The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, January 27, 1905, Image 2

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■1 ®Ia*&e ffiowMts Convict. J. E. OARDNBR, • Editor and Proprietor. Entered tt the Poet Office at Atheni, Ga., ae Second-Claae matter. Publlihed eeerr Friday at the office of The Courier, on Broad Street. The Macon Telegraph thinks because Russia is now engaged in war with Japan that it ie the wroug time for internal itrife, and because the people who are and have been, serfs to the will of the Emperor should not at this time ask him for aid or redress, and because they have been co erced into paying homage to him as though he was a diety that they therefore are not capable of •elf-governm'eiit, that before they should strike that they should see the flag of their country sailing -gloriously as victor over Japan. This is all right for a free, well- fed editor with no cares or troubles around him to prate upon, but he should for the time being place himself in the place of those peo ple, and make for the once him self as Father Gopen, in front of a sufl'ering serf—down, without arms, with women and children in his wake going to the palace of their '.sovereign to ask of him a favor, aB if in prayer, and instead of being met m a manly way and their grievances carefully taken iifto account, or if he was afraid of personal harm, send one of hit officers to meet the subje:ts of bis realm to hear their petition, were met with soldiers who relentlessly spilt innocent blood of women and children upon the virgin su-'w in front of the winter palace of the autocrat, we think quite a differ ent editorial would have appeared from his pen. Suppose Coxey with his armv of workmen, had been met on this side of the Potomac, when he went to Washington seeking a bread-winning solution, by regi ments of soldiers and hundreds of them shot down, what do jott suppose would in*?-. been the. suit. V We agree with the Telegraph that for the Czar’s sake now is a bad time for internal outbreaks while he has his bandsfui of Ja pan, but in the name of all that is potent and good when could the people have had a better time, or when could the Czar have bad more opportune moment in which to have granted the requests of his people and thereby have ce mented them to his work now in hand. But an opportunity, it is said, comes to every mau during his life, and we think that this was the opportunity of the Czar of all the Russia’s and he failed to grasp it—but instead gave his people a slap in the face, the wound of which will never be healed. The blood that lies between the palace and the people—the blood of the innocent—will cry from the ground, and Russia, like all other countries, which have pre sented the chosen people of God, and shoots down the innocent when they cry for help—is about to see its days numbered, and we verily believe that it is the hand of God that is helping a poor, de fenseless people against tyranny and wrong. Judge Andrew J. Cobb, of the Supreme Court of Georgia, made a most interesting talk at the Y. M. C. A. last Sunday, his text being “By the sweat of thy face ahalt thou eat bread.” He was earnest in bis remarks, which were well received by the large number of men present. He spoke of gambling in its various phases, the poker-player, the orap-shoot- er and the other low-down kinds whioh men and boys indulge in— they being the indiotable kind, and betting on horse-racing and elections as the unindiotable kind, bnt that the low-down kind was not doing all the damage. It was the worst in the sight of the law, bnt the breaking of the least com mandment was as great ae -if yon had broken them all. While the gambler'ehonld be punished, yet at the same time point him to that fountain from which all healing flows. The Judge is an honored citizen of Athens,.and onr peop'e knowing him to be above reproaoh, gladly bear his wise admonitions, and we are sure that good will result from this most interesting and timely .talk. Gambling is a bad thing for any community. The profession al gambler, who never works, but who is continually looking for some one to get drunk enough to fleece, usually resorts to most any method to get what cash he has on hand, and oftentimes re sorts to murder to accomplish bis ends; the better on elections eith er loses the money that ought to go to his wife and children or wius that of some uufortunate who is uot able to