The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, April 28, 1909, Image 2

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(QlaxVt (fLomtly fijuttritt J. E. GARDNER Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Post-Office at Athens, Ga., as second-class matter Published every Friday at the office of The Courier Broad Street, Athens, Georgia Governor-elect Brown wan in Ath ens for a few hours this week. Summer is nearly here and you had lietter watch out for the stom ach germ. The grand jury has done some faithful, good and lasting work at this session The days of the banquet will soon be over ami the luscious barbecue will take its plac bike all kings, the wheat king has risen and will fall, but many of the people will sulfur for his falling We had better l»egin to look out for the commission form of govern ment for our city as soon as we can. We rtqjeat, if you wink at the sale of real beer by one person, you should wink at it if they all sell it. From the number of Fish that are brought to the city every day you would think Athens was a seaport town. The banquet to the Cotton Seed Crushers was a splendid affair and did much in the way of advertising our city. lx*t us get behind the hospital movement and do something that is worth while, while we yet encumber the earth. The new pensioners cannot get a chance at the pension roll until the legislature meets and makes up the new blanks to be signed. If you have a manufactured arti- cle and fail to advertise it you had his knowledge the need* of all the people. And now they are jumping on Oklahoma because they lynched four men over there the other day, and talk aliout law and order, and all that, hut you will never see lynch ing abolished until the law is en forced, and rapidly, too. The squabblings and higher courts over crimes of the most dastardly nature incenses the people. Not only that, there are being so many murderers and the like pardoned out now that it makes the people think that it will l>e a hard matter to keep a man in the pen for life even after he is sentenced. Over sixty cases of smallpox were handled at the pest house this year, and at a cost of something like two thousand dollars to the city. This is the largest number of cases that have been handled in many, years We cannot see the reason why this is so, uuless the disease has been neglected and not as much care ex hibited to prevent the spread. We mean by this that the disease has Ixicome so light that people are not as much afraid of it as formerly People pay very little attention to the yellow Hag now. This matter should be looked after by the board of health in a thorough way, and the people who have it and go around promiscuously and convey it to other people should In* handled by the authorities. Its A Top Notch Doer. Grate deeds compel regard. The world crowns its doers. That’s why the American people have crowned l)r. King’s New Discovery the King’s of Throat and Lung remedies. Every antom is a health force. It kills germs, and colds and la grippe varnish. It heals cough-raked membranes and cough ing stoys. Sore, inflamed bronchial tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo. More, Black Jack, N. C., writes, “it cured me of lung trouble, pro nounced hopeless by all doctors.” 50c, 31.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. Money Comes In Buches to A. A. Cbialon, of Treadwell, N. Y pow. His reason is well worth reading. 7^ or a 1° D 8 time I suf fered from indigestion, torpid Uver, constipation, nervousness, and gen eral debility,” he writes. “I couldn’t sleep, had no appetite, nor ambition, grew weaker every day in spite of all medical treatment. Then used Electric Bitters. Twelve bottles all my old-time health and vigor. Now I can attend to busi ness every day. It’s a wonderful medicine.” Infallible for Storaaoh, Liver, Kidneys, Blood and Nerves. 50c. at all druggists. ANDREWS & BISHOP Fancy and Family Groceries. 178 Cor. Thomas and Clayton Sts. PHONE 271 When you want Fresh Eggs, Rutter, Potatoes, t Chickens, Flour, Meal, Card, Canned Goods, or anything else in this line. We are the people that furnish you anything immediately and the freshest and at the lowest prices. O.K. Barber Shop BEST SERVICE ALT, ARTISTS.. Hair Cut 15 Cents Guaranteed as good work as you get elsewhere for more money. A trial will convince you. 173 JACKSON ST. ATHENS. GA. WEDDING PRESENTS Wedding presents in Old Sheffield Silver Ware are quite appropriate. We have a number of beautiful nieces in this famous old ware, THE 8E0R8IA NATI8NAL BANK OF ATHENS OAMTAL *400,000. SURPLU8 AND PROFIT8 8107,000. Receive* account* of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals, and offers to depositors every .accomodation, their business, balances and responsibility warrants. ft* . Directors; Thos. |\ Vincent, Jos. N Webb, W. A. Carlton, Hamilton McWhorter Howell C. Erwin, Jno. J. Wilkins. American Bankets Metier Orders for Sale Safest War cf Remitting Ay Mat! Jno. J. Wilkins, President W. P. Brooks, Cashier. J COAL! COAL! J The Right Kind of Coal. . a The Right Kind of Prices. The Right Kind of Treatment. —ALL THIS YOU WILL GET WHEN YOU TRADE WITH THE— ATHENS COAL & COKE CO. " —BUY NOW WHILE SUMMER PRICES PREVAIL— QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW Phone 195-J. . W P. VONERAU, Mgr. | *|>.]»*|* <|i a|* .i.*|**|. *|* *|. 4.4* 4* 4* 4* d* d* d* 4* d* d* d* 81 * Electric Sad Irons Guaranteed $3.00 50 Years If Our Current Is Used. | Let us send you one on trial. Phone 208. * * Athens Electric Railway Co. * . SCHEDULES * SEABOARD AIR LINE EASTWARD No. 62 For ifonroe and Columbia and local stations--10:30 a. m. " 32 “ Norfolk, Washington and New York 2 :15 p.m. “ 38 ” Norfolk, Richmond and East 11:02 p. m. WESTWARD No. 41 For Atlanta and West —0:15 a. m. " 33 “ Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis and West 2:44 p. m. " 53 “ Local-stations, Atlanta and West 5:45 p, m. The arrival and departures are given os information only and R. E. HAUGHEY, DEALER IN All Kinds of Musical instruments And sheet Music. PIANO TUNING. At D. P. HASELTON’S MUSIC STORE. College Avcnvc. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ At Easter Tide ^ when everyone dresses in theirT very best, a reliable laundry is* particularly necessary, and the4 Athens Empire Laundry is par-^ ticularly reliable, not only for^ prompt deliveries, but for the very^ best and most careful work. -We4 have the “know how” atour fin-4 ger ends, and there iBno piece of a wearing apparel that we cannot^ launder to the Queen’s taste. 4 ATHENS EMPIRE LAUNDRY 4 PHONE 217 4 444444444444♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MARTIN BROS. Harness and Collar manufacturers. Shoe Repairers. Clayton Street. Tuck Building. They keep on hand and lor sale Hanford’s Balsom, which! is said to heal any Bruise, Cut or Sore quicker than anythinggon earth. Try it. They Repair Your Shoes WhllelYouJ Walt. THE UNIVERSITY SAVINGS BANK Hampered by the lack of fnnds at the oritical moment many a man has missed the opportunity to pnt himself beyond want, if not to make a fortune. Aoquire the savinR habit by putting your first five or ten dollar bill in this bank or savings, let it enlarge through the 8 per cent interest we pay and so be ready for the first chanoo to make an oven bigger income. In Emergencies there is not time to send messengers. Lives and property may be destroyed in a brief space of time.