Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, May 11, 1994, Page Page 6B, Image 16

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Page 6B ■ Wednesday, May 11,1994 * Houston Times-Journal Legals Continued from Page 4B Sal* will b* mad* under the powers of sale contained in those deeds to secure debt from Barney A. Smith, Sr. to Trust Company Bank of Middle Georgia, N.A. as follows* (1) dated October 25, 1989, and recorded in Deed Book 860, Page 455, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior Court; (2) dated May 14,1990, and recorded in Deed Book 880, Page 502, said Clerk’s Office; and (3) dated July 3,1991, and recorded in Deed Book 923, Page 296, said Clerk's Office. These deeds to secure debt secure promissory notes more particularly described therein, including any renewals or extensions thereof, and all otherexisting or future indebtedness of Grantor to Grantee. Default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in compliance with other teimsandprovisions thereof, the powers of sale in said deeds to secure debt have become operative. The proceeds of said sale will be applied as provided in said deeds to secure debt Sale will be made subject to unpaid ad valorem taxes and assessments, if any. To the best of the undersigneds knowledge and belief the party in possession of the property is Barney A. Smith, Sr.. This 6th day of May, 1994. TRUST COMPANY BANKOF MIDDLE GEORGIA, N.A., AS ATTORNEY-IN FACT FOR BARNEY A. SMITH, SR. CATER C. THOMPSON JONES, CORK & MILLER P. O. Box 6437 Macon, Georgia 31208-6437 (912) 745-2821 5-81 5/11-6/1 GEORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY. Will be sold Tuesday, June 7, 1994, before the courthouse door in Houston County, Georgia, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: HAYNEVILLE FARM All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 13th Land District of Houston County, Georgia, comprising Lots and parts of Lots of Land Numbers 14,15, 16,17 and 18 in said District, said Lots and parts of Lots lying together forming one body of land which contains in the aggregate 868.70 acres, more or less, having such shapes, metes, bounds, courses and distances as are shown on plat of survey of the same made by Rhodes Sewell, County Surveyor, on July 15,1929, a copy of said plat being recorded in Map Book 1, Page 241, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat and the record thereof are hereby made a part of this description by reference thereto. Said tract of landisgenerally known as the Moreland Place and is bounded on the north by lands known now or formerly as the H. N. Stipe Place, owned now or formerly by A. E. Harris; on the east by lands known now or formerly as the “Willingham Place”; on the south by lands known noworformeriy as the “Duke LancT, and the “Willingham Place", and lands owned now or formerly by Mrs. Harrison; on the west by lands now or formerly of G. T. Brown Estate, lands now or formerly of H.P. Tucker, and lands now or formerly of Pennsylvania-Dixie Cement Corporation. THERE IS EXCEPTED from the above described parcel all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 16, 17 and 18 of the 13th Land District of Houston County, Georgia, comprised of 400 acres as shown on a plat of survey prepared by Jones Surveying Company, dated October 28,1985, which isof record in Rat Book 30, Page 102, Cleik’sOffice, Houston Superior Court. The said recorded plat and the copy thereof are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. Said excepted tract is the same property as that conveyed by warranty deed dated June 5, 1986 from Barney A. Smith to Board of Commissioners of Houston County of record in Deed Book 722, Page 257, said Clerk's Office. ALLOTMENTS As appurtenant to the land herein conveyed there is also hereby conveyed all of the farm acreage allotments to which the above-referenced land is now entitled or may hereafter become entitled, including, but not limited to, allotments for tobacco, cotton, com, peanuts and sugarcane. Sale will be made under the power of sale contained in a deed to secure debt dated July 3,1991, from Barney A. Smith, Sr. to Trust Company Bank of Middle Georgia, N.A. to secure a promissory note more particularly described therein, including any renewals or extensions thereof, and to secure all other existing or futu re indebtedness of Grantor to Grantee. Said deed appears of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County, Georgia, in Deed Book 923, Page 296. Default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and Jk »tu in compliance with other terms and provisions thereof, the power of sale in said deed to secure debthas become operative. The proceeds of said sale will be applied as provided in said deed to secure debt. Sale will be made subject to unpaid ad valorem taxes and assessments, if any. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief the party in possession of the property is Barney A. Smith, Sr.. This 6th day of May, 1994. TRUST COMPANY BANKOF MIDDLE GEORGIA, N.A., AS ATTORNEY-IN FACT FOR BARNEY A. SMITH, SR. CATER C. THOMPSON JONES, CORK & MILLER P. O. Box 6437 Macon, Georgia 31208-6437 (912) 745-2821 5-82 5/11-6/1 GEORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY. Will be sold Tuesday, June 7, 1994, before the courthouse door in Houston County, Georgia, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: DUKE ROAD FARM All that tract or parcel of land, containing 552.89 acres, more or less, in Land Lots 85, 86, 87, 106, 107 and 108, of the 14th Land District of Houston County, Georgia and being more particularly described as follows; All thattractorparcel of land comprising the west onethird of Land Lot 108 and the westone-third of the south one-half of Land Lot 85 in the 14th Land District of Houston County, Georgia, containing in all One Hundred (100) acres, more or less, being part of the former Nathan Toomer Place and bounded, noworformeriy, on the north by lands of the Estate of Nathan Toomer; east by lands of David Toomer; south by lands of Jesse Davis and William Davis; and west by lands of M.L. Cooper, being the said property described in a deed from the Georgia Loan and Trust Company to J. W. Hodge recorded in Deed Book 15, Page 281, in toe Office of toe Clerk of toe Superior Court of Houston County, Georgia. Tnere is EXCEPTED FROM THIS CONVEYANCE one Church Lot containing one (1) acre, more or less. All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in toe 14th Land District of Houston County, Georgia, and being all of Land Lot 106 therein, containing 202.5 acres, more or less. Said described property is known as a part of the Harriet Toomer Place and was conveyed to A. M. Anderson from G. Fielding Towns by deed dated May 3,1950, and recorded in Deed Book 71, Page 92, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said property is toe same as that conveyed from A. M. Anderson to Barney A. Smith, Sr. by deed dated June 15, 1973, and recorded in Deed Book 417, Page 484, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in toe 14t Land District of Houston County, Georgia, being all of Land Lot 87 containing 202-1/2 acres, more or less; Land Lot 107 containing 202-1/2 acres, more or less; and toe south half of Land Lot 87 containing 101-1/4 acres, more or less. All of said property contains in toe aggregate 506-1/4 acres, more orless, and was once known as the Adams Place. Said described property is the same as that conveyed from Ruth Gilbert Bailey and Laura Gilbert Anderson, as Executrices of the Will of Mrs. Clifford (Blossom) D. Gilbert, Deceased, to Tom Chapman by deed recorded in Deed Book 387, Page 358, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court, and is the same property as conveyed from Tom Chapman to Barney A. Smith, Sr. by deed dated July 31,1972 and recorded in Deed Book 399, Page 467, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. THERE IS EXCEPTED from the above described property 254.86 acres in Land Lots 106 and 107 of the 14th Land District of Houston County, Georgia, and being more particularly described according to a plat of survey dated April 13,1983, prepared by Richard L. Jones, Registered Land Surveyor No. 1591, said plat of survey being recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 207, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat and the recorded copy thereof are hereby made a part of this description by reference thereto for all purposes. The 254.86 acres, as herein described, is bounded as follows: west by toe Macon County-Houston County boundary line; south by toe dividing line between Land Lot 106 and Land Lot 119 in said 14th Land District; east by Bryan Chapel Road; and north by property of Barney A. Smith, Sr. THERE IS EXCEPTED from toe above described 