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Memorial Day waters chaotic
Last weekend, we spent most of
the weekend on Lake Sinclair, or as
much of it as we could stand.
This year it seemed that every
person, young and old, male and
female, got themselves a jet ski or
new ski boat. That's great for the
economy, but devastating to the
people who live on the lake or
come to relax thinking they won't
be invaded by a group of people
who know nothing about boating,
right of ways, courtesy and com
mon sense.
Let me start at the beginning of
the day—it doesn't matter which
day, they were all the same.
Susanne and I arrived at the ramp at
Little River about 7:30 a.m.
The first thing we saw was that
all three ramps were closed due to
people getting their boats off trail
ers and simply leaving the boats in
the middle of the ramp instead of
tying the boats off to the side where
there is an area made for this. Most
of the people leaving their boats in
the middle of the ramps didn't have
their equipment, whether it was
fishing equipment or skiing equip
And, don't even think about ask
ing someone to move back a little
so that someone else could get
launched because you were told
right quick where to go.
So, it took us about 20 minutes
longer than normal to get into the
water. That was 0.k., as long as we
got to go fishing.
The day that started out to be a
little bit on the aggravating side
soon turned into chaos in worse
When the sun began to really
warm up the day up, so did the jet
skis. They were everywhere, some
times as many as 10-15 at the time
zooming up and down the lake,
(’arting in front of you.
Think I'm exaggerating? We
were up in the upper end of Potato
The following fishing re
port is compiled each
week by the Houston
Times-Journal. Lake,
weather and fishing con
ditions are reported by
telephone from contacts
listed at the end of the
report. If you would like
additional lakes or rivers
listed, please call the
newspaper at 987-1823. If you would like a free photo of a catch
you are proud of printed in the paper, we will be happy to shoot
and publish the photo.
Moon Times |
Solunar/lunar times accurate within 1 minute
r r > aaot-sl a Area
1094 *• “• Lon*ltude (3.44 Latitude 31.3 R
Minor M»jgr Sunrise Sunset Moonrla* Moon tip n,.,
1 Ned 11:25 04:33 12:40 07:00 04:24 04:34 1:48. 7:52. «"lSn
2 Thu 01:00 07:10 31:30 07:40 04:24 04:33 2:20a 4:34a 4:S5d
3 Prl 01:47 07:54 02:00 04:10 04:27 04:35 2:31a 0:14a 0:37e
4 Sat 02:25 04:34 02:47 08:34 04:27 04:34 3:23a 4:54a 10:2*"
5 Sun 03:03 00:15 03:28 08:37 04:27 04:34 S:s7a 10:43a UiOOp
4 Mon ■ 03:43 04:53 04:07 10:18 08:27 08:37 4:33a 11:20a !1:52n
7 Tue | 04:24 10:38 04:50 11:02 08:27 04:37 S:l4a 12:14p
8 Ned ■ 05:12 11:24 05:38 11:40 04:24 04:34 5:58a l:05p 12:41a
0 Thu | 08:01 08:24 12:13 04:24 04:34 8:44a l:S5p 1:30a
10 Prl | 04:52 12:40 07:17 01:03 04:24 08:30 7:38a 2:43p 2:20a
11 Sat 07:44 01:33 04:11 01:54 04:24 08:30 8:33a 3:33p 3:11a
12 Sun 08:40 02:28 08:03 02:33 08:24 04:30 0:30a 4:2Sp 4:00a
13 Mon 00:33 03:23 00:50 03:47 04:24 04:40 10:20a 5:13p 4:40a
14 Tue 10:20 04:17 10:53 04:41 04:24 04:40 11:20a 4:01p S:3Ta
15 Ned 11:21 05:04 11:43 03:33 04:24 04:40 12:20p S:3op 4:23a
14 Thu 04:00 12:12 04:24 04:24 04:41 l:31p T:3op 7:14a
17 Fri 12:34 04:40 01:02 07:13 04:24 04:41 2:33p 4:30p 8:04a
18 Sat 01:24 07:38 01:31 08:03 04:27 08:41 3:41p 4:24p 8:34a
10 Sun 02:13 04:27 02:42 08:34 04:27 04:42 4:40p 10:21p 4:32a
20 Mon ■ 03:04 00:10 03:34 00:48 04:27 04:42 3:S7p ll:20p 10:30a
21 Tue ■ 03:37 10:13 04:28 10:43 08:27 08:42 7:04p 11:31a
22 Ned I 04:34 11:00 05:23 11:40 04:27 04:42 8:04p 12:22a 12:S2p
23 Thu O 03:33 04:23 12:08 04:27 08:42 0:02p 1:23a l:S3p
24 Fri | 08:34 12:40 07:22 01:08 04:24 04:43 0:81p 2:22a 2:31p
23 Sat ■ 07:34 01:40 08:21 02:07 08:28 08:43 10:34p 3:18a 3:43p
24 Sun ■ 04:32 02:30 00:17 03:04 04:24 04:43 ll:12p 4:11a 4:33p
27 Mon | 00:44 03:35 10:10 03:38 04:28 08:43 U:47p 4:34a 3:23p
28 Tue 10:38 04:24 11:00 04:40 04:20 04:43 S:43a 4:07p
20 Ned 11:23 03:14 11:47 03:38 04:24 04:43 12:10a 4:20a 4:Slp
-r — «■» »ito o«<» on it oim um, mia 7:33p
Major-2 houra/Mlnor=l hour Accurate within 1 «lnute
O = Full Moon • = Mew Moon I * Peak activity period of week
Tinea adjusted for DST
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f#f|Gone L
WFishing I
David and
Susanne Andel
Creek fishing a small point and
flat. The area was bout 100 to 150
yards wide, with houses on both
sides. There was not enough turn
ing room for three small boats if
they had to avoid someone.
