where, oh I where it that new hotel that we were to see by the dawning of Christmas? A traoef will at onoe be sent out. It must have gotten lost in the transit, bnt we most keep up hopes if we die in despair. They say that eyerybody is ready with the dongb necessary to eomplete the Jefferson-rail road bnt Athene, and unless this town hurries up, Winterville will doubtle^j^t the^ plant. - We are ‘firmly of the opinion that any offiocr who gets drunk shonld be relieved of his office. ' Dr. R. O. Orr, at John L Arnold’s, will fill yonr pre scriptions accurately and prompt ly. Nothing but pure drugs. Yonr patronage solicited. WE WILL DO YOUR BUILDING m the moot workmanlike - manner, snperinded by ourselves and every detail carefully looked after at the most REASONABLE PRICES. Try Heard St Kenney. Dr. W. M. Slaughter, Dr. N. G Slaughter, DENTISTS. ofas given for Extraction. Office over Tomer & Hodgson’s Western ** * * ** Market OLIVER COLEMAN, Manage, ' Flu Mutt ol All Knds- Telephone it, No. Isckwn Sieet. President Hadley, of Yale University, always' keep* nnutnally good term* with the ■mailboy* of hie neighborhood. In hi* enconnten with the little Yankees of New Haven the distin guished professor, however, some times comes off second best. Only the other day—and he tells the etory mimself—Mr. Hadley chanced to pass a little archin who tamed to look np curiously at the tall figure. “Hello, boy,” called President Hadley, “what time is it by yonr nose?" The little chap wa* ready for him. * ’Dunno,." oame -the retort. ‘Mine ain’t rnnnin’; is yonr*?’’ Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. 30 OLAYTON STREET SALE LET: Five room homo, 8 minutes walk from Put Office, big bargain $8C0. Two acre lot on Baxter atreet. aoo acre farm 7 mllea from Athena, Fonr lota on Bonlovtrd, cion In, Oln houie In Eaat Athena to bo .old at a big bargain. Thru vacant lota on Pulukl atreet. Two 1 room houie. on Pope atreet, •plendld colored property at a bargain. One 4 room houie on Meigs .tract. Prince Ave Shoe Shop Near Stats Normal School. Yonr Shoes Repaired in Firat- 01ms style and at the lowest priees. Give me • call. PETER S/UTH. W.P. REYNOLDS UPHOUTH Repairer : of : Furniture. Corner Church end Prism. DR. C. A. RYDER, DENTIST. Athens, - Gtortf* All kinds of Dental work done at the low est prices possible. GLENN LODGE, NO. 76, I. 0 0. F. Meet* every Tuesday night at ball over Davison & Lowe’s. J. B. Wilbanks, N. G. G. E. Stonx, Secy. WILLIAMS LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meet, every Monday night at Odd Follows Hall, corner Clayton and Jack* •on atreet. C. W. SHUPE.N.O. J. A. MBALOR, Secy. OLIVER ENCAMPMENT, No. 14 Meets every Friday night at 8 o’oloek at hall over Davison h Lowe’s. ‘J. E. Gardner, 0. P. J. A. Mealor, Scribe. STOP AM) THINK. Why rive your laundry package to a COLLASS Chinara: in, when you can get better CUFFS Only 2C; work for the same money by patroni- Only 2c. zing home people and white people at the ATHENS EMPIRE LAUNRDY, OOBNSIt OLAYTON AND LUMPKIN *T*. FLEMOffi I COLLETT, Proprietors. High Grade GOAL Full 2,000 lbs -OF. High Grade Jellico g Tennessee Blue Gem. Thelbigbeat grade Ooale, extant, delivered promptly. None butjthe best at the loweit prices. Try ns and see what foil tons yon get. C.|L. PITNBR, At Gas works. Jko. J. Wilkins, President. W. F.gBnooxe, Cashier. THESUNIVERSITY SAVINGS BANK, Hampered by the lack of fnnda at the' critical moment many a man has missed the opportunity to pnt himself beyona want, if not to Jmake a fortune. Acquire the saving habit by patting yonr first five or ten dollar bill in this bank foreavingB, let it enlarge through the 8 per cent interest we pay and so be ready for the ffnt ehanbe to make an even bigger income. THE GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS OAPITAL *100,000. SURPLUS 015,000. Receive! Account! of Banfcs, Corporation!, Firmi and Individual!, and offee o depositor! every accomodation* their busineu, balance! and mpooaibllity warrant!. ^ Director!: Thoa. p, Vincent, |oi. N Webb, A. S. Erwin, Hamilton McWhorter, - 4'mJJb!. fl. Fleming, Jno. J. Wilkina. Athens Electric Railway Company LIGHTS AND! POWER, Cor College Avenue and Clayton Streets C. D. FLANIGEN, Mn*| *!• W. CASKEY. C. M. CA8KEY. CASKEY & CASKEY, Contractors and &uiidere. Plans and Estimates Furnished on Application. RESIDENCE WORK A SPECIALTY. iTHitw, Osouia i 10 Cvums 1ST. NOTICE! ATHENS BEBEOOHA LODGE Meet* every Thursday night at Odd Fellow* hall. Mb*. J. E. Gabdnxb, N.G. Mibb MybtuPosi, Seo’y. OCONEE TRIBE, NO. .15 Meets every Wednesday night at their Wigwam in the Denpree hall, oor. Broad and Thomaa St* at So’aloek. All visiting Bad Menwre invited. 0. P. Ebbbhut, Saohem. 0. A. Lambbbt, K. of B, THE LATEST Mode, and devices, the newest Wall Coverings and Draperies, the htett color ethemec and decoration,, yean of eaperlence In houie petntlng, n reputa tion for good end honeet work are all at yonr service. J. G. TRUSSELL, Painter, Decorator and Sign Painter. SM Cleylon Street. DON’T PAY FOR' A NEW CLOCK OR WATCH TO GET YOUR OLD ONE REPAIRED. BUT SEE F, G. DENABD AND BUY A NEW ONE OR HAVE YOUR OLD ONE RE PAIRED FOR LESS THAN OTHERS CHARGE AND GET A 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE, o-o-o-o-o-o-o F.G. Denard, The Jeweler. 117 Broad Sxbbxt. Citizens Barber Shop NO. 30 OLAYTON STREET. The most experienced Elegant Eqnipment white barber*. Hotand oold baths. ■ Absolute cleanliness in everything. Prompt, Polite and Satisfactory Service. KYTLE & JACKSON, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. At Athtnt Hardware Co, Telephone No, 4*. They do a general Fire .Insurance business, repre senting the strongest and best companies in America. A Sbare Of Patronage Solicited. The Athens Sayings BanL, Does a Regular Banking Business. Piys Interest on ~ Savings, Deposits. G. A. MELL, Cashier, MYER STERN, Pres. M. G. MICHAEL, Vice-President.