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- Saturday, May 28,1994 "Houston Times-Journal
H Death notices
Wilna Strothers Cummings
Wilna Strulhers Cummings, 75, of 831 Oakridge Drive, died Tuesday,
May 24, 1994. Bom in Pocahontas County, lowa, she had lived in Perry
the past 40 years. She was a member of Perry Freewill Baptist Church
and was the widow of Jessie James Cummings. She was the daughter of
the late William C. Struthers and the late Amelia C. Hewlett She was a
retired cashier for the Williamson Grocery Store. Survivors: children,
Corinne C. Mayo of Warner Robins, Virginia Toole of Perry and James
H. Cummings of Atlanta; sister, Lucile Struthers of Adams, Minn.;
seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Services: Were held Thursday, May 26, 1994 in the Perry Freewill
Baptist Church at 11 a.m. Burial took place in the Perry Memorial
Gardens. The Rev. Charles McNeese officiated. In lieu of flowers, the
family requests donations be made to Perry Freewill Baptist Church, 1964
Marshallville Road, Perry 31069. Watson-Hunt Funeral Home in Perry
had charge of arrangements.
/ Local calendar
V. V
The Masons of Houston
Lodge No. 35 F&AM, Perry
(Thomas Fast secretary, 987-2376)
meets every second and fourth
Monday night of each month at the
Masonic Building, Jemigan Street.
Meals are served at a nominal
charge beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Regular meetings begin at 7:30
p.m. All member Master Masons
and visiting brethren are welcomed.
Perry High Booster Club;
Meets every 2nd Monday of each
month at Perry High School at
7:30 p.m.
Houston Drug Action
Council (HODAC); A free
rape support group is now being
formed. The group will begin
meeting on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at
Houston Drug Action Council,
2762 Watson Blvd., Warner
Robins. (Next to Warner Robins
Supply) Those interested in attend
ing please call 953-5675.
American Legion, Robert D.
Collins Post 24 meets the first
Monday night of each month at the
County Ag Building at 733 Carroll
Street. Meals are served beginning
at 7 p.m. All American Legion
members are urged to attend and
visiting Legionaries are welcome.
Perry Rotary Club meets
each Monday at noon at the New
Perry Hotel.
The Perry Evening
Optimist Club meets the first'
and third Thursday of each month at
Perry Exchange Club meets
each Thursday at Quincy's at noon.
The Perry Wilderness
Society meets at 6:30 p.m. on the
first Thursday of each month at the
Leonard elected UC SGA President
Stephanie Aileen Leonard, the
21 year old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Leonard, formerly of
Perry, was recently elected by the
student body of the University of
Charleston and the College of
Charleston to the office of Student
Government Association Pres
ident/Studenl Body President for the
1994-95 school year.
As President of the S.G.A.,
Leonard will serve as the official
spokes person for the student body
of the College of Char
leston/University of Charleston.
She will serve as Chair of the
executive board of the Student
Government, Chair of the
President’s Club, Chair of the
South Carolina Student Association
Bernard McCormick
McCormick joins
Medusa as new
process engineer
Bernard (Bud) McCormick has
joined Medusa Cement's Clinchficld
Plant team in the position of
process engineer, company officials
announced this week. He assumed
his duties on April 27.
McCormick has a bachelor's
degree in chemical engineering from
the University of Massachusetts, a
bachelor's degree in nursing, and
has been a project engineer for an
equipment supplier in the cement
His experience and knowledge
will be an important asset in
addressing technical and process
matters in our plant, officials say.
He and his family will be
moving to the Perry area in the near
Perry United Methodist Church lo
cated at 1001 Carroll Street in
Perry. Newcomers are welcome.
Tuesdays & Thursdays:
Step Aerobics from 6:30-8 p.m.
Sponsored by the Perry Recreation
Department. Saturdays from 9 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m. at the Perry High
School Cafeteria. Deborah Hamlin,
ACE Certified Instructor. 10 weeks
is S3O. This is an on-going
May 28: The Houston
County Board of Elections
will sponsor a voter registration
drive from 12-4 p.m. at the
following locations in Houston
County: In Perry at the Kmart on
Sam Nunn Blvd., and Revco on
Main St., in Warner Robins at the
Houston Mall on North Houston
Rd., Wal-Mart on Watson Blvd.,
and Food Max on North Houston
Rd. The volunteers for the
Houston Mall are provided by Delta
Sigma Sorority.
