Newspaper Page Text
The Masons of Houston
Lodge No. 35 F&AM, Perry
(Thomas Fast, secretary, 987-2376)
meets every second and fourth
Monday night of each month at the
Masonic Building, Jemigan Street.
Meals are served at a nominal
charge beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Regular meetings begin at 7:30
p.m. AH member Master Masons
and visiting brethren arc welcomed.
Perry High Booster Club:
Meets every 2nd Monday of each
month at Perry High School at
7:30 p.m.
Houston Drug Action
Council (HODAC): A free
rape support group is now being
formed. The group will begin
meeting on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at
Houston Drug Action Council,
2762 Watson Blvd., Warner
Robins. (Next to Warner Robins
Supply) Those interested in attend
ing please call 953-5675.
American Legion, Robert D.
Collins Post 24 meets the first
Monday night of each month at the
County Ag Building at 733 Carroll
Street. Meals are served beginning
at 7 p.m All American Legion
members are urged to attend and
visiting Legionaries ate welcome.
Houston County Retired
Teachers: Every 2nd Wednesday
of the month at 11:30 a.m. at the
Holiday Inn in 'Warner Robins.
Perry Rotary Club meets
each Monday at noon at the New
Perry Hotel.
The Perry Evening
Optimist Club meets the first
and (bird Thursday of each month at
Perry Exchange Club meets
each Thursday at Quincy's at noon.
The Perry Wilderness
Society meets at 6:30 p.m. on the
first Thursday of each month at the
Perry United Methodist Church lo
cated at 1001 Carroll Street in
Perry. Newcomers are welcome.
Tuesdays & Thursdays:
Step Aerobics from 6:30-8 p.m.
Sponsored by the Perry Recreation
Department. Saturdays from 9 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m. at the Perry High
School Cafeteria Deborah Hamlin,
ACE Certified instructor. 10 weeks
is S3O. This is an on-going
The Middle Ga.
Community Action Agency
is currently accepting applications
for Perry Head Start through May
27, 1994 for the 1994-95 school
term. All children must be three
(3) years of age on or before
September 1, 1994 and meet Head
Start eligibility requirements.
Parents with special needs children
arc encouraged to apply. Pleast
contact Johnnie Green or Nettie
McKenzie at the Perry Head Start
Center at 988-4256 to leant all the
requirements for acceptance.
May 14: Poverty
Outreach will sell fish and
chicken plates for $3.50 each at the
rear of the Agriculture building.
All proceeds will go to help the
May 14: Boy Scout
Troop 96 annual fund raiser/car
wash at Crossroads Bank on May
14th from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cost is a $3 donation. They will
also be selling baked goods and hot
dogs. Don’t miss it!
May 14 & 17: Voter
Registration Drive will be held
from noon to 4 p.m. in the Perry
K-Mart Shopping Center on Sam
Nunn Blvd. and and Revco on Main
Street. In Warner Robins, at the
Houston Mall on North Houston
Road. Wal-Mart on Watson Blvd..
• Free In-Town Delivery
Hubert Bennett
/A j^
We Provide Printouts For Insurance Records And
Income Tax Records At No Extra Charge.
Mon-Fri 8:30-6:00 Sat 8:30-12:30
- BMPM 103 6-A Macon Street, Perry, GA
figa 987-2114
of Events
and Food Max on North Houston
Road. The volunteers for Kmart on
Saturday is sponsored by the
NAACP. For more information
call the president at 922-4721 or the
Houston County Board of
May 16: Hospice of
Houston County would like to
invite all interested individuals to
attend a special presentation entitled
"Walking Between Worlds:
Spiritual Perceptions of the
Dying,” which will be held on
Monday night, May 16 from 7
p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Church of
Christ on Corder Road. Executive
Director, Jackie Connors, plans to
share her research and reflections of
events, communications, and
insights surrounding the dying
process. Please register by calling
922-1777 by May 13.
May 18: "Picnic in the
Park" sponsored by Fort Valley
Main Street, will be held from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Food and
drink vendors will be on site for a
refreshing afternoon lunch in the
Downtown triangle park. Music
will be provided by the Macon
brass ensemble Omni. For more
information, please contact Fort
Valley Main Street at (12) 825-
5986. Admission is free and open
to the public so don't miss out on
this event in beautiful Downtown
Fort Valley.
May 21: A 1 Sihah Shrine
Temple: Here's your chance to
help a crippled child. .. Bring them
to the Shriner’s Crippled Children
off premises screening Saturday,
May 21st from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at
the A 1 Sihah Temple. The purpose
of this clinic is to locate children,
ages birth to 18 years of age, who
have orthopedic or burned
problems. This expert care is free
and is provided by the Shriners.
May 10-15: Region 12
Arabian Horse Show 8 a.m.
daily. Free admission to the
general public, for additional
information call 205/681-2296.
May 20-21: Southern
National Spring Horse &
Tack Sale: Friday, 6:30 p.m.,
tack for sale; Saturday, 12 p.m.,
Quarter and Paint horse auction.
