Newspaper Page Text
of t'oi.v'ii.. ”
_ ’" CnHsilii-i . \ Auction & foinmissfon Business!
Atlanta, Xuv. IL, lb<>4. ) §. Jf. SH U KLCFORD
Council met Present ft- n. Win. Bart Mayor. , rr.i.S taken tb<* iaiyv and commodious House on
<wili. Alcx'U.uer, Farrar. Hulsey. ; XA A la bam a streeo t. sou tli of. and contiguous to, the
Haggles. Tlwmp-on. Pc. k, Whitaker. The min- ! Cowman PanengonDepot, »here-^ U^j.rejjuredto re-
S-AdT. WTiW LVll> i C ' ti........ . ,.' ~ TL n n, -n. ~ ,
ctMvc OoD-deuroent* of nil kinds of H.t N DISE ftnd
utes of l««t meeting wore re.-tu «nu cmnnnea. ; %£Samxl!E£ Util. Sri.’.&r.
A communication wo? rent! from 31r. A. ti ■ ; (1< . wi jj „i <0 . -give strict attention _ti> the Sale of
Owen teacher of the Hell i tl i'reo School, 'em!on j XEtiRpES* REAL ESTATE HORPF* Ac./nnd any and
motion the same was referred to the Heard of | every thing, which may Ik* destoed tohe sold at Arc
Trustee* of said'School. | rtox or Privately, on Commission.
The Clerk of the Market rendered a “'port for i instrucl i„ ns . ; , n ,i fund, (n-omptlv remitted, [51-Iy.J
the month of October, which was received and hied, 1 . -■ -—■ — i-i
•All Consignments trill he disposed of agreeably to
the same making an exhibit of $34.66, entrance
fees, Ac. ’
Kcsohr l. That the Marshals be required, and they
are herein required, to return oil lax fi fas. now iu
their hands, where no levy i.v -, been made, to the
Clerk of Council, who shall forthwith issue ca. sas. oil
all fi. fas., where there is an entry of ‘-no{property to
fifee found whereon to levy this fl. fa..’' and that the
TSsrshal forthwith proceed to arrest all parties again-1
whom ra. *a*. have been issued.
li'tolv 'l. Tiiat sl> much of tae rc*h<n*tiuu *>a**<Ki ili<*
IStli „f October last, ns relate* t<* the surveyiiig ami
sale at public outcry, of the lot of land belonging to
the city, known as the Hospital lot. he r<*cin«f«*d. mul
that the Mayor be authorize! to negotiate Hie sale for
the ume. for not le-s thau twenty-liveIran lied dollars. j
The t'omniittoe on Finance reported bills to the j
amount of SU’iii.58. which were ordered te lx 1 paid. j
On motion. Council adjourned.
11. C. H0I.BOMBK ~ 1
I will sell at Public Auction, ou tile Fir.-i Tubs
day in Jmmarvncxt, FORTY-FOFR VACANT
situated in diifcreul parts of the City of Atlanta.
Many of these. Lote are.desirable a-; sites for
Dwellings, end some of them tire good Business
' aTHERK-VS Miry Au*i Matilda Spelts lia rhis da.y
V V applied to iuo f«*r letters of mhnin3 a trr»r»oi*.«*n Ua*-
e'-tate of /obii \\ . Speights. Iigie of >o!<i cuautyjp
singular th
in* and appear
law, to*sin?w
.MiouM no! if»*
utoifi t t!*i< j
a'iuioaivA alined
nnd creditor* of raid decease*! to
rttee withinrfbe wine pre^eribed by
they have why raM letters
Xxiven Liiwlftr Jny hand and
.iUSEi’H H. MEAD. Ordinary.
.;Tfce sale toiv<fMneece at ^ uViock, a. in. in ; v ‘. > =■ r"_
front of the new Briejv ^tore. under the Odd-Fel- Administrator's Sale!
lows’ Hall, on Peachtree street. A »REEABDE to m order of the Court ot Ordi-
Ttrui* i, Oue-fourih, wish, the balanif pav.ible . Anaiy «f Dejvalb county, wHI be sold b«fi»e , - , . _ , _ - -- -
in one and two years, with interest. t the Court House door in Decatur, oi the urst usued from the Fulton Infemr Court, in iavor of .. . lo -
m- These -wishing to lns|*et this property, : ^ pm next, within the Imrui boar, R- -V Thompson,»«im,n.strtUor J * Also, eiiy lot lying on ivy street, where Mr. Ham-
2.^*5! ff . 'JZ-Jgs&gg*, f „. I -arrjw-. ™.. M ,—... „
Parr & McKenzie. L. .T. P \RIt. - ' ' v '“ 2 ” ’-ear.- of age; Ann, a girl 11 -W - 4 ”• “ W«ck 34, mtuate on Foun-
Knoxville. IsU'll*
York, with
<Jo. Join iio»taut
a.—Arrived U. Mail
i l’a»w*ng#*r>». to J'adclt'orU. Fay £:
tl HaUiTKH. cxchat gc**! Mg-
nal.s with ►tcamshiji southerner from Chari
Xcw York.
}*hIp Concordia, Cn>hing,
Dark Suvanuali. Small. Glaffg
Sc hr Company. \
IhilaThhaiii «V .'-on.
Steamer ('allmui
itli 1.000 ba
Ruse, ]
iv. t*. Brigham.
h» I- Roujrh flu-
Klng-Oiarlo'ton. to S. M. I.nfli'oa.
:. eluar
Atlanta, November Hi.
Cottu.v.—f«a!es 7(o.d}.
Exciianuk, on New York is selliugatj percent
promium. Ou Chnrleetou and Savanuaii i por
Bacon.—We (.juotohog round to 11 llj.
11 to 12J cents. Sides Rib; 11 tt.-. Sidt
11 to lli. Shoulder. 'Jj a 10 eunts.
Laiiii by the bbl. 12J et,. leaf.
Ikon. Suedes i>\ to Oic: English o to 51 cents
Nails Lave advanced to fi a fij ets.
ColtN is seliillg «t SO to 85.
Cons' Mkal, 85 to 100 centH.
Pork, Jlug round, fi cents., By the tjuurter, fi 51 r<-ut«.
SWULT PoTAIoK-s, 50 to 15 jicr husiieb Potatoi:h, 75 to 100 pet bushel.
Salt. Liverpool rack* plenty, @ >^2,20,
Physiological View of Marriage.
M, B. LA CROIX. M. D., Albany , X. Y.
•25^ I’ace.x Ril l ltlO Fine PUm aud Gulorcd Lithograyhg . A ., ^ , ,
h and Hate*. t Atlanta, November loth !bi>4. [dtds.
jAr Price only Twenty-five Cent*.-tV\ ! Homestead £,aw of Force !
ei.-'-iu free < f postage to all parts of the l moa.'i* { piiE undersigned offers for sale 500 acres of Land
CHEAI'K^T BOOK El’£K Pl*B- ( 1 on the eaat bank of the Little T& riv«r—five I '
U^HKiVa®d ^DntaS*s(bg nearly j mile» fronj ATeedowoU, in Randolph County. Ainbam-.i I (rROiKxlA L
double fhf *}ua.uUly uf regding containing about 15'J acre - of bottom hti;*1. r*H acre.' : • ' ilEIiI*A> .*i»un il .Ioudaou ami Wia. II
matter iu i hat #fliie , cleared and the balarior well tjmbered. 71;,• i»iicecoa- j ’ '. apj.lie-. ;<► me for lettpr^of a»l
Fifty cents oxJDoULtr Pnblica- j tains sufficient water p<*vv*rfi*r any kin : «.f M «■•binary. ' <->taTe'x .ill-'uJolin-«>n. l .*y‘nV >nid<;«
and a uiunber of fine .spring-, and Is sitaatf’d in the • Tliese are ihere: , re t-» cite ai>'i
healtlifesf section Alabama. Ferterms apply to iheH-lar the kindreti nnd crad*t-y <*
subscyiber at llock-lale. Alabama, or to .lame.- McCain,
on the premiss. .YR:%$* ?4. FFKRYMaX.
yet 24 . v4m
Fulton Sheriff’s Sales. December Marshal’s Sales.
, T f LL-be sold 1-c‘fore the courthouse door, in i Y\ r HJ. be sold before Jhe Council Room, in the city
11 the ekv 'of Atlanta, on the 1st Tuesday in of Atlanta, on the first Monday in December, the
December next, within the legal hoar-of-ule" the following property, to-mt :
r. u,,...;..., „„ 6 ‘ Citvlot number forty-seven (47) of lend lot number
loUowmg property,.to-wit: arty one. (61) by virtue of a fieri facias in (avor of the
Juc ioi lit the city of Jxt.uintn. with improve- . Mayor & Council of the city of Atlanta v$. John Er-
iFv‘Dt-5 thereon, situate on Decatur street, contain- i mincer, for his city tax for the year 1851.
iug half acre, more or less, and bounded iKorth bv • Also, a city lot on Mitchell street, with a black-
Decatur street, South by lot formerly.owno.1 by -^hh shop on it levlcd^n as the property of Thomas r nc t i iv Vi *>„ . r Ilearne. to satisfy a Ufa m favor of the Mayor &. Coun-
\YV J i ’ > ■“ ‘ v “ , j ^ ia '* - ori ^ s nail j c ij vs xhomas Hearne. for citv tax for the year 1854.
V * n nn ; Tn J >ruvo,i lot * niul now occupied by Also, a city lot lying on Peachtree street, levied on
A. \\ men- enu Alr^. Crawford: levied on as the j by virtue a of fifa for city tux. *>n land lot No. 50. the
properly of doses W. Form wait, to satisfy a fifa ! property of W. C. Mason/
Also, a city lot lying in front of H. T. PeepleV, on
Ail r nidi >r the benefit ot the heirs RO& dry street, eontaiDiug each half au acre, more or
creditors of the estate of Arthur Lcitvh, deceased.
Terms made known oh day of sale. Oct. 5, 1SJ4.
on land lot No. 77, an the pro]>ertj of A. M. Watts.
} Also, a city lot on Wheat street on land lot No. 51,
less, atijoiuing lots of D. HeSheffrev and Isaac I <sit f| lot . No ; 5 V . , , , , „
Jr * property -Of Wilhaji J. j property of George R. Fraser
Also, a city lot No, 147. on land lot No. 78. whereon
last ratio* tbewatwuy antlLhwioiogy; and ] mcrs> /feUecl or huffed.) laving of new strings h'y
jfi.iv? i-d..i*a luckivv or» r ani of both iexe>, Uteir *
‘ ; e if\r. i. the octave, whole or single, A
• uses nud functions, ltcrniams snuuj ixn- . . .
tio&s. ; c
I. utalbou the PlIVcflOLoGY
Ol MARlUAffE. and thf* secret
infirmities and disorders of
youth and maturity, re-altl
frpm excesses which <te.-ijoy !
the |A4Ly«ifc*lnnd mental powers, j
? all uf’-t aaesnritiiag iioiu imlis ^
reti..n, with j»lain anu simple rules by wliicU afl per- i
■»on.-» cap ciuc LheniEelve.: without mercury. v.itL tlu* j
anihor'a ob'ei rations on marriage, it- duliciond <!i.s- 1
qualification , an I their remedies; mitli colored litho
graph.-. Must
diseases < '
pojtant hint; to vh°se conteznplat.».* ....—..,
which will overcome objection}} against marriage —
none, lunwier. should take this important step with
out first compiling il; ].agcs. Jt treat? oiy U disc* <m-s
of female.-. wlielher marr'.ed or »iugle. HinW-4*> f •
who desire ne more clijldrcn. Strangely who req ire
medical aid, be foie consulting auy doctor, ought to
know w het h‘-r tlu-ir c.e -s are prosily umu-j dowl by
t ho a- whom they ezuplox. and thuv-gynrd h gainst tlio
imposition of quackery -o prove lent in |;op;:lous cities.
