Newspaper Page Text
«* cured except by* h|cb much Injury j
,tom*cU inagre* - - , point Wm*«Um»Ut cured. |
^donc nUhough hc ^e. — «"•«" !
fluently b«v-m« *o much disordered j
ln * o^tU.. tor!^ «»rl ’'T*ly injured-the re- ,
't I'^SlTd^i-U. n«rv..u,nc. niter-
*“ d.rrhom end coslIvcDeas, flatulence, night*****. |
Would it not, therefore, l>« very <le»ir*bl* to j
”'' ..1 a remedy, which being applied externally *o..ld I
'^L the absorbent* to lucraased action and thus car j
" 1,ich theil Z A Tmll that this would not only be the j
r the safest meant to effect tlie j
pinking roan 1
,o.t | > arrant, but by
Hired end. Tlie *1
t,v the ArabUn phyi
desired end. Tto almost superhuman cures performed
R effected by this course
disntsnl which r
liviicUns In tiie days of old weremsin-
rourre >'f treatment, nnd the ingre.
PIAS UKIMKVT i« ruroro** J, are extracted from rcre
CSw""" '' r > ,;ch <« nuw to ** ° r mMt
T /\ to druggists and merchants in every town in
-C states) is daily offertingcures whirl, seemed
tl “' ' , „Jr r c tr- V-in* to control—con-ump-
^ir^compuint. in,heir frst ..
ently mired ."'and"always relieved by it. u,:e. T, is
quenily c i >nn1vn e_relieving severe pains in a
unsurpv-s application. it soothesthe irralat
few minu e. a _ that delightful tranquility so
ed nerves, and pi C , U1 . Jtprainra bulses,
grateful to the throat, chilblains, rheumatism,
wounds, burns. J^dily cured by ii. and for nearly
sun pain, etc - > cattle, requiring an aatcrnal
.11 ailments in horses o ^ n
application. for Co'intorfeit*!
cautioned against another counter-
Thr rt ,.*’ U made its appearance, called W
feit. which »» Liniment. the most dangerous of
R Farrell - Arabian hi _ hi , r:n(r ,he name of
nl! th* c^unt r • j nK „ 0 «i faith, without the
Farrell, many exist*, and they will per
know'edce that^a coajri r ^ when th« spurious mix
ture has wrought itaevdeffcc Sfa^turgj OB , y ,,, H
The g.-nuine , « n< t proprietor. and wholesale
Farrell, sole in ,treet. Peoria, lllinoia. to -whom
druggist- No. 1 ■ ^oncies must he addressed. Re
*11 K,.plications fwMJ Wort . F , rrtlr ,
sure yo; 1 K • m ,r|T-j—and his signature on the
Win" A Powell, Decatur—and by regu
; t« throughout the United . tates.
and SI per bottle.
f^r\.-T? ? w'l\TFR 0 in*everv town.'village and ham
. t-Sicd £te* in whielione i* not already.,
let in t-ie Cnl cd Farrell an above, aecompa-
A Warning.
Relay not; harbor not in you? mind that sen
teuce of fools’ pbilloaephy, that a disease will
, , ,-ir ( ,r that you can cure it with certain
raldioiues fur a few dollar,. Beware how you tamper
W Ve 5 r!M alid e vlc,*us youths, why will you persist in
• i, * ^,th the tUthy naawsAtinff compound# dailv
‘ there’-, impairing your anpetiteand digestion,
’ : ,l iL h.u mentally *< well as phycally, when
ynn can lie’cured with a few doses of pleasant medi-
01 esof every age and condition, why will ye scf-
1 • ; lra ^ a miserable existence,
and oven ordinary purmi’r
oved and wish to be re
fer and repine,
uorttt. i for the onjoymen
,r life You who are thusannoy
! H„ i,..’t|, Slid vigor hv a treatment at once
r i ‘ ,r nt . !ui4ta«l should consult Dr. MORRIS.
pl.-asHUt— « chn|nIc jirteases has been greater than
tlint of any Other physic an of his -lay. Many who
I . ■ ... n for years niiticiod with disease orcouse
uuenees 'resulting from excess, have been restored to
health and vigor under Ins ally
_ icntitlc treatment
nersonai interview lie objecriouable. state
i. — —.i-». ltillnrs—addre-
.:.s-iise in writing—enclose
vv MORRIS through the Poatolnce. NasIiv.l.-.
-K H gi and 'if medicines, securely pu,
Tl :„. 1 t uriwitflvand with despatch, full of dire-,
n!", therewith, and no questions aske.'..
tl i” r..,nh living at ft distance, and afflicted with
Ol Ulcers, Tetter, Cancers, Piles, Fistula
• vel Strictures. Gleets, or auy disease what
" .n'agg-svHted . r malignant character, can hi
cured at bv consulting Dr. MORRIh, by letter post
Uni. enrlosingu f‘ fc.
Medicine« an ? a4 *
to any part ' ‘-hr United Suites.
Particulai attention gi'-n tot!
complaints. ..adies v
lureoes, i-’.nur Alhus
Fallim- f the bomb,
|V A kit. VTtl .
safe, can be
. per mail
- treatment «,f female
i may lie afflicted with Irregu-
or Whites. Prolapsus Uteri, or
rould dowel! to lay aside all false
ml promptly consult the Doctor. Cnom
Mutual Proteciton Inrurance Office. Ce-
OITlcc nvir ,iu _ ^ Room No. 14. up stairs— -2Mv.
dor street, near l’ostoffice
Nashville. Tenn V.
<;j liidun Pill*.
t ,|tc pn-ni srera a l'.iMit.r Ilroins* is now aboil,
' - ulfered to'he j-uhn<-. ' would direct tlie special
' . .,r mu- friends ai. .-ic-iuaintances everywhere
: ihe,' . ills not fearing h, ll.e least, that they will
--ei ih- liuhii »; prohatluu more fully than any cvei
, „ir,..,.ij ihe peep'.- K<>t rurtlu-r particulars ««i
dvertisement in to-day’s paper. L-uok atthecertifl-
*tes thev sre from a high source.
July dJ,'l8r.4 (P-lv-j
\'o excuse for IU-UeaWta.
^ emaciated frame, sallow complexion.
VfeST^ an dgreat debility, there—It of neglect t.
all ti eminent, when .-lllment ’-lcdical advice can be
obtained privately and promptly.
i ...i — wini innv in- afflicted with Irregular!*:e-
i-* Ano, 'ii-av-l, Scrofula, i Jct-rs, Riieu-
initism. Jtc., d.o.ild not allow fa' ■« delicacy to prevent
11,-ir making immedia.e application ->r.
i n,isi -.gill in Hi- treatment of all chronic disease,
and female complaints, is too .. vli known to be quo.
tione.l. , i.ti v ...
Ti,-. Doctor assures all those who consult him hi .?t-
tti„. mod •> secrecy, prompt atwiitiou.
...I ant. safe a.-1 efficient medicines; and to those
a, 11.1 foil iv strictly ins directions, he will guarantee
so—d.v relief I permanent cures. Charges reasuna
Ue. Address.
Kasliville Tenn.
May 261854.
new advertisements^
Tin-. Sheriff'll Sa!c» of DoKnlb county from nml
afier tliis dole will he pubiiahcil in the Atlanta Re
inilili'-an. S. P. WRIGHT. Sh’fT.
March 1, 1RS5.
I S ui-'sl gratified in being able to announce he
ha. prevailed on (lie eminent Tragic Actress.
3VC iaia Eliza Liogau,
Tu appear for six nights in Atlanta, commencing
Monthly, Mor -h b'h.
This di.-tinguiElicd lady's performances North
and South, and her recent engagements in Savan
nah. Augusta and Charleston having been profos-
i iiuiiil triumphs, must be familiar to tho reading
public of Atlanta.
W. II. C11KISP will, in person, have tin-
Imiior of presenting MISS LOGAN to his patrons
in Ailauta, supported by tho
Old Favorites of liis Corps.
NOTICE.—The Prices will—not be ruited,
An Aynenllc Refrigerant and
T UTS Preparation lias boen introduced exton-
siicly on tlie continent of Europe, and in this
country as on agreeable Substitute for Epson
Saits, it is destitute of bitterness, and by its pleas
ant acidity of ta-tc, and its effervescing character,
is rendered a very agreeable and refreshing urink
directions for use accompany each bottle. Pre
pared and for sale by
A. ALEXANT1ER, Druggist.
Day School for Young Ladies and
On McDonuuijh S/recf, Atlanta, Georgia.
imvi-i.T ioi-atodhorscif permanently in .Atlan
ta, will open a Sellout mi the first Monday in March,
for the instruction of Young Ladies and Misses,
in the various branches of English education, and
in the Latin and French languages.
She will if.i■■ teach M—Drawing, and Cray
oning. and Painting in On and Water Colors, and
on Velvet.
Rt. Lev. Bishop Elliott, Savannah.
“ Dr. E In-iird p. rd, Augusta.
“ Richer 1 .lolmson. Atlanta.
•• Mr. Dubose, M. I). *<
“ Mr. Antony, “
“ Mr. Evans, Augusta,
•• Dr. Taiiuago, Pre
coswuDiTm mn ciuuxiu
From Umir Palatial Aqaatic Anyhi-
theatre, uu tha Mimimimi tad Ob*
rivals, and thair
N«rth AmHcu Clrcas!
So favorably knows is ths North
and East, into
With the Two Cosrasisa, com
prising respectively the most disus.
ruished Northern and Southern Par
arnaniT muni
Daily, in tha same Ring, in promise
of the audience, with
Two Sets of Performers!
riro sets or clowns;
A Complete Dramatic Corps!
Pantomime Event Afternoon!
NED KENDALL, tha Bugler!
A Triumphal Procession through the
principal streets, about 111 o'clock a.
x.. at every place of Kxliihinon. of
die Hands, in the Grand Flora. Cat
of .Statuettes,
Draw n by 40 Horses!
Driven by one man; and everything
else, in and about the Establishment,
upon tlie same elaborate and magni
Seem scale, with BILL LAKE,
the Great New Orleans Clown; H.
Magiltox, tlie Wonderful Man-
Monkey; M’lie AGNES, the Cele
brated Creole Gymnast; Waltxs
Atmak, the Peerless Bareback Ri
der; C. J. Rodeos, the di,tmgui»h«e
Scenic Equestrian: Master Clas
sics, the Young Equestrian Hero,
Mr*. Oekokh, the Beauuful Scenic
Equretriei ne; Mrs. Lake, the intre
pid Horsewoman; the famous Mot
lbt Beotsxbs ; H. Maqiktt, tha
rer jwned Voltigcur: Monsieur La
Ti.okx, the Modem Hercules; Prof
Ealdwib, the English Wizard; W.
Kixkadk, the Versatile Equestrian;
H. DtrKAim, the Skillful Gyi
Roukxt White, the accomplts!
— fami
Maim: W. J. 'Paul, the famous
Jehu; C.Baovnt,J.Rtah, W.Con-
rok, Ac,, Ac., will be exhibited at
a p. *., and H p. x.,
afternoon and night:
Palmetto, Thursday, March lsf.
Atlanta—'Two Days—
Friday d~ Saturday, March 2d & 3d.
marietta, Monday, Merck 5fh.
ZZQr Admission 50cts—Children A Servants J5ct*
fcb. 20 dll Awl
jBMHgBAtlanta, Fcb. I9tli, 1855.