lose; in either case somebody gets that whioh .uuder the law of God does not belong to them: if we mistake uot shooting craps is a game that is only played by little negroes and low-down people, except pos- sidly when it was allowed to run openly at our fair a couple of years ago, much to the disgust of our people. There is something fuuny about this game that makes you laugh, and that is that the stakes usually are uot over five or ten cents, yet officers have been known to leave the big game, and scour the woods along the river banks, scare up the covey, and the picaniuuys brought in by the back of tbe neck, carried before the mayor, sent to the rock pile and the daily papers would con tain the announcement that by heroic efforts on the part of the officers a desperate gang of crop- shooters were caught and are now carrying water to the hands who are macadamizing the streets. This same thing is happening in other cities It is right to arrest them, but it is wrong to overlook the bigger game. It is claimed that municipalities and counties, too, for that matter, do not mo lest these characters, because tbe parties iu power are under obli-. We *\\l oarSi^l/Whfftcourse Athens and Clarke oounty will take in regard to this matter this year. In regard to the society five- hand each social gambling, there must be very little of that indulg- ed in now, or at least it does not appear so prominently in the pa pers as heretofore. We hope it is ceasing, for it it at such places that the young get the fascination that may some day cause them briny tears. GLENN LODGE, NO. 76, I. O. 0. F. Meets every Tuesday night at hall over Davison & Lowe’s. I. A. Bradberry, N. G. G. E. Stone, Secy. Young Men If you would make a good salary at light and pleasant employ ment we have the job for yon. Call on or write J. A. Darwin. Sec'y Mutual Life Indus trial Association of Georgia. DR. C.A. RYDER, DENTIST. Athens, - Georgia. All kinds of Dental work done at the low est prices possible. THE LATEST - Modes and devices, the newest Wall Coverings and Draperies, the latest color sthenies and decorations, years of experience in house painting, a reputa tion for good and honest workSre alt at your service. J, G. TRUSSELL, SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Schedule Metween New York, Washington, Rlchmord, Port*mouth and Atlanta 31 Daily 43 Daily 35 Dally [ 36 Dally 66 Dally 34 Dally r 12.25 p m 12.10 a at 9.25 p ra Lv Now York Ar 7.28 a m 6.80 a m 4.16 p m 2.55 p in 7.28 a m 12.12 a m •* West Philadelphia “ 4.21 a m 2.85 a m 1.45 pm 5.10 p m 9.42 a m 2.87 a m ‘f Baltimore “ 1.48 a m 11.17 pm 11.80 a m .. 6.25 p hi 10.50 a m 4.80 a m “ Washington 44 11.50 pm 8.86 pm 10.10 a m 10.00 p m 2.20 p m 9.10 a m 44 Richmond Ar 5.80 pm 4 55 pm 0.86.a;™ 10.45 p 111 2.57 p m 10.02 a in “ P-t’raburg 44 4.42 p m 4.09 pm 5.49.a m 1,07 u in 6.10 p m 12.45 p m Ar Norliua Lv 2.10 pm 1.55 pm 8,40 a m 33 Dally 41 Dally 38 Dally 32 Doll, Lv Portsmouth Ar 9.54 a m Suffolk 12.60 a m 1.20 p m Ar Norliua Lv 1.40 p m 8.45 a m 1.22 11 in 5.18 p m 1.40 p m Lv Norltna Ar 1.15 p m 1.85 pm 8.27 a m 1.58 n 111 6.88 p m 2.10 p m “ Henderson 12.87 p m 1.10 pm 2 68 a m 8 80 .1 in 4.10 p m Ar Durham “ 10.05 a m 6.00 p m 8.40.1 m 7.00 p m 4.00 pm Lv Raleigh 11.00 a m 11.50 a m 1.80 am 5.58 :i in 9.01 p m 6.16 p m “ So Place (PInehurst Jet) “ 8.80 a m 9.45 a m 11.20 p m 7.00 » m 9.55 p nt 7.80 p m Ar Hamlet Lv 7.80 a m 8.55 am 10.85 pm 7.85 a ill 10.15 pm Lv Hamlet Ar 7.10 a m 10.10 p m 9.10 a in 11.55 p m Ar Monroe Lv 5.40 a m 8 40 p m S3 Dally 9.15 a m 12.01 a m Lv Monroe Ar 5.85 a m 8.86 p m 1.20 a m Ar Chester Lv 2.45 p m 11.44 a in 2.40 a m “ Clinton 2.45 a m 7 17pm 6.00 p m 8.88 p m 12.88 p m 8.85 a m “ Greenwood “ 1.56 a m 5.15 p m -4.00 p m 12.57 p m 4.02 a m Lv Abbeville Ar 1.88 a m 4.50 p m 4.45 p m 1.26 it m f 4.82 a m Calhoun Falh “ 1.00 a m 4.21 p m 5.28 p 01 1.52 p 111 6.05 a m ** Elberton “ 12.28 a m 8.55 p m 6.85 p m 2.50 p m 6 08 a m 44 Atheusj “ 11.28 p m 2.57 p m 7.20 p tn 8.26 p m 6.46 a m 14 Winder 44 10 48 p m 2.28 p m 7.65 p hi 8.55 p m 7.20 a m ** Lawrenceville “ 10.10 p m 1.57 p m 9.20 p 01 4.65 p in 8.40 a m Ar Atlanta Lv 9.00 p m 1.00 pm 52 Dally 2.16 pm 1.28 pm 1.08 pm 12.80 p m 12.00 non 10.58 a m 10.15 a m 9.45 a m 8.40 a m Further information oan be had by addressing FRED GEISSLKli, T. P. A.. 116 Peachtree St.. Atlanta, Ga„ or J. Z. HOKE. Agent, Athena, Ga. J. H. Dootson & Co. FIRE INSURANCE WE INSURE COUNTRY PROPERTY. Real Gstate One 2 room house and I acre lot, 8 minutes walk from Post- office. Price $825 ThiB is a great sacrifice, as the house could not be built for the price. 