Hence the :• 1 vantage of .** ]-oi>':lar knowledge of ones-
self, .such .*• < i. ; given in this work.
If medical authorise! la? the test of talent, and en
lighteninent be sought from hook.-, let common sense
discriminate hetircen truthful .‘simplicity and outrage
; ou. -p« ei )i:snc - and bombast. J»r. Iji Croix is a Ugnl-
lv qualified j hvslcian. and A-r the hist twenty years
j lias been daily consulted iipoc tbo-dUrcrent <Usease- ii]
ou which his*hook treats, personally
1 ter. Any person sending twenty ti v
i oo>: paid, will receive pn« copy.l:
•>?<*, or five copies f ir §1.00. Ad
I CROIX. No. 15) Maiden lame. P. *». Pox
her ne.\t.
C. iP. BAH.T2ac,
Piano Forte Repairer and Tuner,
V&/'ILL. attend to any tails ia his
* t line of business, such nc reg-
iilutjng of action*, eoverir:;- of ham- lit*
-tration ou tin*
.«n«y. f\dcease».l.
>h nil nnd -ingu-
H;ceased to he and
it ;r beiore the first Monday in«c-
11; . u ;iay they have, why said
rr-ti-:• -i i.ivfii’.ui-lrrmj handut
I^vL 11. MK.\l>. <>rd‘y.
GE OR Gl 1, DeKath comity.
• To .v LL W|I- *M IT MV < '• ’ > * -KRN :
nr HER AS - • • BTi lb ft
..n tin
Satisfaction given in every instaucc
charge. Ail wyrk warranted.
Tailing by theYenr done at Reduced
* Orders anywhere from the country, aiidres.-cd to
G. F. Darth. Atiauta, Gu., will meet with prompt
c of //.ichariaU linol-ttou
•d iplyi 1 - of Oicni^u u pom + the
idmlnis!ration of ,;iid est.-At*. therefore ihe kindred
no creiliior- .»■' -nid .leceu-'tsi. nre h *rel»y cited and
dniouL-licd file tbe.’r nl^jcciious. jf any tV-y have,
a my bffice in terms'of the law. otherwise letters of
sion will be granted theauph eants at the Janu
Term next, of ;!*».• ;rt nl' Ordixiiiry for -aid ciHin
in v
Notice to Contractors.
Orncn or Ala. A Fla. R. It. Co. op Ala.. 1
M'ijitgvraiery, Ai:i.. Nov. ISol. j
OEALED Pr r >ii for the Graduation, Ma.sou-
: O ry and Hrid-iujof *ixty-ievou (67)- miles of
i the Alahantn & Florida Railroad of Alabama, px-
i tending from JItmtgomery to the junction of Sc-
ellasbylet J pulaih and Persimou creeks in Conecuh county.
c< at* iu a letter. vv j]] received at the Office of the Company un-
l t:l the Monday iu December next.
GEOHG1 A. DeKnlb County.
. At ;: ii it may concern: V\h.*rci
A B:iilej r Adrrilmsh*;»tor Wi Hu* Estate
Corley, deceased, applies far letter- t*
fi ;u saiitl Administration, therefore the
creditor- of said deceases are hereby ci
moui.,h;.-d io ue their objections il any
iu my office in terms <>! law. otherwise lc
mission will be g ran ted the applicant a'
her Term next, ot the Court of Urdiimry fc
ty. Hive:, unier iny hand officialv at o:
June. 1S54 ALEX. .V»IIXS(
they have,
:u*t*s of i ;js-
tlic Hecem
: sai 1 Coun
ice. this o*l
3Iauu. a lifii issued from Fultou^lnferior
Coilrt, in liivor of Isaac Scott, vs. William
.T. Mann* property pointed out Ivy the defends
V hali iu rarest i «i six acres of land, more or
ios e . with a .-aw -mill and ail other improvements
thereon, i; heiu^ -a part of laud lojt*No. 14T. in
/.he irtii tii-triet of originally Henry, now Fulton
county, adjoining the lands of Huger, Jones and
K’iiott; Tevititl on as the property of A. H. Parks,
.md now in possession of W. Laydeh, to satisfy a
hfa issued from Fulton Inferior Court, in favor of
Thos. ir. W. Criisficll, vs. A. 11. Parks.
A negro man named Ephraim, about fifty or
l;iiy-iive years oi l, ulack complexion: levied on
a ih property of John Williamson, and now in
possi*s. ion of Julius A. Hayden, to satisfy a tifa is-
--r.e<l from DeKalb Superior. Court, in favor of
John Jj. Bellinger, vs. John Williamson, and now
proceeding at the instance of Lemuel Dean, as
signee. t
lot in the city of Atlanta* number not
mu own, rim. t_* on Calhoun street, containing 2£
:.-*re.-\ ;uor«: or less: levied on as the property of
P. P •'>'• to satisfy a tifa issued from a Justice's
Court, I02Gth District. G. M:. in favor of John
H. Jenkins, vs. It. p. Ray—levy made and re-
rnnic i io me by J. li. Buchanan, Constable.
Due lot in the city of Atlanta, number not
known, situate on Nelson street, and fronting six
ty feet on the .-ame, adjoining Sloan HaeketCs
lot; levied on as the property of M. R. Barnes,
to satisfy a tifa issued from a Justice’s Court,
7u Albniiv. I Phans, specifications and profiles, will be ready
y ' - .* : for inspection.on and after the loth inst.
// ,'Mf<Lciaie Rent to any j;art <>f the Cnion accord* i The work on the first 25 miles is light, and the
log to direction*, safely packed and carefully ><*ciuv<l i time allowsl for the completion of contracts on
ironi . Il • errntirm. ' ; this portion of the line will be 12 most]is. On the
- open daily from <J A. M.. *-• 1 . M. f*r» 1 1 -
GEORGIA, DeKalb County.
\ V HEilEAs 4amo> J.
x ' terfi of admfnistra
. lute of said
Ununonc applies
ration on the estate
mnty, ileceased; ihes
h all and singular th
c-asoJ. te-Lo and.;
•lc Col•
day frouio until 5 P. M.
i 'Office Removed from N. 5C Beaver . t.. io
3 I Malden Lnne, Albany, N. Y. 44<\k\fl
Liqfors.—French Brandy, $2,50 to $3,60 per I : ' *
gallon: Domestic 50 to 75c. Peach do. GO a 75 ’ J>I'llIIZtllluCl’*
eent.-. Wlii-kcv 45 u 50 cenU. Gin 50 to CO. j (Lu(c Prof, of Af uric in ihc Synodical I
Hum 45 to 00 cent*. I tege of Georgia,
; Will take iifiout six more scholar?, if early ap- j
j plications are mafic.
Mrs. IS ran mill lev,
Is nl-o ready for the reception of scholars in the j
! different bnuu-hes of Oruaiucutal work. [
Sgtra- Orders in Fanvg Hair-Braiding, are re- I
Wheat.—Good «itl bring to $1,10 per lm.-he
Fi.ot.n.—Ciiy Milt from to -li per hundred.
Ill rmit, Country, 20 to 25 ets. Goshen, 25 ets,
per pound. Tenu. Butter, 18 a 20 by the Keg.
Fair N. 0. Sugar, by hhd. 5A.
Prime “ •* fij.
Choice “ ‘‘ “ S-.
Syrup, N O. by bbl. 30 to 33 ets. gn!.
Extra Whiskey •• % 45 *• “
Star Candles per box 28 •* lb.
No. 1 Kio Coffee by sack 12) to 13A “ “
GrxNv Bagging 18 )•> 1 a ets.
Roi*e 11 to 13 cents.
Chickens, 15 to 20 cents.
Eggs, 15 to 20 cents.
Fonmnt, 75 to 10(1 per lmndiufi.
Picas, $1,00 to $1.10
FtSATHEItS.—10 to 15. ]
t. anulics.—Sperm 37 to 43c. Tallow 20 22ets !
Al<it -Tx .Vov. IS. J
HKMAUK8.—Our city, at the present writing, pro- j
.•-tits a lively appearance. The stores are all open, and j
our Merchants busily engaged in opening and assorting j
their Goods, and supplying the wants oi Country Mer
chants and Planters. We were pleased to see a number |
of t!ie former i:i town yesterday . making their purclia- j
m s of Dry tioods nnd Groceries, anil from a winrr-a- j
tion with one or two of tiu-m. wc infer that they were j
purchasing tit satisfactory price- end on favorable I
CHITON*.—i tut market cannot yet b< said to be fairly ,
<>|ien, but all thing* o.onaideroa, tliereisa fair amount j
of business doing. There is a good demand, for Cotton
of iln* higlier grades, while the lower (qualities are com- i
paiutively neglected. The receipts are still light for
the season, hut are daily-on the increase. The sales!
during tin-past week reach about 1,000 to l.CW hales]
Our Warehouses are now open, nud our Warehousemen
prepared tu receive all (lie Cotton sent them. Our ad-
vine to Planters is to send forward their Cotton. And ■
have it on hand to lake advantage of any ehange in tlie j
market for the better. In the course of the ensuing
week, we will have numerous buyers iu the market pre
pared to operate. At the present time there is but a
limited ouantity of Cotton offering, and the daily in
remainder of the line two yea*- will be given..
The payments offered aru two-thirds ::i cash and
one-third in the capital stock of tho Company.
The provision crop along the line has been
nbnndnnt, the country i= perfectly healthy, and
work of such inviting - haraeter iyoth-n.profile.-■ i d
matena Is rarely offered.’
SAMUEL ft. JONES, Chief Engineer.
November 10, 1854. Itblutdi
Come Evei jltotly,
T O the Horre Hea*l siq-n, 41mt wants
office, and file ;
1 -tiers sjiouM no
V V !or letters
- . L
therefore to c^*”
kin<lrc**l anti cr**«’:
at rnv office- v, I
• i
re ihercfort*
kinilre-l and
home-made Saddles, or Bridles. Saddle-
bag», Trunks. Valines, Harness, Collars and
: of Ore
Wall has lEh .
’mini-tral'- u or
:id county, aece
id monish all a;:
Jeceaseu tt
e time prescribe
have, wiiylctte
Given und^rmi
iher. 1S54.
n - ...
Ot *?£
k. ant!
not he
spectfuliy solicited. F<*r^ particulars nnd terms j Whlph, a great varietj*, together with all articles usu
cull nt the Music Store, White-Hall street, of j ally kept in an establishment of this kind; all of whici
are offered at the lowe
the Golden Piauo.
Atlanta, November 11. 1S5 !.
ill a.H to
>f(*reluuits and ii
>\> i,note as follows :
Storm Cotlou
Good Middlintr...
Middling Fair...
Gib)(’KIRKS. — !ii tl
ine»s doin^. and the
filing stocks of <on
to enter the market.
