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Page 8A
aaiuiuay, oune 10, ia» nuusiuii u/ws-wuma
Time to get those cans out
It's canning season again, and
home canners everywhere are busy
brushing up on the whys and how
tos of preserving their prized
produce. And what they are all
trying to do is to avoid one thing
food spoilage.
This food spoilage is caused by a
group of specialized chemical
substances called enzymes.
Enzymes are located in all living
cells. Their basic function is to
digest or break down complex
compounds into simpler
When food spoils, it simply
means that the enzymes present in
the food have acted to break down
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
into simpler compounds. Some of
these substances can be unpleasant
in taste, produce foul odors, or even
be poisonous if eaten.
Enzymes are already present in
fresh food. In addition, enzymes are
produced through the action of
microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts,
molds) which come in contact with
food through the air, through the
soil, and through water. Enzymes
from either source cause food to
Enzymes already present in foods
are called natural enzymes. These
set to work on the living tissue of a
picked vegetable or fruit in order to
gradually change its chemical
composition. This is a digestion
process, and results in color, flavor,
and texture changes in the vegetable
or fruit.
These natural enzymes can
themselves be split up, thus
stopping their activity. The best
way to do it is with heat. (This is
where blanching, either with hot
water or steam, comes into play.)
Bacteria are the major concern of
canners, since there are so many
different kinds of them and they are
able to survive under such differing
conditions of moisture, oxygen,
temperature, and tolerances to acids
and chemicals.
The major objective in canning
hold golf
The Professional Association of
Georgia Educators (PAGE)
Foundation will sponsor a golf
tournament on Monday, June 20 at
the River North Country Club in
Macon. Golfers will have a chance
to win a wide variety of prizes,
including airline tickets, golf
vacations, a 1994 Chrysler Leßaron
convertible or a shot at winning $1
million for a hole-in-one.
Proceeds from the tournament
will go to the PAGE Foundation,
which sponsors academic
competitions involving thousands
of Georgia students throughout the
school year. The Foundation
currently sponsors the Academic
Bowl for middle grades, the
Academic Decathlon for high
school students, and Future Georgia
Educators chapters for junior and
senior high students who are
considering careers in teaching.
Registration and bag check-in
will be at 9 a.m. on the day of the
tournament, and a complimentary
lunch will be served at the awards
presentation. Tickets for the
golfing event are $75 and arc
partially tax deductible. For more
information, call (404) 939-6545.
The Houston County Board of Education is soliciting sealed proposals for bus
driver physical examinations with the goal of selecting one North Houston
County and one South Houston County provider or provider group to do the
exams and provide confidential exam information to the Board.
Proposals will be received until July 5, 1994, at 2:00 PM, at which time they
will be opened and publicly read.
The cost per physical and the time required to make an appointment before the
exam should be included in your bid. The State Department of Education
furnishes a form that must be filled out listing the results of each examination
an d the readiness of the application to safely operate a school bus. This and
other pertinent information regarding the processing of the proposal may be
picked up at the Warner Robins Bus Shop at 305 Watson Blvd. in Warner
Robins (phone #929-7780) or the Board of Education office at 1211 Washington
St. in Perry (phone #9BB-6200).
If you are interested in providing this service, bids should be sent to the
attention of Houston G. Porter, Jr., Houston County Board of Education, P.O.
drawer N, Perry, GA, by July 5, 1994. Sealed bids will be opened at the Board of
Education office at 1211 Washington St. in Perry in the Board Room at 2:00
PM. The bid award will be in effect from June 30, 1994 through June 30, 1995.
For additional information you may reach Mr. Porter at 912-988-6200.
The Houston County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all
S-Thir— l
Ag. instructor.
Perry High School I
is to thermally process low-acid
foods at a temperature sufficient to
destroy spores of the bacterium
Clostridium botulinum. These
low-acid foods have a pH of 4.6 or
above and include fish, meat, and
most vegetables.