Free admission to the general
public. For more information call
May 20-22: SE Antiques
&- Collectibles Market 2 p.m.
to 6 p.m., Friday; 9 a.m. to 6
p.m., Saturday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Sunday. Admission $2. For more
information call 912/994-9882.
May 21-22: sth Dixie Rod
and Custom Classic Saturday,
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Admission: $6/adults,
$4/senior citizens, free/under 12.
Car show and swap meet. For
more information call 510/838-
May 28: Ga. State
Doubles Horseshoe Pitching
Tournament 10 a.m. Free
admission to the general public.
Tournament play is for members
only. For more information call
May 28-29: Georgia
Cutting Horse Show 9 a.m.,
daily. Free admission to the
general public. For more
information call 800/456-8265.
Please Note items on this
calendar are subject to
change. Call 987-3247 to
confirm each event.
V ' v >
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Casey Burnette of Perry is one of 15 young girls who
participated In a program sponsored by Weslyan College In
which daughters went to work with their mothers for a day.
Local girl participates in
special Wesleyan event
Wesleyan College in Macon
recently hosted 15 young girls on
"Take Our Daughters to Work
Day." Casey Burnette, pictured
sitting at a computer in Wesleyan’s
electronic classroom, is a Perry
resident who participated in "Take
Our Daughters to Work Day."
This national event, sponsored
by the Ms. Foundation, is designed
for girls in an effort to boost their
self-esteem and expose them to a
range of life options.
By the year 2000, women will
be entering the work force at twice
the rate of men. Yet, studies
indicate that young girls often adopt
lower expectations for their futures
than boys. They don't explore
careers traditionally dominated by
April accidents leave 12 hurting in county
The Georgia State Patrol in
Perry announced today that 25
traffic accidents in Houston County
were investigated during the month
of April. These accidents resulted
in 12 injuries and no deaths.
In the area of enforcement by
Post 15, Sergeant First Class K.
W. Hancock said his officers had
made 270 arrests and issued 260
[l-p/ /L-yil
P? New Shipments Coming In Daily tQ
• Sterling luggage tag earrings, pins,
bracelets and rings
• Crystal perfume bottles
• Garden accessories
• Porcelain
* Graduates - come in and ask
about our gift registry
913 Carroll Street • Downtown Perry • 988-8223
!~ ATTENTION!!!!!!!!
May Is Chow Month at
S? Bring this ad with your Chow in die
Sr month of May and get $5.00 off the
V grooming price. Cali for your
appointment today!!! We
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9 - 5 Perry, GA 31069
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Arby’s new 99£ Value Menu makes some of your
favorite foods even more irresistible. Now you can have
great taste at a great value everyday! Stop in Arby’s
today for the food you want, at the price you want.
Arby’s 990 Value Menu Features:
• Arby’s Melt With Cheddar • Baked Potato • Jamocha Shake
• Ham ’N Cheese Melt • 3 Potato Cakes * Turnover
• Regular Curly Fries • Side Salad
• Large French Fries • Large Soft Drink
men and they lose self-esteem
during adolescence. Therefore,
"Take Our Daughters To Work
Day" is not only an exciting
introduction to the world of work,
but a way of focusing on the
important developmental needs of
Girls who participated explored
the various careers represented on
Wesleyan's staff. Participants
toured the entire campus, stopping
to learn about careers involving
academia, athletics, education,
accounting, languages, religion,
math and science, medicine,
computers, fine arts, psychology,
law enforcement, marketing, retail
store management, and the
restaurant/food service industry.
warnings during the month.
Various courts in Houston
County disposed of 46 pending
traffic cases during the month with
the following: 27 guilty pleas, 14
bond forfeitures, no cases
dismissed, no cases no record, and
five nolo contendre pleas. Sergeant
Hancock explained that cases and
Please see GSP, page 9A
Wednesday, May 11,1 994 Houston Times -Journal -
Perry police shut down unlicensed fish fry
Staff Writer
The hot, bubbling oil in their
fish fryer wasn’t the only heat a
couple of make-shift restauranteurs
felt when they set up shop on Sam
Nunn Boulevard Friday.
They also felt a little heat from
local police as they were forced to
shut down for operating without a
According to reports, two indi
viduals set up a fish fryer and were
frying up a batch of fish in a vacant
parking lot neighboring Perry Mar
ket Place on Sam Nunn Boulevard.
When they were shut down just
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Better Than Ever Before! 9625
Dr. Strickland & Staff Welcomes Gay
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W. Edward Strickland, M.D.
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1119 Morningside Drive
Perry, Georgia
before noon they had already pre
pared some 20 plates and had them
stacked up to presumably sell to
In addition to operating without
a permit and food service license,
the Friday fish cookers were also
said to be operating in a manner the
local health department qualifies as
“completely unsanitary”.
Legal Deadline
Is Monday
At 12 Noon
(912) 743-7061
Page 5A