Newspaper Page Text
Editor’s Notebook
By Bill Smith
In February of 1974 I saw
the first issue of the
Atlanta Barb; I thought it IjpBlIj
was dreadful. In March Ip
Ray Green, then the editor i
and publisher of' the paper,
asked me to do a political
column for the paper. I
agreed and my first
column appeared in the
March issue. It was the
beginning of a relationship
that today finds me The
Barb’s editor and pub
The year has been one of
many changes, changes
often so abrupt that they
occurred before I could
realize that they were hap
pening. Increasingly, as Billy Jones, Peter
summer turned into fall, Thomas, and others will
my time and money was continue to give you the
expended working with The news and gossip on the
Barb. Re-writes, layouts, social scene. A new
office files, financial rec- lounge, restaurant, any
ords and on and oh. special^ event, and you will
In November Ray asked ou ^ about it in The
me to become the paper’s Barb. Steve Warren will
business manager. Before continue to let you know
the business cards could who is gaying to the mov-
be printed Ray offered me ^ es - Gibson Higgins and
40% of the paper for a others will be writing
token price if I would also about our lifestyles, feel-
agree to assume all of the * n S’ growth, and failures,
editorial responsibilities. Editorially, I will con-
Columnist, business tinue. with the traditional
manager, editor; the titles vice of gay publishers, that
and responsibilities * s > presenting my own
changed before I could viewpoint. The editorial
orient myself to them. page will be open to those
But an end to the changes with other views. You will
had not yet come. InMarch, the thoughts and
just as my association opinions of gays throughout
with The Barb passed the political spectrum. The
through its first full year, Barb will not propagandize
my partner announced that f or any political party or
he was moving to Memphis. ideology. We will have
For three days I pondered things for you to agree
what direction to take. My with and to rage against,
decision was to terminate We will continue to con
the partnership that began front the issues import -
such a short time before. ant to us as gay women
The “Wizard of Oz” and men. We will support
droned in the background and criticize the sacred as
as we drew up the termi- well as the profane as the
nation contract. I seemed facts and our judgement
an appropriate symbol of lead us to. We will
an era,.which, thoughgone, crusade from time to time,
will re-run from time to hoping to involve you in
time. My thoughts are ab- your community and sup-
sorbed by the prospects port you in your choice of
and possibilities of this programs,
new era of which The Barb Our overall policy
is a small part. The Barb whether it be in the area
is not an avantegarde pub- of news, politics or enter-
lication, it has never tried tainment is to inform you
to be, and Ray’s departure as accurately and honestly
will not cause a radical as we possibly can.
transformation of the
paper’s format.
In December we initaited
a series of changes, inter
nal and external; we im
proved our cover design,
and our staff was re-or
ganized with responsibili
ties carefully delegated.
Our March issue, dnd this
issue both reflect much of
what we want to -express.
We will continue to coin*
centrate on coverage of
events and >: news relevant
to gays in the south. The
national straight and gay
press f ; : . deeming it • unim
portant, often ignore the
progress made by gay peo
ple in Miami, Atlanta,
Nashville, and throughout
the south. But this does
not mean we will leave
out the important events
occuring east and west. In
any center of gay activity
The Barb will be there to
let you know what is hap
pening. v v
The Barb is published monthly by Wesjir Enterprises.
Application to mail at second-class postage rates is pend
ing at Atlanta, Georgia. Subscriptions are $4.00 for one
year (12 issues). Letters and manuscripts are welcomed.
Please enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope for return
of manuscripts, photos, etc. Opinions expressed by our
columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The
Barb management.
Editor . ............
Editorial Assistant
Barb Staff:
David Bryant
Jeanni C. Graham
Gibson Higgins
Phyllis Killer
Advertising Representatives:
Billy Jones
POB 7922
Atlanta, GA. 30309
(404) 872-6068
Bill Smith
.Richard Evans Lee
Bob Salo
Peter Thomas
Steve Warren
Michael Young
Glen Long
Ft. Lauderdale:
Peter Thomas
3801 N. Ocean Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33308
(305) 566-4376
George and Mike ^
bring you
The Best in Films
$ 1.00 Mon - Thurs
$2.00 Weekends
Weekend Special
|2nd & Midnight Shows
Call for this week
PImImoi at Moan*
Publishers Farwell Note
It is with much regret
that I must announce to
all of you fine readers and
patrons that as of April
1,1975, I am relinquishing
my interest in the Barb.
Because of other com
mitments outside Atlanta,
I found it necessary to
sell my interest in The
Barb. Because of my
dedication to gay com
munity, I would like to
see the success continue
and I am sure that it will.
My successor, Mr. William
E. Smith, present editor is
a very competent person
who is dedicated to the gay
community as well and is
experienced in community
affairs, politics and
In one short year The
Barb has gown from a local
newspaper serving Atlanta
and its neighboring cities
to “The Voice Of The Gay
Community Serving The
Southeast And The Nation. ’ ’
Although we had no dis
tribution overseas, our
greatest thrill came when
we received a classified
from Munich, Germany.
Since then we have received
classifieds from Ontario,
Canada, Hawaii, etc. It’s
a nice feeling to learn that
the newspaper is read and
accepted by many gay
people all throughout the
Much of the success can
be attributed to the fine
staff of The Barb. Without
writers like Steve Warren,
who keeps us informed
, about the movies, and
Jeanni Graham who played
a large part in launching
the newspaper, this could
not have been done. These,
along with Bill Smith who
has acquired The Barb,
have been loyal and never
faltering eventhough things
were tough at times. We
also owe a great vote of
thank to Zelda Zorch,
Liddia, Gretta Gossip,
Kathy and of course the
talented Peter Thomas who
has represented us so
successfully in Florida.
There are many more too 1
numerous to mention and
thanks to all of you.
Make The Barb “your
voice to the gay com
munity” ringing loud and
clear. Publisher
Ordinance #20
' Section 1. - Hereafter, it
shall be unlawful for any
man or woman, male or
female , to be guilty of
committing the act of
sexual intercourse be
tween themselves at any
place within the. corporate
limits of said town
Section 3. - Section One
of this ordinance shall not
apply to married persons,
as between themselves, and
their husband and wife, un
less of grossly improper
and lascivious nature.
Police early today raided
the premises at 345 Penn
sylvania Avenue Northwest,
and arrested fifteen china-
men on charges of playing
Mah-jong, it the first raid
of this kind in Washington.
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