The Clarke County courier. (Athens, Ga.) 1???-19??, November 20, 1909, Image 2

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MARTIN BROS COOPER’S LIBERTY MARKET The New Acetylene Light. Harness and Collar manufacturers. Shoe Repairers. Clayton Street. Tuck Building. They seep on hand and for sale Hanford’s Balsonv which is said to heal any Bruise, Cut or Sore quicker than anything on earth. Try it. They Repair Your Shoes While You Watt, , is the estab- putation. And Most of the houses in the ilusively. We irgest stock of stterns at low- Fresh Meats of all Kinds. Fish, Oysters in Season. Chickens, 585 Broad St. Next to Eppes-WilkinsCo. TELEPHONE 735. Want to make home happy, buy your wife or daughter a Piano 4 or Organ. We have recently eecnred the agency lor 4 The Farrand Pianos and Organs J We have also secured the agency for the celebrated "Crown” ^ Organ, that clear, eilver tone instrument that all musicians love ^ so well. a M’KINNEY & PAYNE I ® 4* •b •b 4^4* 4»4»4*4'4'4«4*4*4«4*4'4 < 4*# t NEW FIRST CLASS $ A beautiful White Light, superior to electricity and gas. Every room in the house can be illuminated with it. The very thing for homes and churches, or neighborhoods, where gas or electricity cannot be had. FOE SALE BY Clarke tydmttg flfwtrfe* J. E. GARDNER Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Poet-Office at Athene, Ga., as second-class matter Published every Saturday at the of fice of The Courier Broad Street, Athens. Georgia The battle of the ballots will take place nest Tuesday. SavstheNew York Post: "The public might forgive the ease with which divorce is effected among mil lionaires, hut the secrecy—never.” “Lynchings have been more or lees frequent down Southf’ ’ remarks the Washington Herald, “but so far Cairo, Ill., has the isolated dis tinction of having pulled off one participated in by women.” Arise, ye people of Lumpkin street, and elap your bauds with joy. Before a week has elapsed you will have granolythic side walks to Baxter from Broad street. Another feather in Mayor Dorsey’s cap. Mayor Dorsey has put the price of election drunks at $25. We pre sume he thinks that drunks on elec tion whiskey makes a man crazier than plain near beer, hence more dangerous. But^tlie drunkards have •truck on him. R. Brandt’s Jewelry f the Insurance Bldg., is t lishmcnt with the rcp”‘ there is a Reason! largest and choicest trade supply us er~ therefore have the 1 the most attractive ] est figures. Our i ding presents today surpasses any previous display. Trustworthy goods only at straightforward one price in plain figures is the only honest method. If our prices were not right we could not hope to do business with you. As a matter of faet, we know we enjoy distinctive advantages and you get the benefit by trading here. The continued growth of our business proves conclusively that the public realize this fact. Every statement we make is re liable and our guarantees are lib eral and faithfully lived up to. R. BRANDT, The Jeweler, 223 Clayton St. Lodge Directory Glenn Lodge, No. 75,1.0. 0. F., meets every Thursday night at hall in Deupree building for the present until further notice. All Odd Fel lows are cordially invited to meet with them. A. A. BnioHAM, N. G. A. B. Harper, Sec’y. Williams Lodge, No. 15, I. 0. 0. F., meets every Wednesday night in the K. of P. hall. All brethren in vited to attend each meeting. Wm. Dii.i.ARn, N. G. Judge Henry S. West is surely j A Mrawh 8ec’y. Khnkii)£ up tilings in Ins first jury court. The old docket, filled with small and undisposed of eases for years, is being rapidly cleared, and there is no delay. We told you he was going to make a good .judge, and save money for this county, and he is going to do it. The papers say. that Senator Tillman in refusing to pay $10 for a plate at the Taft banquet simply refused to contribute to the enter tainment of the president, ns he. Tillman, was not expected to be a fuest, but that Taft was hi* guest. This makes it appear quite small in the Senator. OORNBLATT PLUMBING CO AGENTS, ATHENS, GA. Including the generators and all connections. ANNOUNCEMENTS. “I believe that, as the will of the people, expressed at the ballot box, must 1» obeyed, so the will of the people, determined under oath in the jury box, must be protected.”