ISmmHIa POCKET BOOK was stolen from the
■mbseriberon Saturday night last containing $151
in cnsli, one jiromissovy note for $1012 50, on Hen
ry H. Simpkin of Cass county, one small note on
William Goldsby, one warehouse receipt for 40
hales eotton, and several other pnpersof not much
importance. All persons are hereby forwamed
from trading fi>r any of the above papers.
fcl> 20 <12 w2 WILLIAM PITTARD.
John Mr. Underwood. | L'liss. H. Smith.
Underwood & Smith,
eb 20 dAwly Rome, Ga.
J)A LBLS. Bridgewater Mireral Fair-t.
/Ci\J20 do Silvers do do
TL -c are the best mineral Paints in use, forsal?
eii 20 dAtvly Sign of tho Negro and >1- r'w
Strayed or Stolen,
| tne middle or latter part of January, two NO
IL HORN COWS, one wholly rod, tho other white
with re<l spots, and a black yearling calf nearly
grown, and a smaller calf black white spi■*“. A
reasonable reward will bo given for their delivery.
Apply at tills office, or address through the P. O.,
Mks F. A. COPER, Atlanta, Ga.
Fob. 15 ( !fit>5. wn38-tf.
tirocerfces! tTroceries! t*rocenes!
'I rilF uiifferaigned nr* now receiving at ibeir store.
I corner of Hunter and Pryor .its., the stand former
1; occupied by J. L-Willianis, a iaiitc aci carulully-»c*
li-cte.1 slock of Groceries, consisting in paid of the fol-
Jowiug urtifl«*H-
f»oiihtU. of New Orleans Sugar,
l'K) Bucks of Rio Coffee,
U*0 bbl-. of >rew Orleans Syrup,
i(‘u bbl». of Lxtra Whiskey,
20 tierces < f Rice,
boxes of ." tar and Sperm Candle*
2fi Cigars.
*00 boxf a Tobacco, ftc.
Wo intend to keep c n^antly on baud a heavy stock,
imi invite tli^e who an in need of Fiich articles to
rive us a cull bet ore purchaaing elsewhere.
Feb22wtf. J. J. TBUASHKRft CO.
Cask and Short Credits!
SLLtc. 'Warota.oumo,
C t ASH buyers will receive discount* of SIX per
J cent., if the money be paid in par funds, with
in ten days from date of bill.
Uncurrent money ouly taken at its market val
ue on the day it is received.
To merchants of undoubted standing, a oredit o<
six m-Mithe will be given, if desired.
Where money is remitted in advance of maturi
ty, a discount at tbo rato of TWELVE por cent.
nor annum will be allowed.
| N again calling tho attention of the trading eom-
X inunity to tho abovo Terms, wo announce that
notwithstanding the general depression in com-
•nercial affairs throughout tho country, the system
of business adopted by us more than a year since,
and to which we shall rigidly adhere, enables us to
ofler for the coming Spring season our usual as
sortment of
Comprising one of tho
[Largest and most Splendid Stocks
To be found in America; to which wo will receive
constant additions, throughout tho season, of new
and desirable goods from our
House iu Paris.
Jan. 18., '65. u97-d*w-2m.
Practice of Surgery.
Drs. Smith & Ramsay
B EG leave to inform the public that they will
attend strictly to all Surgical Cases scut to
their care, and ample preparation will be made for
all transient pntienis. Tho centrality of Atlanta,
and its remarkable facilities for living, point to it
as n most desirable place for the invalid. Persons
wishing Surgical aid can always find comfortable
quarters. We devote especial attention to diseases
of the Eye nud Ear, nlso, te the usual surgical ail
ments, such as stone iu the bladder and all inju
ries requiring surgical aid.
Feb 22. 1855. wly.
a combination of the mustetficieiu rem-uire *. ., ; ;.!0.‘)dO ibs OLD !IA - s .
ue.? 1. *-ll!». fa ’ - - i -. to
*v I i »N i ;.l - - Ja.ioe.rv 1st, 1S55. payment of j
remedy for all diseases of the Urinary yrgam.. de»t*u- j p, v;>; ., s „ai be required at the G. R. ROAD |
OFF! E. o', or before the deliv • f the Goods, i
Transportation Office. | J. B. BRANTLEY", i
Atlanta, Dee. 26, lii-4. J 78dlm Ag*t ;
O N and niter January 1st, 1855, payment o j
Freights will bo at t;te MACON A .
the delivery of the Goods. U. L. WRIGHT, j
Truiisportutio!-. Offi-e I Ag’t. j
Atlanta. Dee. 2fi, ISA I. J 78dUn i
Ft? tho Uedicul luculty, f<*p the relief .u**I cu
those numerous compkiints-ol DieJ*r*aary orir.»n*«. v n-
Bcqueut upou infltu»ti«p cr ulceraU«»u *t t:i«. iki .•»»*>-,
Bladder and Urethra, ft i* prei;flr*-’* Wan experienc
ed chemist, accordin»j to a formuin p ! by ;!:•*
Medical Faculty. auO* is worthy tii<- contl-Jenct* »»f .11
xrho may be buffering Troin l*aio nui iVf.'uue ■* in Lbe
small of the Bsok. ,Sh>ppa^»* and I’u.u iu yu» V'riue,
Diabetes, or Exce^ of Uriue. Strangury. Gravel. U!et*t. 1
Ltucorrhoea, kc. 1
RISLEY’s BUC&L is a reliable un*l staodar i p<*j;ui:tr |
nedy *
ed to displace ihe high priced and Irresponsible no«
truma which are forced ujK>n the r.otie** and credulity
of sufferers. It is put up in largo bottle^, and a«d! at
$1 by dru^ists an«l country merchants generalU . und
at wholesale bv IIAV'II-AND, RISFXY ft ‘ *0-. Auffu»t& ;
HAVILAKD, HAND ft CO.. Charleston : and by ff \Vl-
f S a medicine th*t commends itself tu head.* of fauu-
1 lies and females in all conditions. Unlike m«*»st of
the nGstrumfl for the core of all dfn*a**e«. which aiv
forced upon thy notice aa*i credulity of tht? BufTering.
this is a female remedy exclusively ; and one that can
be relie*! on for the cure and relief of roo-tot the com
plaints peculiar to It is well known to Physi
cian** that much of their suffering and ill-health m •>
l»e traced to irregularity in tlieir peculiar •»» a>oxis. and
that false delicacy oft- n d«?ters them from seeking re-
•ief. The Philntoken is infslible in The cure of painful
menstruation, f&n-i consequent sterility.) and for the
immediate relief of syjiathetic nervotii nffections,
sleepiness, anxiety, hysteria, &c. It is perfectly safe
in all cases, and i« warranted to secure the approbation
and commendation of all who will exercise *»uf?i«;ieiit
confidence to give it a trial.
Full directions accompany it. Price $! a Iwtile.
Sold bv Druggist* an*i country Merchants generally,
and at wholesale br flAMLAN’D. RT^LF.Y ft CO., Au-
gusta, BAVILAXD, HARR AI. ft rc> . Charleston.
Dr. Rob arts Colic Mixture for Infants.
T ITK moat injurious anodyne-; such aw ixudanum
pareg«*ric ftcare t<#o often u**ed u» relieve* the cries of
inf*nL* suffering from colic, producing C4*n**tipatiuii and
^.metimes death. ROBERTS COl/iC MIXTURE afford•«
immediate relief from pain, procures refreshing bIi*in
'.*er, and it commends itself to Mothers. Sol i at *.5
cents a vial by J. 1L Rnntin Atlanta, Wm Rent iiaric*T-
ta and country Merchant* generally at Wholesale, by
Haviland Risley ft Co., ‘Augusia l»a . llarilAii i H.-inal
ft Co., Charleston S. C. {dftwly.j
January 11. l v -55.
■ ■ »r - •
kcK choice
Mfv t;*- Fe»tsMjn».
■ i Oitle. and «. »uw :hou«§-
il 'iip; and Meat,
tr:f J. E. WILLIAMS,
ttentemu Builtlintr. Atlntite.
♦ ‘
Call and nee Me!
Thankful for tlie patronage heretofore extended
to the firm of Tomlinson A Dooley. I would iu
form the public that I have again opened for mv-
aslf, and respectfully ask a continuance of the
jame favors. I am prepared to do Hondo Paint
ing with durability and tasto no; oveeiicd in tlie
South. -Also. Sign Painting executed in the nent-
ent maimor and at tho shortest notice. I have in
my employ the best workmen the South can af
ford—and Neatness and Despatch shall lie ray
motto. A. DOOLEY".
tfp—ithopon Alatuirrm street, two doors below the
corner of Whitehall and Alabama street-:
Atlanta, Ga. Jart 9 1855 d.twtf
Medical Department.
i 'HU Atiuor.l Ceare- of I.ectares in tiiu department
~ili couimeuce ou Atonday, November 13tli, ftud
‘.II tfcrm-uate in the ensuing March.-
Janes Jokes, Jl. D. Professor of Practice ol Medicine
VTsmx .Stoxs, M. D., Professor of Chemistry.
J. L. Riddsll. ii. D., Professor of Surgery
A. H. Cuss, U. ft., Professor of Obstetrics.
A. J. Wkdoskbcks", If. ft.. Professor c.f Anatomy.
UcSTivrsA. Nirnr, M. D. l*rofessor of Materia ileffica.
Taos. Hcxi, H. D. Prof, of Phvsiology and Pathology.
sssslss? S C:: 1 '*»>—“««•
The r*wms for i>iB3octing will be opes od the third
Monday in October'.
The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of
the Charity Hospital, and attend this Institution from
IkOWcibar to April.
The Students accompany tho I*ro!e*2oT* in their
visit.i, and. freo of e£i>ense. oajoy extraordinary pruc-
ticul advantages.
Tliei e are. during the session, about *>ighl hundred
persons pnMCribe.1 for daily.
In 1853 the number of patients was thirteen thousand
sewn hundred ami fiftv-nine.
July *20. (II—1m) * THOS. ITUNT. M. U.. Ireen.
iioiuekteitd 9,;ttv of Force ! j
f*HE undcr-igne.l ..til-re for sale 500 acres ol Land j
Atlanta Medical College.
- , r | 'HE first course of lectures iu this Institution
th-<.s,t 'ynkofthe Little •aiUm^nve^BTO, |_ wfl! commetteo on tho first Monday in May
miiere from Aeedin Ran*!<>lph County. Alauima, j . . c , -
cociuraing ntw.ot tf.0 acre- .M bottom land. 50 acres ] uexr, ami continue the last ot the following Aa-
dcare! am -ho balance well timbered. Ti:- place con- gust, during which the usual systematic course oi
fains sufllriviM water powerfor any kin-t of Macliinory, ; lectures i?iii b^given, ami Clinical instruction
end a c-1-.n’.. r of fin- springs, and is situated in ’he j twice a Week,
health ire! waiion of Alabama Per terms apply to the j FftClllty.
sabseriloir at ilockdaL. Alabanm. ;; i-to ^'^ n * j M-O- Slaughter. M. ft., j'rof. of Anatomy.
i»u tin*
Oct 24
he Principle}* and Practice
J. W. Jt*nes, M !)., Pr«*f
{ of Medicine,
j Je< tt e During, M. I).. Prof, of Obitetric* and Plseoase?*
; of Women and Children.
