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Music City’s
Other Side
Nashville. Tcnn.. belter
known as “Music City USA",
home of Vanderbilt University,
and the world famous “Grand
Ole Opry". attracts thousands
each, week. To many, their
greatest ambition is to perform
on the Opry stage, while
others merely have a desire to
see and hear the greatest
Country talents. For those who
are nbt interested in the
number one attraction, there is
another side. . .the gay scene.
Whether it is a fine dinner
with your favorite cocktails,
dancing or just socializing.
Nashville’s gay scene is
delightful and the cruising is
The most popular cruising
spot among Nashvillians is
“The Other Side”, located at
5th and Lea Streets. This huge
club, owned and operated by
Aaron Powers, has a spacious
dance floor and seats well over
250. The DJ, Michael Stark,
plays your favorite tunes
Wednesday through Sunday.
There is also a separate piano
bar where Jerry Pickel and
Terry Bowland entertain you
Friday through Sunday. The
club also features a complete
menu of some of the finest
cuisine in Nashville, with
friendly waiters to serve you.
If your taste calls for a
succulent steak or shrimp. The
Other Side has it.
Nashville’s Commerce
Street, or the strip as it is
commonly referred to is still
going strong. There is
Juanita's, a beer bar where
many people of all ages
congregate and enjoy the juke
box while sopping up the suds.
Since it is located near the bus
station there are always new
faces from different places
every night to join the
Next door to Juanita’s is the
ever popular Jungle. Oh yes.
for those of you who are
familiar with this place, theq?
has been a change. Aaron
Powers, now the owner, has
been replaced at the piano by
Phil House, a young versatile
pianist that plays your
favorites nightly. Phil, just 24
hails from .Bryant Park.
Maine. Like many, he began
his career in Gospel music at a
very early age. playings for
various church groups. Two
wars ago he decided to come
to Music City for his big break.
Since then he has -gained a
tremendous follow ing, playing
a repertoire from Bach to real
country. His favorite person
ality is Dell Woods. Meeting
her was a thrill but playing
ducts with her is a treasured
memory for Phil. Dell's
rendition of “Down Younder"
is a favorite of Phil’s and he
treats “Jungle” goers to his
version of the country favorite
with Dell’s special style!
Phil, whose greatest ambi
tion is to “make it”
professional, is certainly on his
way to the top. The BARB
wishes him well. Whether you
want a meal, a drink, or just to
hear your favorite tune, make
a fun evening at the Jungle.
The most recent night spot
to spring up in Nashville is
“The Embers” a club
featuring female impersona
tion and catering to the
straight tourists. The club,
located in the Alley, is owned
and operated by Jerry Peek,
famous for the Miss Gay
America Pageant”, features
top talent.
Nashville, where country
stars are bom is an exciting
city. It offers something for
everyone. Plan your next
holiday or vacation to include
Nashville. You'll be glad vou
In December. Portland.
Oregon, became the 16th city
to win protections for gav
citizens. The law protects the
right to employment by the
municipal government. Other
cities with gay rights protec
tions include: East Lansing,
Ann Arbor, and Detroit,
Michigan; San Francisco,
Berkeley. Palo Alto, and San
Jose. California; Washington,
D.C.; Seattle, Washington;
Columbus. Ohio; Minneapolis
and St. Paul, Minnesota;
Alfred. Ithaca, and New York
City, New York (New York
City’s represents a Civil
Service and city employees'
directive— the notorious city
council bill has yet to be
"You’ve Got To Have Friends”
bv Charles St. John
As everyone knows hetero
sexuality has seen its day.
Sure, it had a minor comeback
last year, but so did the 50's.
Even babies were back, but
other than gays marrying
straights (Tony and Berry and
Carly and James) and
becoming breeders, hetero
sexuality is out.
The love that dare not speak
its name, is once again a
laughing matter. Really! How
buurgeois. passe, decadent
even. But one must give them
their rights, it would be civil.
It will soon be Bye to Bi. and
Tri too. Bi will be remember
ed. if at all as just one of those
Will our rock stars be able
to adjust to being neuter?
Yes folks, get ready. . .Sex
and Sexuality at.
Oh yes. masturbation as
always is here to stay, tho it
will have to go under cover
At long last, old presistant
personality, plus tenderness
and warmth are about to win
out over bone structure.
TAO Closes Miami Headquarters
Miami: The headquarters of
the Transexual Action Organi
zation here has been perma
nently closed. All policy-mak
ing and other activities will be
under the control of itsbritish
headquarters in the future,
according to TAO founder
Angela K. Douglas.
3801 N. Ocean Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33308
PHONE (305) 566-4376
Enjoy the Florida Fun and Sun in a friendly,
informal atmosphere. Comfortable rpoms and apart
ments. Your hosts are Pete and Ed.
Souls will touch souls.
Hearts shall bleed freely. All
will be oneness. The wave of
emotionalism is upon us.
Platonic relationships are
here to stay!
Note to those of you into
leather and chains, all of that
will have to rot and rust as
spiritual bondage Dies.
I’m speaking cause . know’.
If you c-a’t fuck
friends, fuck them over.
The new TAO HQ will be
located in the central English
city of Birmingham.
Current president Colette
Goudie. who resides in Miami
will retain her office. Both
Goudie and Douglas are
considering visiting England
in the near future.