— Governor Joseph M. Brown. In refusing to extend clemency to J. B. Kellogg, a Cherokee county negro, sentenced to be hanged at Canton next Friday for the murder of J. C. Landers, a whiteman, Gov ernor Joseph M. Brown makes • use of the foregoing and other strong expressions, showing that only in the enforcement of the law and the infliction of prescribed punishment, can society find its adequate pro tection. Why Strike? The Central Labor Union of Philadelphia, representing some seventy-five thousand working men, is seeking to organize a plan for a general strike throughout the country by all wage workers for a period of two weeks, begiuniug on the d»v when Qompers and his as sociates enter upon their sentence of imprisonment for contempt of the United States court in the Dis trict of Columbia. Why should there be any such strike? Why should business throughout the country be para lyzed for a fortnight, and why should all the wage-workers of the country forego their wages for that length of time 1 Is it in order to manifest disapprobation of and resentment at the decree of th» courts of the land? Is it to say that the workingman thus declares his hostility to law? It seems to us that the working man’s own personal interest, and the interest of his wife and chil dren, should be considered. If it is desired to disapprove of the courts, it is easy to do so by reso lutions, which may .he made os strong as desired, and yet leave the workman free the morning after to resume his daily toil and reap his compensation therefor. Why throw away his bread and meat, and raiment, and shelter, and com fort» REDUCED RATES TO MANY PLACES VIA Southern Railway Rates named below are from At lanta ; proportionately low rates from other points. V.. 15 Dublin. Tickets on sale Novembor 15 and 16, final limit No vember 20. 18.30 Macon. Tickets on sale No vember 0 to 19; final limit Novem her 22. For further information consult any Southern Railway ticket agent, or write James Freeman, district pas- sengerlagent, No. 1 Peachtree street, Atlanta, Ga. John L. Meek, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Boys’ Wagons, Velocipedes, Tri- Hobby-horses, Shoo-Flys, all in Iron or Rubber China House. The North Georgia Conference To four hundred or more minis ters who are today in attendance upon the annual session of the North Georgia Methodist confer- nee The Georgian extends sincere and cordial greetings. In an age of restless doubt Meth odism has stood an unshaken Rock of Gibraltar. To the overtures of worldliness t has refused to concede ono jot or title. With trumpet tones it has borne testimony to the divinity of Christ and to the inspiration of holy writ. The so-called "Higher Criti cism” has found a few advocates among the followers of John Wes ley and Francis Asbury and George F. Pierce. With apostolic zeal the Method ists have kindled the fires of evan gelism. And the missionary spirit of the times is due ill no small measure to the splendid impulse which has come from this camp of Christ. The great educational movement of the day discloses the Methodists in the front ranks. Nor in anything which makes for progress within ,the limits of ortho dox belief can it be said that this apostolic band is laggard. For reasons like these The Geor gian welcomes the visiting Meth odist inisters to Atlanta and con gratulate the community. whose privilege and pleasure it is to en tertain them.—Atlanta Georgian. Rogers Silverware in Knives and Forks, Spoons, Butter Knives, Su gar Schells, etc. Huggins China House, Broad street. FOR MAYOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for mayor of Athens, sub ject to the action of the democratic primary. H. J. ROWE. FOR MAYOR. I announce myself ns a candidate or mayor of Athens, subject to the j action of the democratic primary J. F. RHODES FOR ALDERMAN—1ST WARD. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman from the First ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary. 0. F. BUCHNER. FOR ALDERMAN—1ST WARD. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman from the First ward, subject to the action oi the democratic primary. B. F. WOODS. FOR ALDERMAN—2ND WARD I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman from the Second ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary. B. R. FICKRELL. FOR ALDERMAN—2ND WARD. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman from the Second ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary. E. S. DOBBINS FOR ALDERMAN—2ND WARD. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman from the Second ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary. C. T. YOUNG. FOR ALDERMAN—3RD WA1!D I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman from the Third ward, subject to tho action of the democratic primary. J. F. FOSTER. FOR ALDERMAN—3RD WARD. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman from the Third ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary. WOLVER M. SMITH FOR ALDERMAN—4TH WARD. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman from the Fourth ward, Bubject to the action of the democratic primary. A. M. CENTER. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Durhnm, from Watkinsville, was driving her horse along Spring street, near Broad, when the horse slipped and fell, and before it could get up a' big heavy’ wagon ran over the ani mal’s leg and crushed it. It was taken out of the harness and given the proper attention, but it is certain it will have to be killed. W« do all klada ot Jab Pilnttag AND DEALER IN * * * * + * * * * + J 162 THOMAS ST. PHONE 271. 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4**2*4**2**2**2* *2* Tif&iers 5 Supplies. All kinds of Tin Work done promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. Coll us up or see us when you need anything in this line, f We also Paint and Repair Roofing. J. E. CALDWELL, PropV. TheElectric Chafing dish Dominates thefestal gathering’, and as well Satisfies <pn.iy-d.zy home requirement! IT 'intpi-pes ideas? £cC«lIci*a.te sTcon*' _ ! veriB.iio'o. anl costa not over* FIVE CENTS,AN HOUR TNO QPE-RATE. ,-3u.Ljeet to pex;- feet eoxxtvol Je-ivdL arajfu.ledLi.oivj LET pro. SPECIALIST .SHOW YOU.. FOR SALE BY Athens Electric Railway Co, ^ 251 Broad Street Athens, Georgia ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ THE GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS CAPTITAL 3200,000- SURPLUS AND PROFITS $136,000. Receives accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals, and offers to depositors every accomodation, their business, balances and res ponsibility warrants. Directors: Thos. P. Vincent, Jos. N. Webb, W. A. Carlton, Hamilton' McWhorter, Howell C. Erwin, Jno. J. Wilkins, C. H. Phinizy, J. A. Darwin. American Bankers Money Orders for Sals. Safest Way of Rtaltflig ky Hall, Jno. J. Wilkins, President. W. P. Brooks, Cashier. T. P. Vincent, Vice President. A. T. Conwav, Asst. Cashier. Shirts and Shirtwaists, Skirts, Duck and flannel trousers, ’etc., receive especial attention at our laundry, as these articles of attire must have and retain a prestine freshness about them becoming to the well dressed man or woman. Our work not only looks clean, but os clean as skill can make them under sanitary conditions ATHENS EMPIRE LAUNDRY PHONE 217. Phone 686. All Work Called for and Delivered. White Pressing Club and French Dry Gleaning Works A. B. CARTER, Prop’r. H. T. CARTER Mj’r. FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND STEAM CLEANING A SPECIALTY Special Rates By the Month. 114 1-2 College Avenue GET THE HABIT of patronizing The Harawa, a sanitary soda shop, whose management desires the trade of discrimi nating people. Every drink in a clean glass. Surely never came poison from so clean a shop. THE HARAWA COMPANY. ULMER & SONS Sell. Are now at home in their handsome new store next to South ern Mutual Bldg. Telephone No. 67 Orders Respectfully Solicited. Any one desiring Chrysanthemums for parties or funerals, or for any purpose, can get them by telephon ing 679. Prices reasonable. JOB PRINTING—ALL KINDS. R. E. HAUGHEY, Piano Tuning At D. P. HASELTON’S MUSIC STORE. College Avenue. talmcr Sons, DRUGGISTS. PHOTO Amtrloa* Photography a Beacon St. Boston. Mast New Growth to our business depends upon the little man. Selections IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS Fall and Winter 1909 - r **ottLin Chas. Stern CO ■ Athens, ^ . - Georgia Outfitters to men and boys. Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods and Shoes that satisfies or Your Money Back.