Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, March 19, 1994, Page Page 7A, Image 7
v. : ■ ■ v .‘ : HELP WANTED LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED LPN to work in busy physician's office. Send Re sume to "LPN’ P.O. Drawer M, Perry, GA 31069. 1/29 - tfn AVON NOW OFFERS major Medical Insurance for Reps. Call 922-2397. 2/5-tfn COMMISSION-ONLY SALESPERSON needed in Warner Robins/Perry area for local publishing firm. Perfect opportunity for retiree to build second income. Send resume to: Box AE, P.O. Drawer M, Perry, GA 31069 10/30-tfn DRYWALL & ACOUSTICAL ceiling me chanics needed. Also Finishers & insula tors - sub & hourly. Drag test. 738-0897. 2/26-3/19 “POSTAL JOBS** $12.26/hr. to start, plus benefits. Postal carriers, sorters, clerks, maintenance. Foran application and exam information, call 1-219-736-4715, ext. P 2529. 9am to 9pm, 7 days. 2/19-3/19 HELP WANTED: Earn up to SSOO per week assembling products at home. No experience. Info 1-504-646-1700 Dept. GA-2725. 3/12-3/30 HELP WANTED: Administrative Assis tant. Duties will include, but not limited to: compiling reports, report distribution, piec ing orders, verifying deliveries, organizing and maintaining files, screening phone calls, and correspondence with vendors and associates. The qualifying candidate will need excellent communication and organizational skills. Other skills needed will be typing, 10-key, and computer skills in word processing and spread sheet in puts. Phone: 912-472-8477 or FAX: 912- 472-5627. 3/12-3/23 DETAILED ASSEMBLY WORK available Now. Previous experience with work aid terminals a plus. Women encouraged to apply. Call Evonne at PSI Temporaries in Dublin Now - (912) 272-7048. 3/12-3/19 HELP WANTED Houston County Board of Education is seeking a Registered Nurse with two or more years of hospital experi ence. Minimum of Associate Degree re quired Position requires teaching high school Med. Tech. Classes. Additional college course work and NOTCI Test is required. Applications (letter of interest and resume') are being accepted by Dr. Marinne Melnick, Warner Robins High School, S. Davis Dr., Warner Robins, GA. 31088. Application deadline - April 8,1994. 3/16-3/19 MEDICAL ASSISTANT - 2 Full-time, 1 part-time positions open. Medical experi ence required. Phelbotomy a pius. Must be self motivated, energetic and work well with others. Send resume to P.O. Box 1190, Perry, GA 31069. 3/19-3/23 LAWNMOWER MECHANIC - Must be experienced. Up to sl2 an hour - flat rate hour for the right mechanic. Apply in per son for testing. Blalock Snapper. 4304 Pio Nono Ave, Macon. 3/19-3/30 LEGAL SECRETARY - Full-time, perma nent position. Good typing skills required (60 w.p.m. minimum). Non-smoking envi ronment. Send resume to Houston Times- Jours, Box M. 3/19-3/23 OFind Your Pot Of Gold In The Classifieds CALLUSFORA QUOTE ON HOME INSURANCE —> @n,te&uHtctb 987-8000 WANTED Ferry Pawk * gHOP PAYS TOP sss FOR GOOD USED ITEMS. Estates, Complete Households. 522 G«n. Courtney Hodges Blvd. 987-5867 VCR & Nintendo Repair FREE Estimates 987-5896 HELP WANTED SERVICES INTRODUCING TNT • Tone 'N Tighten Resculpting & Contouring Creme for a Dynamite Body is scientifically formulated to: 'Assist in reducing the appearance of fat and cellulite 'Help tone and tighten saggy, loose skin 'Help minimize the ap pearance of spongy fatty areas (Spot re duction)'Help eliminate unsightly varicose veins, stretch marks and flabby skin. To hear more aboutthisexciting breakthrough product call the TNT HOTLINE: 1-800- 394-0799. ORDER TODAY 1-800-621- 4348 Customer Reference No. GR106205. For more information on First Fitness Slim ‘N Up delicious cakes and cream call 912- 987- T/F PAINTING EXTERIOR & Interior. Also carpentry repair work. Free estimates. 