... fi*
. ..$
nmv olVe
i*r\ line il
fair in
of our inorchanls though
11 lissoiled. Several coun-
r city n v:-if this week and
isfnetory prices and <»n fa-
rders are daily coininp to
el m Him; ffonds. our Grocery
1rv merchants hive paid on
iimturht their supplies at sat
vorahh- terms, (’ountry o
hand, ami with nveiviiiirai
merchant' are kept busily i
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 1 j.—Flour firm :it
§8 (Min $S 12Jr: Mess pork ndvanced to $17 00:
Bacon side-, scarce, advnncin/r; Lard in hhls* 10c:
Whiskey 12: M*»ln IS: Fair ,Stip;ar U: Corn,
V15; Oats C5.
NEW YORK November 14 Cotton unsettled
nnd dull. Ohio Hour, S.50 (a> 8.SJ. Westeni mi.\-
etl corn fide. Pork unchanged and firm. Lard
<() > (ii Htie. Coffee firm, New Orleans niolnss ;’db
Su^nr 5je.
'Che Union Bank of Chicago closed.
Sav anna ii, Nov. 15.
Cotton.—The sales yesterday were only H
hales, vix: 37 at and 7 at fi! cents. There «a.>
but little iiiijinry.
At Public Outcry.
\ S/ ILL bo sold bufoi ■ the Cuuncil-Room door, .
V on White Hall street, "it the first Tuesday
I in Deeembetr next, nt 2 u\!oek, n valuable city lot
j on Marietta street, on whic h is a neat and coin- j
I fot'tabic tutd well f'uruI.-hod dweliiug, good well of !
; water., Ae. Also at the "time time ami place 3 I
i beautiful unimproved Lots, situated «u tho same
| street. Per-ons wanting to jmrehasc, will be !
j shown the property at nuv time.
Atlanta, November 13, 1854. 42td-
Fashionablo Milliner and Dress-maker.
1 Store next door to Messrs, llyan (c Myer-
IVlinwi.vilSiKEFi. Atlanta, t,.».
H AVING reeeutly ojiened a new establishment, i
of Millinery and Dress?-making, Bleaching, ]
Pinking, Ae„ Mrs. Peel respectfully invites the j
Ladies ol" Atlanta and .-urroundiug country, to !
call and examine her
Fail and Winter Stock.
of the most handsome and fashionable Millinery ]
and Fancy Goods, Dress Costumes, Children's j
Costumes. Ac., of (lie richest and latest fashions I
and patterns. A11 who dr-ire fashionable made ]
Bonnets. Dresses, Cloaks, Mautillers. ,tc., would .
do w.-ll to call.
She luis received and is still receiving—and will !
always keep on liaml a supply of Bonnets and j
Hats for Ladies and children.
Ribbons, Flowers,
Caps, Embroideries.
Curls, V'eils.
Dn-ss-t rimming-. Dress-good?.
MantiHcrs, Ready-made rlothiu,
A11 orders promptly attended to. at short notice.
She w ill be thankful tu those who may give her
a call and will take pleasure iu serving them nt
very low rates for easli.
Atlanta, November 13, ls5i. 42—dam.
ally kept
are offered at the lowest living prices, for cash, by the
42utf ! undersigned. MILLER & ANDREW?.
I i Atlanta. Nov. 1 1854—dxwly.
kick QIX-
s O be
made to the Honorable .Court of Ordinal;
! of DeKalb county for lea ve to self Hie real estnt-
| of Janie.' Diam*u b *•»’ *.'M c ma:y.
Oct. 2, 1S54. JAMES J. DIAMOND,
t u<>9—2m. A dm’
GEORGIA, DeKalb County.
yyHEREAS Jam— Yancy. Executor
S0a&6m] GEORGIA.
General Commission Merchants.
* y T TH attend promptly to any business entrusted
V V io them. They also keep an office at Chattanoo
ga. Tennessee, au-1 will mak*
produce nt that point.
Nov. 7. 1854.
purchase- for or«l**r-
tlie Estate
of Francis Griffin, applies to me for letters of dis-
( mission from hie <a.ul Administration. Tlie-e are
j therefore t<» cite admonish all an-l singular ihe
kindred and creditors **f said deceased, to he and ap- j *
: ear at inv office within the time prescribed by law. and j
show cause, if any they have, why letters of admin-
| ixtration should not be* granted the said applicant at
th* February Term next, of the Court of tirdina
• s.- ;d count v* Givrji under my hand at office.
| Jul
li>26th District. G. \f., in favor of Seago, Abbott
1*. Co., vs. M. R. Baines—property jiointed ont
by plaintlii: levy made anu returned tome by J.
K. Cain. Constable.
One house and lot in the city of Atlanta, situ-
! ate on Nelson street, on the South-West side of
Macon .t Western Railroad, containing hall* acre.
; more »>r less, adjoining lots of Edison and Rosser,
and now occupied by the, defendant: levied on as
rhe properly of M icajah Barnes, to satisfy five
hfrs issued iVorn :: Justice’s Court, 1026thDistrict.
G. M., in favor of W. W. Roark, vs. M icajah
R- ; rncs—property pointe«l <au by plaintiff* levy
! made and return-. 1 io me by jl B. Buchanan,
j Constable.
One house and lot in the city of Atlanta, nura-
her not known, e«>utiiiuin«' half acre, more or less,
j adjciniiig B. R. Bray’s lot on the West> and now
,<j occupied by the defendant; levied on as the prop-
-. : or ty of J. M. Lester. t»> satisfy two fifas issued
from a Justice’s Court. 1026th District. G. M.. in
favor of Win. Kile, vs. J. M. Lester—property
pointed out by plaintiff: levy made and returned
to me by J. ri. Lumpkin, C’onstable.
Otic lot oi land, No. 21*S, in tlie I7th district of
originaBy Henry now Fulton county, containing
2021 acres, more or less ; levied on as the property
of Thomas J. Stevens, to satisfy nine fifas issued
from a Justice’s Court, 722d District, G. M., in
favor of Willis Carlisle nnd others, vs. Thomas
Stevens—levy made and returned to me by Rich
ard Ren, Constable.
Lot of* land No. 133. in the 17tlv District of or-
riginally Henry now Fulton county; levied on by
undry fifas issued from a Justice's Court. 1026th
District, G. AJ.. in favor of Jackson Dowis,
the defendant now lives—\V. Whitaker.
Also, a city lot, number not known, whereon the de
fendant now lives—1>. H. Silyey.
Also, a city lot No. 1. land lot No. 77, whereon the
defendant now lives—It. Clayton.
A city lot, number not known, known as Kile r s Gro
cery. claimed by James Kile.
A city lot Xo. 7t>. whereon^A. Rhodes now lives.
A city lot. No. 1*22, ou land lot No. 52, levied on as
the property of Lochliu Fannin.
A city lot whereon NY. 0. Holla‘lay* now lives, on
Mite he 4 street.
A city lot on Hunter and Prior .>-treels, where the
livery'stable is. the property of NY. H. Hickson.
A city lot. number not known ; said lot front? the
Georgia Railroad, where J. J. Martin now lives.
A city lot. number not known, fronts Peachtree
street, where the defendant nojv lives—James Langston.
A city lot on .Macon a: Western Railroad, the proper
ty of J. S. Lumpkin.
A city lot fronting Peachtree street, the property of
James F. Walker.
A city lot fronting Peachtree street, where Felix
Sowers now lives.
A city lot fronting ou the Macon .S: Western Railroad,
where Jesse Timmons now lives.
A city lot, number not known, fronting on Alabama
street, whereon I,. L. Ledbetter now lives.
A city lot, No. 17, on land lot No 77, fronting Ala
bama street, the property of Henry Carlton.
A city 1 >t. No. til. fronting on Houston street, where
on John J. Line-now lives.
A city lot. No. 121. fronting Collins street, whereon
Willis Carlisle now lives.
A city lot, number not known, land lot No. 85. as
the property of E. D. Crawford.
A city lot. No. 8. on land U t No. 77. whereon P*. T*
Limb keeps store.
A city I«*t on MclJtmoygh street. No. 25, the propertv
of Meredith Brown.
A city lot, No 45. fronting Decatur and CVdlius
streets, whereon i'r. D'Alvigny nov. lives.
A ciiy lot on Forsyth street, on land lot No. 77. the
property of E. L 1>.'Crowell.
A city lot. No. 76, land lot No. 5. the property of
David Crockett.
A city lot on'McDonough street, whereon G. B. Hay-
good now lives.
A city lot. number not known, fronting on Marietta
street, property of Hiram Province, whereon he now
A city lot on Decatur street, known as the Form wait
place, tlie property of Thomas Asburv.
A city lot on Peachtree street* the property of
George Schcenberger.
A city lot on Decatur street, Cue property of NV. H.
A city lot. fronting on Marietta and Peachtree streets,
the property of Thomas Kile.
A citv lot fronting on Hunter street, the propertv of
B. T. Lamb.
A city lot, fronting on Walton street, the property of
G.W. Thomason.
A city l«*t, fronting on Peachtree street, the propertv
of II. NY. Newton.
And a fifa in favor of Mayor and Council of th% city
of Atlanta against V. J. Ixnmell. city lot fronting on
Whitehall street.
Ali ot which I have served the above stated ea*es
this daw October 2d, 1854. B. N. WILLIFORD.
City Marshal
GEORGIA Fulton County.
W HEREAS Joshua Gilbert applies to me for letters
of administration on the estate of Elizabeth P.
Gilbert, late of said county, deceased. These are there
fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred
and creditor* of said deceased to be and appear at.njy
office within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause,
if any they have, why letters of administration should
not he granted. Given under my hand at oflico, this
5th day of August,*1854. JOS.* H. JMEA1>, Qrd'y.
Fulton December Sales.
VVILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in December
r» next, before the Courthouse door in the city of
Atlanta, within the legal hour? of sale, tho following
property, viz:
A house and lot in the South-western part of the
city of Atlanta, containing one acre, more or less, en
closed with rough pailings, with a small framed dwell
ing-house thereon, now occupied by Calvin Owens as
his residence—levied on as tlie property of the said
Calvin Owens, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from PeKalb
Superior Court, in favor of M. & R. McDuffee. vs. Cal
vin Owen-, principal, and Henry W. McDaniel,
Also. The house and lot now occupied by William
Kile as a grocery, in the Eastern part ol ‘lie city of At
lanta. fronting’ on the South side of Peters 1 street
where said street crosses the Macon & Western Rail
road, containing one foui 111 of an acre, more or less-
levied ou as the property of William & Thomas Kille,
to satisfy a li. fa. issued from DeKalb Superior Court,
in favor of Edmund W. Holland, vs. William Kile prin
cipal, and Thomas Kile security.
Also, The entire stock of drugs and medicines, paints,
jars, hot tie.-,, phials, show-cases and contents, and va
rious other articles, such a? usually compose a stock of
drugs—all levied on as the property of Thomas S. Den
ny, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from Fulton Superior
Court, in favor of Lynn. Smith & Co., vs. Thomas S.
Denny. Property pointed out by J. 11. Calhoun, plain
tiff : s attorney.
A quantity of .Shanghai fowls of various ages
an«l sizes, supposed to bo 200 in all, in tho posses
sion of the defendant: levied on as the property
of Win. II. Thurman, to satisfy a fifa issued from
DeKalb Superior Uourt, in favor of John W.
Evans, vs. Win. II. Thurman—property pointed
ont by plaiutiff.