In this area alone, there were so
many jet skis that we could not cast
a lure without hitting one of them.
They paid absolutely no attention
to the danger of coming so close to
the boat
Several larger boats had to en
danger themselves in order to avoid
a collision. There is no excuse for
this type of behavior. If this is the
beginning of what is in store for
the summer, than be prepared to go
to someone's funeral —someone
who got killed doing something
The day got progressively worse,
and about 2 p.m. we were ready to
load up and escape back home.
When we approached the ramp,
some of the same things that met
us in the morning were still there,
either loading or still trying to
make a day of fun. By this time
tempers were short, including mine.
*** * *
Georgia has passed some new
laws specifically for jet skis, and
has strengthened other existing
laws. If you are a new owner, or a
seasoned owner, I would strongly
suggest getting a copy of these new
and strengthened laws.
The main laws overing jet skies
are the legal age to operate a jet ski
without direct parental supervision,
skiing in the coves, harassing other
boaters and having to license the jet
Fishing Report
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ski as you would any other motor
ized boat.
We saw the DNR on the lake all
weekend. We did not actually see
them give so much as a warning
ticket to anyone, although we did
see some very young operators
without boat numbers on jet skis
operating right in plain sight.
1 will stop short of saying no
tickets were issued by DNR; but, I
find it very peculiar that we saw as
many as 50 jet skis on the lake
without numbers, and many opera
tors under age, some without any
floatation devices on.
We certainly hope that we are
not talking about any of you that
read our article. If we are, please get
legal, and use some common sense.
Have your boat ready before you
back down the ramp, and please
have the courtesy to move your
boat away from the ramp area so
someone else can use it. If you're
by yourself, it only takes a couple
of minutes to move the boat off to
the side and get back to your vehi
Think of others as you want
them to think of you. Until next
time ... we've gone fishing.
lake system
taken off list
The Department of Natural
Resources Division will no longer
classify Big Hammock in Tattnall
County as one of Georgia's Public
Fishing Areas.
Anglers can still fish on the
lake, but a Wildlife Management
Area stamp is not required.
Big Hammock offers excellent
angling opportunities for large
mouth bass, catfish, crappie, bream
and chain pickerel. The area con
sists of 18 oxbow lakes ranging in
size from one-to-12 acres.
Anglers 16 years of age and
older, except honorary fishing li
cense holders, must possess a cur
rent fishing license to fish on these
For more information about Big
Hammock, contact the Bowen's
Mill Game Management Office at
Skiing tips for teachers
Special to the HTJ
"Knees bent, amis straight, feet together, 'lotta determination!"
Oh, how you hated hearing those words —they only meant one thing,
more water up your nose and another deep seas mission looking for fish.
For most people, learning to ski is not an easy task. Everyone says,
"oh, once you learn how, you'll love it!" They don't tell you that you're
going to swallow half the lake learning to "love it."
Since that day of dragging through the water, trying to hang onto the
rope, your suit and your cool, all at the same time, you’ve probably
learned that water skiing is as fun as "they" said it would be, and, you just
can't help it—you love it!
But, if you only had proper instruction in the beginning, you would
have spent more time on the water instead of in it, and it really could have
been an enjoyable learning experience.
If you are a skier, or just love to teach people skiing, here are some tips
that can help you or your students learn more quickly.
