The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 28, 1904, Image 2

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(fJJjlU&C GfoUUtjJ ©OttY’iCK. Your tirade against the dispcn- —~~ aarjr has opened my eyes and J. E. OARDNER, Editor and Proprietor. Entered at the Poet Office at Athene, Ga., ae Second-Clare matter. Publlehed every Friday at the office of The Courier, on Broad Street. SALUTATORY NO. 4 The Courier ia closing up the fourth 4 calendar year of ita exis tence—and many have been the varied conditions and up-hill pulls that we have had; we have endeavored to be fair and juat to every one, and if an injustice hue been done any one, it was an error of the head and not of the heart, and if you will tell us what it is we will apologize. We feel in our heart that we have done right, and have no regrets to make our heart sad during the preient time where both gladneas and want reign supreme. We have tried to wield our pen against all classes of sin and wickedness, and in doing so we were compelled to use some very severe language, but we are sure that we have never printed a word that would make the blush of shame come to the cheeks of the most timid woman, or the most innocent child. While we have confessed quite frequently that we were not an angel, yet we dared to stand pat upon the ground that “you and me should not do such things.” We have fought against gambling in all its phases—the gam cling den, betting on horse races, elec tions, crap-shooting, as well us the high-toned live-hand euchre, where prizes were the stakes, anc some of which break up iu row a and hard feelings. But be it said to the credit of Athens and Geor gia that such things are rapidly being numbered with the things that were—we hear of it less now than ever before. We do not say we did it, but the tendency in this line is for the better. We have warred against deco- lettee dresses either at public or private balls, especially in the case of women whose faded charms indicate that they belonged to the long ago. We have suggested that the dresses of the younger ladies should be in accord with modesty and that fashions edicts should not fill their brains to such an extent that the dresses they wear would attract young men in a sen sual way, and thus lose the higher admiration for which every wo man should try to merit. We have tried to warn the young and innocent girls of the mony pitfalls and slippery places lying right in their pathway, and show them that by a little self- will they could say to satan, clothed in the garb of young men, “Get thee behind me.” We have been unalterably op posed to the sale of whiskey in the dispensary for reasons too numer ous now to mention—you have read them beforo. It makes us all whiskey sellers, and therefore responsible for the murders, sui cides, thievery and the other sins inoident to the sale of liquor. How God in His goodness even, has allowed the town to stand under such a terrible blot, we are at a loss to understand, but we presume there must be found ten good men within our borders. We propose to keep up the liok against suoh things, as long as we have a tongue to wag or a pencil to push. , We are sure we have done good We believe me have saved the town money. A gentleman came to us the other day and placing hit band upon our shoulder said "Look at me iu the eye, and you will see that I am sober—an un usual thing for me, you say. Well it is, but I have -quit the stuff. shown me where I have been drift ing. it has been three months since I have taken a drop and by the help of God I never expect to take another. No, sir, the taxes of our people will not be paid by me any more, and this Christmas my family will receive presents instead of a drunken husband and father as has been the case for a number of years. I thank you for what you have done for me and mine.” We only publish this be cause we want to say that if our efforts for these four years has accomplished nothing but this it has been four years well spent. . But Sunday is Christmas. May God bless every one of our sub scribers and the world in general and give them peace and pros perity. fanners „ RA/SE VOUR OWN WHEAT > OATS'. 