The house and lot occupied by the defendant as
his residence in the city of Atlanta, fronting on
the South side of Peters street, bounded on the
East by the lot occupied by J. E. Odcnn’s family,
and ou tho West by Mrs. Bedfords lot, contain
ing onc-lourth of an acre, more or loss : levied on
as the property of Reuben Clayton, to satisfy a
fifa issued from DeKalb Inferior Court, in favor
of U, J. Thweat, vs. Reuben Clayton, and If.
Petti?, security, and one issued by tho Tax-Col
lector of Fulton county, vs. Reuben Clayton
for his State nnd countv tax for the year 1853*.
Nov. 3d. 1S5-1. T. J. PERKERSON, Jj. Sh'jf.
John Ermingcr-—sold at the risk of H. A. Vaughn,
| he being the purchaser of the same at Sheriff’s
YTiuuxF. o.ii.
14th. IK;,4.
! GEORGIA. DeKalb Con
: npo ail wi
i apph
api> !
it may concern: whereas O. 8. Morris?
applies for letter? of administration on the Estate of
Jane Uus?ell. late of sairl county, deceased: tlie.-e are
! therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the
’5 ’ kindred and credit or? of said deceased to be and appear
COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT, j <«t my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and
show cause, if any they ha
Savannah, Ga. ; t ration should not begrai
YVMLL pay strict attention to all barifac«s entru-teJ 1 un^er my hand cffioisUv at
VV to liis care. ] ^pt *J.
Messrs. L. Trapman & Co..
NYarUlawNVolkeranfi Bun:
James Adger A: Co..
Hall & Moses, > N -
Catlin, Levitt 6i Co.. j *
Durvis, Gla<l«len A Co.. New Orlcan
*• A. A. Solomons & Co.. Savannah.
Hall & Mo.tes, Columbus.
Savannah, October 24tb. 1854. 26-
f*i Afiminis
-Me. I Charleston
for children Ac.
,TJj” Clerk? office of Ihe Superior Court Re
moved to Cilv Hull. Office hours from'J to 12
o'clock ti. to. nnd from 2 to 4. o'cloek p. tu.
It. F. KOMAR. Clerk.
Atlanta. November 1 I. 1854. fdlw.
A Warns tig.
^lUdav not: lnirlntr not in your miiM that sen
tenrr »l tool,’ j.hillosupliy. timt ii ,iiuas< «ill
get cured of itself or that \ou cun cure it with certain
medicines for u few dollars. Beware lieu voti tamper
wi 111 vein- general welfare.
Ye wild and vicious youths, why will mn lU-r-ist in
profiled, tli
and destroy
mi be
tli tin
•il with n fe
•ting eoui|M
well a? pity
uses ot plea
-anl tneui-
fer and
nt life.
alt li
id drag
and i
iV tldVXitdd. CnsD Store I
7 TT’E.irt* now roc*«*i\in>r an inmion.-c Stotk of Fall
VV nii<l Winter ClotlilUK, for men and buj s
wear, ol the tastiest and latest -tyle. Alsu, an issurt’
nn'ii nf gentlemens' Ft'lt\18HlXG (3>OI>8, which we-
will sell nt the lowkst I'uirti-’, forcarh.
We have on hand an assurtmenl of DRY COOP8
which wo will sell untirr the market j.rice, as we are
determined to close nut that department of our trade.
We will be pleased to shew any ijorsnn giving us a. call
what we will do. Feptembcr 26tli, 1854. (1-dwly.]
Bhi-s front. Vo. 40. AVhitelial! Street, Atlanta. <i»
«- t ei A te
^ 2 Y % ,
But In time for Winter AViar anil Vue!
1000 yds. llonie-mudc Jeans, various colors.
500 prs. “ “ Wool Sock?, “ sizes.
500 yds. “ “ Linseys.
To these special outward comforts, we can add,for
the inner man—
30,000 lbs. Uncoil, ini lndiug- choice limns.
5000 lbs. best Loaf Lard, in barrels and cans for
family use.
As one of our firm resides in Tennessee and is en
gaged i.i the purchase of the above articles, we
arc enabled In Her them of the best i|Uidity—
and as !ow a? the lowest.
The Hiont extraordinary discovery in the 11
in the Great Arabian Remedy for .dan and Renet,
The beautiful au«l fertile region >kirtinp: tlie desert
of Arabia, abounds with rare plant*- and odorous
woods, whence arc procured those aromatic gums
and balsams of which this Liniment is composed, and
by whose stimulating, unctuous and penetrating prop
erties it is, when applied, diflused through the whole
nervous system, allaying the most intense pain iu u
few minutes. Try it? win n you will be convinced that |
uo preparation possesses in so high a degree, its per
fect anodyne qualities. Its action is prompt an l ef- !
fective. It penetrates tlu* flesh t<» the bene, relaxes !
; contracted cords, restoring u e to limbs paralysed for j
I 1 years, and where tlie flesh has waited away, leaving
nothing but skin and bone, excite.' a healthy action,
causing new flesh to grow out and fill up the sjulveli-
i ed parts. It restores synovial fluid or joiut water.
and this is tli© reason why it has been so successful in
i diseases of the joints. In affections of the Spine, Liv-
: or. Lungs and Kidneys, this great remedy stands be-
! lore any other ever produced. For ague cake or cn-
: lirgemcnl of the spleen, it is a specific For any in
ternal inflamation. you will find it gives great relief.
It lias no equal in the world for Rheumatimn—al>o,
cramps, swelling, numbness, weak joint-. Spine and
.Chest, pains, wounds, chilblains, burns, sore throat
! bites of insects and reptiles, .-cli rheum, warts, corns.
mange, and indeed nearly all disease■* which require n
; external application, and many* otliets. are greatly
i benefited by it. It if used externally with great sue.
j cess iu goitre, or swelled neck'. Scrofula or King’s
t Evil, Liver Complaint, nervous diseases. &c. For
I Horses or Cattle, it is as effectual a- in diseases of
| man. AV ill cure any case of Sweeney iv. existence ; ;• 1-
^ so. spavin. Splint. Kinghoue, B.g-head. Fistula. Farcy.
Poll Evil. Windgalls, Strains. Bruises, xe.
Look out for Counterfeits!
\ Tlie public are cautioned against another counter*
| felt, which lia- lately made its appearance, called W.
! B. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment, tin* most dangerous of
all the counterfeits, because hisLaving the name of
Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the
! knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they willper-
j haps only discover their error when the spurious mix-
! ture has wrought it- evil effects.
GEORGIA. Fulton County.
T 4 yHEREAS Thomas W. Connalijr applies to me for let*
VV ter.-of administration on the Estate of Cornelius
M. Conn ally. late of said county, deceased: These arc
therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the
kindred anil creditor- of said deceased to be and appear
ai my Office within tlie time prescribed hy law. to show-
cause. if any they have, why -aid letter* should not be
Given under uiv hand at office, thi* 12th aay of Au
gust 1854. * JOS. H. MEAD. Ordinary.
. * ILL be ?<ild mi tlie lir?t Tue?Jay in December
V \ next, before the Court House tloor in the city
of Atlanta, within the legal hour? of sale, the fol
lowing property, to wit:
Jordan, a negro man: Howard, a boy: Jesse, a
man: Tom, a man; Andeison. a mat), and Jack, a
man—all levied on as the property of TJ. L.
Wright, fisati-iy a mortgage li. fa.. !s.-ueil from
Fulton Inferior court, in favor of David Meri
wether and Cliafic? F. Newton,-vs. V. L. Wright.
Propertv pointed out in said wortiraue fi. fa.
Oet. 5. 1S54. T. J. PERKERiSOX,
Deputy Sheriff.
nditimi. why will ye sr
a mlReralilc oxistene
I even ordinary pur.a!
ti .annoyed and wish to he r
ipor hy a 1 reaIntent at on
should consul! l)r. MOKlfl
Hi -,u se's in chronic disease? has been greater tin
Ilia, ot auy other physician of hi? day. Many ul
have been for years aillieteil with disease or cons
,j nonce- resulting from excess, have boon l'f,'to red
health and vigor under his ally reseientific treatjuon
Should a personal inter' io-.v lie e'-fiori ionahle. stati* j
,-.,ur disease in writing—enclose live dollar?—address
Dr tV. MORRIS, through the Postofflcc. Xaahville. I
Venn., a ji.u'kuge and medicines, securely put up, ]
it li de-paicli. full of direr
. how we cau add a good selection of ftroee- >
(Vo n >.. Oricnti?, Baltimore anil New York:
i?rf forpp’r of Carpenter’? Tools of every
ription, A.ii!?, rn-t Hnrdwaro generally.
rV suppiie?. Ragging, Rope. Salt. Iron, '
rioter Seed. Blue Gras-?. Timothy and
i Era ? or Red Toil Seed.
or Pa:
-Best No.
. i anil pure Whin
c Lend.
•al Oil,
Lamp 1!
lack. Litharge—al
so a pa
uperiiw t<
i Litharge, lately i
in use—
i.-lics <a
' ali kind
?. lirti dies. Paint n
at- the
g Interest
. we keep Blu : inq
lb or i
ds'toelforDrills, th
v fuse,
Ao.; Oil
and burning 1-Tuii
i of the
lluine article is manafactured ouli
Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and
druggist, No. 17 Main strict. Peoria, Illinois, to whoia-
all applications for Agencies must be addressed. Be
sure von get- it with the letters lj. tj. before Farrell's
thus—H. if. FARRELL*:—and his signature on the
wrapper, all others are counterfeits, b-ohl l>y A. Alex
ander. and J. M. Rantiu. Wholesale and Retail agents,
Atlanta and by regularly authorized agents through
out the United States.
Jggp-Price 25 and 60 rents, and Si jar bottle.
AGENTS WANTF.K iu every town, village and ham
let in the United states, in which one is not. already es-
tablished. Addre-s IL ti. Rtrrel! as above, .accompa
nied v.-ith good reference -as to character. Tesponsibili-
tv, Ac. Atlanta. Nov. 11. 1S54. 24—fw.
GE OR GI A, lde I\u lb co u n ty.
\%11EKE.- .Heavy ii. Eatiim*r. GuarJi;iii f W
^ ' E. Wi. on ;ipi»lies to ok- for letters of dismiss;
from said (iunrtliaasliip, these are. therefore, to c
an-1 utlmoaish nil persons cocceruefl, to be and : _
pear at m.) office within tlie time prescribed bj’ Utw, i
t<» siiow cause, if any they h ;ve. why s:ti*l letters i
should not be granted at the July Term next of this I
court. Given under mv liar flat office. May It th 1854.
Fulton Mortgage Sale?
k ,. ILL be sold before the eourtbouse
» V the citv of Atlanta, Fulton countv
1st Tue
siiav in
J an nary
Rest, witbi
n the le
hours of
sale, the
g property, to-wit:
One ?
et oi* imi
id tools
for luanutiieturin..
ware, t 'gethy-r wi
‘h all t!
te nhi dune?
end ot
tools nee
«j sary fo
r said i
Lf busin;
sale on ihe l?t Tuesday in October last, and huv-
: ing failed to comply with the terms of said sale.