June 4: Citizens of Elko
and South Houston County
will hold a Political Forum at 10
a.m. The purpose of the Political
Forum will be to give citizens an
opportunity to meet and question
candidates running for the Post 2
position of the Houston County
Comissioner race. All citizens are
invited to attend. The Forum will
be held at the Henderson Fire
* Department.
June 7: Attention Deficit
Disorder Support Group
Meeting Shirley Hills Baptist
Church, classroom 1, 615 Corder
Road, Warner Robins at 7 p.m.
Contact Judith Lilley at 922-2365
for more information.
Committee, will oversee the
Senate, enforce and uphold the
Constitution of the S.G.A. and will
recommend legislation to the
She is a member of Delta Delta
Delta sorority and was their repre
sentative for Greek Woman of the
Year. She is also a member of the
national honor fraternity, the Order
of Omega. She sits on the Town
and Gown Committee of the
Charleston City Council. She is an
All-American Scholar and recently
received the National Student
Government Award.
She will graduate in May of next
year with a B.A. in Political
Science. She hopes to attend law
school at either the University of
Colorado at Boulder or the
University of South Carolina.
171 Sandefur Rd. Kathleen, GA 31047
(912) 988-1346
Kathy Ernst
We are pleased to announce the expansion of
Premiere Farms with the opening of the new
Premiere Equestrian Center. The new facility is
located off Houston Lake Rd., just across from the
Houston Lake Country Club, and was previously
known as the Old Perry Farm. Amenities at the new
facility include:
* Over 25 acres of fine coastal pastures
* 25 Stall Barn
* Riding Arena
* Round Ring
* Many miles of riding trails
* Full time resident manager
* Also full board and J
pasture board available ■
* English - Hunt Seat Equitation
* Beginner to Advanced Instruction
* Private or Group Instruction
* Open Monday thru Saturday
HORSES: Well trained lesson horses are
provided %
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DJ's joins chamber
The local chamber recently hosted a ribbon cutting for new chamber member DJ's Hair
and Nall Salon, located off Macon Road behind Skipper John's. On hand for the ribbon
cutting were local chamber representatives, the staff of DJ's and two Dogwood Queens.
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Perry student Ronald Ragin recently met Secretary of
Agriculture Mike Espy on a FOCUS class trip to Washington
Student meets Espy
during D.C. class trip
Special to the HTJ
Our FOCUS class had been
preparing for the Washington D.C.
trip since the beginning of the
school year.
One of our assignments was to
write a letter to any person in the
Clinton Administration, requesting
information about their job.
I chose Mike Espy, Secretary of
Agriculture for two reasons. First
of all, Mr. Espy attended Howard
University with my father, Wayne
Ragin, who spoke highly of him.
Secondly, my interest in him grew
stronger when he visited the
Agricultural Center, in my home
town Perry.
I not only requested information
about his job, I asked if he would
meet my FOCUS class while on
the trip.
After months of waiting, I fi
nally received a call for Secretary
Espy's office. They called and re
quested my schedule while on the
trip. I gave them Mrs. Powell's
(my FOCUS teacher's) phone num
ber so that she could arrange a time
for us to meet
When the time finally came we
were in Washington D.C. On our
First day of touring, we went to the
Agriculture Building. We took a
group photo and got autographs
from Mike Espy.
Meeting with someone in such a
high position was an honor.
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J.T. Flynn completes
Army basic training
Army Pvt. Jason T. Flynn has
completed basic training at Fort
Jackson in Columbia, S.C.
During the training, students
received instruction in drill and
ceremonies, weapons, map reading,
Flynn is the son of Mayford W.
and Cathrine G. Flynn of Bonaire.
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Perdue will head
panel to study
phone competition
State Senator Sonny Perdue of
Bonaire has been named by
Lieutenant Governor Pierre Howard
to head a special legislative study
panel which will examine and make
recommendations on possible
increased competition for local
telephone service.
The Senate Competitive Local
Telephone Service Study
Committee was established under
legislation sponsored by Sen.
Perdue and passed by the 1994
General Assembly.
The creation of the panel
stemmed from broad interest in a
bill which would have cleared the
way for increased local telephone
competition and temporarily frozen
local phone rates. Action on the
bill was deferred pending further
study by the committee.
Sen. Perdue noted that future
industrial growth, job creation and
educational opportunities in the
state are dependent, in large part, on
new communications technology.
He said competition will help
encourage cost-effective ways to
meet increasing demands and benefit
"We have already seen successful
competition in interstate, long
distance phone service," said
Perdue. "I think we need to see if
this is applicable at the local level."
The committee is expected to
submit its recommendations to the
1995 General Assembly.
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