47 Bushels of Wheat on One Acre— Wm. Armstrong, Gre*bimvillc, Oa, 87 bushels of Wheat on three acres is no unusual yield when 6em of Athens Guano is used. Oat crops very largely in- If you would wake a good salary at light and pleasant employ ment we have 1 he job for yon. Call on or write ,, J. A. Darwin. Sec y Mutual Life Indus trial Association of Georgia. creased by the fertilizer. For sale by wide* awake merchants. Write for information. of this i ■ roous-fl IGEPpl Fathensm anMCtt.ce .ATHENS OA I Price Raised. Beginning with January 1st the subscription price of the Courier will be One Dollar a year. It takes that much to get out a paper. All those who have paid in advance will re ceive the paper up to the time for which they have paid with out the additional charge, and those who pay us 50 cents in advance between now and that time may receive the paper at the former price for as many years as they may pay ahead. We are going to improve the Courier, and we ask the co-op eration of all. There are a few on our large subscription list that we will be compelled to cut off, unless they pay up, and we hope they will not allow this to be done. Come on in and re new. It will help us during Christmas. WE WILL DO YOUR BUILDING m the molt workmanlike manner, superinded by ourselves and every detail carefully looked after at the most REASONABLE PRICES. Try TJ Heard & Kenney. Dr. W. M. Slaughter, Dr. N. G Slaughter, DENTISTS. “inn given for Extraction. Office over Turn, r Sr Hodgson's SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Schedule Between N w York, Wa-hlnifton, Richmond, Port-mouth and Atlanta- 53 Dally 2.45 p 8.88 p in 4.00 p m 4.45 p m 5.28 p m 0 85 p in 7.20 p ni 7 55 p m 9.20 p m 31 Daily 43 Daily 35 Dally 36 Daffy 66 Dally 34 Dally 12.25 p m 12.10 a m 9.25 p m Lv New York Ar 7.28 a m 6.80 am 4.15 pm 2.65 p m 7.28 a m 12.12 a m “ Weit Philadelphia “ 4.21 a m 2.85 a m 1.45 p m 5 10 p m 9.42 am 2.87 a m “ Baltimore 44 1.48 a m 11.17 pm 11.80 a m 6.25 p m 10.50 a m 4.80 a m “ Washington 14 11.60 p m 8 86pm 10.10 a m 10.00 p m 2.20 p m 9.10 a m “ Richmond Ar 5.80 pm 4 55pm 6.85 aim 10.45 p m 2.57 p m 10.02 a m 44 Pet‘rsburg 44 4.42 p m 4 09pm 5.49 a m 1.07 am 5.10 p m 12.45 p m Ar Norliim Lv 2.10 p m 1.55 pm 8,40 am 33 Dally 41 Dally 33 Dally 32 Dally 9.00 p m 9.25 a m Lv Portsmouth Ar 5.80 p m 8.00 a m 6.85 p m 9 64 a m 44 Suffolk 44 4.64 p m 7.28 a m 12.50 a m 1.20 p m|Ar Norlina Lv 1.40 p m 8.45 a m 1.22 a m 5.18 p m 1.40 pm Lv Norlina Ar 1.15 p m 1.86 pm 8.27 a m 1.58 a m 5.88 p m 2.10 p m 1 Henderson 44 12.87 p m 1.10 pm 2 58 a m 8 80 a m 4 10 p m Ar Durham “ 10.05 a m 0.00 p m 8.40 a m 7.00 p m feOOpm Lv Raleigh 11.00 a m 11.50 a m 1.80 a m 5.58 a m 9.01 p m 6.16 p m “ So Pfaei (Pfoehurst Jet) “ 8.80 a m 9.45 a m 11.20 pm 7.00 a m 9.55 p m 7.80 pm Ar Hamlet Lv 7.80 a m 8.55 a m 10.85 p m 7.85 am 10.15 pm Lv Hamlet Ar 7.10 a m 10.10 p m 9.10 am 11.56 pm Ar Monroe Lv 5.40 a m 8 40 pm 9.15 a m 12.0! a m Lv Monroe Ar 5.85 a m 8.85 pm 10.80 a m 1 2< a m Ar Chester Lv 4.00 a m 7.17 pm 11.44 a m 2.41 a m 44 Clinton 44 2.45 a m 6.00 pm 12.88 p m 8.85 a m 44 Greenwood 44 1.66 a m 5.15 p m 12.57 p m 4.02 a m Lv Abbeville Ar 1.88 a m 4.60 pm 1.25 p m f 4.82 a m 44 Calhoun FaiU 44 1.00 a m 4.21 pm 1.52 p m 6.06 a m 44 Elberton 44 12.28 a m 8.55 pm 2.60 p m 008a m 44 Athens’ 44 11.28 p m 2.67 p m 8.26 p m 6.46 a m 44 Winder 44 10.48 p ra 2.28 p m 8.55 p m 7.20 a m 44 Lawrenceville 44 10 10 p m 1.57 p m 4.55 p m 8.40 a m Ar Atlanta Lv 9.00 p m 1.00 pm 52 Daily Further information can be had by addressing FRED GKISSLER, T. P. A., 116 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga., or J. Z. HOKE, Agent, Athens, Ga. 4 Something Better Western * Market OLIVER COLEMAN, Managh Fine Meals of All Knd*- Telephone z9 No. Jackson Sreel DR. C.A. RYDER, DENTIST.