Clostridium botulinum produces
a deadly toxin, the ingestion of
which causes a type of food
poisoning called botulism. It is so
deadly, in fact, that a single
spoonful of the toxin might kill a
million people. Botulism is
approximately 60 percent fatal to
Vegetables will permit bacterial
growth and production of
reproductive organisms called
(7-8 year old)
A’s 5-1
Rangers 5-1-1 1/4
Padres 3-2-1 3 3/4
Twins 2-4 4 3/4
Red Sox 0-7 5 1/2
(9-10 year old)
Tigers 5-2
Cubs 4-3 1
Yankees 3-3-1 1 1/4
Giants 1-5-1 3 3/4
(11-12 year old)
Braves 3-0
Dodgers 2-1 1
Rockets 1-2 2
Pirates 0-3 3
—— ■ i
Moon Times 8
Solunar/lunar times accurate within 1 minute
I» •f r > Geora: i n Area
1094 A. 14. T. M. Longitude 83.44 Latitude 32.28
-ton Minor Ha nor Major Sunrlac Sunset Hoonrlse Moon Up Moon Down
1 Ned 12:25 08:38 12:40 07:00 06:28 08:34 1:40a 7:52a 8:13p
2 Thu 01:00 07:10 01:30 07:40 06:28 08:35 2:20a 8:34a 8:55p
3 Frl 01:47 07:58 02:00 08:10 06:27 08:35 2:51a 0:16a 0:37p
4 Sat 02:25 08:36 02:47 08:58 06:27 08:36 3:23a 0:50a 10:21p
5 Sun 03:03 09:13 03:26 00:37 06:27 08:36 3:57a 10:43a ll:06p
6 Mon | 03:43 00:55 04:07 10:18 06:27 08:37 4:33a 11:20a U:s2p
7 Tue I 04:26 10:38 04:50 11:02 06:27 08:37 5:14a 12:16p
8 Ned - 05:12 11:24 05:36 11:40 06:26 08:38 5:58a l:05p 12:41a
0 Thu | 06:01 06:26 12:13 06:26 08:38 6:46a 1:55p 1:30a
10 Frl § 06:52 12:40 07:17 01:05 06:26 08:30 7:38a 2:45p 2:20a
11 Sat 07:46 01:33 08:11 01:58 06:26 08:30 8:33a 3:35p 3:11a
12 Sun 08:40 02:28 00:05 02:53 06:26 08:30 0:30a 4:25p 4:00a
13 Mon 00:35 03:23 00:50 03:47 08:26 08:40 10:20a 5:13p 4:40a
14 Tue 10:20 04:17 10:53 04:41 06:26 08:40 11:20a 6:01p 5:37a
15 Ned 11:21 05:09 11:45 05:33 06:26 08:40 12:20p 6:50p 6:25a
16 Thu 06:00 12:12 06:24 06:26 08:41 ltSlp 7:30 P 7:14a
17 Fri 12:36 06:40 01:02 07:15 06:26 08:41 2:35p 8:30 P 8:04a
18 Sat 01:24 07:38 01:51 08:05 06:27 08:41 3:41p 0:24p 8:56a
19 Sun 02:13 08:27 02:42 08:56 06:27 08:42 4:40 P 10:21p 0:52a
20 Mon ■ 03:04 00: 10 03:34 00:48 06:27 08:42 5:57p 11:20 P 10:50a
21 Tue I 03:57 10:13 04:28 10:43 06:27 08:42 7:04p 11:51a
22 Ned I 04:54 11:00 05:25 11:40 06:27 08:42 8:06p 12:22a 12:52p
23 Thu O 05:53 06:23 12:08 06:27 08:42 0:02p 1:23a 1:53p
24 Frl | 06:54 12:40 07:22 01:08 06:28 08:43 9:51p 2:22a 2:51p
25 Sat I 07:54 01:40 08:21 02:07 06:28 08:43 10:34p 3:18a 3:45p
26 Sun I 08:52 02:30 00:17 03:04 06:28 08:43 ll:12p 4:11a 4:35 P
27 Mon | 00:46 03:35 10:10 03:58 06:28 08:43 U:47p 4:50a 5:23p
28 Tue 10:38 04:28 11:00 04:40 06:20 08:43 5:45a 6:07p
20 Ned 11:25 05:14 11:47 05:36 06:20 08:43 12:10a 6:20a 6:51p
30 Thu rT-.--.aam.-UUB QtiZLMUO OtiQ H»»l« 7;U» 7;33p
Major-2 hours/MinorM hour Accurate within 1 Minute
O = Full Moon • = New Moon | = Peak activity period of week
Tiaes adjusted for DST
Solunar Services, Inc. - Rushvllle, IN 46173
spores which, when they germinate,
produce the toxin which causes
botulism. The bacterium itself is
not harmful when ingested.
Blanching vegetables will kill the
vegetative cells but will not destroy
any spores present. Thus
vegetables are processed under very
high temperatures and pressure for a
specific time to destroy Clostridium
botulinum spores.
You home canners be careful!
Or better yet, bring your vegetables
and fruits to the Houston County
Food Processing Center located on
the campus of Perry High School
and process your produce in a clean
environment according to state-of
the-art methods. Call 988-6316 for
more information.
(Some of the information found
in this article was taken from the
NEFCO Canning Book, a
publication of Dixie Canner
Equipment Co., and was edited by
William C. Hurst, UGA Extension
Food Scientist.)
Call 987-1823 To Place Your Ad
'Bl VINTAGE 14X70 Mobile Home. 2 BR,
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PHONE: (912) 987-1823
FAX: (912) 988-1181
FOR RENT - $550 per month. Two rooms.
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Piano For Sale - Home Size
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Call anytime:
Mail Ad to: Houston Times-Journal
P.O. Drawer M • Perry, GA 31069
Deadlines: -
Wednesday - Monday at 12 Noon
Saturday - Thursday at 5 pm
DOG AND CAT SITTING. I will keep your
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BULLDOG PUPPIES -1/2 Pitt, 1/2 English.
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HOMES NEEDED for assortment of cute
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