W. F. Westmoreland. M. I>., Trof. of the Principles
f an! Practice *>f Surgery.
| J. E. Pubo*e, M. D.. Pr. f. «»f Physiology.
| C. T. Wilburn. M. !»., Prof, of Surgical and Pathological
Piano Forte Eepairer and Toner,
^ ^ .'il.L attend t • any calif in bis
i V line of hnsiiif'cs. such as reg- y*. --
uiating of aetii.n. i-.ivcring of bara- H T _
merp. Melted or buffed.) laying of new strings by | J. J- Robertson, M. ft., Prol. of Chemistry and Medical
the octave, whole or single. <£•*.
riven in every
c’- •v.-.rranted.
instance or no
-barge. Aii w
Tuning by the Yrardone at Retliieed
“Orders Huy where from tb*? coim^rr, .%ldre?st*d to
C. F. Dartr. Aihmf'i, </•?., will aw*it with prompt
nttiuiitioii. j
]Orc3" SSLAr.ieSsa., ci-e. >
# MRS. J. *•. BORING, takes great jiieas- |
urc in announcing -> tier frten-ls and pat- |
rnvis. that her stuck of Fell ami. :YLiter j
Goods is now curaplete. Please cat! s.nd oxaminc j
her goods, all who are in need of the latest fash
ions! as she has this day received a Lit of jnat such
articles. Her good* need no greet noise about
them—come and s-c them, nnd judge tor your
Atlanta, November 8," 1854. dwilm
GMOliGlA,' ] Ortlinarj- Court, Dec’r.
Fulton County, j Term, 1854.
To the Honorable the Court o: Ordinary of E&id
fF'HE petition ol John Mitchell rcspcetfsBy
1. sheweth, the 17th day of January,
1S50, Allen E. Jolmaon of said eouuty, (but thut
of Dokalb.) and Stute, delivered to your petitionei
an obligation, a copy of which is hereunto attach
ed, whereby Le bound himself to make your peti
tioner a full and MiScieut title, and relinquish
ment of ail his right, title aud uterest, in nnd tui
certain lot of land, as follows: The East half o
lot No. fifty, in the sixth Distriet ol lleniy coun
ty, containing one hundred one aa<i a fourth acres,
upon tha payiuont of three hundred dollars as tht
purchase money, in one, two, and three payment:
as in said obligation alleged. Tour petitioner fur
ther shows to your Honor,Jthat subsequently to the
date ol said obligation, u,e said Allen E. ffoljtisui
departed this life intestate, and that John Ii. John
son and William II. Ferguson, of said county, ha:
obtained Letters of Administration ou tho good:
chattels and credits of said Allen E. Johnson, it
tho Court of Ordinary of said c-ouniy of Fulton
and that during tlie lifo of the said Alien E. John
son, and within the tim- specified in said obliga
tion, wherein tfio said decease' 1 , bound himseit t-
make titles to the land now claimed, your petition
er paid to tho said Aileu E. Johnson, tlie aforesaid
stun of threo hundred dollars, due on the iauo
And your petitioner prays your Honor to liirec,
tho said John H. Johnson and William H. Fergu
son to niako your petitioner titles to said lot o?
land, according to the teaor and effects of said ob
ligation, and vour petitioner will ever pav, Ac.
' JOHN MITCHELL, Pctitiouor.^
Georgia, Fulton County.
W HEREAS, William Holbrooks has this day
applied to mo'.or letters of Guardianship to
jarah, Jane, John, Samuel, Wiley, Mary, Mar
tha and Willis Cash, minors auil orphans of John
tl Cash, late of said county deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud
singular the kindred aud all others concerned to bt
aud appear at my office, within the time prescribed
bylaw, to show cause, if any they bavo, why said
lette.s should not be granted.
Given under my hand aud seal at Office this 1st
lay of January, 1855. JOS. H. MEAD,
GEORGIA Fulton County.
: OBLRT M. CLARKK will apply at the IVbruim
* *■ Term, next, of the Court of Ordinary of ssi.
Cf unty , for Letters of Guardianship to 8ur»li A. I
Alsabrook. and Martha A. Jl. Airabroots, minors and
■ irpbans, of Nicer Alsabri ok, oT said county.
Given under rov hand ai:d rent M ., H IV. R fee.
: 85-t. ' JOS. H. MEAD, Ordinary.
DeKttlh County, j
|To all whom It may Concern.
WHEREAS, it. U. Brown applies to me fo-
'otters of Administration on t!io Estate oi It. S
'.'’right, late of said county, deceased. These arc.
: here loro, to cite and admonish ail, and singular,
ibe kindred and crcditoia of said deceased, to '••.
uid appear at my office within the time prescribed
iy law, and sh-.w cause, if any they hwe. wh;
iettors of Administration should not, Le gran too
Lite said applicant.
Given under mv hand officially,
Jan. 2nd. 1855.
J. G. tVestmorelnmi, M. i>.. Prof, of Matorla Jto iiea »sd
Therapy tics.
An abundant supply of Material for dissection j T/’N
'.subjects preserved in spirits of wine) will he pro- • ‘ Y ,
vided. Tho services of a competent Demonstrator
of Anatomy will be procured before the opening of
the session. The fees for tho entire course amount
to $105. Matriculation, (payable once only,) $5.
Dissecting ticket, (obligatory once only.) $10.—
Graduation fee, $25. Good board can be had ir.
the city for $3 per week. For further information
address I. G. 'VEST riORELANI). Dean.
Atlanta, Jan. 15. 1855. d*w3m.
Water Proof Boots.
A lino lot just received, and for salo."
Jan 1855 ( w3t )
New Candy Manufactory
■» A.H.K: ■« Tk’ S
T HE subscriber would inform the citizens of At
lanta and vicinity that ho has constantly on
■mnd, at his Confectionery and Baking ectablish-
ment. all kinds of
Confections, Pastries, Fruits, &c
lie is also prepared to furnish every duseription
of plain and ornamental Cake3, for weddings or
parties, at short notice, and on accommodating
Imported wines and brandies of ail descriptions
or medical purposes, kopt a’ways on hand. Also,
genuine Spanish Cigars, and choice chewing To
bacco—together with a large assortment of Toys,
Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac.
Having recently returned from the North, where
he laid in a fino stock of Fancy Articles and eve
ry thing necessary for carrying on his candy man
ufactory, bo would inform county dealers that he is
prepared to furnish caudie» at wholesale atIV
cents per pound.
Orders accompanied with the cash or good city
references promptly attended to.
Atlanta, Nov. 30th ISh [dtw-ly.
Men c*s Boya OIotMiu-g,
Clothes IV ew and Fresh.
The Richest ever brought to this Market.
Vest i lifts.
’Come soon, or they -will all be sold.
Gloves—F.xlra Fitic-
Neck^Flzinif the very latent style* and riche".*
Tailor’* TTlramJnjc*—Tr-pvA, Crayons, and alinoit any-
thlny kept in a Merchant Tailoring t*4lftbliahmeut. car.
he bought fmra the subscriber.
Atlanta, Not 2. dftwtf I.EV.'l^ L.\TTSHK.
Fisfc’s jletalic linrialjCftst
hf f f dnff)i w ji!ffiiiin nr rujrt
T HIS valuable article Is just re-.-eii c'l anu tor
sale at tho Tin Ware Manufacture of L. If.
Burr, on IVhito Hall street, Atlanta, Ga., by.
Atlanta, Dec. ?9, 1S54-. d*wtf.
JWw Millinery.
-^v A/fH-S. M \V. HARRIS, has received and
is receiving, h new ami beautiful stock of
Millinery. Shehas alsoa vrell-selectt^ supply of
Rib^n*. lA'iiej’ Collars, Chemisettes. Ilaudkerchiefs,
^l e e v es, Gl-»'es. r-:»*4s-tniamings, Ladies* Cloaxs ami
Shawl*—sliealso haa ou hand a few patterns of splen
did I'rre«M-?ilks. and a arreat many articles in her line
not mentioned—all of Yvbich she will sell very low.—
She aho keaps constanily on hand Ladies’ splendid
bilk and «atin Kate, ma.’e after the latest styles. Leg
horn or straw Bonnet s bleached or dyed and pressed in
to the most appro>ed styles.
She is Also prepared to m ake ladies’ Dresses, at short
notice and in the latest fashions.
She can be found all timos of tk* day in her shop
•▼er Rurr’s tin-shop.
Atlanta, tf*., Oct 2f, 1R.">4. COdtf
U hiskej'.
20 Bblv Fi.-hca Magnolia, Whiskey Just received
and for pale low for' Srii by
Atlanta. January 6, 1855. [dlw.]
A TISS E. S; RETD and Miss A. L. WRIGHT,
ff ll who have l;ccn successfully '‘inpl'iyed in
teaching at the North, will epen a School ou the
Sth of January, in the basement of tlie Presbyte
rian Church. Tbi? school is designed for young
Ladies and Misses, but a few small boys wii! be
taken with their sisters to accommodate their pat
Terms per Quarter.
Primarv Department, $4: Common English $«:
Latin, French, tho Natural Sciences, $S: Pencil
Drawing, $3 extra. Tuition payable quarterly,
No deduction made for those entering before tho
3d week.
Reference*:—Rev. J. DuBose, Rev. J. P. Duu-
can. J. A. Hayden. George Robinson, J. <White.
December 21, 1854. d3m.
5 'iiF .H.ib-cribcT i* j>r«r.ared - o t ike -i .ks ujpiinst
J of building*<>f every description (not prohibited
by the* rules cf the Companies) and Mtocks ofgoodM, by
fire, upon reaHi)liable terms an any u£Gc«i "f eounl re-
-p«m-ifbility in the southern country. He h.aa the
Agency of txt>'»f the oldest CoinpanfeN in the Coiled
r?7. The IlGrtfor»l Fire Insurance Company ani*
•lie -i'na Insurance Company at Hartford, the late re
ports of which show them to be i?i a perfectly sound con
dition. having a cash capital of over $ H»0.000. The at
tention of Mechanics and laboring men generally* aud
all heads of familiesK respectfully called to tho fac?
that they can secure a competency to their families in
after life by a til tie annual exigence employed in ensu
ring their life. Tho Charter Oak Life insurance Com
pany. of which the subscriber i;i Agent, will grant pol
icies for from $600 to 95000 upon reasonable terms.—
Owoois of Negroes need never loose tliat kind of prop-
ertv if thev will ensure tneirlives in thit Office.
OlnceXo" .*>, Alabama Street. WM. MARKHAM.
Atlanta. Oct.. ‘28th 1851. dtf
Com?' EverytioGj",
rpOtfic H tv.c Hre *<ign : tha* van*.< gooff
* home-maffc v, ■;, ■ 1, or Bridle-. Saddle
mi-, Tr ink.-. V:.!rie- Harness, Collars anil
tVhliv. a great vari^iy. together with all articles y.a.t
; : »„t in an estalffi-hinent <>f thin kind 1 ail of which
are offered at the lowest living pricea, for cash, hy -, .e
“udersienod. MfU.ER * ANEREMS.
■w^Repairing of all kinds done with quick
Atlanta, Nov. I 1854—d&wlv.
jl.\y- r.hvnys s*. hand a fin** "stock t>f
a"S3" i 5. 1 X7"3GIXjiX^.'3ir,
.ml is prepared tu have wat.' i-work of every descrip
tion <iouo Up iu FISSL hatk style au i warranted.