552.89 acres, more or less, the following parcels: PARCEL NO, ONE: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Land Lots 85 and 86 of the 14th Land District of Houston County, Georgia, being shown and designated on a plat of survey designated, “Survey for Barney A. Smith”, and containing 18.37 acres and having such shapes, metes, bounds, courses and distances as are shown on plat of survey dated July 3, 1985, and recorded in Rat Book 28, Page 95, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat of survey and the recorded copy thereof are hereby made a part of this description by reference thereto for all purposes. PARCEL NO. TWO: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Land Lot 85 of toe 14th Land District of Houston County, Georgia, being shown and designated on a plat of survey designated, “Survey for Barney A. Smith, Sr.", and containing 1.549 acres and having such shapes, metes, bounds, courses and distances as are shown on plat of survey dated July 30,1985, and recorded in Rat Book 28, Page 112, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat of survey and the recorded copy thereof are hereby made a part of this description by reference thereto for all purposes. The above described two excepted parcel s are the same property as conveyed by warranty deed dated July 31,1985 from Barney A. Smith, Sr. to B. R. Wills and Mark G. Wills of record in Deed Book 691, Pages 65-66, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. PARCEL NO. THREE: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Land Lot 85 of the Fourteenth District of Houston County, Georgia and containing 2.227 acres according to a plat of survey entitled “Survey for Joseph S. George," said plat of survey dated November 6, 1991, and recorded in Plat Book 41, Page 196, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat of survey and the recorded copy thereof are hereby made a part of this description by reference thereto for all purposes. PARCEL NO. FOUR: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in LandLotsß6,lo7 and 108 of toe Fourteenth Land District of Houston County, Georgia comprising 11.007 acres, shown and designated as Parcei “B" on a plat of survey captioned “SURVEY FOR BARNEY A. SMITH” dated September 16, 1992, and revised December 10, 1992, prepared by Richard L. Jones, Georgia Registered Land Surveyor, which said plat of survey is of record in Plat Book 42, Page 198, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat and toe recorded copy thereof are hereby made a part of this description by reference thereto for all purposes. PARCEL NO. FIVE: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Land Lot 107 of the Fourteenth Land District of Houston County, Georgia comprising 5.00 acres, shown and designated as Parcel “A” on a plat of survey captioned “SURVEY FOR BARNEY A. SMITH" dated September 16,1992, and revised DecemberlO, 1992, prepared by Richard L. Jones, Georgia Registered Land Surveyor, which said plat of survey is of record in Plat Book 42, Page 198, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said plat and the recorded copy thereof are hereby made a part of this description by reference thereto for all purposes. ALLOTMENTS As appurtenant to the land herein conveyed there is also hereby conveyed all of toe farm acreage allotments to which the above-referenced land is now entitled or may hereafter become entitled, including, but not limited to, allotments for tobacco, cotton, com, peanuts and sugarcane. Sale will be made under the power of sale contained in a deed to secure debt dated July 3,1991, from Barney A. Smith, Sr. to Trust Company Bank of Middle Georgia, N.A. to secure a promissory note more particularly described therein, including any renewals or extensions thereof, and to secure all other existing or future indebtedness of Grantor to Grantee. Said deed appears of record in toe Office of toe Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County, Georgia, in Deed Book 923, Page 296. Default having occurred in the payment of toe indebtedness thereby secured and in compliance with other terms and provisions thereof, toe powerof sale in said deed to secu re debt has become operative. The proceeds of said sale will be applied as provided in said deed to secure debt. Sale will be made subject to unpaid ad valorem taxes and assessments, if any. To the best of toe undersigned's knowledge and belief toe party in possession of toe property is Barney A. Smith, Sr.. This 6th day of May, 1994. TRUSTCOMPANY BANKOFMIDDLE GEORGIA, N.A., AS ATTORNEY-INFACT FOR BARNEY A. SMITH, SR. CATER C. THOMPSON " JONES, CORK & MILLER P. O. Box 6437 Macon, Georgia 31208-6437 (912) 745-2821 5-83 5/11-6/1 HOMES FOR SALE/RENT HOMES FOR RENT "" 2BR, CONVENIENT to downtown. Only $235 permonto. Call Jim Brown 987-0400. 