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I - Wednesday, May 11,1994 "Houston Timos-Journal
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Couple honored with party
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Plarca and Mr. and Mrs. Lanny English
honored Lezlee Johnson and Chris Small, couple at center,
on Saturday, March 26, 1994, with a cocktail party at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Pierce. Attending were approximately
60 friends. The couple plans to be married on Saturday, May
14, 1994, at the Perry United Methodist Church. Pictured
with the couple are their parents, Larry and Linda Johnson
and Harry and Karen Small.
Merle Norman, from m
us in the Perry studio."
Mrs. Brambila began her career
with Merle Norman in 1974 as a
Beauty Advisor in Waycross, Ga.
She has been a Merle Norman
customer for thirty years. She and
her daughter Denise Sloan attended
training in Los Angeles in 1992
when they purchased the Macon
Mall Merle Norman which has
since become a Gold Medallion
Award winning studio. Renee
Sloan, Mrs. Brambila’s youngest
daughter, is a knowledgeable and
talented Beauty Advisor and will be
seen often in the new location.
"As a family, we have been
blessed with diverse talents. We
work as a team to share those
talents with our customers. We
take great pride in offering our
clients fresh new products with the
latest in fashion ideas. The Merle
Norman philosophy of "try before
you buy" will be carried through in
Commercial Rentals
1007 North Davis Drive • Warner Robins, GA
A Sale will be conducted Saturday, May 14, 1994 at
10:00 a.m. and will be for cash to the highest bidder.
Commercial Rentals Reserves the right to reject any
bids and to withdraw any items from such sale.
Items included in the bin are: Carpet, Tile, Thredding
Machine, Lumber, Restaurant Booths and Hood,
Drums, Plumbing Equipment.
Commercial Rentals - Storage Bin A-22
I tfTy) J SAVE UP TO $5.00 During April & May jjm
| | $ 1 .00 Per Admission Ticket (912)302-9800 k
| (\r-J}\ |g J _ Locaied Near Tiflon • I-75, Exit 22 '
| 50% I I Shirts Only 990
I- . On Hangers -No Limit l .
Limit up to SIO.OO 11 ■
Must Present Coupon! I I™ ■■ m ?“‘£jp- wm J
With Incoming Order J J on |
One Coupon Per Day * * M or “ ore , •
I /II Must present coupon with incoming order. Not valid ■
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1369 Sam Nunn Blvd. • Perry Market P/ac^^
_ __ 987-1922
|> “ ,B
Pit-Cooked Barbecue V
Drive-Thru Only
Picnic Tables Available
Because so many of our
customers requested it...
We are now open Tuesdays thru Sundays
from 11:00 am until 9:00 pm
Thank you for your support!
Check our sign for daily specials
704 Carroll Street
987-3626 • Perry, GA
both locations with the client
beaing able to enjoy a lesson in the
studio or take home a favor to try a
new product," states Mrs. Brambila.
Denise Sloan tells us, "Our
plans are to offer our Perry
customers the latest in services and
to provide exciting promotions to
help them learn more about
cosmetics and techniques. We
invite everyone to come in and see
the new look of the store and meet
the family."
Studio hours in Perry will be 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through
Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
Saturday and closed on Sundays.
Services include free skin care,
makeup, and nail lessons, free five
minute facials, ear piercing, free
gift wrap on in-studio purchases,
and outside presentations can be
arranged by appointment.
Is it a summer cold or is it an allergy?
Summer cold? It may not
actually be a cold at all, but rather
an allergy. Parents may easily
mistake allergic reactions for
lingering winter colds, and as a
result, allergies often go
undiagnosed. Dr. Keith Phillips,
pediatric allergist at Egleston
Children’s Hospital at Emory
University, offers several tips for
differentiating between the two.
"Parents should be on the alert
for children rubbing their nose and
eyes as nasal and eye itching is
often a sign of allergy. Also,
unlike colds, nasal allergies
generally have no associated fever,
the drainage remains clear and
symptoms persist over a more
prolonged period of time," says Dr.
It is important to take note of
how symptoms vary according to
time of day and season to help in
diagnosing the allergy. Increased
levels of grass pollens, tree pollens,
and mold spores can pose a problem
this time of year for hay fever and
asthma sufferers. If children show
symptoms or seem to have a cold
for a long period of time or at the
same time each year, they may, in
fact, have allergies.
In addition to visiting a family
doctor or pediatrician, there are
many things parents can do at home
1 (iggl 1 ffIMSEBSf
til i' 9 ny 3 ! 4 1 m
credit. Terms 4 prices do not apply to prior purchases. All items in limited quantity 4 subject to prior sale. I ”
* 'The equivalent of six months finance charges will be deducted from the total price for all credit and cash sales. Financing available for qualified buyers. J|
Rate for interest discount vary by stale. $99 minimum purchase required. This offer is good for the period of May 1,1994 through May 31,1994 only.
Wfarmers furniture
1010 Main Street • Perry • 987-305 K J
to help their child breathe easier. A
very important part of allergy
treatment is avoiding the
substances, or allergens, which
trigger the patient and provoke the
allergic response. Common
allergens are pollen, dust mites and
animal dander. Although it may
seem virtually impossible to avoid
an outdoor allergen like pollen,
there are several strategies to cut
down on exposure. Children who
are particularly sensitive to pollen
should avoid spending prolonged
periods of time outdoors during the
periods of time when the pollen
count is particularly high; alternate
indoor acticities should be planned
during these times. Also, Dr.
Phillips suggests keeping windows
and doors closed and using air
conditioning on the indoor cycle as
Gen. Scott to speak at MGC Awards Day ceremony
Middle Georgia College will
hold its forty-fourth annual Honors
and Awards Day on Thursday, May
12 at 10 a.m. in the Morris Gym
on the Cochran campus.
Brigadier General Robert Lee
Scott, Jr. USAF (Ret.) will be the
speaker. A native of Macon, Scott,
86, has a very active life. Since
retiring in 1957 as Brigadier
General, he has walked the entire
a way of cutting down on pollen
inside the home.
The indoors, however, is not
necessarily a safe refuge from
aggravating allergens. Animal
dander from pets, dust mites and
cockroaches are allergens frequently
found in the home. Because
children spend a large portion of
their time in bedrooms, either
playing or sleeping, the bedroom is
a particularly important place to cut
down on allergens, advises Dr.
Phillips, who suggests the
following steps.
•Cover mattress and pillows
with special covers.
•Quilts and comforters should be
avoided. All linens should be
washable in hot water (greater than
130 degrees) and should be washed
length of the Great Wall of China,
become more active as a speaker
and author, and flown over 20 hours
(solo) in an F-16.
Currently Scott is chairman of
the Heritage of Eagles Campaign
that has been the force behind
establishing the Museum of
Aviation at Robins AFB.
The Honors and Awards program
at least every two weeks.
•Stuffed toys should be washed
in hot water every two weeks.
Those that cannot be washed should
be avoided.
•Avoid carpeting in the bedroom
if possible; use smooth finish
wood or vinyl flooring. If
carpeting is unavoidable, check
with your doctor or pharmacy for
the name of a special carpet cleaner.
•Avoid storing old books in
•Rather than fabric upholstered
sofas and easy chairs, plastic, wood,
or leather chairs are best
While these tips are vital to
allergy prevention and treatment, it
is always best to see your doctor
regularly, as additional treatment
may be necessary.
will recognize students for their
academic and extracurricular
At 4 p.m., the annual May Day
festivities will take place in Morris
Gym. The May Day court will be
introduced, and the MGC May
Queen and maid-of-honor will be
The public is inivited to attend
both programs.