Atlftt. nla. Sep25th. 1854. 1—ffvvly
Q Rankin, Wm. M. Hurllck, Geo. i. fcummoy,
[clVCt>.<OKS To A. AihINbON ft U).J
rTftHISrtitablwhinentha^ beeninsuccessfuloporationfor
X a number of years. The Quarries are .v eil opened, and
the Marble is auperffr to any in the United States.
AVe have so perfected ourfacililieH forgetting to and Sa
shing Yvork. that we can furnish
Monuments, Tombs, Tables,
HEAD STOKES, and everything in our line of business,
in better style, and at cheaper ratnp, than any yard in
the country.
When it is coinidered that we naw our own marble,
i-ay fo jobber’s profit-* and no high freight from tha
North, it will be Been that we do po<aeJ maternal ad
vantages overall competitors.
We cordially solicit our friends and tho public gene
rally to examine our work, and compare our prices with
tho«e of other yards before* ordering Northern marble.
We have ou hand at our yard in Marietta a large a-r
■*ortment of finished work—Monuments, Too»nbs, ftc..—
whereour agent ft. W. Summer* will sell at our pricer.
Onr principal work is deneat the Mills. Address
31—ly * J. G. RANKIN ft CO.
Marble Work P. O., Ga.
O. T. cSs 3~. 3-*.
General Agents
For tho j- ir-hase and sale of
Georgia and Tennessee Produce.
Uuouffslh nabit*::rid ind€*!*en*ie.nt tacilitie*.—necesssr"'
vfvi-eDces. Particular and personal attention to a*,
business entrusted will meet with attention, persever-
T HE subscriber has made arrange
ment:! with some of the mint i-cl-
■j! rated Piano Forte makers for sup
plies. His instruments are always direct from the
factories, in original packages, of the latest and
most fashionable styles and hav tho most impor
tant improvements.
Without expensive store rent, ur other outlays
| attending an open establishment of this kind, ho is
enabled to furnish these instruments at tuo lowest
prices obtainable, and boing a professional man
himself, he feels confident to have it in his power
: rive entire satisfaction to all who may favor
him with their orders. Those only who wish to
procure first-class instruments will please address
tlie subscriber. 0. F. EARTH,
Atlanta, Ga.
J5S*- Old Pianos taken in oxchsu re as a part
payment for new ones. Good second-handed Pi
anos for sale and hire or. reasonable terms.
Dee. 21. 1851. d.twl v.
Steam Saw Mill f«trSale.
I Its Excellency llctxdicl V. Johnson.
Richard Peters, Esq., Atlanta.
Judge Holt, Augusta,
Coi. U. I! Cumining. “
Mt W m. 11. Crane, “
Mr. Josi.tb Sibley, •'
Mr. N. B. Moore, *•
Dr. L. A. Dugas. “
Dr. Henry Campbell, •*
Feb. 28, d 2 vr, w tf.
Kcw 3ookstore.
jr E t S ff"’’ THE subscriber having recently re
B luftiiiy plunised hit large and well selected
the next four weeks.
.7®- Wo will take the Notes of any Specie-Pay-
" j ir.g Bank in the United States, during that time
for goods, or in payment of debts.
! Ail wo sc'.! are warranted, no matter how low
• kiethtopo University, j they are sold.
N. B. Those indebted to F. M. Eddleman for
accounts made lust year, will do well to call and
settle us soon us they possibly can. His Patience
\* thread-bare. F. M. E.
Atlo. ta, February 1, 1855. [wtt.[
Physiological Vinv of Marriage. !
by :
M. B. LA CROIX, 91. D-, Albany, X. T.
250 l*agen nnd 130 Fino l*laii: «uti Colored Lithographs !
und I’laies.
Price only T-wenty-five Cants.--5^ j
yy-riiDt free of postage to all parU cf the Union.j
LISHKD. and containing neari\ ;
double the quantity of reading ;
matter in that “f the
Fifty centa cr Dollar Publica- i
It treats on tbo PHYSIOLOGY
OF MAHRIACrL. and the secret ;.
infirmities and disorders of *
youth and maturity, resulting j
from excesses which destroy j
the physical and mental powers, j
all diseartes arising from iudis i
urethra, with plain and simple rules by which all per |
sons cun cure themselves without n-cicurj. v itL tLs i
author’s obsertalions on marriage, its du'.h r, and dis- I
qualilicatitraa. and their riraiedies; with colored lirho-
grapfis, illustrating the anatomy and j liysielogy. and
disea sea of the reproductive organs of both sexes, their
structiireF, uaea and functions. It contains ninny im
portant hints to those contemplating matrimony
which will overcome objections against marriage;—
none, however, should take this important step with
out first consulting its ; ngt-s. It treats of ali disea-cs
of females, whether married or single. Hints to tho -*■
who desire no more children. Strangers who requite
medical aid. before consulting any doctor, ought to
know whether their cases are projerly understood by
those whom they employ, and thus guard against tho
imposition of quackery, so prevalent in populous cities.
Hence the advantage cf a popular knowledge of one3-
self. such as is given in this work.
It medical authorism he the test of talent, anden-
lighM-nment be sought from books, let common sens*
discriminate between truthful simplicity and outrage
ous speciousne's and bombast. !!r. I - Croix is a legal
ly qualified physician, and for the lust twenty years
has been daily consulted upon the different diseases up-
whicli his book treats, personally as well as by let-
ending twenty-five cents in u letter,
five one copy by n
i age or fire copies for $1.00. Addre
i CROIX, No 31 Maiden Lane, I\ O.
X- Y.
i jjyMeilicIne sent to any part of the Cnien sccor.1-
I ing to directions, safely packed and carefully secured
I from all observation.
*,*Oflice open daily from 9 A. M., to 9 P. M. OnSnn
day from 3 until 5 P. M.
iyOffice Removed from X. 56 Beaver st., to No.
31 Malden Lane, Albany, X. Y". 44d&wly
-pv Kr jD’AijxriG-itr’sr,
H AVING removed his nsidoUL-e and office, to
Marietta street above Esq- Payn’s, hopes t':
receive a continuance of the liberal patronage ol
his pood customers.
Patients t»r Surgi-al operations can be accom
modated with board.
-.ffre Ladies wishing dental attendanoo, by giv
inp a timely notice, even through the Post Office,
will be furnished with a conveyance free of charge.
Atlanta. Feb. 2, 1S55. nlOO-utf.
W. Herrins & Co.,
v EET in connection with their large Stock of CTleth-
i Y jj vlf a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of tin
latest styles, also, Riots and Shoes,^Trunks, Carpet
Bags and Valises. 4 dtf;
Atlanta. Sppt. ff- last
Burning Fluid per Gallon
Pumphene, -l
tlcohol. 80 per cent Gallon,
Alcohol, 95 per cent Gallon,
I.rmr Rash.
Atlanta, Ga-, Xov. 20, 1854.
Engine 9>ff inch bore. 20 inch stroke, 2 cylender biiil-
1 ers. power sufficient to drive a 4 feet circular Saw, or a
| Gr: ; .Mill or Sliinule Mill, might be attached, either of
j which would well.
j Living 40 miles from tho above Mill, anil having as
’ ranch bu-duss as 1 can attend to, I will soil tlie Mill
j and land.fnv the very low sum of S-Ji‘00. SloOOoash,
reasonab e tine on tho halance. tVith proper man
agement the ill will make the money I ask for it ir
twelvemonths. E. CARLTON,
I July 1st, 18S4 ra—fiml LaGrenge. Georgia.
... 1 00
... 1 VJK
... 1 30
, Hi P LEY.
Li?Ut! Liiglit!! Li?lil!!i
BCash Oulg.“®8.
The will soil Burning Fluid at
$l,10cts per gallon.
P. S.—But if charged, $l,20ets per gallon with-
ettt distinction. T. R. RIPLEY.
At'nuta. Jon. 23. 1355.«rtwtf
[Corner of Whitehall und Mitchell Streets.]
J. M. Rar.tin returns his sincere thanks to hi3
friends and tho public generally, for tho very kind
and liberal patronage, they havo heretofore l:e-
stowed upon hint and trusts he may merit a con-
nance of the same. Tho following are some of the
leading articles, kept constantly on hand and at
reduced prices viz:
3 qualities of gum Shellac.
3 do “ Glue.
3 do “ C-opal Yarnrih.
1 do “ Japan do
2 do “ Alcohol.
Biscuit or baking Soda. 10 cents or 8 cents by
the quantity. Varnish. Paint, Sash. Tooth, Hair.
Nail, Hat u n d Cloth Brushes, and a fine varietv of
Fancy articles. Also, Dye Stuffs, ami pure Medi
cinal liquors, for sale at both of his Drug Stores.
Fei> S—dtf J. VI. RANTTN, Druggist.
YVhitelinll nnd Peachtree streets, Atlanta, Ga.
Cheap for Cash.
F. M. Eddleman & Brother, having determin
ed to reduce thoir Stock as low as possible before
Spring, will sell
Lower for cash than the same goods have ever
been sold in this Market.
Those having Families to Shoe, and others, will
do well to vail soon. Our Stores being very small,
and contemplating buying a very
for tlm Spring und Summer trade, we must and 1 ter. Any person . . ,
,, t ^ .. . . « • j uo°t vail will mcciTO one copv bv mail, fref ot post-
will soli the greater portion o! our present Stock «t j U Pre conies for SI .00. Address 1R.M B LA
570, Albany,
Atlanta, Ga.
W. ROARK would all the attention of the
* public to his large and well selected stock j
of Groceries which he will sell at tho j
Very SLso-sTcrcjsrfc Sbriosa, j
at Wholesale and Retail.
As he intends doing a cash business exclusively, i
those wishing to buy for cash would do well to call j
and examine his stock, consisting of every article
iu the way of Groceries, Ilats and Can:’, Boots
and Shoes. Sadlery, &c. Those who call at bis
establishment will not fail to bo satisfied both in
respect to thequality of articles and price.
Atlanta, Oet. 14. 1854. (17—dtf)
TF you wish to buy your H aTS ebra p, and get a good
1 article, call at the subscribers where you an have
a laage and well selected stock to select fro
Valuable Plantation top bale.
T HE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTA
TION in PoKn’.b county, lying on tho waters
| of Peachtree and Peavine creeks,3i milesNortb-
! West oi Decatur and 3} miles North-East of At-
j inntn, adjoining lands of Daniol Johnson, Esq.,
I T. N. Paden and others, containing about 300 acres,
j There arc about 100 acres of open cultivated land
! under good fences and necessary buildings for
j farming, with a good apple orchard. Any person
j desirous of purchasing can call on mo on the prem-
! i.=es or address me at Deeatur. Term? will be uc-
ominodating. J. B. WILSON.
Jan. 10. 1855. JJt—wfim.
O- ro?. APT A- 8QV
1 jYi t BBI.8 Tennessee Corn Whisky for sale
It Ml by W. W. R
r sale at -IS
U E W EE.33 r? ,
HAS this day opened his Store under.
Hayden's Hall, and invites tho publio
in general to call mad examino hie .ff
Stock. AH kinds of Jewelry neatly *
repaired and exocuted at the shortest ,y.
notice, and warranted. Ilis Stock’’
‘consists of Watches. Clocks and Jew-ft'
elrv of every description. Also a variety of
i * Fancy -Skrtiolcs.