1 A house and lot in the city of Atlanta, number
! not known, containing half acre, more <>r less, bo-
i ing part of land lot No. So, of originally Henry
• now Fulton county, bounded North by New AVliite-
j hall street. South by Jasper S. Smith’s lot, East
j by Stephen Bowen's lot, and M’cst by Charner
j Humphries’, Sr., lot: levied on ns the property of
! Thomas Hearne, and now in possession of Ste
phen Cash, t" satisfy three fifas issued from a
' Justice’s Court, 1026th District, G. M.. Yi. W.
j Roark vs. Thomas Hearne—property pointed out
; by plaintiff; levy made and returned to me by AY.
I One house and lot in the city of Atlanta, number
| A. Belk, Constable.
j not known, containing one-eighth of an aero,
i more or less, fronting on the east side of tho
Western and Atlantic Railroad square, bounded
I north by T. C. H. AYilson’s lot. south by Gilbert
| A AYilson’s Office and west by Railroad square;
levied on as the property of John Kile to satisfy
a fi lit issued from Fulton Inferior Court: L. J.
Parr versus At. D. Womack, Principal, and John
Kile Security.
A house and lot iu the city of Atlanta, number
j not known,, situato on tho corner of Calhoun and
1 Railroad street?, containing half acre, more or
j less, anil fronting the Georgia Railroad machine
shop, bounded North by AYm. Kay’s lot, South by
| Railroad street. East by Calhoun street, and West
j by Grant and Terry’s lot : levied on as the proper
ty of Dr. Harrison Westmoreland, to satisfy two
- fifas issued from Fulton Inferior Court, in favor
of AA r m. K. Kitchen, one against Harrison West
moreland and the other against H. & W. F. AA’cst
morcland. JOS. SMITH.
Nov. 2, ISM. Sheriff.
Fulton Postponed SatV.
ILI. lii sold bc-fvre the Cuitvt House door, in
the cit.* ol Atlanta, on the first Tuesday in IV-
! comber next, within the legal hours of sale the ful-
; lowing property, to wit:
j The entire stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, consist
ing of Calicoes. Hats, Caps. Hardware. Medicine. Tobac
co. Cigars. Wood-ware. Crockery, and various other ar
ticles, such as generally a Dry GoodsFtock. all
»i y. | levied on as property of T. G. W. Crussell to satisfy
j sundry tifas issued from Fulton Superior Court; one in
■ favor of A. C. Schafer, one in favor of Belcher & Iloll-
j in.sgsworth, one in favor of S. S. Farrar & Brothers.
, " 1 ’ 111 r and one in favor of Wiley Banks tc Co., all against
the ; Crussell it Swift. Sale tb continue from da> # to dav un-
1 all is sold.
The east half of land lot number ninety-two. in
»e seventeenth (l*th) district of originally H^iiry.
ow 1’ullon county, levied on as the property of John
, Isom, to satisfy a fifa issued from Fulton Superior Courl
! i.. r.. r i„i.„ t- \t........ ? t. t - - -
Administrator’3 Sale.
d at
December next,'within the legal hours ef sale, before
the Court House door, in the city of Atlanta, the fol
lowing property, belonging to Joseph Thompson and
the estate of Moses W. Fovrmvalt. decM., to v. ii: The
greater part of land lot. number seventy ,-ix. in ihe
14th District of, originally Henery. now Fulton county,
containing originally 202££ acres" more or less, nearly
all lying in the city of Atlanta. This property will be
sold in lots of from one to fire acres A* plat of the lot
can bo had upon application to the undersigned.
•Sold by virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordinary of
DeKalb County, to make partition and for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of said Estate.
£*aid sale to be continued from day to clay, if neces. e arv.
until all is sold. JOSEPH THOMPSON.
Oct. 19th 1S54. AdruT*.
Fulton Postponed Sales.
V V/'ILL RE SOLD before the court house door
V \ in the city of Atlanta, Fulton county, on
the first Tuesday iu December next, within tho
legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
A negro nuuutu, by the name of A'iclet,
about thirty-five years of age, of dark color, the
property of Caldwell <fc Griffin, and one hundred
acres of land, more or less, lying ou the waters of
Utoy Creek, in the fourteenth district of originally
Henry now Fulton county, adjoining the land of
One city lot. containing one half acre, more or i J° e l Hon ing and Timothy Chambles, the property
less, fronting on Whitehall and Mitchell street; i of ThomasGriffiu, al! levied on to satisfy a fifa is-
Marshal’s Sales for January.
rv it r v- —i.i on t iie first .Monday ’ T
the City Hall door,
X\J ILL he sold on the first Monday in’Janttary
V V next, before i
sold to satisfy a fifa iu favor of the Mayor and
Council of the city of Atlanta, for city tax in the
year LS54, vs. AV. AV. Roark.
A city lot, containing one half acre more or
less, fronting on Houston street; levied on to sat
isfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Council
of the city of Atlanta vs. L. J. Parr.
A city lot, containing one-fourth of an aero
more or less, fronting the Georgia Railroad ; sold
to satisfy a fifa iu favor of tho Mayor and Coun
cil of the city of Atlanta, for city tax. vs. Thomas
Reid. ,
A city lot containing one half aero more or less, Ja®kson Street
sued from DeKalb Superior Court, in favor of J. S.
J L. Bowie vs. Leroy Griffin and E. M. Griffin,
principals, and James Caldwell and Thomas Grif
fin tts securities, property pointed out by Caldwell
& Griffin. T. ,1. PERKERSON, D. Sh’ff.
October 5th, ISo l.
Georgia House.
fj ''HE -above House is situated in the ruost pleasant
JL part of the city, being on the corner of Green and
within three minutes walk of the
in the tin-shop of the defendant, in the eitj - of j
Atlanta, and one ?t"Ve pipe—all new and com
plete : levied >m a.? the property of James AY. ■
Points, to satisfy a mortgage Ufa issued from Fui- !
ton Inferior Court, in favor nf Nathaniel E. G;:-l-
ncr, vs. Janie? AY. Points—property pointed ont
in said iifa.
Thirteen cooking st ives, eleven ] arlor and box j
stoves and ft quantity of Japan and planish and !
common tin-ware, together with a variety of oth-
er article? of merchandis s fao tediOu ^ to mention;
all levied on a- the property of Ja
in favor of John F. Martin against John Isom anJ John
Thomas Security, property pointed out hv John Isom.
Nov 8. 1854 JO. S. SMITH. Sheriff
tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Con
city of Atlanta, vs. II. A. A'aughn.
A city lot, whereon II. T. Peeples now lives;
sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and
Council of the city of Atlanta, vs. Simpson and
Harris, ngent? for Hansford & Bro.
A city lot, containing one half acre more or
less, fronting ou Peachtree street: levied on to
satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and Coun
cil of the city of Atlanta, vs. Margaret E. Lane.
A city lot coutaing one fourth acre more or less,
fronting on the Macon Western Railroad: sold
to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and
Couucil of the city of Atlanta, vs. Joseph Ray.
A city Lot, containing one half acre more or less,
fronting on Calhoun and Baker streets; sold to
satisfy a tax fifa in favor nf the Mayor and Coun
cil of tho city of Atlanta, vs. Asa Fowler.
A city lot. No. 3, on block No. 11), and city lot
No. -1. and block No. 14; sold as the property of
John AV. Davis, to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the
Mayor anil Council of the citv of Atlanta, vs.
John M. Davis.
A city lot. containing one half acre more orless,
fronting on Decatur street: sold to satisfy a fifa
in favor of the .Mayor and Council of the city of
Atlanta for city tax, vs. Stephen Riggers.
A city lot, No. 112, land lot number 51, con
taining one half acre more or less, lying ou Cal
houn street; sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of
the Alayor and Council of the city of Atlanta,
owner not known.
A city lot, No. 127, on land lot No. 51, owner
not known : sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of
the Alayor and Council of the city of Atlanta.
A city lot, No. ‘J, land lot No. 53, lying on Col
lins street or alley : sold to satisfy a tax fifa in j
atlslj a gi a Railroad Depot. t'Ue table will, atallt
dot the I plied with tho best the Market afford
ami i
s, be sup-
ry atteu-
tlon given to make the patrons of the House comfort
able. Board by the month or week at moderate terms.
Merchants. Planters, and others visting the city will lind
the above House comfortable hu<1 convenient to business.
N. B.—Terms per day $1.00. M. A. MUSTIN.
Augusta, Aug. 23,1854. (13-2m) Proprietor.
r 1MF11S splendid new HOUttE, situated on Broun street,
immediately in front of tho site of the old Plant
er’s Hotel, which has been furnished throughout with
new Furniture, Bedding. &c.. is now open for the re
ception of customers. It will be the endeavor of the
proprietor, to give satisfaction to those who may favor
im with their custom- J.M. SIMPSON,
Nov 1,1851 [2(5—ly] Proprietor,
Sncannah, ticoryia,
GORCON FARGO) Proprietor?
Savannah, November 3d, 1853. 22—wly
All of tho interest of defendant in city lot No.
i:cs IV. Pi
i from Full
Infei lor
J. X. M
: t fifas.
T. J. P
AV. point?—property
iRKERSON. J). Sh’ff.
’• Fluid of ihe ■ Authority o f ihe Stale of Alabama.J
In short, if v. i
7 ions the
in Ann, G
ewith, HU
living a
Old l ice
•uvol Stru
stance, and afflicted with
lancers. Piles. Fistula
. Glee
nraiiv d:
tied or uvilicnant rlr
imisulting I»r. MORRIS
e \;lnil j
r. eon be j
tt«*r post 1
per mail
of female
ntli Ir
cured at hom<
paid, enclosing a fee.
Medicines pleasant and safe, can be
to an\ part of the I nited States.
Particular attention given to the treatm
complaints. Ladies who nmy be afflicted
lar eoes. Hour Albas, or Whites. Prolapsus Uteri, or
Falling of the Womb, would do well to lay a*ide all false
delicacy, and promptly consult the Doctor. Cukes
Office o\ er Mutual U’roteciton Insurance Office. Ce
durst reel, near Uotinffice. Room No. 14. upstairs.
Nashville. Torn. May 25th. 185-1. 25—ly.
CnllioHH Pills.
‘11118 Extiu M-muoR Family Medkixk is son about
beiin; offcit-’l to tht* public, we woutii fiirect the special
.'ittentiou of cmr friend* and acquftintance? evcrvwhere
t» these 1’tlls. no! rearing in the least, that they v ill
meet the public approbation more tullv than any ever
yet ottered to ihe people. For further particulars see
advertisement in to-day’s paper. Look at the cerliii-
cates, tliev arc from a high source.
July 37, 1854. (9—ly;)
N© Excuse for Ill-health.
An emaciated fin me. sallow complexion,
VUs^S. an tlgreat debility, the result of neglect to
all treatment, when efficient Medical
obtained privately and promptly.
Ladies who may be filleted with Irregularities’
biles. Fistula-in Ann. Drawl. Scrofula. Clears. Rheu
matism, Ac., should not allow false delicacy to prevent
their making immediate application to Dr. MORRIS,
whose shill in the treatment ol' all chronic diseases
and female complaints, is too well ltnown to he ques-
it kept constantly on Imntt.
iki our .vim to keep all useful ar-
i! attiv be called l'or.
,T. AY. AYALLACE, Shelhyvillc. Tenn.
Oct. 2?, 1854. 28d&vr2in
Atlanta, Gn.
Moja c&3 Boys Clotliing,
Clothes New and Fresh,
The Itichejt ever brought to thi.- Market.
Come soon, or they will all be sold.
