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Page 8A
- Satrrday, June 4,1994 “Houston rimes-Journal
Norris, from ia-
Just like he had done much in
the past few days, Norris forged
forward, fighting every step of the
way and not stopping until a little
after 11 a.m. when, despite the fact
he and a buddy took cover in a fox
hole, he was hit by a piece of
shrapnel from a German 88 artillery
The shrapnel went through the
top of his left foot and finally
lodged itself in the sole of his shoe.
The rest, he says it quite blurry;
although he does remember that,
because there were so many in
juries, there was a shortage of
stretchers and he had to hop about a
half a mile on one foot to get to an
ambulance. He has never found out
what happened to his buddy and, to
this day, doesn’t know if he lived or
died. Repeated attempts to find him
have been unsuccessful.
After being initially treated in a
field hospital, Norris was trans
ported to England and admitted to a
general hospital. At this point, he
was designated 50 percent disabled
and his problems were just begin
ning as he continuously battled in
fections and fevers of 105 degrees
and higher.
Because of the infections and be
cause he had lost one toe and the
entire ball of his foot, Norris was
forced to remain in the English
hospital from July until October
afterwhich he was sent back to the
states and admitted to Carile Hospi
tal in Cleveland, Ohio. He wasn’t
discharged from Carile until July
1945, one full year after his injury.
At the same time he was dis
charged from the hospital, he also
received a host of meritorious
medals as well as a honorable dis
charge from the Army. He relumed
home to Dayton, Ohio and took a
from 2A
which will boost education areas of
our county where, frankly,
improvements arc warranted. And
bridges can be built which will tie
in our county with the overall
growth patterns of the state."
A former legislative assistant to
U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn, Ragin serves
in the community as a Certified
Volunteer Mediator for the Houston
County Juvenile Court System.
He is an active member of the
Intergovernmental Affairs
Committee of the Perry Chamber
of Commerce and is President of
the American Cancer Society, Perry
An Optimist Club member, a
participant in the United Way
Corporate Giving Campaign and a
Coach for the Perry Recreation
Department, Ragin said he enjoys
every bit of the community service.
"Growing up here makes the
commitment to working in the
community as an adult that much
stronger," Ragin said. "That’s one
of the reasons my family and I
moved back to Houston County."
"I am ready to serve on the
Commission, I am willing to
serve, and I am confident that I am
able to serve."
For more information, contact
Wayne Ragin at 987-6783 or 987-
from 1A
Robins Police Department to be
come assistant chief of police. He
was promoted to chief in 1977, a
position he retained until 1983
when he resigned and became the
owner of the Houston Mattress Fac
tory, then located in Warner
Robins. Seven years ago, he moved
the business to Bonaire, where it is
still in operation.
In addition to the Mattress Fac
tory, Hunter also now serves as the
bus route supervisor for the
Houston County Board of
Education. In this position, he is
responsible for designing and
overseeing the routes of all 101
county school buses and the 11,000
school children they transport to
and from school every day of the
school year.
Outside of work. Hunter is in
volved in a number of civic activi
ties and is a 15-ycar member of the
Noon Optimist Club in Warner
Robins, the Masonic Lodge and
Woodmen of the World.
He has been married for 32 years
to Houston County native Sara
Williams Hunter and has two chil
dren, Donna Hunter Churchwcil,
29, of Bonaire and Bryan Hunter,
25, of Peach County.
Sara Hunter is retired from
Robins Air Force Base and is cur
rently the secretary for Houston
County’s 911 organization. She and
husband Billy arc looking forward
to the arrival of their first
grandchild, due this December.
job doing electronic repairs for a lo
cal firm.
He remained with that company
for eight years before joining the
civil service at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base in Dayton. There he
worked with electronics on instru
ment landing systems and a decade
later was promoted to the electronic
warfare division at Gentle Air Force
Station, also in Dayton.
In 1962, his entire division was
transferred to Robins Air Force
Base where he remained until his re
tirement in 1980.
Currently, he is the commander
of Perry’s American Legion Post
24 as well as the Legion’s Depart
ment of Georgia Sixth District,
which is, for the first time this
year, enjoying first place in mem
bership with some 2,730 members.
He is a life member of the Pur
ple Heart Association, a life mem
ber of the American Legion, a life
member of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars (VFW) and is decorated with
the Army’s Bronze Star Medal, the
Purple Heart, the Good Conduct
Medal, the American Campaign
Medal, the European-African-Mid
Eastern Campaign Medal, the
World War II Victory Medal; the
Army of Occupation Medal with a
Germany clasp, the Combat In
fantryman Badge and the Honorable
Due to a printing mistake by the Houston
Times-Journal Jerry Bader is employed by
Canine Capers in Warner Robins
and not Premier Pets
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“Pet of the Month”
Cody is the pet toy poodle of Matthew, Adam, and
Nancy Arcos. They found him as a puppy
wandering around at their store, Family
Footwear. Cody likes to play with his cousins,
Will, Jordan, Lauren, and Jennifer who live on
his street. Cody was the first dog groomed by
Canine Cleaners when they opened - February
Service Lapel Button.
He has been married to Florence
“Flo” Norris since Dec. 11, 1944.