N. B. AU Watches nud Clocks will be repaired
'ey J. Marechal, Watch Maker, and warranted.—
And they trust by their strict attention to business
’ thev siav merit a share of public patronage.
; Atlanta, Jan. 22d, 1855. d99-1m-w35 tf.
Instruments for Surjje nris’ and Physi
cians’ Use.
er y
i m toNSTSTJNG of Speculums t,l varloufl kin 1 .!. Eye
I V.> Cupi4, l*4»rc*»lain ami AMomiual Sunp'Ttors
rersnries. Silver, Woofi ami I^t.rv, fcc.. Irusnes.
J English, American, Shoulder Braces, ai-
| kiDila, Brcn v t Bmi&. SnJfile *skors, Pocket Utses.
j Syrenpt-n in pr*»at variety. Klcctm Magnetic Machinea.
ilil resiieetfully iuvilo all who wi?h to j lfttentylen, St* uland Metal Sound*, assorted bizcb, Silver.
More than .*>00 persona intliv city cf Richm.r.«l
Ya.. alone testify to the remarkable cures performed by
i e OH
He has also a f'
W itciios, Jewc'r
Teachers and M
i Hiicets, Care?, Gold. Silver Wood leather, ftc..
Stomach Pump 1 *. Cnpi*lng Ua-sr.s. improved Probangs;
Uretlm Inr»lnirr*»ijts. in and out of ca^w And many
other instrumentp not enumerated, with an extensive
stock of Prnge. Medicines, Paintx, Oils, l’erftimory,
Fancv Articles, kc. t for sale, on accommodating terms,
Sign Negro and Mortar.
Atlanta. Feb. 14. dftwly.
having been bought prineipstlly for cash, nn.l sc- IiiHtruinent?, Amputating Instruments. Trephemng In-
lectod mofctly by hirn«elf in tho Northern cities.— | striinieuta. Trocars and Canulnis Instruments, Fvat
;• -r.T'ply of of Fancy Articles,
> Rt tho lowest prices,
bant-* Fur.plied on the most lib
eral t4.rm«. itBORGE DUNHAM.
Atiiinta, February 7, 1S55. [wly.]
Ware-House & Commission Merchant,
Al'LA NT A, O EQ UCiljY.
H AVING routed that spacduus Fire-fiVVTTv,
Proof Ware-House, recently erertedkJKjAjjf
on Whim-nail htrect, will attend to the™^®*
Storage and Sale of Cotton, Corn, Lard Ba>-on,
and all other produce with which he may be favor
ed. Having intd long experience in the general
trade of Georgia, he flatters himself that he can
give satisfaction In the sale of all produce; and
also in the purchase oi all articles which the coun
try may acquire. T, D00NAN.
D Member 14,1854. f 0dwtf
$5 Reward.
STR AY’F.D from the subscriber, on the
9th of November, last about two miles
this side of Nelson’s Ferry, a small
brignt uav Mule, & small saddle sput on hie back,
blnck stripes round his leg* and shod before
with old shoes, about five or six yean old, har
ness marks on hips and side*. The above reward
will be paid for the recovery of the said Male.
Address me at Wehogn Pott office Benton county,
Alabama- N. B. HENRY.
February 1,1855. *[w4fcj
Clarke & Grubb,
Mo. 35 Whitehall Street,
jA.tIan.ta, G-a-,
Are daily receiving, and will keep constantly
ou han<l. all kinds of
Groceries and Tennessee Produce.
They hare now in store,
40.000 th* yood Baron Sides,
25.000 lb’ Leaf Lard,
,1,000 Hr* Feathers,
125 bushels Dried Apjdee,
75 « “ Peaches,
100 bblt jVcit Orleans Syrup,
26 hints Neic Orleans Sugar,
25 sacks Rio Cnjf ce.
Freali Garden Seeds,
Corn, Oats,
Flour, Meal,
AXD almost eTery other article sought for by feastruno-
^»Thej art also prepared to STORE COTTON, and
make advances on Cotton when tor**d with them. j j
Cash orders for any article in thHr lin* will meet
prompt attention, and they are respectfully solicited,
Atlanta, Feb- 19th. 1865. ~’ oD£ COU11-
Cti aVed or Set firC to 011
^ ^ j xtfth, and entirely con-
S 'i t ouilding had, but a few days
■ess SMB
200 Bags Rio Coffee.
25 libels, choice N. 0. Sugars.
50 Bhls. Crushed. Powdered nnd refined Sugars
100 Bbls. prime N. 0. Syrup.
50 Bbls. fresh Mackerel.
25 Boxes Cheese.
100 Kegs Nails various sires.
25 Doz. Painted Pails.
10,000 Libs. Hollow Ware.
With a large assortment cf
Tf ,iaji , yet k cel j : Black Smith’s Tools. Dry Goods,
impurities, -acts gently and oi, this - ..a if&dncy* I Boots & Shoes Grind-Stones, d-C..
aue Liver, .-trciigtheas tboKt , gives too-to the ! Which are offered to the trade at low rates on ac-
Stomach, makes the-drill clc*' 1 ci Va Ithv. and restores commodating terms by J. T D0ANE.
) The great Spring Medicine and Purifir; of the Biood |
! is now used by hundreds of grateful patients, who
! testify daily to tlie remarkable cures performed by the j
j greatest of all medicines, Garter's ream h Mixture.— j
i Neuraieia. Rheumatism. Scrof-.fe, Eruption* 03 the ;
j Skin, liver Disease, Fevers, Uicers. Ol.l 8ores._Affec
- tlou.-i of tlie Kidney*. I'i-ea » of the tsroat, Female
i Complaints. Pain* and Acl.iug of Lh<■ Roues and Joints,
are speedily put to liiglit liy using this aud incsti-
; mable remedy
I For all diseases of the Blood,
found to csraquire with it. it cl
the Foust it ut ion. enfeeble' >es or broken down
by the exco-ses of vouip p,i~sf- pristine vigor aud
strength. , i ...
For the ladies, it is i- J L -tl.alily better than al.
;‘ie cosmetics ever v.l'ill tofew doses of Carter's
tnauish Mixture will that tbo*' shallowness of com
ilexion. bring tile , .ing ft- the cheek. give
•lssticity totlie-*® R3U pilve the general health in
I remar'kabltilt tllO slave- a!1 lliP medicines ever
heard of. ^ a (J eter
Jan. 20. 1855.
I n.UYE engaged the services of Mr. G. Krause,
a p-
Copy tit Ruud.
Georgia, DeKtilb County,
f NOVv all men by these presents, that I. A. E.
Johnson, of DcICalb county, am held dm;
firmly bound unto John Mitchol! of Hcnrt count; .
in the full "urn of six hundred dollars fur the pay
ment of which, I biu-1 myself, my heirs ami as
The condition ol llio abovo bond is ns follows:
The sail A. E. Johnson, has this day soid to .!>e
above John Mitchell, a jir.rce! of land. L
wit: One Jiund'ed ot:c and a fourth a r ■*. or the
East haii' of lot number fifty, iu tl-c sixth District
of Henry county, r.ud th- said Mitciicll pays on.
hundred dollars in cash ; otto hundred dollars the
ff‘5th December, 1839, and one hundred dollars the
25th December, 1851. Then the said A. E. John
son is to make tho said John Mitchell, good nnd
lawful titles to tho above descricbed land, when
the raid Mitchell pays ur causes to bo paid, tb-.-
above described payments, otherwise this bond to
be in full force in law.
This 17th January, 1S5f>.
[Signed] ‘ A. E. JOHNSON. [Seal.]
[Teat] W. H. FERGUSON.
A truo copy from the minuio- 5 .
JOSEPH II. MEAD. Ordinary.
it ne
UoICApB sheriff BALES.
L bo sold on the first Tuesday in Marc!,
next, before the courthouse door in Decatur,
DnKftlb county, within the legal hours of said, the
following property, viz:
One negro hoy—Green—of dark complexion,
11 years of age : levied on as tlie property ol Hen
ry Holmes, to satisfy 2 fi. fas. from DeKalb Super
ior Court, one in fare- of L. II. Hutchens vs. W.
B. Turner J Henry Holmes, principals, and C. A.
Haralson, endorser; and the other in favor of A.
C. Pulliam vs. Henry Ilolmos—property pointed
out by plaintiffs.
Also, 42 acres improved land lying J mile South
of Stone M aintain, on the G, R. R., number not
known ; levied on as the property of H. O. Harris
to satify n 11. fa. fr->m DeKalb Superior Court in
favor of Isaiah Parker vs. H. C. Harris, maker,
and Henry M. Wells, endorser—property pointed
out by said Harris.
Ono town lot, number not known, in tho town,
of Stone Mountain, now occupied by W. F. Croc',
ett; levied on as the property of A. G. Holmes, t
satisfy a A. fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court, in
favor of R. AT. Cleavland and N. L. Hutchins vs.
John Holmes and A. G. Iloimes, makers, and B. F.
Veal, endorser—proporty pointed out by X. L.
One store-house and lot in the town of Store
Mountain, number not, fronting the Geor
gia Railroad Depot; levied on as the property ol
John Holmes, to satisfy a Q. fa. from DeKalb Su
perior Court, in favor of Gibbs and McCord, for
tho use of Washington Holmes, vs. John Holmes—
property pointed out by plaintiff aud plaintiff’s at
Ono nogro boy—Frank—of dark complexion,
about 40 years of age; a negro woman—Carry—
of light complexion, some 30 years of age, and her
*bur children, 2 boys and 2 girls, all of light com
plexion, all under 8 years old; and ? town lots in
the town of Stor.e louutain. number not known,
with 2 good store-houses thereon, one of which i
now occupied by James J. Diamond, the other nr-
ooi-upied, one frontiug the Georgia Railroad T.u -
not, and tho other North of the red store : all lev
ied on n° the property of tho estate of A. Johnson,
deceased, to satisfy b ii. fas. from DeKalb Super! -r
Court, in favor of R. M. O’.er.vland and N. L.
Hutchins and others vs. Thomas Johnson, Win
Johnson and John T<. Hamilton, administrators i
said estate—propertv noin tad out by N. T.. Hutch
ins. J. W. GOLDSM TTH. I>. Sh’ff,
Fob. .1855.
HE subscriber has opened a Shop in front ol
tho Atlanta Livery and Sale Stable, of Mr.
Pettis, where he is prepared to execute with neat
ness and despatch aii work by which he may be
favored by the public. Poi sons from the country
will find it to thoir advnntago to call upon him <t>
his arrangements fordoing cl! kinds of repairing,
Ac., are perfe-t in every department. Call at ih.
sign of the "Peoples Shop."
February 13,1855. fdlv.1
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA, DeKalb County.
BY virtue of an Order from tho Court of Ordi
nary of sa ! d county, will be sold nt Decatur in
said county, on tho first Tuesday in April next, be
tween the lawful hours of stile—thirteen slaves, lo
wit: Jacob, a man, 27 years old; Lewis, a man, 25
years old; G eorge, 23 years old: Lem. 20 years old;
Ann and two children 18 years old; Prince, 17
years old; Ma.riah, 10 years old; Green, 14 year:
oid; King, 13 years old; Jeff, it) years old and
Jesse, S years old. Also, T.ot of Land, No. 248.