Gloves—Extra Fine*
Neck Fixin», the very lnte-l styles and lichc-’.
ti It A K I> S C H E M K !
Class 6.
q^-Onc Prize to 20 Ticket,?—and remember, c
, j Tltl-l HE A f
A V letters e>
Henry F. leffri
Tlteso are therefore t
Thomas Moore applies to mo
I'ltninistraaoJi on the c?titc
. late of -' J.1 "tint,. ' : -
e titi'l admertish
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia, Cobb Cum ify-
\ GREEABLY Io nn order of the Court of Or-
UJL (linttry of DeKalb county, passed on the 2d
of October instant, will be sold before the court
house door in the city of Marietta, on the ftr?t
Tuesday in December, between tho legal hours of
sale, lot of laud number three hundred, (306.) in
the 20 th district and 2d section of Cobb county: j ^chtirfson.
T , r D. ! C iZlTi n r ,i°X t - i Axity let. No. S. land lot No. 53, lying on Jones
DeKalb deceased, sold for the benefit of the he.r? street sold satisfy a tax fifa in favor of tho
... « s j™ ™ *r of | of ,ta oi* of A Hun to, v,. A.
. ^ ^ i*- , - , ’ j A city lot. No. 3, ancl lnnd lot No. 77, contain-
- T TILL bo ,-oM un-V r an order ofllie Orclinarv of Mor j 1T1 - onc half acro inore . or lew, fronting on For-
county, nn fbe first Tuesday in December next j 8yth street; sold to satisfy a fifa in favor of the
Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta, vs.
S, J. 11amsy, for his city tax in 1854.
A house and lot now occupied by the defendant,
o T a recent meeting of the Trustees of this Institu-
1 * tion, in conjunction with a part of the Faculty
elect, it was
Resolved *To adapt the SUMMER COURSE, r.> best r.d-
apted to our position. Tlio FIRST COURSE OF LEC-
TURES to commence on the first Monday hi May next
and close on tlie last day of August. Thereafter Com
mittees were appointed to select a site, and, also, to
furnish a plain and specifications for the Colledge Buil
The erection of thf building* will be commenced as
soon as practicable. Suitablo rooms have already been
secured for the First Course of Lectures.
A regular announcement by the Faculty will appear
as.soon as the organization is complete.
By order of the Board of Trustees.
August 0th 1854. 10—wtf JOHN COLLIER, Sec’y
favor of tho Mayor and Council of the city of I — — 1 :: —
Atlanta, owner nut known. ! UiVIVEKSITY OF LOUISIANA.
A city lot, No. 167. land lot No. 51, lying on ; Medical Department.
Calhoun and Baker street?, owner not known; .,>HE Annual Course of Lecture* in thi? department
sold to satisfy a lax hui in favor ot tho Mayor and j * will commence on Monday. November 13th. and
Council of the city of Atlanta. | will terminate in the ensuing March.
James Joxes, M. D. Professor of Practice of Medicine
Warren* Stoxe. M. D.. Professor of Chemistry.
J. L. Kiddell. M. D., Professor of Surgery.
A. H. Cenas, M. I).. Professor of Obstetric*.
A. J. Wedderkukx, M. L>.. i’rolessor of Anatomy.
Gustavus A. Nott, Yi. D. Professor of Materia Medica.
Taos. Hunt. M. D. Prof, of Physiology and Pathology.
Cornelius C. Beakd, M. D.. | "
Samuel 1*. Choppin. M. D., /
.^The rooms for Dissecting will be open ou the third
Monday iu October.
The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of
A city lot. No. 2, land lot No. 77, owner not I
known; bold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the !
Mayor and Council of the city of Atlanta.
A city lot, No. 2. in block No. 27, and land lot )
No. 77, lying on Whitehall and Garnett streets; i
sold to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor ‘
and Council of the city of Atlanta, owner not •
A city lot, containing one half acre more or j
less, fronting Ivy street: sold to satisfy a tax fifa
Demonst'sof Anatomy.
in favor of the Mayor and Council of the citv of i the Charity Hospital, and attend this Institution from
Atlanta, vs. John it. Moore. * I November to April
The Students accompany the
and, free of expense, enjo'
olcssor^ in lheir
xtraordinary prac-
205, in land lot X«*. 52. lying on Bell street; sold | ticaf advantages?
to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the Mayor and : There are,.during the session, about eight hundred
Council of the city of Atlanta, vs. William B. ‘ persons prescribed-for daily.
riiiguhir the kindred an-1 creditors oi
to be nnd appear ;»> my office within
scribed by law to show cause, it an;
why said letters should not be '- i uni.
:ie :»n;
cfnro the Court House door in Fayetteville, Fayette
oTinty. a l#.t of land No. 78, fn the district of said
■ *u:.: v bel'ui^ir.g to the Estate of George L. Bird, de-
t-r-1. Tut- sai l lot of land is entirely in woods.—
V(.:vd non with The Will annexed of G. L. Bird. de-
Madison. Morgan county, September 12th, 1844.
In 185J the number of patients
seven hundred and fiftv-nine.
July 20, (11—lm) ” THOS. HUNT, M
as thirteen thousand
hiuid an*i r c.:.. tins oil day i
JOS. II. MFAI>, Ordinary.
GEORGIA. Fulton County.
' t THEREAT Daniel Johnson applies for lot
Prize to 20 Tickets—au.l re
GEORGIA. DeKalb Com,/;;.
\\ HERFA C Ezekiel Reeves. AdirmiDtrnt.
tt Estate of George W Ikevc-s, dec^se*!.
5 of $1,000
Tailor's Tiimminc—Taju^s. t rayi
thing kept in a Merchant ihiloring
be bought from the subscriber.
Atlanta. Nov 2. d&wtf
and almost any-
1 . , ; Estate of George W ileevc-s. dec«?a&e<L applies to
° *' j me for letters of dismission from lri- -o!d A-lministra*
tion. These a re therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
file their objections in my office, if any they have, in
in terms of law, why the s rid applicant should not
be dismissed from his .raid administration at tb>’ Feb
ruary term next, of the Court of Ordinary of radd
. i county. Given under my*hand at office.
Iu all, oOl prize?, amounting to sSO.OOO j uI /- uth . 18M . ' ALFN. JOHNSON, Ord y.
ij^Tickets S10—Halves and Quarters in proportion.
Appioxiinattosi Prizes DeKalb December Sales.
It two preceding and two following numbers to , AY 1 ILL be sohl before the court-lum«c <loor iu
those that win the Capital Prizes wiU each be on- \\ hi Decatur. DeKalb
Tuesday in IL
those that win the Second Capital of So,000. will
I each be entitled to a Prise of... -1
.. 4000
.. aooo
.. 2000
.. 1500
.. 1100
.. 5000
$60,000 I
titled to a Prize <
e'dnbh'dmient, can >pj ie tvvo preceding and two following number.-
The Doctor assures nil these nlio consult him by let
ter the most honorable secrecy, prompt attention,
plea-ant -ale and efficient medicines: and to those
who follow -trictly his directions, he will guarantee
elicl an-l permanent cures. Charges reasona
ble. V'd,
•»2—1 y
NEW bonnets, cloaks,
XIress Sillx.8, oSjc., cfcc
rf^-MRS. J. M. IIOUINU’ lake, garat jVtoi
M IL J. F. RINDG-12, recently from the North,
having decided to become permanently loca
ted in Atlanta, offers hit* services a* a teacher of
l-.ui \»d Vocal and Instrumental Music, cultivation of the
voice and musical composition. TL* ba< taken the
room formerly occupied l>v Prof. Bay ley, iu the
rear uf the dwelling of Dr. Coe. where he will he
happy to see all who may desire to converse upon
the subjoe of music, and to make known Iris terms.
He hopes he may be able, by strict integrity and
strict attention to hi; business, to merit the pat
ronage of the public.
Vocal Mush- taught in clas**e- .*i hv private les
Instructions given upon the Piano Forte, Me!<»-
dcou or rierajdiiDe, Vi«.l\n, Violincello, Cornet and
•>hx Horn.
Quartette and Glee Clubs formed, if desired.
Pianos carefully iuneil and repaired at low
rales. . „
November IS. 1854. w2td3t
The two prece<liiig and two following number- t‘»
those that win the Tlurd Capita 1 of ^4.0<X). will
each be entitled to a prize of 35
The two preceding and two following numbers to
ilioael hat win the Fourth Capital of $3,000. will
each be entitled to a Prize of 30
The tv. o preceding and - two following numbers to
those that win the Fifth Capital of- S2.000, will
, each be entitled to a Prize of 20
; The two preceding and two following numbers to
! those that win the isixtlr Capital of $1,500, will
nnty. on the first
tuber next, within tlie Ie?-al hours
j of -ii’e. tho foUowiug projierty. to-wit:
! One town lot in the town of Stone .Mountain,
number not known, with a good two-story house
■ thereon, and lying immediately in front of the ft.
I R. K. Depot, bounded on the North by -T. A.
. Browning, and on the South by AY. I>. AY. Dent,
! containing i acre, more or less : levied oa as the
: property of A. ft. Holmes, to satisfy a fifa issued
; from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of R. .A},
j Cleveland and N. L. Hutchens, vs. Joint Holmes
and A. ft. Holmes, makers, and il. F. Veal, cn-
otters of ad
ministration on the Estate’of L. C. Cheshire,
ceased. late of La wrens District, S. C. These are there
fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred
and creditor? of said deeased, to he and appear at my
office on or before the first Monday in September next,
to show cause, if any exists, why said letters of ad
ministration should not he granted.
August dih 1834. JO.?. H. MEAD, Only
Administrator's Sale.
\ GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable
-- V- Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, will be
-old on the first Tuesday in January, 1855, be
fore the Court House door in the Town of Dahlo-
nega, Lumpkin county. Lot of Land number six
ty, in the thirteenth District, first section, Lumpkin
county, containing forty ceres more or less, sold
a? the property of Thomas Haynes deceased, for
the benefit of the creditors of -aid deceased.
Terws.—six month? credit, note and approved
security. REUBEN IIAYNES, Adtn’r.
November 10. 1854.
G-. Rankin, Wm. M. Hurlick, Geo. L. btunmey,
T HISetiablishmentliasbeenin successful operationfor
a number of years. Tlie Quarries arc well opened, and
the Marble is superior to any in the United Slate:-.
AVe have so perfected our facilities for getting to and fin-
j shing work, that we can furnish
f . r tt * 1T i . i Monuments. Tombs* Tables.
situate on the corner of Hunter and Loyd streets, j HEADSTONES, and everything in our line of bu5}iit:.s,
i number not known, supposed to contain half acre, ! in better style, and at cheaper rale? 2 , than any j-ard in
j more orless: levied on to satisfy a tifa for fine i the country.
j imposed, issued from the Mayor’s Court, city of j MTien it is considered that we saw our own marble,
J Atlanta, Mavor and Council vs. Michael MeCul- I ^ profit J no high freight from the
j North, it will be seen that we do jiosseJ: material ad-
antages over ail competitor!
A liou?e and lot in the city of Atlanta, situate
on the corner of AYhiteha'.l and A! itchell streets,
containing half aere, more or less : levied on to
satisfy a fifa issued from the Mayor’? Court, .Maj’-
or and Council vs. AY. AY. Roark.