987- 3302. 11/10-tfn CONFIDENTIAL LOANS to working men and women. Call Lome at 987-9220. 6/30-tfn LARRY'S HANDYMAN SERVICE! Paint ing and minor home repair. Reasonable rates. Owner, Larry Story. 987-3757. 1/10-tfn MARY KAY COSMETICS Wilma Gay. Professional Beauty Consultant 987-0960. 5/9-tfn SMALL SPACE Big Results when you advertise your service in the Houston Times-Joumal. Call 987-1823 today and ask for Terry. 987-1823. 10/30-tfn CANINE CLEANERS-Dogand cat groom ing, all sizes. 987-5288. T/F LARRY'S HANDYMAN SERVICE - Minor home repairs, painting/maintenance. Rea sonable rates. Call 987-3757 T/F FREE PREGNANCY TESTING, counsel ing and other services available. Call the Pregnancy Care Centerof Perry 988-8199. Located at 1118-B Ball Street. This is not a medical facility. T/F ELITE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Remodel & Repair - Painting - Pressure Washing. Call for Free Estimates. (912) 987-4955. 3/5-3/30 MORE THAN MAIL- We are here for your convenience! Ship UPS or mail - Use our convenient drive-thru window. 1201 Main Street 0 987-2693. 3/5-tfn E R C ROOFING & REPAIRS Ali Repairs Are Guaranteed. Over 20 Years Of Roof ing Experience. (912) 929-9372.24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE. Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured. 3/9-4/27 BAYNARD'S SERVICES 987-0613. Con sultant in tree care; evaluation, treating and stump removal; selling wood chips, lighter and firewood. 1943-1993 experi ence. 3/12-4/6 KENMORE WHIRLPOOL/GE REPAIRS - $25 service charge. All work with warranty - 987-9639. 3/16-3/19 HORSE BOARDfNG - At its best! Frontier Stables. 987-4101. 3/19-3/23 FORMERDAYTEACHER - willkeepyour child in a home day care group. Educa tional activities daily. State approved meal plan. Ages 2-5. Call 987-7686 after 6 pm. 3/19-3/23 LOOKING FOR WORK - Babysitting with older people and house cleaning. I have references. Minimum wage, dependable. 988- after 4. Ask for Luerean. 3/19-3/23 SKILLS TRAINING IN ASSfej HOUSTON CO. Jiff Willing to commit time and energies to learning H ft J a skill which will enable you to compete for jobs in your community? Selected applicants will participate in an intense assessment which will assist them in choosing a career which will be best suited for them. Vocational skills will be taught in Houston Co. in a classroom setting. Assistance may be available to assist with your needs for not only tuition but also books, supplies, and support. All participants selected must be eligible for services funded by the Job Training Partnership Act. No cost for eligible applicants. Laid off workers and school dropouts art encouraged to apply as special services are available for these groups. Space is limited. Call today. Middle Georgia Consortium, Inc. (9J2) 751-6044 or (800/ 537 1933 Mon thru Fri, 8:30 A M to 5:00 Serving Bibb, Crawford, Houston, Jones, Monroe, Peaeh and 'iWiggs Co. SERVICES WE BUY GOLD! -987-5042. 3/19-3/23 YARD SALES MULTI FAMILY PLANT/YARD SALE 1002 Cherokee Rd., Sat., March 19, 8 am until noon. 3/16-3/19 GARAGE SALE - Sat., March 19. 115 Shane Circle. 8 am until. Toysandclothes. 3/16-3/19 YARD SALE - Electric stove, some furni ture. Lots of brie brae. Saturday, Cross roads Trailer Park Lot #63. 987-8059 3/16-3/19 YARD SALE - 922 Forest Ave., Friday & Saturday. 8-1. 3/16-3/19 SELLING ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD - Fri day & Saturday only - 3/18-3/19. 1254 Limerock Rd. left on Limerock from Elko. Right at stop sign, then left around road closed sign. 1 st drive on left, follow signs. 