11th Distriet, DeKalb county, containing 202;
acres—ono hundred acres good and fresh cleared
land on it; comfortable dwellings Ac. The prop
erty of the estate of Jane Russell, late dee’d.—
Sold for tho benefit of heirs and creditors.
Terras ou dav of sale. 0. S. MORRIS,
Fcb 13 1855. Adm’r
GEORGIA, DeKalb county.
W7HERKAP, Joseph Waikei and J. R. McAlister,
Adm*rs uj»»m the rotate «.f 7nc:hari*»h ftholstoi*
dec eared, applys f«-r loiters of Di«n»is.«ioi) from tli»*
Administration of said pstut*. thorof*»re the fcindro*
and creditor* of said deceased, are hereby citori ami
admonished to file their objections, if apv tl:«»y nave,
in my office in termi* of the law. otherwise letters of
liiNxnission will bcjrranted tho a|.j»Iu*anta at the Janu-
iiry'Teim next, of tho Court of Ordinary for said coun
tv. ftiven under iuy iin:id at ofPre.
June «th. 1RM. AT.LX. JOHNSON. Ordinary
C/'KOIt u t Ay l^niton Ciunthj.
^ HEKLA?' Joh’i Lineh h is tl.5.4 day ap*died
* ♦ lettera of admliiirilraxitoii on li;«- to of Johu U.
•'••'•vi/an late of 1 county dece-o !. — ii.e-u* J.c.’i*
ft -*c to cite an da. dimmish ail and ship far the sAvi iui-r’
aiul creditor: - , of hail doceasud lobe andapj* *r »n
•diice within the* pr»'.seribed by law ro <•. w ua*:-*"
f any they Lavy. why ».aitl letu rs .-houi: not be gran
t'd ib* applicant.
ft|vt*R ur tur i,.v hand and <•?.!. at f ffi-'s th.- ICthday
• No* end t ?> o-- I? MEaL, i>rd»nary.
OEUtiUlA* t niton County.
i i IKK LA.- William \Nail ua„
V > ior letter/, of adiuiui.s-.rj;
1 iinw R«ie. la to of raid count
therefore to cue aud a im<>n : -.h all
uindrea and crcdlinrs •>: -aid d*r:*r*-. t :•
at iny ollicc within tho time preacrib'
riiow CAiwe. if any they h.ivo, why lei -rs.'-irt-.M not i t-
yrantfd -aid applicant Given undorny hand at
il-is lithday ff ^epteiubei. 1K.S4.
-UTS. n. ML AD. Ord’v.
day applied t -
deceased: tbe-.o
nr rio
(jth (Jli<HA. iJcKntf) C'ofinfi/.
HERLAS Jain**»» Yancy. Kx -cutor of tho Estate
Francis ftrifim. nj.»>!ic‘?to me fo/ letter.-* of hi-.-
mtssicn from his said Adniinistratimi. Thrift me
therefore to cite and admoziNli all and singular the
’•tindred and creditors of -aid dec*’a-*ed. to be and ap-
••sirftt myoiBce within tlie tir-7e prescribed bv law. au l
•how cause, if any they have, why letters of admin*
•straDon should not bo*grant.ii>f* a; applh'.int at
ibe EeLruary Tern: next. *.f th*- Lourt ol Ordinary of
rt-'d county. Givenundei piv hand nt office.
«A! I X. JOHNSON. Ord’v
Julv Vrh. 1.°f4.
GEORGIA, UcKulb County.
r j dYt; months after date nnj I • \ •• will be made
-1 the Ordinary of sai l CY.un! \. for V.avp to sell a n
i^ro man by the name of Stephen, belonging to tl
H.-tato of Y. K. Emmer.von, minor.
December 19, 1854. ,j. U. LUCKY, GuM'n.
Notice to BeWors ami Creditors.
A LL persons indebteii to il-o Estate of Allen 1..
ffl J-.hnson, late of Fuitm: county, cle< eaaoo, «re
rtquesteJ to make iramodi.ate payment: A J.-J! per
sons having claims against sail] estate, will iires-.-ni
them duly autlicnticateii within t!;o time preseril'-
cdby law. JN0. II. JOHNSON. t .
WM. H. FERGUSON, j A,lw «•
November 22,1851. ;>Jd
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Henry I-\
Jeffries, late of Fulton county deceased, are- rc-
inosted to make immediate payment. And
iiaving claims against said e-3t:ito will presor.l thet ■
duly authenticated in terms of tlie law, or they
will ho barred. THOMAS MOORE,
Dec. 1, 1854.AdmV.
GEORGIA, Fulton County.
A LL person* having ('Bgamst AilelaM Walilial,
• ‘late oi said county, deceased, an. kcrvbv notified ;>
reseat tl,em properi* atiested tome »Iliiin ll"- He c
orescrilied liy law, and all |ersens ltniclne,: to said de-
. eased, are hereby required to made immediate pay-
IIE Subscriber, after many years argent solicita
tion, by gentlemen of 1 lie richest order of ialenls
md literary standing in our country, has consented to
oiler to tlie Public his Pills, which have been pronoun
•ed by ail who have had sufficient experience with
: hem, as one of the happiest combinations of Medicine
over yet offered to the Public] on either Continent, as a
Gt-iieral Family Hlediciuc.
He feMri no fears that the experience of those who
•R v c yet to test them, .rill be strictly in acordeanc*
• the testimt»iiial.-! of those di^tinguinhed gentle
men whose names are a nnexed, with thousands of other*)
'll!? testify, it deemed necessary.
n**’ UAI,h»UX t’ll.lAS will be found eminently Rupe-
:° r lu 5 ‘** nther family preparations, in the removal of
.hat groat catalogue of diseases arising from
Derangement of *he Digestive Apparatus,
-;:ch as Levers ofali types, Bowel Affection* of all kinds,
•very eharacfW- oi Head-*,die. Rheumatic I ains. \ ni ns
n ti.e ( host, and soon. Tf taken and persisted in, ne
eding to diiections, in the initial stages of disease
ml purlieulaily 'luring n decided precis; csition 1.. bis-.
r -,c. they will, like a charm, rii-sipatc without discom-
■>rt. thousandi. ol. c:i -vs i):«t might, aud I do not doubt
..ti.I-i, icrminntt- in -h-ath. r ilie suliscribcr speaks con-
niemu , a.-- i:<-is iiiiiblvd to do ir-..m thirtv-lwo v*.-trs
-vp-.-i-icnci* in the .Medical i'rofessinu. and "many "wars
xi.cricm-f with his ii!-. whic . Imvc. duritig thet:mc,
■ ndergun-.' m.-.u.v alteralionH, with the view and lrar.e
■ i racking them a
so fi» and Reliable Family Medicine.
liiey are strictly Anti-Idlllniisand Jnti-pyspcj tic.
The Public are refi-rr- 'i t>, tin- tesiimcniaL of their
ionsur-.if.-eph Ilenn;kin, Judge oi' the Supreme
*-urt of lieurgia: .ioltn J Floyd; Edward
.rag Hill Judge of the Superior Court; Messrs. John
:i. I'upe, of Let comitv. and r:. of Augusts, Ga.
IlsatTCn, (i,-.. E. N. CALHOUN, Jl. ft.
tcsti’wTfnj a ds
Atiik.vs. September 23,1853.
PKAft Sir.:—i received several day* since, ymir favor,
ir, g my opinion ul ti.e Medical merits ofthe Calhoun
! ili.'. Allow lee to print.i-e. rLr.I !ur tltt* last ten years
■ have V**n tortured in ! • dy and mini, l>y tlie ] emon
:1 ' ■ : g'.'.'l ion. i wa* endowed by nature with an sdmir-
li-’e ■ ouatiiulion, und my f.nmidable lualadv ha* been
• s- need ay a e..stive 1 --il:11, brongiit bnb"v toe close
. n.a.i-ment and waul of reg:;iar exerciso. Nevt-r liav-
: e r ■ dtrien! leisure to starve out dihe.-o e. even If it. be
possible lode so. v.hich i very much doubt, 1 have run
:l ’ ri ends nf all the most approved cures and nllevia-
1 r ] 0,1 = q> ibeir turn—lsuds, Pelers’p.
:'rai 'r-'ih's fiiiil. ,. Hill's, hpcnecr’s Smith's, und ma
ny otiii r ]atei»t i ilis ami I>v*s; epsia f'rugs, which have
come within mv reach, and contrary to the commonly
■ -press. ; :ri-ii. i mus* b.-ar ini’ iiumbie teatiniony in
rarer of the viviue_i f each and all ol there Nostrums.
a:u uy a i-., x <--> i’liis, as by a lined: which is nut of
•V vicious lenilency. ! never bought either, which T
di '• not ini. k fully worth tlie tnenev wiiicb it cost.
It only r.xop- any to r.u.'i which I do must chceyfu.-
! . — ; nub. ’h-ough kindness to you, but'to the tiuh-
; '.l-;o. esprcmlly tiiat , ration of it who know, by sad
y.j.i-ruito", wi.iit lr.e.-tnt i.y the Vultcie-like gnawing
:t the pft uf iio- stomach, bitter taste in the'month,
flatulence, a ctdity, diMensit-u of the stomach, consti-
i-afed buwe'-. cold feet and acute pain in the head
h-.rkaud vicini'y of -.he heart—to all such, 1 can cor
dially recommend the t'aUr nn Dili!. The efficacy of
•hi* Rcmedlcal Agent, i rested fort!.* (irs! time, du
ring ray recent sojourn with you. and have used il fre-
eirnUy since, and I rave found", experimentally, that it
-observes ti- my case a :r.osr excellent purpose, purlieu
iy ln its effects upon the Liver. U.e sympathy between
u aud ths stctnacli is too intimate to require orna
-iueerely glad to 'earn that vou are insl-'m-ar rapgo-
msmts tu give more ex tended dissemuis’ioo to v ou, J'ills
1 am truly your friunu a.ol ob.-dietn servant
D». E. N". Caut-rx, \
IX-."5tnr. Georgia, j
f'oi iVi.Tr,:,*, Ocbd.rr Id. IPcS.
!>n. E. X. I'atiHiw—/.'.nr ci'r I am gratified ] f j n ,
I, your purpose to-'J: seminal- the iit-i-rov. d Cal-
arm Dili more generally il-anyeu havchcretufi redone,
are nccasiimally, when .-.•journii.g'a I your lion *e. used
them when indi-pu-ed. and bavin., found ; .r-r., .... mild,
set so efficacious in ease- of derr ngemen t rftiic digest i vs
rgnns, I: mst ehc>-‘dully r onmend tiiem and their -use to
he public, and e-q •. rally toggntiemen having largefam-
ii --. a-a most excellent preventive otfixedand ponna-
cent di-ease aid ing from indigestion.
Truly yours, .'sc .
JOHN" J. FI.OY'ft,
Atlanta, Sept. 14, 1854.
H. F. BOitAit, Adm’r.
GEORGIA, DeKalb County,
J dVil months after date application will be ra? h
-t the l.'ourt of Ordinary of said count v for lean
-til the real estate and ra groe*. helougiug tu the e*
-f Israel Miller, late uf .aid c-inc r, dVcea ied. 5th. 1M54 fili'EII.N MnKiMS ,\dm’
GEORGIA, DeKalb county.
l\ HFBEa .Henry ii. !.ntimer, .luardian of Wi
' E. Wil on applies to me for loiters of dUiuinai.
'rum said Guardianship, I h.-.-e are, tlierefure, t„ ,ri
.nil admonish all ].er*iini> e.uncemed. '<> be and :i
.■ear at my office v,; r hii: U.e time y;. t,,- la
o show cause, if auv they leave. ui,v ,;if !■:.:•
• houk! noi be granted at the July fi rm next of tl
•inirt. Given uuuer my hsnuat cflue Mr., ii-th ISa
ALEX'. JO! I NX IN', ord'v
GBORGIA Fulton County.
t\IHEHEAr- MArv Ann ..laid .. .-reight* has this dr
V V applied to me tor letters of adimm.-u-j-ioi i; ii
-Intent John IV. Spsigiit-, late of - cou.’i.'vd a
Tliese are therefore to cite and adm ui- h allai
•■nguiar the kinitredund creuitorsol .-a:-'. . r. - ■. . .
be raid appear at my office •.vitliin the time prescribed i
.•• v, to snow cause, if any they have, why said is:-.. ,
lira tl not be grauted. tfivan under my hand and s,-
it office this 2d day of tlrTuliei - ir'54.
.T<i«-KI H it MFATI. Oi-dinnrv.
LaG-'U.-tce, October Ci*. 185S
Pr. v. N. f’.-i' i o" V—/.'ear Sir: I an- gratifies, fo learn
1 »• vo.i !:.U. u.i tin■ to 1 t.v coiid.iri. it to erer.1t: A k oueie*
"r t'n.h:. V rills in •iiiroiri.t |.aitR « f ii.4 , our*try—
• J * ,T " itV •' ** n ^ 1 ' • ‘ ‘ •• Vi l;r-4’lf ?! J-.l'i to tbf
’ I lltVJ'U ~ • ■'* till* fiiV" IS-et . T • ." Vf* IhTj; if", tj,f»
n!j:1 •’ ;• - ’r • *. ,s *:;ri;vsttnally, .‘uu: .!«. a Familly
-rA »•>!•*• ' 1 i:rc ; r..n 'tav imal-
nM«- -’i'0ui- ” I. v i om’U -.Bir.. ri.-alTf. oftl . ! .V-’-Mto
o t ii,-.. ]| ('i*t«** i-. * C.s p uiii; lit«I«* cr *o pain or
;f. t!.i ; V 1'HVO:* rh** j .Viont wirii n r -r-’ appotifo, ir,-
ireasod st edan --'■•vat~i s', ir-
, ..-.proper, -se ,t wi.. -• r- vs. • ar. . ex, el all of
. ■ ' '"' r ' *“ 1 1 ■ : Fevers,nnd even
-rum- 'eve. . I Hair Ir:;::; . J equally efTicien'.
ensate you as to bee-efll itself, tlie result of your skid
mdlabor, lam sincen-lv vour friend fee
P,T>eFVIT.T.K Let- i.’onnty, October 25.
Ft. E. N. Omnrx—Sir. While at ftecetur. 1
rad as ! ecu- -v fair op; ortumty of testing the C,n-
•nt>n I’llIs. -prepared by ymirseir. and I nm so much
•v-ed with 1 iieir act Ion upon the Liver and as a means ;u> ha , ; ... ( . a . vou
:re rev or,- ring to offer them totne pi bbc, that yon
cri-11 : :• iL’inrv lit Mink', die. thai may be en*.
• led at nn\ time to ; rrteure them. ! expect to *uo- them
if 1, w'pie 'ii:-' Mach in :• il ea- il.reai; einr it -' s, i A
i io-,-ci -er. I WO • 1.0 grnt-Ot ..(, 0. 7,
hot 1-0 o r the I.,-, • :'! of tl.e'j.uld'ic «t
irge. lira- y.-u would { lev, tl-.-.,., the resell of eery
'• .' • uMo-'-ray i'u . '. ••{vp','.f’ V'" !; " f j'-"’' r -r
emne’e wi* 'i our i ills a,, h general J n.milv Medicine or
. tti'veliue c, rn- ion n.
Very eincerely your mend. Sec., JOHM !!, !<ii-£.
i‘n. E. X._}
OctoiierCii. 1353,
m. nt prod
r. :.'e:t ‘
<■’ ! rot
A LL persons having ieiuaiiils ug.tinrt V/ru. E.
XX u.rieb.y, late of said eouuty, rlecearo.l, im
hereby notitie.d to present tiiem, properly aUesfcd.
n> mo, withiu tile tune prescribe!! hy law. or they
wi!i nwt bo .settled ; and nil porso:..; indebted u
said .toceasod are hereby required to make imui.
dinte payment. B. F. EOMAIt, Ex'r.
Atlanta. .Tun. 12. V.f.5.
DeKalb County. }
To all whom It may Coiscei is.
WHERE Aii, Thomas L. Uoliiuson applies f i
iettors of Admiuistratibu on the Estate of .Toil
Center, into of said county, deceased. Those ni"
'iicrcfure to oito and admonish all, and sinj-tiin;
liie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to la
anil appear at my office within tiio time presentu'
utitl shovr eaiiso, if any they have, why loiters i>
Administration should not be granted die said ap
Given under my hand officially,
•Tan. 2nd. 1855.
GEORGIA, DeKalb County.
U ’HKRKAS, William Clark applies to iro for Letter?
of Dismission from liic Adunuistratimi rn tlie
Estate of Thomas Claik dccca‘*»»I : llie«e an* therefore,
ro cite .sn«l a»lmonish nil and singular, the kin*Ire*l and
creditors oi said deceas»vl. to br and appear a t inyuf-
Oce, and Ole objections if any they have, in terms of
law, why *»aLl applicant not be .*lisinisse:i from |
hi*’. Raid adminlstraticn, at the .Tulv Term of the Court
of Ordinary of aald County.—''iven under my hand at
ofTico. I*ee. 19. 1854. A1.LX. uOHNh’ON, Or’*Iy.
Decomber 21. 74*1
practical Chemist from Berlin, Pmssia, and
ns the dispensing department of the establishment
will be entirely under his control, the public arc
assured that all prescriptions will be accurately
Alanre-*“fc “ of remarkable cures prepared—ns a more accomplished Pharmaceutist
! j.erf«>rrm*«f»itutional llicaur in the city of Richmond, j cannot be found either North or Sonth, if an ex-
! Va.. by to slave States mniah Mixture, is the best j fperience of over fifteen years in the first Drug
t pvi.iencq , " ‘ .' il'ug about it. The press, i Houses of Berlin nnd Paris be a guarantee. Tes-
i hotel k- * h vsicians and piiblic men. j timoninl in proof of the above assertion will be ex-
to thjLfi t£IL !° .-^.lA'riffcr'^u'an^ j to anyone familiar with French or German.
i a fe%f u lr . CJ1 s P°"tificRtes around the bottle. I Mr. Kri. use will make any preparation desired by
vt onnecticot prohil -d Bicnett J: Bkers, Iirng- i Physicians,or make Chemical tests with Minerals,
A.tlazi.ta CasH Store i
W E are now receiving itn immense Stock of Full
and Wluter Clotlii iig, U-7 men and hoy 5
wear, of the tastiest and latest <ty1e. Also, an assort'
men cf gentlemens’ FURNISHING GOODS, which we
will soil at the lowest nun**, for cash.
W* have on hand An assortment of DRY GOODS
which we will **ell undtr the market price, nn we are
determined to close out that department of our trade.
Wo will he pleased to show any qerson prinir us «. cad
what we will do. ^ept>mber 2r»lh. 1S54. (J-dwlv.]
Glass front. No. 40, Whitehall Strowf. Atlanta ftn
To Dentists.
For Sale by the Undersigned:
2500 Pivot Teeth, Stockton’s make,
1500 Piute do do
1500 Molar anti Bicuspcd do
500 Gum Teeth do do
5 oz Abbey A Sons Gold Fuii,
5 oz Jones, AVnite & Co Gold Foil,
10 Packages Silver Foil,
Dentists, turning lathes, head ruts, anvils, hniu-
mers, blowpipes, plate benders, clasp phes, and
every article for mechanical work. Also a large
assortment of Instruments manufactured by J. D.
Chevalier, consisting of
Mouth mirrors. Pearl, Ivory and Bone mouth
syrenges. Bone, Silver and Gold Stubbs, and
American files, File Carriers Ivory Piuggers and
Scalers, Burnishees, Stud Cutters, stump instru
ments. articulators foil seizzers. Forceps in great
variety, Plugging Forceps. Molar and Bicusped,
narrow beak, and every kind that can be asked for.
and every article in the Dental line. Also a large
assortment of every kind of patent medicine, for
salo by A. ALEXANDER,
feb 20 di&wly Sign Negro and Mortar.
A LI. persons indebted to ilie estate ni James Kee«*.
A. late deceased, arc requested to m ike immedi.-.o
payment; and those having demands against said estate
will present them dulv authenticate,* . , f the
law. ' WILLIAM AVAL!.,
November 20th. 1854. A "iith-i-i.,r.
GEORGIA. Fulton County.
f V T HKRE.\S Thomas \Y. ‘ 'onnnily apt lies tome f>"- let
■’V tors of administration on the Estate nf I'orneliu-
M. Connally, late of said county. deci::.-ed: TTii-.e r.i
therefore to cite and admonish" nil and singular th.
kindred and creditors of -raid deceased to be and itppca*
nt iuy Office tviUiin tlie time prescribed br law. to sli:»
ca.'Be. if any tliey have, why said letters should not b.
Given nmler toy hand at office. *: !, lftli nav of Au
gust 1K54 JOS. II MEAT*, ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
t ", r HEP.F.AS Jolio ii J.,l,u-. i. ..od Wm. IT Furgiism
; > applies lo me for letters of administration on th
estate of Allen E. John-on, late of--aid county, decea-'d
these are therefore to cite and admonish ali and singu
lar the kindred and creditois of said deceased to bean
appear at my office on or la-lore the first Moudnv in I ,
ti'her next, to show cause, if nnv thev have vhv Sira
letters should no* be granted, l.iven'u rider my hand a:
office this-sth August 1RSJ. It-S. IL \n rn-O'y.
I use r :'.'-.ih. ..n) - : *
. vi.i.rit ii. 'b I -, I vi,i I. ora: -"!y and , ermauent
relieved. It afford-' n e tn-iri: Eiatifieaticu tr. nc
-"uii'dye tlie e.drai.taqe 1 derived from your judioioui
i remain with liigh esteem, your obedient servant
fllia-TOI HE H LOW
t'or-ra!’ by J. M B.tvnv. J. Xoa. :: A. Auaan
r-t. F.-.V i: 1-AJtsATard 1! BoftES.t. Agt*., Atlanta.
hra Hampton’*
will i
, oeen received by the Inferior Court.
r e .t* Republican says “ it was beyond all
Sbubt set a fire by some incendiary, as no
JTf fire bad bees about it for several weeks.
, that. President Pie; _ „ . „ , ..
| entitled to little r- W ' Rr> ’ Closs fc C °’ 8 N °’
; Baltimore, Marci d jEn£C!S * HABTaHO,unt ’
C2i for Howard 25 Main Street, Ricbrooud,
at 86@87 cents, and j-"
Washington, March idersigued will find
urer's statement for Fe-icdinto settlement
the total ^amount in the ROARK,
ject to draft, is $23,500,000.
at rny ^torc.