TAO has also dropped all
legal action against a New
Jersey transexualist group,
the United Transvestite and
Transexual Society, which
TAO had charged with libel.
Douglas said “this is not the
time to divide the movement
any more than it already is."
TAO has also cancelled a
fund drive to pay legal costs.
Inquiries to TAO at its Box
391172 Miami Beach address
will automatically be forward
ed to England.
Has Top Movies
Every Sunday hfight
By A. K. Douglas
Originating in Los Angeles,
the National Socialist League
appears to have most of its
members in San Francisco,
and was founded by one Jim
Cherry. Cherry was ousted by-
Russell Veh. who had
previously headed the Nation
al Socialist White People’s
Party in Ohio. The NSL is the
major homosexual nazi group
at the moment. Other groups
exist in New York, and publish
a virulent nazi tract called
“Straight to Hell.” The Los
Angeles nazis reportedly held
meetings last year at a drag
bar. which drew some
attention from transexual and
transvestite organizations,
also. (The TAO is the only
transexualist group which has
condemned Nazism so far.)
Shortly after the emergence
of gay Nazis in 1974, which
was announced by Nazi
recruitment ads in gay
publications, a few gay groups
reacted strongly. Gay news
papers in Detroit and other
areas denounced the gay
Nazis, and reminded their
readers that Hitler’s Nazis had
used gays to get into power,
then killed millions after they
consolidated it.
Veh, according to an article
in “Crusader”, a gay
liberation paper in San
Francisco, overlooks a state
ment by the American Nazi
Party that it will stamp out the
homosexual Nazi group once
the A.N.P. gets into power.
(The A.N.P. is also known as
the National Socialist White
Peoples’ Party.)
According to the “Crusad
er”, gay Nazis in San
Francisco have the support of
two “well-known bar owners”
and that of the San Francisco
editor of a popular gay bar
Nazi emblems, flags, pic
tures of Hitler and other Nazi
paraphernalia are being open
ly sold at a number of locations
in the San Francisco gay
ghetto, according to the
“Crusader”. One of the
parade monitors in the 1974
San Francisco “gay freedom”
parade wore a nazi emblem on
his hat. said the newspaper.
According to various re
ports. some attacks have been
made on gay Nazis in San
Francisco by gay Leftists, and
an occasional gay Nazi or two
gets beaten up now and then.
Militant gay Jews are reacting
in outrage, but one gay Jewish
group in San Francisco was
refused equal time in a
publication which had printed
gay Nazi ads.
The ads included swastikas
and the death camp slogan
“arbeit macht frei” (work
makes freedom), which mil
lions of doomed concentration
camp victims read enroute to
the gas chambers.
The Nazis weren’t taken too
seriously when they are
continuing to and gain
power within u. 1 *' incredibly
rich gay business community,
as well as support from gays in
But gay Nazism is nothing liberation emerged in
pre-Hitler Germany, in such
groups as the “Committee for
the Special”, a homosexual
male supremist- group, which
U - mAU if?
welcomed Hitler when he
arrived. During the 1930s,
there were several gay
German males who advocat
ed not only gay equality, but
gay supremacy’. Perhaps this
is how the 1975 Nazis are able
to gain the support of gays. .
.the concept of “gay is
better”, gay is superior to
straight. This abhorrent con
cept of supremacy is fertile
ground for the claws of
Nazism, of course.
Only a few years ago the
American Nazis were counter-
demonstrating at California
gay liberation protests, but
their attitude has apparently
changed. Some gays claim that
gay Nazis took over control of
the Nazi movement from
heterosexual Nazis. Others,
such as a television newsman,
tell us the American Nazis
have been a homosexual group
for many years and are only
now deciding to come out.
The cause of concern among
many gays is. of course, that
attempts to obtain gay equal
rights will be set back once the
straight world wakes up to the
growing menace of gay
Nazism, and whatever sym
pathy gays may have obtained
in the past few decades will
quickly erode. Thus, we can
expect to see more gay
organizations taking a public
stand against Nazism on one
hand, and on the other,
continued development of, this
new political trend among
homosexuals. “We don’t want
to publicize them at all,” said
Winston Leyland. editor of
“Gay Sunshine” newspaper in
San Francisco. Morris Kight,
founder of Gay Liberation
Front of Los Angeles, and one
of the better-known gay
liberationists. told Mirage his
group was “most concerned”
about the gay Nazis, and had
assigned one of their people to
infiltrate them. “He was
converted by them.” said
Editor’s Note:
We‘strongly agree with
A.K. Douglas and congratu
late her and the Transexual
Action Organization (TAO) for
strongly condemning this
group. Few gays are involved
in the National Socialist
League (NSL) and we are
confident that not even a small
percentage of gay men and
women w-ould ever support in
any way much less become a
part of such a group. The
BARB is disgusted by the
existance of NSL and unless
forced by law will never accept
any advertisement from such a
Gay liberation - South Florida:
For info on activities in the
South Florida Gay Community
call Stonewall Committee -
368-0761 or Fox Counseling
Services - 392-7823 or s.g.l. -
391-8993. All of these phone
numbers are located in South
Palm Beach County. If you live
in North Palm Beach County,
Broward County. Dade County
dial 1 first then dial phone