Newspaper Page Text
of Events
The Masons of Houston
Lodge No. 35 F&AM, Perry
(Thomas Fast, secretary, 987-2376)
meets every second and fourth
Monday night of each month at the
Masonic Building, Jemigan Street.
Meals are served at a nominal
charge beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Regular meetings begin at 7:30
p.m. All member Master Masons
and visiting brethren are welcomed.
Perry High Booster Club:
Meets every 2nd Monday of each
month at Perry High School at
7:30 p.m.
Houston Drug Action
Council (HODAC): A free
rape support group is now being
formed. The group will begin
meeting on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at
Houston Drug Action Council,
2762 Watson Blvd., Warner
Robins. (Next to Warner Robins
Supply) Those interested in attend
ing please call 953-5675.
American Legion, Robert D.
Collins Post 24 meets the first
Monday night of each month at the
County Ag Building at 733 Carroll
Street. Meals are served beginning
at 7 p.m. All American Legion
members are urged to attend and
visiting Legionaries are welcome.
Houston County Retired
Teachers: Every 2nd Wednesday
of the month at 11:30 a.m. at the
Holiday Inn in Warner Robins.
Perry Rotary Club meets
each Monday at noon at the New
Perry Hotel.
The Perry Evening
Optimist Club meets the first
and third Thursday of each month at
Perry Exchange Club meets
each Thursday at Quincy's at noon.
The Perry Wilderness
Society meets at 6:30 p.m. on the
first Thursday of each month at the
Perry United Methodist Church lo
cated at 1001 Carroll Street in
Perry. Newcomers are welcome.
Tuesdays & Thursdays:
Step Aerobics from 6:30-8 p.m.
Sponsored by the Perry Recreation
Department. Saturdays from 9 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m. at the Perry High
School Cafeteria. Deborah Hamlin,
ACE Certified Instructor. 10 weeks
is S3O. This is an on-going
The Middle Ga.
Community Action Agency
is currently accepting applications
for Perry Head Start through May
27, 1994 for the 1994-95 school
term. All children must be three
(3) years of age on or before
September 1, 1994 and meet Head
Start eligibility requirements.
Parents with special needs children
are encouraged to apply. Pleast
contact Johnnie Green or Nettie
McKenzie at the Perry Head Start
Center at 988-4256 to learn all the
requirements for acceptance.
May 7: Free Car Wash
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the
parking lot at the comer of Main
Street and Washington Street,
behind C&C Photography,
sponsored by Christian Fellowship
Youth. Donations will be accepted.
May 18: "Picnic in the
Park" sponsored by Fort Valley
Main Street, will be held from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Food and
drink vendors will be on site for a
refreshing afternoon lunch in the
Downtown triangle park. Music
will be provided by the Macon
brass ensemble Omni. For more
information, please contact Fort
Valley Main Street at (12) 825-
5986. Admission is free and open
to the public so don't miss out on
this event in beautiful Downtown
Fort Valley.
May 26: Alzheimers
Support Group meeting at 7
p.m. in the Perry Hospital dining
room. There is no cost. Dr. Susan
Raybourne will be the guest
lecturer. She has done extensive
research on Alzheimers disease and
the drug used to treat it. All who
are interested and concerned are
welcome to attend. Contact Eddie
at 9874364 for more information.
May 14: Poverty
Outreach will sell fish and
chicken plates for $3.50 each at the
rear of the Agriculture building.
Area students earn
degrees from UGA
The following University of
Georgia students from Perry com
pleted requirements for their degrees
at the end of winter quarter:
•Stewart Irwin Bloodworth Jr.,
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy.
•Michael Lee Potts, Bachelor of
Business Administration.
•Marsha Alexandria Ward,
Bachelor of Science.
They are eligible to participate
in the university’s annual com
mencement exercises June 11,
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Westfield eighth graders "loaded up" last week for a trip to Washington D.C. Visits to The
White House, Smithsonian Institute and other attractions were planned.
Westfield students visit our nation's capital
Staff Writer
Amid hugs, nervous laughs, part
ing advice ("Don't do anything I
wouldn't do!"), a few tears and a
multitude of packed bags, 56 eighth
graders from Westfield Schools and
seven adults boarded two buses last
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Billboard Winners at PES
In relation to the D.A.R.E. program, students In the Perry Elementary designed billboards
along the theme, "Just Say ’NO’ to Drugs". Frenesa Marshall was named the first place
winner, Wade Franklin was named first runner-up, Randy Thomas was named second runner
up and Ryan Crowe was named third runner-up.
Houston County
Lunch Menu
Monday, May 9: Chicken
Fingers or Char Grilled Chicken
Patty, Mashed Potatoes, Green
Beans, Pudding, Yeast Roll, Choice
of Milk.