- Athens. - Georgia. All kinds of Dental work done at the low est prices possible. THE LATEST Modes and device*, the newest Wall Coverings and Draperies, the latest color sthemes and decorations, years of experience in house pai..ting, a reputa tion for good and honest work are all. t your service. J. G. TRUSSELL, SPECIAL XMAS PHOTOS With every $4.00 job we are giving one 10x20 Crayon FREE.. Thia offer holds for Deo. only. Penny Photos 25 for 25c. RED STAIRS WITH SlLVKR STAR. 115-3 Broad St, . J.S. and MISS M.E. ARTISTS. Improved Senrice. Effective December 15th, the Seaboard Air Line Railway plaoed on train No. 88, between Atlanta Ga. and Portamouth Va., through Pullman drawing room sleeping ears. Beginning January 9th, the date on whioh the New York and Florida Limited trains, oomposed of Pullman, Sleepers Dining, and Observation oars are pat on, the New York sleeping ear now opera ted on train No. 82, between Atlanta, Ga. and New York, will be handled North of Hamlet N. 0., on the New York Florida Limited. This affords its patrons service to Eastern, and Virginian oities, superior to and that ha ever been accorded. Christmas Holliday Bates. The Southern Railway company announces the following rates, account of the Ohristmu Holidays The rata will be one and one third of the one way rates for the -frond trip. Tiokets on saU for Students and Teachers, DeeSmber 17th, to the 24th, all Students, and Teachers must have certi ficate! signed by the Superin tendent Principal or President, of the Sohosl that they may teach in, or University, College, or Seminaries that they may attend. The Final' limit of the above tiokets will be January 8th, 1906. Ratoafor the Publio, commences and one third of the regular one way fares for the round trip. Final limit will be January 4tn, 1905. For further information regarding rates and schedules call or phone R. W. Sizer, General Agent. Phone 81. 106 Clayton street. =*s hoe than you will find anywhere else. This was our aim at first and we are still of the same opinion. It pays us to sell you the BEST. It pays you to buy the BEST. If you want the BEST of everything men and boys’ wear, come to us Head McMahan, 112 Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. Prince Ave Shoe Shop Near State Normal Sckoel. Your Shoes Repaired in First- Class style and at the lowest priceB. Give me a call. PETER SHITH. GLENN LODGE, NO. 76, I. O O. F. Meets • very Tuesday uight at hall over Davison Sc Lowe’s. J. B. Wilbanks, N. G. G. E. Stdhb, Secy. WILLIAMS LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O.F. Meets every Monday night at Odd :omer Cia aon street, C. W J. A. MEALOR, Secy. OLIVER ENCAMPMENT, No. 14 Meets every Friday night at 8 o’clock at hall over Davison Sc Lowe’s. J. E. Gardner, C. P. J. A. Mealor, Scribe. Jno. J. Wilkins, President. W. P. Brooks, Cashier. THE UNIVERSITY SAVINGS BANK, Hampered by the lack of funds at the critical moment many a man has missed the opportunity to put himself beyond want, if not to make a fortune. Aoquire the saving habit by putting your first five or teu dollar bill in this bank for savings, let it enlarge through the 8 per cent interest we pay and so be ready for the first ohanoe to make an even bigger income. THE GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS CAPITAL 8100,000. SURPLUS 815,000. Receives accounts of Banks, Corporations. Firms and Individuals, and offee o depositors every accomodation, their businetF, balances and responsibility warrants Directors:.Tho*. P. Vincent, Jos. N Webb, A.S. Erwin, Hamilton McWhorter/' Jos. H. Fleming, jno. J. Wilkins. * ATHENjE REBECOHA LODGE Meets every Thursday night at Odd Fellows hall. Mbs.J. E. Gardner, N.G. Miss Myrtl* Poes, Seo’y. Athens Electric Railway Company LIGHTS AND POWER, Cor College Avenue and Clayton Streets C. D. FLANIGEN, Mng. OCONEE Meets every Wednesday night at their Wigwam in .Broad an the Deni hall, oor.'Broad and Thomu Sts at 8o’olook. All visiting Red Men are invited. O. P. Ebbbhabt, Sachem. 0. A. Lupmbt. X. of R. W. P. REYNOLDS UPHOLSTER —. AND — Repairer r of : Furniture. NOTICE! DON’T PAY FOR A NEW CLOCK OR WATCH TO GET YOUR OLD ONE REPAIRED. BUT SEE F. G. DENARD AND BUY A NEW ONE OR HAVE YOUR OLD ONE RE PAIRED FOR LESS THAN OTHERS CHARGE AND GET A 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE. 0 B 0*0*0*0*0>0 F.G. Denard, The Jeweler. 117 Broad Stout. The Athens Savings Bank. Does a Regular Banking Business. Pays Interest on Savings Deposits. G. A. MELL, Cashier, MYER STERN, Pres. , M. G. MICHAEL, Vice-President,