B. N. AYILL1F0RD, City Marshal.
each be entitled to a l’rize of 15 dorser—property pointed uiit by N. L. Hutchens. y , ifttic-t
ie two orececilinv and two folimvimr numbers t-* i liklr uecro ffirl. ?ome lour IT vi*nr? .t i,.- r Ii. ■ * ,J o' 111 *or to,
Notice to Debtors &. Creditors.
\ LL persons indebted to the estate Jane Russell I AdHUllistrator , S Sale.
-tl-late of the? county of DeKalb, deceased are re- [ A GREEABLY" to an order of the Honorable
qnired to make immediate payment, and those ' ? \ Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, will ho
having demands against said deceased will pro?- ■ sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1855, before
ent them, withia the time prescribed by law. prop- , tfie Court House door in Cumming, Forsyth county,
ertj authenticated. OBEDIAH £. AIORRISS. Lot of Land, numbered twelve hundred and twen-
AVe cordially solicit our friends and the public gene
rally to examine our work, and compare our prices with
those of other yards before ordering Northern marble.
TTe have on hand at our yard in Marietta a large as
sortment of finished work*—Monuments. Toombs. &c..—
whereour agent G. AV. Summers will sell at our prices.
Our principal work is done at the Mills. Address
31—ly J. G. RANKIN & CO.
^Marble AVork P. O., Ga.
DRUGS, Medicines, Perfumery,
Chemicals, Oils, Putty, Glass Ware
&c., &c., at the sign of the Mom-
m'oth Mortar, under Council Hall.
An extensive assortment of Drugs,
medicines, perfumery, chemicals,
glassware, in ray line, oils, putty,
soaps, combs, brushes, £cc.,
suitable for city and country trade,
- - , , i , has just been received from the
good quality all sold as the property of Isarel j North, on favorable terms, which will enable the sub-
Miller, Deceased for the Benefit of the heirs of j scriber to sell at very reasonable rate?, and lower than
said estate. Terms on day of sale. heretofore.
G. MORRIS. Administrator As 1 am determined to build up a respectable business
a for * " * ] in the above line, in proportion to tlie encouragement
z\oi emotr o, looi. extended, I respectfully solicit the continued and
increasing patronage of my friends, and the public in
general, and also that of iny professional brethren in
Atlanta and the surrounding counties.
Physicians are assured that they can rely upon the
quality of the articles which they may obtain at the
establishment. For asle by DR. TITOS. S DENNY.
Administrator’s Sale.
B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary !
of the County of DeKalb, will be sold on the j
First Tuesday in January next, at Decatur in said
County between the legal hours of sale. One lot
of Land No. three Hundred and nineteen, (319)
in the IStli District, Original Heavy now DeKnlb 1
County containing two Hundred two and a half
acres more or less: also tho following negroes, viz :
Gid a man about 81 years old and Adaline, a wo
man about 22 years old and both negroes being of
The two proceeding and two following numbers t<
those that win the Seventh Capital of 5*1.100.
each be entitled to a Prize of
4jfc5r‘Onler-* Milicited for Tickets or share? iA the above
Magnificent ffeheme.
jgSfAll communications strictly confidential.
At the Bronze Lions. Montgomery. Ala
^3^0rdcrs for tickets received by A. AV.* JONES,
sole Agent for Atlanta. Office on Marietta street.
I likly negro girl, some lb or 17 years of age, by the
name of Hul lab. ot light complexion. Al -o 1 Town lot
with a comfortable dwelling thereon, in the Town of
Stone Mountain. No. not known, containing one-fourth
acre more or less, and lying on the main £tiee‘. front
ing the Georgia Railroad, ali Dried upon as the proper
ty of George AV. T. Goldsmith, to satisfy one fi. fa. is
sued from DeKalb ihijicrior Court, in favor of A. C. Pul
liam. vs. George AN*. T. Goldsmith and B. F. AT al, secu
rity. Property pointed out bv Defendant?! gfe
Ih. Sh’jf DeKalb Cumin.
The ir.n.1 has just b*en put in operation anff is
cutting 2000 fert per day: Slabs and saw dust furnishes
L. I>. C. WOOD.
No. 87 Natchez street., New Orleans, La.
; cutting -two feet per day; Slabs and saw dust furnishes tTmi l- i i : ,• ,,
I .TAMES H. liAVr. ! sufficient fuel and a ready sale can be had for all the j \ V .. •' ° r .‘
, , I lumber rawed at the Mill at SI per hundred feet.— ' nary of Fulton county.
i> JjzA. »» , ' Engine fl. 1 - iuch bore. -JO inch stroke. 2 cvlonder boil- ! in Deceniltcr next, before tlie <
Steam Saw Mill for Sale.
f IM)GETHER with 400 acres well timbered pine land. No
* ona^mile^east of Haralson, Coweta county, Geor- j —■ ■
" ’ ' Administrator’s Sale.
of the Court of Onli-
ou the first Tuesday
_ Court House tloor, in
. power sufficient to drive a 4 feet circular Saw, ora | Atlanta, Fulton county, within the legal hour? of
wldcb''would"i nvleli atUclied. either of j sa lc—one Gold lYateh, one lot of Gold Jliniature
—— . Living40 miles from the above Mill, and having as ' ^riimes, one Silt or Cream Pot, one sett Aud-iron?.
The uudersioned are prepared at all tunes to i muc h business as I cnr. attend tu, 1 will sell the Mil) ; °? e Rlutc, a loc of Books, and various other arti-
? the property
benefit of the
Atlm’r.. .
GEORGIA, Fulton County.
J A T TIEUF.\8 John LincU has this day applied to mefor
T v letters of administration on the estate of John K.
Corrigan late of saidcountv decosed,—These are there
fore to cite and admonish all and singular the hindered
and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my
office within the time prescribes! hy law to show cause
if any they have, why said letters should not be gran
ted the applicant.
Given under mv hand and seal, at office this 10th day
of Xovember ISM, .TOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary.
„ uro in a nuo it mi ng to her friends and pat
ron?. that her stock of Fall !!n d Winter
Good? is now complete. Dieppe call and examine
1ter jfoodr, all who are in need of the latest fiijh-
iuus. :.v ,-he litis this day received a lot of just i-ueli
articles. Her goods need no {treat noise about
them—count and see them, mid judge for your
Atlanta, November 8. 1S54. d\v3
IIaS always oa hand u fiiie #tock
Tiiiisp<*d Oil sat
un4 IK pi-CprtITMl t<i have walcll-walk of overv dcscrip- 1 at ta&I • i AM-uv« «u<a» wv nunEcnucm irwre vgu <
tion done up lu FiBFL rate style :in«l wnrrautcff. | Received ouc Hh(l of. Fine Liu seed oil, j a lajge and well (-elected stock to select from
Atut. eta, Sep2&th. 1854. 1—dvrly J O CQWe ^ttick if you want. W, W. R04R-K I H. W. COZART k SON.
GEORGIA, Fulton County.
yLTHEREAS. John L. Harris applied to me for letters
of administration on the estate of AA'illiam Farm
er. lateof said county, deceased,—These are therefore
to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office
within tin* time prescribed by law, to show cause if auy
they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under mv hand and seal, at office, this 17th
day of Oct.. 1854. JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary.
I F you wish to bay your HATS cheap, aad get a good
article, call at the subscribers where you can have
T W<wmontUs after date application will be made to
the Court of Ordinary of said countv for leave to
sell the real estate and negroes, belonging to the estate
of Israel Miller, late of said countv. deceased.
S#pt. 5th, 1854 GIDEON MORRIS, Adm’r.
T WO months after tlate application will be
tnstle to tho Honorable the Court of Ordinary
of DeKalb County, for leave to sell the land and
negroes belonging to the estate of Jane llussel,
late of said county, deceased.
Nov. 13, 1854. OBEDIAH S. MORRISS.
ty-one, in the fourteenth District, and first section,
of originally Cherokeo, now Forsyth county, con
taining forty acres more or less, and sold as the
property of Thomas Haynes deceased, for the ben
efit of the creditors of said deceased.
Terms.—Six months credit.notes and approved
security. REUBEN HAYNES, Adm’r.
November 10, 1854.
Administrator’s Sale.
O K Thursday, the 9th day of November next," will
be sold at the Johnson House, the late residence of
Alien K. Johnson, deceased, all the perishable property
of said deceased, consisting in part of one horse and"
buggy, one yoke of oxen and waggons, one steam boiler
about fifteen horse power, some cows, calves, and year
lings, one mahogany Sofa, one fine piano forte. Togeth
er with all tlie household and kitchen furniture, and
many other articles not necessary to mention Sale to
continue from day to day until all are sold. Terms
made known on dav of sale. Oct. IStli, 1S54.
WILLIAM H. FURGUSStlN, ; Aclra rs '
X. U. Any person wishing to purohase the Steam
Boiler cau find it lying near the Georgia Railroad Pepet
Workshop, and examine it for themselves.
GEORGIA, Fulton County.
A LL persons having demand? ngninst Adelaid Wntthal,
^inte of ^ald county, deceased* aro hereby notified to
present them properly attested to me within the timp
prescribed by latv, and all persons Indebted to said de
ceased, are hereby required to made immediate pay
ment. . * i * *
Atlanta, Sept. 14,1854. B. F. BOMAB, Adm’r. ’
Valuable City Lots for Sale.
r r*HE subscriber desiring to close out the balance of
*• that valuable property in this city, belonging to the
estate of the late Samuel Mitchell, deceased, has had
the- san\c surveyed off in lots to suit purchasers, wfco
will find it to their advantage to yxamine the property
at an early day, which will be shown them by the sub
scriber. m* Mr. Mitchell Jr., by calling at the resi
dence of the former on Whitehall street.
March 9th, 1S54 41—tf T. DOONAX
Compound Camphorated Criminative.
■pon tho cure of Cholera Morbus, Spasmodic Chol-
* e O*i Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Summer Complaints,
Cholic, Gripping Pains, or Sick Stomach, want of Appe-
t ie. Wind, Cramp, and all Diseases of tho Stomach and
This is one of the most pleasant, safe and effica
cious Medicines for tho above named complaints ever
offered to the public. It is adapted to persons of all
ages and sexes, and is particularly serviceable in cases
of Cholera Infantum, or Summer Complaints. In many
severe attacks of both. Dysentery and ^Diarrhoea, it has
acted almost as soon as administered, always leaving the
bowels in. a natural condition, thus requiring uo ca
thartic medicine to be taken a.ter, as is most generally
required when articles are given to check*the disease.
It is, also, an excellent remedy, and speedy in its ac
tion in cases of acidity oa the stomach, which pro
duces Wind, Hartburn, Restlessness, want of Appe
tite, Inability* to'Sleep, and, in fact, for many
diseases which arise from a deranged state of the
stomach and bowels. For sale only by
. At Dr. Powell’s Office, on. Peach-tree St
Atlanta, Jane 3d. 1854. f2—tFj
T HE Subscriber, after utaoj. years urgent solicita
tion, by gentlemen of the highest order of talenls
and literary standing in onr country, has eoassntsd to
offer to the Public his Pills, which hive been pronoun
ced by all who have had sufficient experience with
them, as one of the happiest combinations of Hadieine
ever yet offered to the Pnblie, on either Continent, ss a
General Family Medicine.
He feels no fears that the experience of those who
have yet to testthem, will be strictly in acordeance
with the testimonials of those distinguished gentle
men whose names are annexed, with thousands of others
who would freely testify, if deemed necessary.