They have three children-Donna
Hairring ton of Perry, Don Norris
Jr. of Patterson and Gerald Norris of
Perry-and four grandchildren. They
attend First Baptist Church in
Though he went through quite
an ordeal during World War II and
the legendary D-Day Invasion
which liberated Europe, Norris is
quick to say he feels lucky; for un
like many-hundreds of thousands,
in fact-he did make it back home.
Of course, for the first 20 years
of so after the war, he did wake up
in many, many nights screaming
and reliving those horrible times in
his dreams...
. . .And, today, he still finds it
hard to talk about...
.. .But, at least, it no longer ef
fects his sleep and he truly believes,
despite the sacrafices made by so
many, it was all necessary and
worth it.
“It was worth it to protect the
freedom we know as American to
day,” Norris said concluding the in
terview. “If Hitler had not been
stopped, you never know what our
world might be like today
communism and dictatorship sure
aren’t pleasant.”
Call 987-1823 To Place Your Ad
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Notice is hereby given that there will be
a meeting of the Houston County Planning
Commission on the day of June 20,1994 at
the hour of 7:00 p.m. o’clock at the Perry
City Hall, Houston County Annex Building
in Warner Robins, Georgia.
The Houston County Commissioners
will hold a public hearing on the day of July
5,1994 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. o’clock at
the Perry City Hall, Houston County,
Georgia, for the purpose of hearing
objections, if any, to the Regulations of the
Zoning Ordinance of said County so as to
change from its present R- Classification to
C-2 classification on the following real
All that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in Land Lot 253 of the Tenth District
of Houston County, Georgia, located on
Torres Drive, Lots 1, 2 & 3, consisting of
3.00 acresandbetterknown as the property
of Elvira T. Thatcher.
All parties at interest and citizens shall
have the opportunity to be heard at said
time and place relative to petition filed by
Dennis L. Knick
By: Chairman, William Schwanebeck
Attest: Clerk, Stephen S. Engle
6-22 6/4-6/8
Notice is hereby given that there will be
a meeting of the Houston County Planning
Commission on the day of June 20,1994 at
the hour of 7:00 p.m. o’clock at the Perry
City Hall, Houston County Annex Building
in Warner Robins, Georgia.
The Houston County Commissioners
will hold a public hearing on the day of July
5,1994 at the hourot 10:00 a.m. o’clock at
the Perry City Hall, Houston Coijnty,
Georgia, for the purpose of heading
front condo, sleeps 5-6, private pier, tennis
courts, pool security. June & August weeks
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A LADY WISHES to buy antiques, china,
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Full-time Adult Education Instructor. Bachelor’s degree in Education
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Technical Institute, 1311 Corder Road, Warner Robins, GA 31088
Position available July 1, deadline for application June 15, 1994.
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objections, if any, to the Regulations of the
Zoning Ordinance of said County so as to
change from its present R-AG Classification
to R-1 classification on the following real
All that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in Land Lot 91 of the Fifth District of
Houston County, Georgia, located on
Tharpe Road, consisting of 38.571 acres
and better known as the property of Larry
P. Lewis.
All parties at interest and citizens shall
have the opportunity to be heard at said
time and place relative to petition filed by
the owner of the property in question, Larry
P. Lewis.
By: Chairman, William Schwanebeck
Attest: Clerk, Stephen S. Engle
6-23 6/4-6/8
Notice is hereby given that there will be
a meeting of the Houston County Planning
Commissionon the day of June 20,1994 at
the hour of 7:00 p.m. o’clock at the Perry
City Hall, Houston County Annex Building
in Warner Robins, Georgia.
The Houston County Commissioners
will hold a public hearing on the day of July
5,1994 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. o’clock at
the Perry City Hall, Houston County,
Georgia, for the purpose of hearing
objections, if any, to the Regulations of the
Zoning Ordinance of said County so as to
change from its present C-2 Classification
to R-AG classification on the following real
All that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in Land Lot 243 of the 11th District of
Houston County, Georgia, located o the
southwest comer of Highway 247 & Bear
Branch Road, consisting of 6.675 acres
Out of Business through June 30. Needed
dealers for June consignment Perry Exit
42, 987-9997. Flea Market spaces also
available every Saturday June outside.
<;See Us For All Your;
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and better known as the property of
Malcohm H. Derrick.
All parties at interest and citizens shall
have the opportunity to be heard at said
time and place relative to petition filed by
the owner of the property in question,
Malcohm H. Derrick.
By: Chairman, William Schwanebeck
Attest: Clerk, Stephen S. Engle
6-24 6/4-6/8
Notice is hereby given that there will be
a meeting of the Houston County Planning
Commission on the day of June 20,1994 at
the hour of 7:00 p.m. o’clock at the Perry
City Hall, Houston County Annex Building
in Warner Robins, Georgia.
The Houston County Commissioners
will hold a public hearing on the day of July
5,1994 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. o’clock at
the Perry City Hall, Houston County,
Georgia, for the purpose of hearing
objections, if any, to the Regulations of the
Zoning Ordinance of said County so as to
change from its present R-AG Classification
to R-1 classification on the following real
All that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in Land Lot 92 of the 10th District of
Houston County, Georgia, located on State
Highway 96, being Parcel 2-C, consisting
of 23.70 acres and better known as the
property of Melvin Brantley.
All parties at interest and citizens shall
have the opportunity to be heard at said
time and place relative to petition filed by
Randy Gilbert.
By: Chairman, William Schwanebeck
Attest: Clerk, Stephen S. Engle
6-25 6/4-6/8