2 acres on Baxter street, will be sold at great bargain. One 6 room house on Baxter street, at a sacrifi- e. We have some of the best up-town residence luts in the city at low prices. JWlotsSS East Athens ranging ireSt $50 to $125 each. 14 room brick house and $ aore lot. Five minutes walk from Postoffice, will sell ou easy terms at a bargain. Now is the time of year to sell Real Estate. If you have farms, houses aud lots or business property, put it our hands. We guarantee quick results. Or if you desire to buy a home, a farm or invest in real estate, se 5 us. J. H. DOOTSON & CO. 30 CLAYTON ST. - ATHENS, GA. WILLIAMS LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. „ Meets every Monday night at Odd Fellows Hall, corner Clayton and Jack in street, C. W. Shackelford, N. G. A. MEALOR, Secy. OLIVER ENCAMPMENT, No. 14 Meets every Friday night at 8 o'olock at hall over Davison & Lowe’s. B. F. Bonnett, 0. P. J. A. Mealor, Scribe. ATHENzE REBECOHA LODGE Meets every Thursday night at Odd Fellows hall. Mbs. J. L. Thomas, N. G. Miss Eula Oamthsss, Seo. OCONEE TRIBE, NO- 15 Meets every Wedneeday night at their Wigwam in the Deupree hall, cor. Broad and Thomas Sts at 8 o’clock. All visiting Red Men are invited. 0. P. Ebxbhabt, Saohem. 0. A. Lambert, E. of R. SPECIAL XMAS Dr PHOTOS With every $4.00 job we are giving one 16x20 Crayon FREE. This offer holds for Deo. only. Penny Photos 25 for 25c. RED STAIRS WITH SILVER STAR 115-a Broad St. J. S. and MISM. E. SALTER; ARTISTS. W. M. Slaughter, Dr. N. (I Slaughter, DENTISTS. Gas given for Extraction. Office over Turner & Hodgson’s W. P. REYNOLDS UPHOLSTER Repairer : of : Furniture. Corner Church and Prince. Citizens Barber Shop NO. 30 CLAYTON STREET. Jwo. J. Wilkins, President. W. P. Bbooks, Cashier. THE UNIVERSITY SAVINGS BANK, Hampered by the look of funds at the critical moment many a man has missed the opportunity to put himself beyond want, if uot to make a fortune. Acquire the saving habit by putting your first five or ten dollar bill in this bank for savings, let it enlarge through the 8 per cent-interest we pay and w be ready for the ffrst chance to nake an even bigger income. THE GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS CAPITAL $100,000. ' SURPLUS $16,000. Receives accounts of HSfnks, Corporations Firms «ntl Individuals, and offee o depositors every acconlodaiion, their business, balances and responsibility warrants Directors: Thos. P. Vincent, Jos. N Webb, A.S. Erwin, Hamilton McWhorter, Jos. H. Fleming, Jno. J. Wilkins, Athens Electric Railway Company LIGHTS AND POWER, Cor College AvenuR and Clayton Streets C. D. FLAN1QEN, Mng. NOTICE! DON’T PAY FOR A NEW CLOCK OR WATCH TO GET YOUR OLD ONE REPAIRED. BUT SEE F. G. DENARD AND BUY A NEW ONE OR HAVE YOUR OLD ONE RE- PAIRED FOR LESS THAN OTHERS CHARGE AND GET A 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE, o-o-o-o-o-o-o The moat experienced white barbers. Elegant Equipment. Hot and cold baths. Absolute oleanliness in everything. Prompt, Polite and Satisfactory Service. KYTLE & JACKSON, FIRE INSURANCE F.G. Denard, The Jeweler. 117 Broad Street. The Athens Savings Bank. Does a Regular Banking Business. Pays Interest on Savings Deposits. G. A. MELL, Cashier, MYER STERN, Pres. M. G. MICHAEL, Vice-President. AGENTS. At Athens Hardware Co, They do a general Fire Insujrance business, repre senting the strongest and best companies in America Southern Railroad, Train No. 34O leave. Athena, mils noon, illy time, making cloie connec tion at Lula with main line traina 87 and 38, 80 and ,0 b- and from all polnta NORTH, EAST AND WEST. Returning, No. 239 arrive! Athene 8:03 p. m.,city time. No. 818 leave! Athena siSOp. m.,olty time making cloie connection al Luis with main line train No. 11 for Atlanta and Intermediate etatione ond with No. t8, "Air Line Bell’’for Toccoa and Intermediate atatlona. Returning No. lit, making connec- _ , , „ tion from Atlanta and polnta Eaat, arrive# at 9:13 p. m., city time. For further I elepnom no, 4*. n for motion, call on or addreil R. W. SI^iCR, General Agent, 106 ClartGn Street, Athens, Qe. A. Share Of Patronage Solicited, A- For quick returns, place ah<‘ad” in The Courier. FOR THE BEST JOB PRINTING COME TO THE COURIER.