3/30-tfn 3 BR, 1 1/2 BA, HOME for Rent. Good neighborhood. Call Jim Brown 987-0400. 5/11-tfn 707 EVERGREEN STREET - 987-3120. 5/11-5/21 APRT. FOR RENT APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE - 2 bed room, 1-full bath, 2-half baths, includes utilities, water, garbage, sewage, basic cable TV, pest control, lawn car, very clean, conveniently located close to town. Call for more information. RICHARDSON-FREE REALTY, INC. 987-0763. T/F THE COMMODORE Manor Apartments, 1603 Macon Rd. Now Accepting Applica tions on 1 & 2 BR Units. For Information Call 987-4800 FMH/EHO. 2/5-tfn HERITAGE APARTMENTS - 1 & 2 BR designs now available. Recently remod eled, still very affordable. 1/2 mile from downtown Perry off old Macon Rd. Hwy4l. 987-7749. 3/5-tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS starting at $233. Kings Villas Apartments. 987- 1494. EHO FmHA. 3/19-tfn BALMORRA APARTMENTS - 2 Bed room, total electric, nice, very quiet, acces sible to shopping. Senior citizens.'Next to Presbyterian Church on 2nd Street. 987- 3417. 5/7-tfn MOBILE HOME - SALE/RENT MOBILE HOMES For Rent. Call 987-7535. 8/15-tfn FOR RENT New 3 BR, 2BA Doublewide Mobile Home in Hayneville. Central H/A, total electric NO PETS. References re quired. S3OO security deposit, $425 month. 987-5587. 5/7-5/11 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE - 2BR, 2BT- Home, 1,450 sq. ft. heated space, large rooms, 3 car garage and separate carport. Set up on nice quiet lot in Perry Onite Park - $12,000. Ca 11987-6771 (leave message). 5/4-5/28 ANIMALS DOG AND CAT SITTING. I will keep your animals while you vacation. Best rates and very clean kennels. 1 mile north of Hawkinsville. 783-1519. 8/5-tfn Mother Hen’s Second Hand Store Not all Old, Not All New, Just All Good Stuff Perry Plaza - Between Wells Florist & Longhorns Tues - Sat 9-6 » 987-1782 PRECISION MINI STORAGE Storage Units As Low As sls per month 821 Hodges Blvd. 987-3033 SLMARy KA>i 100% satisfaction guaranteed; try it before you buy it with a complimentary, no obligation, facial. SUSAN NICHOLS . 987-5298 j Classified Deadline For Hie Wednesday Edit Call 987-1823 To Place Your Ad ANIMALS FREE PUPPIES - Mixed breed. Call 987- 3639- call anytime. 5/4-5/11 LOST & FOUND BLUE POINT MALE SIAMESE CAT. Lost on Morning Side Drive. Answers to the name of Jake. Please call 987-5139 - $25 Reward. 5/7-5/11 LOST-6 MONTHS OLD FEMALE BOXER Bulldog. Fawn with black face. Blue collar with tag. Kathleen area on Bearbranch Rd. Reward. Childrens pet! Please call 988- 8587. Last Seen Wednesday. 5/7-5/11 LOST!! LONGTIME FRIEND, GRAY FE MALE CAT. 7 years old, Tucker Road- Pinewood Court area. Reward offered for safe return. 987-4500. 5/7-5/11 Arnold’s Auto Service Get Ready Now! After School’s Out Vacation Safety Check 1202 Main Street • 987-9439 La Marcia Ladies Fashions NOW OPEN 1209 Sunset Ave. • Perry Plaza Tues. - Sat (next to Longhorn’s) Apartments Commercial Apartment Rentals Marquis • Valley Forge • Pine Castle Westwood Mobile Home Park One Bedroom - Two Bedroom - Three Bedroom Mullins Construction Da y® * 987 ' 1045 Owner & Operator & 987 . 95 30 Holiday 345 Hodges Blvd. • P.O. Drawer J • Perry, GA 31069 Find Your Pot Of Gold In The Classifieds Place Your Ad Today 987-1823 WANTED WANTED: USED PORTABLE LIGHTED SIGN with letters, 987-1869 or 825-5054. 4/27-5/14 VACATIONS FOR RENT FERNANDINABEACH,FLORIDA-Ocean front condo, sleeps 5-6, private pier, tennis courts, pool security. June & August weeks available - $660 weekly. 904-261-6478 or 1-800-594-7606. 5/11-6/4 BUSINESS FOR SALE TELEVISION REPAIR - Located in Warner Flobins. Continuous service since 1974. Owner retiring. 922-4316. 5/7-5/18 FOR SALE USED TV’S & VCR’S $75 + up Repair Sales & Service DB ELECTRONICS 987-1250 1407 Swift St., Perry, GA Katies Kloset Ladies Consignment Shop Fashionable Clothes at Affordable Prices! 736 Carroll St. #4 • 987-2045 Perry Self Storage Perry’s Finest Storage Facility! 987-2423 Gen. Courtney Hodges Blvd.