3/16-3/19 YARD SALE - Rain or shine. Household items, wedding dress, tiller, draperies, clothes, & much more. 2041 Sequoia Drive. Saturday, March 19, 8 til 12. 3/16-3/19 YARD SALE - 311 Shane Circle. Satur day, March 19 8 am - Ipm. Furniture, stereo, clothing, toys, books, much more! Rain cancels. 3/16-3/19 YARD SALE -1603 Macon Rd„ Friday & Saturday. Commodore Manor Apartments. Antiques, 25 years of misc., etc. 988- 3134. 3/16-3/19 MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE - 637 Hillcrest Ave. (comer of Duncan/Hillcrest) Sat., March 19, 8 until. No early birds. 3/16-3/19 YARD SALE - Bassinet & other infant items, mens and women's clothes, furni ture and more. Saturday, March 19 from 8-12.625 Pineridge Street. Cancel if rain. 3/16-3/19 YARD SALE - 1730 Houston Lake Rd, Perry. Miscellaneous. Everything pneed to go! Low, low prices. 8:30-2:30. 3/19 MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE - 8.8 Cards, crafts, clothes, odds & ends. 8 am til. 114 Lake Joy Rd. 3/19 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE; 3 cycle Dishwasher - $75. Clothes dryer - $75. Electric Range Stove - $l5O. Gas Dryer - SSO Used Refrigera tor. - $75. Cash & Carry - 987-4858. 3/19—tfn Drive Carefully & Buckle Up It's Spring Clean-Up Time One Time or Year Round Service • Mowing Free • Flower Bed • Vacuuming Estimates • Weeding • Edging Residential • Cleaning • Trimming Or • Straw • Gutters Cleaned Commercial Spreading Allan & Hughlene Butler (912) 627-9243 (Houston Cty) YARD SALES SNACKBAR -Bxl2, Hot water sink. A/C, windows& wheel trailer- $3,200, Scotsmon Ice Cube Maker - SBOO. Hot Dog & Bun Steamer - $260, Nacho Machine - S3OO, Sno Cone - SBOO, Refrigerated sandwich unit - S9ST (912) 967-2000 3/5-3/19 AUCTION SALE to Satisfy Liens. Perry Self Storage. Courtney Hodges Blvd. Perry, GA 31069. March 26, 1994 - Saturday - 8:30 am. Unit numbers - 120, 185, 243, 036, 145, 049, 023, 085, 178, 233. 3/12-3/26 1989 EASY GO GOLF CART -$995,8 1/ 2 foot sofa - SIOO. All in good condition. 987-9639. 3/16-3/19 MURRARY RIDING MOWER - 36’ cut, 11 hp, $250. Can be seen at 1305 Smoak Ave., Perry or call 987-8095. 3/16-3/19 FRESH BROWN EGGS -75 c a dozen. Call 987-2528. 3/16-3/19 55 GALLON AQUARIUM - with stand and fish. Very clean. Country blue table, chairs & hutch. Very nice. S3OO each. Call 987- 0518. 3/16-3/19 AUTOMOTIVE 1992 HONDA ACCORD EX - Loaded, 24,000 miles, excellent condition, one owner- $14,500. Call 987-7224 days, 987- 4305 nights. 3/12-tfn VOLKSWAGON VANAGON -1985 - Auto, A/C, AM/FM Cass, 7-pass, weekender package. $5,500/obo. 912-825-1394 after 6 pm. 3/19-3/30 1993 JEEP WRANGLER 1,000 miles - AM/FM Cassette, PS, PB. Tilt Steering, 5 speed trans. - $12,500. Call 987-7224. 3/9 - tfn 1983 PONTIAC 2000 Station Wagon. $1750 080. Call 987-0056 or 967-2660. 1/29-tfn 1983 CADILLAC ELDORADO - 250 en gine, excellent running condition. Blue with leather top, air conditioning, full options $5,500 or best offer (912) 783-3948. 3/16-3/19 FOR SALE - 1989 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD - Black, red leather interior. 1 owner, FWD, 80,000 miles, new tires, excellent condition, kept in the garage - $9,995.987-2654 days, after 6 987-1691. 3/16-3/30 SLMARy KAy. 100% satisfaction guaranteed; try it before you buy it with a complimentary, no obligation, facial. SUSAN NICHOLS . 987-5298 > RAYMOND YODER DAIRY MONTEZUMA, GA. (Hwy. 224 E. At City Limits) Wednesday, March 23 - 5 P.M. 256 ACHES -- Subdivided into Lots & Acreage Tracts w/dairy facility * Paved Road Frontage * Located on Hwy. 224 & Shiloh Church Road * Will offer individually or grouped as whole * A deposit of 15% is required on sale say. Closing will be within 30 day days. Buyer will pay 10% Buyers Premium & Survey costs. A representative will be at the sale site on Tuesday, March 22 from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. or by appointment. Call 803-576-9244. THURS., MARCH 24, 10 AM - 355 Holsteins Sell. Farm & Dairy Equip. Sell Immed. after cattle. Many large & small items inc.: “753” Bob Cat Skid Steer Loader (100 hrs.) * 2 JD Diesel Tractors * 4 Wheeler * 36-Disc Harrow * JD 4-Row Planter * 52-Disc Harrow * Drag Harrow * 5-Bottom Plow * Chisel Plow * Cultivator * Cultipacker * Dirt Pan * Silage Blower * Wagon * Drag & Spring-Tooth Harrows * Pop-Up Camper * Feeders * Tanks * NH 890 Silage Machine * Panels * Spreader * Dairy Eq. inc. 2 tanks & Computer Feeder FOR INFO, CONTACT: WALNUT GROVE AUCTION & REALTY BOX 226, Roebuck, S.C. (803-576-9244) W. CHRISTOPHER, AUC. (GALNR63S) .. . Saturday, March 19,1994 Houston Times -Journal - AUTOMOTIVE 1978 DODGE MONACO - For Sale. Has 52,000 actual miles and is in excellen t condition. Gold w/vinyl white top. $1,500. Call 912-956-3323. 3/19-3/23 BOAT FOR SALE CRAPPIE SPECIAL 14' Fisherman's Dream, 35HP Evinrude, Trolling Motor, Depth Finder, Good Condition - $2,500. 988-4028. 3/19-4/6 Call Your Ad In Today 987-1823 HELP WANTED Cooks & Waitresses - All shifts for Huddle House Good work history required. Apply Thursday and Friday, March 17th & 18th or Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday March 22nd, 23rd & 24th Between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm W WW'. VIiSV All classified advertisements run in the Wednesday & Saturday Times Journal & Wednesday’s Shopper for one low price. Reach over 25,000 readers each week. The rates are listed below -- ONE INSERTION, $5.00 minimum for up to 20 words, 20(2 per additional word. Billing charge of SI.OO per week if not paid in cash. Want ads that advertise something to be given away free such as puppies, kittens, etc., will be published free of charge one time only. This applies to individuals - not to merchants. All cards of Thanks will be treated as classified advertising. Deadline for placing want ads is 12 noon Mondays, and 5:00 pm Thursday, week of publication. Please check your ad for errors the first time it runs. The newspapers will be responsible for the first day only and only for the cost of the ad. Can 987-1823 WANTED PEOPLE [N NEED QE HOUSING Rent Too High? Home Too Small? No Down Payment? Low Monthly Payments to fit your budget! Farmers Home Administration might be your answer if you qualify. For further information call Southeastern properties 987-7803 or complete the coupon & mail to the address listed. | Southeastern Properties I , P.O. Drawer M • Perry, GA 31069 i t 1 Name Address 1 City Zip I County Phone “A Fresh New Look in Farm Home Housing.” Approved Farmers Home Administration Builder, Home Builders Assoc, of Georgia and Equal Housing Opportunity. Melanie Bullington Classified Ad Manager REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE to high cost housing. 'Energy Efficient Homes’. Maintenance free exterior, 2x6 exterior walls w/R-19 insulation. Stove, refrigera tor, dishwasher, mini blinds, heat pump, washer, dryer, garbage disposal included Qualified for FHA. VA, FHA, FHMA, con ventional financing to 30 yrs. Model home open everyday, Gray Hwy. From $38,000 to $59,900. Homes of Middle Ga., 1-912- 745-7787 or 1-800-546-4055. T/F COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE AVAILABLE for sale be hind Perry Chiropractic. 4,000 sq. ft. For information call 987-9666 ask for Debbie. T/F Page 7A