Tuesday, May 10: Taco with
Cheese, Lettuce & Tomato,
Buttered Corn, Fruit, Cinnamon
Roll, Fruit, Choice of Milk.
Wednesday, May 11: Student’s
Thursday, May 12: Chicken
Fried Steak, Buttered Rice, Mixed
Vegetables, Citrus Fruit, Yeast
Roll, Choice of Milk.
Friday, May 13: Baked or
8.8. Q Chicken, Mashed Potatoes,
Broccoli, Jello, Wheat Roll, Choice
of Milk.
Lunch Menu
Monday, May 9: Ham &
Cheese Sandwich, Potato Chips,
Pickle Spear, Fruit, Cookie.
Tuesday, May 10: Steak
Nuggets, Broccoli w/Cheese,
Buttered Rice, Biscuit, Jello.
Wednesday, May 11: Baked
Chicken, Sweet Potato Souffle,
Green Beans, Roll, Dessert.
Thursday, May 12: Hamburger,
French Fries, Lettuce & Tomato,
Fruit, Dessert.
Friday, May 13: Hot Dog,
Tater Tots, Cole Slaw, Ice Cream.
May 15th - Sunday 10:30 am & 6:00 pm
Full Gospel Lighthouse Church
1122 Gaines St., Perry, GA (below new Perry Nursing Home)
For Info. Call 987-3126 or 987-2759
week for Washington, D.C. Dr.
Gregory Harold was the accompany
ing doctor.
Their first stop was Atlanta,
where they boarded MARTA for the
remainder of the trip to the nation's
The Fight Has Just Begun!
And We Need Your
Help Secure A New School
For South Houston County
Join Concerned Citizens At
A Meeting
Monday, May 9th - 7:00 p.m.
Perry Welcome Center
You Community Needs
Your Help!
Everyone Is Urged To
% y
In Washington, they plan to see
Mt, Vernon, The While House, The
Capitol Building, the Smithsonian
Institute and other centers of inter
est. Contact was made with
Senator Sam Nunn's staff to obtain
permission for the visit to The
White House.
Saturday, May 7,1994 Houston Times -Journal
Register for free art workshop
The Houston Arts Alliance is
pleased to host Fact to Face, a Just
My Imagination workshop on
Saturday, Jun 25.
To be held at the county ag
building on Carroll Street, the pro
gram is free and recommended for
families with children ages seven to
The two-hour workshop explores
expressive portrait painting through
an interactive discussion of paint
ings by artists such as Vincent van
Gogh and Alice Neel. Nationally
exhibiting artist and teacher Linda
Henneman will show examples of
her own portrait paintings and lead
parents and children in a hands-on
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Because We Are Growing, We Are Beginning
An “Early Bird” Prayer and Praise Service
Mother’s Day, May Bth
8:30 am every Sunday
2418 Hwy 127 - between Moody Rd & Houston Lake Rd.
Child Care Provided
Coffee Fellowship 9:15 am - Sunday School 9:45 am
Late Worship 11:00 am - For more info 328-1111
Hair & Nail Salon
I \ V f/
1206 Georgia Avenue Ext. Perry • Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9-6 Sat. 9-4
Holiday Inn Perry is looking for an outgoing, energetic,
enthusiastic-person to work 3-4 days per week, 4pm to 11
pm. Must be able to do anything from yard care, simple
maintenance jobs, meet the public well, room service and
security. Ideal for high school senior or first year college
student with flexible personal schedule. Good salary plus
incentive, and excellent tips. Contact Allen Read or Terri
Johnson in person at Front Desk Holiday Inn Perry.
Holiday Inn of Perrv
Now hiring enthusiastic, energetic, positive minded
people in the following positions. Must have stable
past work history
* Housekeepers * Bellmen - Porter
* Dishwasher * Servers * Bartender
Corporate Insurance, paid vacation
Please apply in person at Front Desk.
Ask for: Allen Read or Tferri Johnson
Create Your Own
Mother’s Day Basket
Fine Line of Potpourri, Soaps, Bath Beads,
Scented Candles & More.
• Gourmet Candy • Sugar-Free Candy
• Chocolates • Balloons
Pretty Baskets To Choose From
We Also Have Colombo Yogurt (Fat-Free)
We Deliver
Perry Marketplace • 987-6986
art activity in which family mem
bers create portraits of one another.
Henneman’s award winning
works have been exhibited widely
throughout the eastern United Sates
at institutions in Athens, West
Nyack, N.Y., Pomona, N.J.,
Waterville, Me. and Philadelphia,
She holds a Bachelor of Fine
Arts degree from the University of
Cincinnati and a Master of Fine
Arts degree from the University of
Space is limited to 50 partici
pants and reservations should be
made by calling Karen
Nikitopoulos at 988-8131.
Come Join Us
Friday, May 20th
Ask us about all of our
services for the latest hair
and nail styles
Also, check out our
tanning specials
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