The CALHOUN PILLS will bo found eminently supe
rior to all other family preparations, in the removal of
that great catalogue of diseases arising from
Derangement of tho Digestive Appamtns,
such as Fevers ofall types, Bowel Affections of all kinds,
every character of Head-ache, Rheumatic Pains, Pains
in the Chest, and so on. If taken and persisted in, ac
cording to directions, in the initial stages of disease,
and particularly during a decided predisposition to dis
ease, they will, like a charm, dissipste without discom
fort, thousands of cases that might, and 1 do not doubt
would, terminate hi death. The subscriber speaks con
fidently, as he is enabled to do from thirty-two years
experience in the Medical Profession, and many years
experience with his Fill?, which hare, during the time,
undergone many alterations, with the view and hope
of makiug them a
Safe and Reliable Faaily Medicine*
They are strictly Anti-Billiousand Anti-Dyspeptic.
The Public are referred to the testimonials of their
Honsors Joseph Henry-Lumpkin, Judge of the Supreme
Court of Georgia: Fx-Judge John J Floyd; Edward
Young Hill. Judge of the Superior Court; Messrs. John
II. Pope, of Lee county, and C. Low, of Augusta, Ga.
Athex-s, September 23, 1853.
Ok-vr Sm:—I received several days since, your favor,
asking my opinion of the Medical merits of the CaUioun
Pitts. Alloa- me to premise, that for the last ten years
I have been tortured in body and mind, by the Demon
Indigestion. I was endowed by nature with an admir
able constitution, and my formidable malady has been
superinduced by a costive habit, brought on by too cloB3
confinement and want of regular exercise. Never hav
ing sufficient leisure to starve out disease, even if it be
possible to do so. which I very much doubt, I have run
tlie rounds of all the most approved cures and allevia-
ttves. I have tried in their turn—Lee’s, Peters’s,
Brandreth’s, Cook’s, Hill’s, Spencer’s Smith’s, and ma
ny other r.atent Pills anti Dyspepsia Drugs, which have
come within my I'aaajh. and contrary to the commonlv
expressed opinion. JHmis? bear my humble testimony in
favor of tho virtue of each and all of these Nostrums.
I am by a Box of Pills, as by a Book which is not of
a vicious tendency. I never bought either, which T
did n' t think fully worth the money which it cost.
It is only nece-sary to add, which I do.most cheerfu
lly—not only through kindness to you, but to the pub
lic also, especially that portion of it who know, by sad
experience, what is meant by the Vulture-like gnawing
at the pit of the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth,
flatulence, aridity, distension of the stomach, consti
pated bowels, cold feet and acute pain in the head,
back and vicinity of the heart—to all such, I can cor
dially recommend the Calhoun Pitts. The efficacy of
this Remodical Agent, I tested for the first time* du•
ring my recent sojourn with you, and have used it fre
quently since, and have found, experimentally, that it
subserves in my case a most excellent purpose, partial
isrly in its effect? upon the Liver, tho sympathy between
which and the stomach is too intimate to require com
Sincerely glad to learn that you are making arrange
ments to give more extended dissemination to your Pills
1 am trull- rour friend and obedient servant.
Or. E. N. Cai.Hi.i x-, 1
Decatur, Georgia. ,
Covix-gto.n, October IS, 1S53.
Dr. E. N. Calhoux-—Dear Sir I am gratified to learn
that it is your purpose to disseminate the improved Cal
houn Piltsrame generally than you have heretofore done,
have occasionally, when sojourning at yonr house, used
them when indisposed, and having found them so mild,
yet so efficacious’in cases of derangement of the digestive
organs, I most cheerfully commend them and their use to
the public, and especially to gentlemen having large fam
ilies, as a most excellent preventive of fixed and perma
nent disease arising from indigestion.
Truly yours. Ac.. JOHN J. FLOYD.
LaGraxge, October 22, 1853.
Dr. E. N. Calhocx-—Dear Sir: I am gratified to learn
that you have come to the conclusion to create Agencies
for the Calhoun Pills in different parts of the country
is it no less an act of justice to yourself than to the
world ai large. Since tho year-1846, I have been in the
habit of using your Pills individually, and as a Familly
Medicine. Observation and experience prove it an inval
uable specific for nearly all irregualritie of the Digestive
Appara tus, performing its office with little or no pain or
nausea : it leaves the patient with a good appetite, in
creased strength and greatly improved and eleva ted spir-
its—properly used, it will cure Dyspepsia and expel all of
its gloomy concomitants. In Chills and Fevers, and even
Bilious Fevers, I have found it equally efficient.
Trusting that you may find the world a* readyto com
pensate you as to benefit itself, the result of your skill
and labor, I am sincerely vonr friend, ike..
Starkvhxe, Lee Conuty, October 25, 1853.
Dll. E. X. C.iutot:.v—Dear Sir. While at Decatur, I
ahd as I consider, a fan- opportunity of testing the Cal
houn Fills, prepared by yourself, and I am so much
plesed with their action upon the Liver, and as a means
of breaking up Bilious predisposition, that I hope as yon
are now preparing to offer them to the public, that you
will create an Agency at Starkville, that may be ena
bled at any time to procure them. I expect to use them
with white and hlackin all cases threatenmgattacksofa
Riilous character. I would be gratified, not only on your
own account, but also for the benefit of the public at
large, that you would place them in the reach of every
person, for I feel confident that there lias not yet been
offered to the public any preparation of Medicine that will
compete with your Pills as a general Family Medicine, or
a traveling companion.
Very sincerely your friend, &c., JOHM H. POPE.
Acgcsta, October 29, 1853.
Da. E. N. C.uhol'.v—Dear Sir This is to certify that
before T had the pleasure of meeting you, I was frequent
ly attacked by some Bilious derangement producing pros
tration, loss of appetite, Nausea and Head-ache. From
the use of your (Calhoun) Pills, administered according
to yourmstructions, 1 was immediately and permanent
ly relieved. It affords me much gratification to ac
knowledge the advantage I derived from your judicious
I remain with high esteem, your obedient servant,
For sale hy J. M. Raxtix-, & J. Nof.cross, Agt. in At
lanta. July 27, 1854. 9—ly.
D yspepsia, rheumatism, scrofula, cough,
tioxs !
Ask tor Hampton' . Vegetable Tincture. The many
cures made by this pleasant and sale remedy may in
duce counterfeiting.
\ Medicine must have merit and great merit too.
to stand the tost of public opinion. Xo art of puffing
•an galvanize a worthless article, so ns to keep it up a?
.. good medicine if it be not really so.
A good medicine will live, become popular, and e.\
teud its sales year after year, in spite of opposition.—
Tlie people will readily find out virtues, and the fame of
them passes from mouth to mouth with more rapiditv
than newspapers can spread it. A living witness testi
fying to the cure a medicine has made for him is of
far more service than any ne wspaper advertising.
In proof of what wo say above, we rcter you to Harap
ton's Vegetable Tincture, and its effects.
The Wife of T W. Yeakie, Grocer, 76 Pearl street,
cured of Rheumatism of 8 years stauding; other rente
die? failed.
Wm. M. Oldham, (late of the Custom House,) dwel
ling 123 Pinest.. of Dyspep.-ia. great debility, permantiy
W. A. Schaeffer, Esq., one of the oldest Magistrates
and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great
weakness and restored to robust health.
Janet Plummer, 153 E. Baltimore st. suffered intense
ly six years with hip disease and mercurial rhumatism.
cured aftei all other remedies failed.
Space will not permit to name hundreds of others,
as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thcs. Cauot, Robert Gault,
James Symth, cured of rheumatism. John Fervail, S.
A. Grffin. John Luke. Rev. V. Ekkrige, U. S. Navy, and
thousands of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula,
Cough, Liver Complaints, Bronchits, St. Vitus’ Dance,
&c. We refer to our own citizens. Call on them.
l!r. Hampton, the author of this great Hampton’s
Vegetable Tincture, is in his 80th year, in good health,
so that it will he seen it is not an article got np to im-
i os.- on the public.
Chester District, S. C-, January 3a, 1853.
Messrs. .Mortimer iz Mowbray—Gentlemen: For the
last live year;: 1 have been a severe sufferer from Rheu
matism, till, seeing your recommendation of "Hamp
ton's Vegetable Tincture,’’ 1 procured a bottle, and the
first dose has so much relieved me that I cansider it
us justice to give to tho suffering world the result of
the application.
Mine was Acute Rheumatism in the back—so bad
that I was confined to my beil for the last six months.
The first bottle acted like a charm, tho second restored
strength to my poor afflicted back, and I am now a?
well and feel as young as when 1 was sixteen. I am
now 74 years of age.
I consider your Tincture the greatest discovery of the
age and poor suffering humanity ought to erect a monu
ment to Dr. Hampton, who has saved thousands from
pain. And you, gentlemen, have acted the part of pub
lic benefactors in disseminating the benefits which
have resulted from your invaluable remedy.
I am a plain cotton planter, and have never written
tor literary fame; but when my fellow beings are afflict
ed shall I hesitate, or through modesty, withhold any
information valuable to my fellow man? 8o, if you
consider this worthy of a place in any of your newspa
pers. you are at liberty to make use of its Yours trulv,
.Moke than Gold to the Sick—From one of the most
respectable Druggists in South Carolina:
Charles!ox", S. C., Sept. 21,1853.
Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbray:—The sale of your
Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is increasing every day,
and every bottle sold recommends this valuable medicine
to the afflicted. Several of our planters have tried it
iu different eases with astonishing success, and are get
ting it by haif dozens. It has been found to bo the
greatest remedy for rheumatic affections; and a won
lierfu! cure lias been performed on a negro suffering
by Fits. I will furnish you with a number of certifi
cates if you wish them. Please send me, soon as
possible a supply of the Tincture. I am, gentlemen,
yours, W. G. TROTT.
Hundreds in this city will bear same testimony.
Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture is purely Vegetable,
ami warranted free from all mineral substance. This
Tincture, by its mild, pleasant, nnd safe action on the
stomach, liver kidneys, lungs, and the nervous system,
cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Disease of the Urina
ry Organs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchial Affections.
Consumption. Scrofula, King-s Evil, Worms, Rheuma
tism, Gout, Neuralgia, St. Vitus’ Dance, Fits, Ner
vous Affections generally, Fistula, Piles, Bowel Com-
plaints, with all diseases arising from impure blood
As a remedy for the various derangements of tho Fe
male System, it seems to have no superior.
The Female System has, in Doctor Hampton’s Vege
table Tincture, a Cure for its numerous and complicated
derangements. Hundreds who have been debilitated
and dispirited, and on the verge of a premature grave
have been restored by its use to blooming health’,
which we are abundantly able to prove by such a* host
of living witnesses.
Extract from James Harris, Esq.’s Letter, Alexan
dria, Virginia:—After sneaking of wonderftU eores on
himself he says: ‘Mrs. H. has been suffering, with the
complaint and with inability, constantly complaining,
from weakness, through her whole system. She now
enjoys better health than forthirty years, being entirely
restored by tho use of Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture.”
Call and get a Pamphlet gratis of ’A. Alexander,
Wholesale and Retail agent Atlanta,. Ga.; Wm. Root
Marietta, Vineyard Jc Jones. Palmetto; Hardlev Rider
& Co., Augusta, Georgia. . Jln«’.i: - J
[March 23,1854
jQQ BBIri Tennessee Corn Whisky: