Newspaper Page Text
- Wednesday, March 23,1994 "Houston Times-Journal - Special Edition
page 2C
Using Lawn Care Products Properly
(NAPS) —As a responsible
homeowner concerned about yard
maintenance, you probably know that
pesticides, like other household chemi
cal products, must be treated with re
spect and handled with care.
What you may not know is that the
manufacturers of a common pesticide
ingredient in weed control products
2,4-D (which appears on the label as
some form of 2-4-dichloro
phenoxyacetic acid), are changing the
labels of products containing 2,4-D.
The new labels will prescribe mea
sures to reduce your and your family’s
exposure to 2,4-D, and are relevant to
the application of other pesticides used
around the home.
Reading and following the label di
rections is essential. Label information
also will help you choose the right
product, let you know how much to
use, under what conditions to use it
Cut Straight To Savings
With Lawn Mower Tune-Up
(NAPS) —Don’t let the grass grow
under your feet—you can save your
self lots of the long green when it
comes to the equipment you use to
shorten your long green grass.
Now is the time to get your lawn
mower a pre-season tune-up, so it will
be safe and efficient to run before the
season starts. The place to do so, many
homeowners say, is at a Sears Service
There, experienced technicians do a
thorough tune-up on lawn mowers,
riding mowers and tractors. Among the
things they do:
•Remove build-up from engine, deck
and underside.
• Replace spark plug if necessary and
check ignition.
• Change oil.
• Sharpen or balance blade, examine
blade adapter.
• Drain engine fuel system and clean
fuel tank.
• Clean and adjust carburetor if needed.
• Check air filter cartridge.
• Check engine compression.
• Put engine through a test run.
For additional information call your
local Sears Service Center, which is
listed in the white pages of your tele
phone directory. Once all these things
are in proper working order, you may
well have no “mow” troubles all sea
son long.
Hot Water Dispenser is A Practical Luxury
The Instant-Hot Water Dispenser
from Kitchen Aid is a practical lux
ury appropriate for any kitchen.
And now, this hand helper lends and
additional touch of class to the
kitchen when consumes select new
renditions in white and almond.
In any color, the Kitchen Aid hot
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All Photo Frames
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1,000 Azaleas & Shrubs To Choose From
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Wheel Barrows, Lawn Mowers,
| UJ W Riding Lawn Mowers
| Pine Bark Nuggets • Grass Seed • Lawn Lime
I 8-8-8 10-10-10 5-10-15 Fertilizer
1 18-0-18 Centipede Food and Weed & Feed
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•C Perry True Value Hardware iS
and, finally, how to mix and apply the
product correctly. The new 2,4-D la
bels will describe protective clothing
and equipment, proper clean-up, the
amount and frequency of application
and access to treated areas. Until the
new labels are in place, you can reduce
your exposure to 2,4-D by following
these simple guidelines.
'Votective Clothing
And Equipment
• When using pesticides in granular
form, wear a long-sleeved shirt, long
pants, socks and shoes.
• For liquid pesticides with the word
“Caution” on the product label, wear a
long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks,
shoes and rubber or chemical-resistant
gloves. When the labels are modified,
the exact type of glove will be speci
• If the product carries the “Warn
tx x
' . y
water dispenser provides instant 190
degree F. water at a turn of the cap,
for a quick steaming cup of coffee,
cocoa or soup. It also speeds the
preparation of foods such as pastas,
rice and potatoes. The Instant-Hot
Water Dispenser provides up to 60
Corner Gallery
ing” or “Danger” signal words, wear
eye protection, too. Safety glasses
should include front, brow and temple
• Alter using 2,4-D products in liquid
form, rinse gloves before removing,
remove clothing and launder separately
from other clothing before reuse, and
promptly and thoroughly wash hands
and exposed skin with soap and water.
If clothing becomes saturated, remove
as soon as possible and shower.
Frequency Of
•Some pesticide products have re
duced application rates. The new
maximum rate will be calculated for
you on the product label. Be sure to
read the label directions for correct
application instructions. Treating
an entire yard must not be done
cups of hot water per hour and fea
tures an anti-liming system that al
lows it to be used in areas with
hard, soft, city or well water.
For further information, see your
Kitchen Aid dealer or call toll-free 1-
20% off
(excluding consignment items)
more than twice in one year.
Applying herbicides fb individual
weeds or clumps of unwanted plants
as they crop up-" spot applica
tions"-often is enough to control
their spread without spraying the
entire yard.
Access To Treated Areas
•Do not allow people (other than
the applicator) or pets on the treated
area during application. Do not en
ter treated areas until the spray has
dried or dust has settled.
Why are there new requirements
for using lawn care products con
taining 2,4-D?
The T J.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) continu
ally evaluates the risks and benefits
of pesticides, and currently is requir
ing the makers of 2,4-D to under
take new product testing. The EPA
is also convening a panel of experts
White Dogwoods - Now 95 Reg. $ 39 95
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MODEL 2606 28x70 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH
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Perry Housing Center
103 Iffie Road • Perry, GA 31069
(Just off exit 42 • Corner of 1-75 & Hwy. 41)
912-988-4100 open s^ n ay 96
to evaluate all pertinent 2,4-D stud
ies including those involving long
term exposure. Until these
evaluations are complete, the new
Propane Gas Grills
Families who love the taste of
grilled foods but don't want to add
pollutants to the atmosphere are
starting to barbecue with propane
gas grills.
The South Coast Air Quality
Management District tests found
that on a typical day, charcoal bar
becues emit tons of pollutants, hy
drocarbons and carbon monoxide
into the atmosphere. The least pol
luting barbecues are those fueled by
natural gas or propane.
In fact, a propane gas grill not
A Complete One-Stop For Yard & Home
Hwy 247 • Bonaire, GA 31005 • 923-9707
We have Ricky, Robert, Dee, Donnie,
Charlie,Carol, Jackie, Jason, Sandy
& Margaret to serve you.
requirements for 2,4-D use will ap
pear on product labels.
For more information, call 1-800-
only is kinder to the atmosphere, it
costs less than electric and charcoal
grilling. Propane gas grills provide
versatile cooking and
•Are ready in a hurry; only 10
minutes "heat up” time.
•Stay hot throughout the cooking
period, rather than having a burst of
heat followed by cool-down.
•Offer controllable, convenient,
flexible heat
Using propane is environmentally
safe and an energy efficient way to