A. ALEXANDER. Feb!91 v
J UST received a supply of fine large Fwedi
Leeches. A. ALEXANDER.
March 1,1855.
A FULL Assortment of fresh Garden, seeds
growth 1854, just received.
J. T. D0ANE.
Atlanta, January 20, 16$5. [n34-wtf.]
J. E . 'Williams*
H aving removed io Ills New Store on Decatur
street, (Athenmum Building) near tho Trout
House, is prepared ro furnish in any quantity—
BACON, LARD. 1 - ORN. OATS, aud all kinds o'
brought to this market. He returns his thanks to
the public for the liberal patronage heretoforo be
stowed upon him. and solicits a continuation of it.
Atlanta, Doc. 25,1S5I. d*wtf
T OCA9K- Vta aad •ors' BseU mi« in *tore nnd for
*ak by W. W. BOARS
(J E OR GIA, Dei\ a lb Don nty.
VV'HEREAS James J. I'in-tfinfi applies to me for l-t
’ ’ ters of administration i n the c-tare .,f Jarai-s T ia
mnnd. late of said county, deceased:Ihes- ate therefuri
to cite nud admonish all and singular the hiriire.i s,
creditors nf said decease-.- In he and appear at in;
office, and file tbeirnhjcrtion;. if any they have
let-err should not be granted the .-.aid applicant at t i
October term of the Court o. Ordinary H i sate cruo.
Giver, under my band at office.
Aug.. *22*11S54. Ai.KTC. JOHNSON,ord’y
T HIS valuable preparation has proved itnelf effica
cious in the cure of
Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Diarlicca, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera Infantum, dc.
It is useful in all the diseases o; the
BOWELK, «iII08.B4 , & c ., &r.
It needs no eucoDiium. hut for thrrft*od *»f those m
acquainted with it, the following certificate* are givei
I^'CrST ftRoVK, O.N.. J”LT :oth,
I hare used Dk. C. W. Parker’s Dv»k.ntery Cori'I..j ;
ray fan.ily, and believe it to v e :: good remedy f»*r t!
diseases tor which it is recouiuieudcd. WM. S. CAR
JrtYlSth, 1SJW.
This is to certii'y that T hare used Dr. Parker’s .
fxttry and I'TARiffEA Cordial in my family, and it k .
h very happy effect. One of my children has been had]
effected with disentery for about three weeks,andnft»
zinng it several other things without seeming to ;
any good, I concluded !•* try of the above (’< ki
iae, and two doses of it bn. entirely curtl if. ]. »•*
comuv nded it to D. If. Walt-. one of my neighbors, w!-
was t-eken very severely with the 1D*\' and it also, b;
a charming effect on him. 1 most cordially recotntften
it to all who may fall victims to any disorder of tl.
ftniFKiN*. Ga., July 14th, 1F54.
Tiffs is to certify that I have used Dr. C. fl. Parke*;'
Dysentery and I>MR*r.T:.\ Cordial in my fa mil v. nnd (in
it to be all he recommends it it* be. i>. H. JoiINSO>
£2*11 is useless to add. Try a bottle. Price only 5
cents. Full directions given on each b«»nle.
j6S9*For sale by J. M. RAXTIN, Agent.
August 3d, 1854. [10—tf] Atlanta.
Valuable ^ifj' Lots for Sale.
'I'UE subscriber ilesiring tn J.ise out the balance i
’ tiiat valuable property in tin's .:it v. ii-'lnnffinv to tl.
estate ofthe lute Samuel Mitchell, "ileceasol, has ho
tiie same surveyed off in lots to suit purchasers, wl.
will Ontl it to their advantage to examine the proper:
at an early day. which will be shown them hv the sot
scriber, or Mr. Mitchell Jr., by culling at ihe resi
ilenee of the former ou Whitehall etieet.
Martk atk, 1864 41—tf X. D00NAN
-■"Hi..;, COVt.H
i i vi i: nijiiT aim.^c.
- ktCK? XKW,-J:r OF JMiTA
'■•■■le T.nature. 1he hirdv
t and -iiiV remedy may io-
r.t"t : ! an.! great merit too,
upliiinn. Xonrt of puffing
-.i'll', .-o as to k-1it u; ns
^ • ••‘-‘■ini' pope I: r, and ex-
he people will roe ilj : off oot virtuea. and li.s fame of
,e,n r»'-' • otfi! m »l l witi more rauiditv
ban new n-apet >can ■. Jit. A li .... witnc s testf-
10 loeeine n ini-ii l--s nti.'a for him is of servic: ti l l it11y ae.vspa; ei adverri.-ing.
’.■ >■-.' 1 ' 1 v j’ba’ wo ay .\ ■ ..le. .vc .o .-i yu.. to l.tantri
' egetr.ldi- iir.cture. nnd its effect*.
' : T v ' O? ' V' 1 tlrocer. Td pearl street,
••-.•-■-tan fistn o> years standing; oilier retno
,l .. !. . i t.limra. (inteoi t]-e t.'nsiom ilottse.) dwfl-
' ’ ” 1 biest., of i.y...i great debility, permaatly
.1. .'clmeffcr, Fsq.. one or the older-.; Magistrates
ml most h-.thly req eeta'de citizens, cured of great,
veakm si and re.lo,,.,; , 0 robust health.
.'.irre; iiTniura.. ,■.: 1 ntort st suffered intense-
v six years hip di-i a-c ar.d mercurial rliimmtisra:
o ed alter all ot;o i remedies failed,
rq.ace iyjii rot i v.-un; fo name hundreds ol ntlifre.
. i.eo. irieh, i.V,it. Thi.s. f'am.f, Hubert Gault,
ames Sytnth, cored of rlieiimali'-in. John l’crvail, S.
Grffin. Ji hn I ke, ! er. V. K ikrigo, U. S. Kavy] and
btiM-aud's nt oihvi* .u*d r,i lv>;.e: ria. Scrn’fala
n;f;b. Liver Complaints. I>« nchiiif. . v t* Vifiss* l :liwc.
V ' u c ‘ lu our own ciUz^m«. Call on thfm.
Dr. Ilamuton, iir* author of tills great Hampton’s
o^riablv i::<cUm‘. «n hi..S’'hh voar. in good lo-nlth.
.. that \• w.ii b* *>!-n it i.s nut an aiticle ai>\ up to im-
o.'t* <*n l):c public.
Lnr>T •; • .-'.MiT. . . J. .nary 3d. 1853.
Mv-• ... . .: i a —Gcurl-n -n: For tho
T n\t'y«*Hr.: : n:;v{* »’C:' a ’’Vi n* aufiem- from Klieu- i;.!, .li’inL- vour^rtrr.mmendntmn of‘*Hamp-
i - i iuct: ic, J * i p.ucurtMi a bottle, and lho
•'a.*-.** fii .s '«• urticb iehv’.v. mo that I cansider it
• j’.:-,H n!fw r ,ve tff rim suffering world the result of
iie application. ^
Mine iv.ii .-a.; ;Tt» r.lionmutism Iu tire br.ok—go bad
•H ! vttir contiim’»I to my I eff for the last six mouths.
(a* U: bottie aoj^d h.'x#* a cunrui. tho seconff rcsto^td
: rt ngth tomy poor akiictt-n l-Mek, rod 1 axn now as
JV ' v * n o wliwi 1 was sixteen. Ism
now <4year8 of age.
‘ co, V 1 •' • *nct*»re the nrrente^t dlsrovcry of the
^ean.; pour :i‘fei w h-'iur.r.ity ought to erect a monu-
•n. I l. I lamp.- v.’hn lias -.tved : hira.-ar.d.-. frem
•in And you, gentlemen, have acted the part ofpub-
t beuetiu'tnrs m iii-reniinatiui.- I lie benefits which
•ra. e resulted your invaluable rented,-.
1 am •*. plain enttun planter, and have never written
r lit- rary fame; but when my fell.iw bemgsare nldict-
i-ltall I liesiiate, nr tiiroiigh nmdesty, withhold any
'dovmaiinn valuable tn tin fellpw man? t-’o if you
■ insider this worthy orn jiim-H In nnv of vour newspa
pers, yon arc- at liberty to make use of it. 'Yours truly
alyah KEMBA1X.
Monz THAN to r n TC THE ?1> K.—I ft in o„e of the tuosi
expectable Druggist, in Fontii ( arolina:
CiMRt i.sTo.N-. s. c., Sept. 21,1S53.
•lostrs ...ortiraer & MowbrayThe sale of yout
•impt.-n ; \ .'v«t«h e l met is in-reusing every dav,
■Id every hot tie sold ree-m.-mends this valuable mrtieiht
ernI u, : r I'iantrrs have tried x\
. kik'ivi.i hi* a a>t«*a;>iiiug HuccesH, aud ore get-
by li-.D dozens U Iras been found to be the
-«r t . ie,5, *: l > tor rhPuxnniu- :*ilectinr- r.nd a won-
.T.‘ ! . CGi\‘ liiiri rt ci: on a negro ufl'oring
' 1 1 .* \ " 1 *- \ *m with a mmiher ol certifl-
iu- il you vto.i :i (in. 1 k>a.‘0 wud mo. kcou as
• •'siuie a sup] ly ol ihelinclure. I am, gentlemen.
ur "- . . \Y. D. TKOTT.
Hundreds in ,ltts city will bear same testimony.
Hampton's Vegeinhle Tincture t-- purely Vegetable,
rd .wimtmed fu-e troro al! mineral substance Thit
iimtute. hy its miid, pleasant, an,, safe action on tb<
•-tnach, livet kidneys, lungs, and the nervous system
ue-. Dyspepsia. Uvei tram taint, I isease of thol'rina
.' Organs, < oughs, Asthma, Bronchial A6ection«
onsumption, Scrtanla, King’s Evil. Worms. Rheuma
-m, Gout. .Mutalgni, ?t. Vitus’ I'auce. Fits Ver
■■us Affectionsgenerally, Fistula, Piles. Bowel Com
amts, in li i. ii.iM-ases ansmg from impure blood.-
. nienudy fot the various derangements of tho Fe
•ale>v»tern, it set-ms to have no superior.
ij 1 ''.-;™* “ S - Vs , len ‘ h f*\ 10 I'octor Hampton’s Vcge
‘. *’ ,: ‘ e . ,ts numerous and compliratet
■id disiiviteli hnve bl '™ debilitatcc
V, S n . ' ? ,iU ' premature grave
ffi !■ we i '’-'.l ,ts llrl ’ to bl">ming health
> living ,ritne S Ms.‘ UlDUj ‘ ° to I,K> ' e ^ sucl * * “ cs
Extract tiom James Hums, Fsq.'a I.eUer, Alexan
^]«akiT.g of wonderful cures oi
uum II ho .v.»y.s. ‘Mrs. II. ha» been suHering wi«b thi
•uipbimT uirtl with inability, constantly complaininc
"in weakness, Hgpual: her whole system. She uov
U-ys bet ter health limn for thirty tears, being entire!-
stored by the uso of Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture ’
; “jl P';* B Tmnplihrl gratis of A. Alexrnder
h,de-ale and Re.ail agent Atlanta, Ga.; \V m . Root
arietta, \meynrrt V Jones, Palmetto; Uardlev Ride
' Ou. AngUNio, Geoi’gia. *
aUoka vttMing at a reduced prio