Newspaper Page Text
by Mark N. Silber
Movie audiences were
stunned and scandalized
when Clark Gable turned to
Vivian Leiglj (ag all you
nostagia buffs and scarlett
O’Haras will recall) and
said, “Frankly, my dear,
I don’t give a damn”.
It is no longer a shock
ing phrase, for today it is
almost our national motto.
We no longer give a damn
about our brothers and
sisters. We no longer give a
damn about the elderly, the
poor, the hungry. We don’t
even give a damn about
our own civil rights to live
and love according to our
homosexual nature. And we
no longer give a damn about
anything unless there’s
something in it for us.
This attitude is wrong.
How else could men in high
government positions com
mit crimes and be corrupt
unless no one gave a damn?
How else could our
brothers and sisters still
be harassed, jailed, and
persecuted in 1974, for only
being gay?
What is the most
unfortunate turn of events
is that we have also said,
“I don’t give a damn about
G-d.” Whether we call him
Adonai, Mohammed, Bud
dha, or whatever we call
the Divine Inspiration that
fill our liveswith a purpose
higher than just ourselves.
Many of us felt we as gay
people have no place be
fore G-d. But is not G-d
the creator of all things
and all love? Perhaps self-
appointed “men of G-d”
have oppressed and de
nounced us, but these are
mere men.
Let us not turn our backs
to both G-d and other
people. It is the love of
freedom, justice, and each
other which led us to the
streets of New York
1969....a love instilled in us
by the King of Universe.
G-d hates injustice, and our
struggle for equality and
acceptence is a religious
We must therefore turn
around. Turn and look at
ourselves and our brothers
and sisters on this speck
of G-d’s creation in the
galaxies and say, “Icare”.
“I care” because that is
what life is made of. “I
care” because, in the end,
it is only in caring that we
give meaning to our exist
ence and is the essense of
our lives.
May the Lord G-d, G-d
of Israel and all the Uni
verse, care for you, my
brothers and sisters. And
may we all be blessed with
caring for one another.
Note: The word “G-d”
is spelled in this fashion
on purpose, according to
Jewish tradition.
Sex With your Friends
Continued from page 2
sexuals- This is reflected
by many peonle, including
widely read authors. So we
distinguish those we meet
and know into two cate
gories: sexual and friendly,
because we find that the
emotional involvement be
tween lovers, even casual
ones. The commonest re
lationship gays know about
is the non- or post-sexual
friendship, in which two
people find that a much
more comfortable re
lationship is possible
without being sexually in
volved. So sex assumes the
anomalous role of
occupying a lot of one’s
time while geing relegated
to such a physical lot that
it’s spiritual and emo
tional possibilities are
largely suppressed.
This sounds like a
specific indictment of gay
people but it isn’t, because
the problem is a human
one. and gay people are
human, the opinions of cer
tain policy makers and leg
islative bodies not
withstanding. The problem
is only unique to gays in
that their life styles fre
quently, if not usually, lead
to arrangements such as
the ones discussed. Now
that I have identified the
problem what is the so
lution?? As unique as each
individual. Just as
marriage for straights is
no guarantee of love (or
even harmonious sex),
neither does taking a lover
and being “faithful” pro
mise any more than free
dom from VD. As long as
one person treats another
as solely a sex object and
ignores feelings the pro
blem exists. I would seem
that the ease of obtaining
physical gratification
would allow a lot more
time for the communica
tion necessary for satis
faction of other needs, but
it usuallv doesn’t work out
that way. We rush from
trick, minimizing seduc
tion time as much as
possible, leaving the hu
manity behind, trampled
with a hangover, an infec
tion. or a mysterious rash.
Logically, sex should
work best with those we
care the most for. Funny
(peculiar) that is doesn’t
seem to work that way.
So we have lots of gay
sex with darned few
serious, lasting relation
ships. and we wind up
exactly like those straight
people we disdain, that is,
not having any rules and
then wondering what went
wrong. The solution lies
only within each of us
and our willingness to be
an individual human being
having high respect for
the humanness of our
Editor’s _Notebook
Continued from page 2
give to a gay activist would
be during a shortage of
toilet paper. Like black
churches the “gay” church
could be the crucial ingre
dient missing from the
hodgepodge of activist
groups and programs;
a unified - force strong
to bring the programs and
individuals together in a
concentrated effort. There
is a general feeling among
gay political activist that
the top heavy structure of
the MCC Fellowship will
never be conducive to a
nurturing of an activist
program. The general con
ference and district confer
ence which are the legis
lative bodies of the Fellow
ship. because of the expense
and time necessary to
attend, are not representa
tive of either the church
membership which they
ostensively represent or
the gay community in
general which they make
no effort to represent. Few
Fellowship churches can
afford to pay the expense
of delegates. The result
is an older, more affluent and
less responsive
group of predominantly
white middle class making
the rules for and setting
the programs for the fel
lowship. Black gays are
almost non-existent within
the fellowship while women
are fast becoming a factor
Led by the Rev. Elder Freda
Smith the women are poten
tially the saving factor
for activism within the Fel-
loship. Unfortuantly, even
the dynamic drive and spirit
of a Freda Smith or a
Troy Perry have a hard
time growing in the nega
tive atmosphere of the
church structure. Indivi
dual “Uncle Toms” in black
churches impeded the black
civil rights movement. The
total lack of activism with
the “gay” church is a
srious void for the growth
of the gay civil rights pro
Black gays have not been
shut out from the gay civil
rights movement yet no
significant outreach has
been made to the black
community. Personal ex
perience has found that
black gays like gay women
are predominantly more
concerned with the more
pressing oppression of
being a woman, being black
or both. These gay people
are understandably putting
their energy into the first
priority in their life. Their
valuable contacts and ex
perience will eventually be
turned to the gay civil rights
struggle. Unfortunately
they will have to contend
with the sexism and racism
that is existent in the gay
community. It will not be as
large a battle as in the
straight society but it is
sad that blacks and women
or any other minority per
son , any human being,
should have to contend with
prejudice within our com
munity. Somehow the ma
jority has been able to keep
minority groups seperate
and contending with each
other for shares of the pie.
Experience has taught us
that while we might find it
somewhat easier to deal
with other minority groups,
the shared status of “mi
nority" does not guarantee
This issue of the BARB
has serveral articles con
cerning blacks in our com
munity. The purpose of this
is educational. We think is
is important that people
become more aware of the
feeling and actions of the
minority within a minority.
Why? Simply that there is
a great truth in the state
ment that no one will be
truly free until all are
free.” I hope you find this
issue informative and en-
lighting and as always we
invite vour comments.
Chattanooga Chatter
Continued from Page 10
It seems to me that the
“trashy” Trisha Danelli is still
out to find her Atlanta man.
She’s made several trips to the
Sweet-Gun Head showing off
her tantalizing talents—(and
other things?). Oh well, maybe
she’ll get her wish yet.
Can anyone guess who the
Ms. Butch of the Powder Puff
is now? Rita? No. Carol?
Maybe. Misti Damn Dawn? Of
course not. It’s Miss Real
herself—Polly. If you don’t
believe it-just ask her. She
became a waiter just during
the pageant and I’m willing to
bet she could tell you what
everybody was drinking—es
pecially the judges.
Well, fans I suppose it’s
about time to sigh off for now,
so I’ll be seeing you next time.
Remember Kathy says: “Rub
it in.!”
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Rap Sessions . V 8:00 P.