Explain proper skiing position first
Explain the proper skiing position before the skier ever puts on his per
sonal flotation device.
"Knees bent, arms straight, feet together, 'lotta determination" is the
proper skiing position, and great advice, but not from the back of the boat
while your would-be skier is 75 feet away. Today's quieter engines make
being heard much easier, but face-to-face communication on shore is the
The proper skiing position is ...
Knees bent—your knees are your shock absorbers and your balance
beam. If you keep your knees bent, waves are made smooth and you don't
fall. Besides, what sporting activity is done with straight knees?
Arms straight—keeping arms straight means the boat does all the work,
which is good. This reduces fatigue and helps to alleviate soreness at the
end of the day.
Feet together—keep your feet close together when coming out of the
water, and about shoulder width apart after you plane out. This gives you a
solid base.
"Lotta determination" —skiing is fun, but you have to concentrate,
especially when learning.
Practice on land
Practice the deep water start on land before putting your skier into the
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Houston Times-Journal
I"' "fiW:. , ■ -
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Common sense and courtesy In boating makes the waterways safe for both recre
ational boaters and fishermen In boats.
National safe boating week June 5-11
The Georgia Department of Nat
ural Resources, Wildlife Resources
Division will celebrate National
Safe Boating Week, June 5-1 1,
1994. National Safe Boating Week
is the annual week which launches
the recreational boating season in
the United States.
Since 1958, when Safe Boating
Week was first started by an act of
Congress and Presidential proclama
Free fishing days in Georgia June 11-12
Mark your calendar for National Fishing Week, June
The Wildlife Resources Division, Fisheries Section
has scheduled kids fishing events and two "Free Fish
ing Days" to celebrate fishing throughout the state.
Join the over 1.5 million people who fish in Geor
gia every year or the 78,000 anglers who visit the wa
ters everyday for a weekend of outdoor recreation. Dur
ing "Free Fishing Days," Saturday and Sunday, June
11 and 12, Georgia residents may fish in state waters
without a license, trout stamp or Wildlife Management
Area (WMA) Stamp.
Anglers may also fish on any one of Georgia's Pub
lic Fishing Areas (PFAs) at no charge.
Fishing events for the entire family are scheduled
throughout the state to highlight National Fishing
Week. Each of these activities is an excellent opportu
nity for new and beginning anglers to experience the
Saturday, June 4, 1994 Houston Times -Journal -
tion, the number of recreational
boaters has grown from 5 million
to 20 million nationwide and to
287,419 registered boaters in Geor
"Boat Sober" is the theme of
this year's event and one of the
primary purposes of National Safe
Boating Week is to increase the
public's awareness of safe and re
sponsible boating practices.
Skiing Is becoming more and more popular on the na
tion's rivers and lakes.
First, have your skier put on the skis and sit down on the tails of them
with a rope in his hands. Then, slowly go through the motion of pulling
the skier from the seated position to a skiing position, with you playing
the part of the boat.
Make sure that the skier stays in correct position, and you (the boat)
pull the skier up. Do this several times so your skier can get the feel of
being pulled up.
Please see Skiing, page 6A
• Hwy. 230 East • Unadilla, GA • 627-9588 *
• 3 Miles East of Unadila *
J * All 10 inch hanging baskets -$4 jj
• Or 10 for S3O •
i * Bedding Plants are $4 or 10 for S3O #
• *4” Gerbera Daisies -slor 10 for $5 •
• *6” Gerbera Daisies - $1“ or 10 for $8 •
J * Tomato & Pepper Plants -$4 a 2
• flat •
National Safe Boating Week is
sponsored by the National Safe
Boating Council, Inc.
For more information on how to
"Boat Sober" or on boating safety
classes near you, contact the
Wildlife Resources Division, Law
Enforcement Section at (404)
918-408 or call the U.S. Coast
Guard Auxiliary at (404) 451-4891.
vast rewards of the sport as well as for more experi
enced anglers to learn more about fishing in Georgia.
National Fishing Week was created to recognize the
tradition of fishing, to broaden the spirit of together
ness, and to share the values and knowledge embodied
in past and present generations with the future.
The week offers anglers a chance to teach their chil
dren and others the importance of conservation and re
spect for their national heritage while introducing them
to a hobby which will last a lifetime.
"Cast Across America" is the theme for National
Fishing Week. If you missed the chance to share fish
ing with someone last year, or if this is your first op
portunity to take advantage of free fishing days, grab
your family and friends and enjoy the day fishing.
For more information on Free Fishing Days or on
National Fishing Week activities in your area, contact
your nearest Fisheries office.
Page 5A