Newspaper Page Text
of Events
The Masons of Houston
Lodge No. 35 F&AM, Perry
(Thomas Fast, secretary, 987-2376)
meets every second and fourth
Monday night of each month at the
Masonic Building, Jemigan Street.
Meals are served at a nominal
charge beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Regular meetings begin at 7:30
p.m. All member Master Masons
and visiting brethren are welcomed.
Perry High Booster Club:
Meets every 2nd Monday of each
month at Perry High School at
7:30 p.m.
Houston Drug Action
Council (HODAC): A free
rape support group is now being
formed. The group will begin
meeting on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at
Houston Drug Action Council,
2762 Watson Blvd., Warner
Robins. (Next to Warner Robins
Supply) Those interested in attend
ing please call 953-5675.
American Legion, Robert D.
Collins Post 24 meets the first
Monday night of each month at the
County Ag Building at 733 Carroll
Street. Meals are served beginning
at 7 p.m. All American Legion
members are urged to attend and
visiting Legionaries are welcome.
Perry Rotary Club meets
each Monday at noon at the New
Perry Hotel.
The Perry Evening
Optimist Club meets the first
and third Thursday of each month at
Perry Exchange Club meets
each Thursday at Quincy's at noon.
The Perry Wilderness
Society meets at 6:30 p.m. on the
first Thursday of each month at the
Perry United Methodist Church lo
cated at 1001 Carroll Street in
Perry. Newcomers are welcome.
Tuesdays & Thursdays:
Step Aerobics from 6:30-8 p.m.
Sponsored by the Perry Recreation
Department. Saturdays from 9 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m. at the Perry High
School Cafeteria. Deborah Hamlin,
ACE Certified Instructor. 10 weeks
is S3O. This is an on-going
June 25: Andrew United
Methodist Church Vacation
Bible School is planned for the
entire day of June 25 for ages three
and up. Participants are asked to
bring a sack lunch, drinks will be
provided. Bible study, crafts,
singing, recreational activities and
eating are on the agenda. theUMM
will prepare a supper for the entire
group at the end of the day. For
details, please call 987-7934.
To have an event listed
in the local calendar,
call 987-1823 and
ask for Melanie.
June 24-26: Horseman's
Quarter Horse Show 9 a.m.,
daily. Free admission to the
general public. For more
information call 912/828-2325.
July 2: Big*Bang*Boom
11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Admission:
$5 per carload. Celebrate
Independence Day at this event
featuring family fun, games,
contests, entertainment, country
music bands, food, and fireworks
synchronized to music and
simulcast on radio. For additional
information, call 800/987-3247
(toll free in Georgia only) or
July 3: Firecracker
Futurity Lamb Show 9 a.m.
Free admission to the general
public. For more information call
Please Note items on this
calendar are subject to
change. Call 987-3247 to
confirm each event.
Now hiring
energetic, positive
minded people in the
following positions.
Must have stable past
work history.
(Dinner Shift)
Corporate Insurance,
Paid Vacation.
Please apply in person
at the front desk. Ask
for Tim Coleman.
Rabies cases continue in county
Staff Writer
Bert M. Tilton of the Houston County Health Department has reported two recent incidents with rabid an
imals in Houston County.
On June 17, two pet dogs were attacked by a rabid raccoon in the area of Saddle Creek and Arena roads.
The dogs had not been vaccinated.
In another incident, a rabid fox was attacking bushes and trees. An observer went out toward the animal
and it attacked him. Luckily, he was able to kick it off without sustaining a bite. He retrieved a gun from
his house and killed the fox.
Despite the fact that veterinarians set aside a full day earlier this year and reduced the rates for vaccinations,
some pet owners failed to take advantage of the lowered prices for vaccinations.
Any animal that has contact with a rabid animal and has no current rabies vaccination must be euthanized
or strictly confined and quarantined for six months.
Tilton urges all pet owners to have all pets vaccinated immediately. Rabies vaccine must be given to pets
every year.
If a pet has contact with a wild animal or stray cat/dog, owners are urged to call Environmental Health at
(912) 542-2102.
Congressional candidate reveals ties to area
Eighth District Congressional
Candidate Craig Mathis has special
ties to the Warner Robins Houston
County area. His mother, the
former Patricia Connell, grew up in
Warner Robins, and is a 1959
graduate of Warner Robins High.
Craig’s father is former
Congressman Dawson Mathis, who
worked for a time in the early
1960’s at what was then WRPB
radio. Craig’s maternal
grandparents are Ellis and Montez
Connell. Ellis Connell retired from
South Central Farm Credit to distribute surplus funds
If you borrowed from South
Centri Farm Credit, ACA in 1989
and 1990 and received a patronage
refund in 1990 and 1991, you will
receive a check for the equity, or
allocated surplus, that was placed in
your name in 1989 and 1990.
The amount to be paid to
member-borrowers totales
$2,650,771.19. The retirement of
the allocated surplus was approved
by the board in keeping with the
association’s plan of revolving
“We’ve paid a patronage refund
to our members every year since
MGTI offers safety course
Middle Georgia Tech will offer a
Forklift Safety Certification
Workshop. This workshop is
designed for those individuals who
operate or would like to operate a
forklift. The course satisfies
OS HA requirements for Operator
Certification. Topics to include
safety, operation, maintenance, and
actual driving a forklift. Upon
successful completion of this
workshop, each participant will be
awarded a wallet size certification
The 6-hour workshop is
scheduled to meet Saturday, July 9,
1994 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Class
size is limited, applicants may
register through July 7, 1994 from
12 noon to 8 p.m., Monday
through Thursday, and Friday from
from 4A
the city" (as Moore stated during
the motion)?
I’m not trying to start any trouble,
but I feel-and many of you have
stated that you feel the same way—
that all the facts aren’t being told.
We seem to be missing a big part
of the story detailing how this deci
sion was reached.
Will we ever hear the whole
Join the List of Many Georgia Farmers
That are now reaping the many Rewards of the!
Ostrich Industry. !
With the Ever Pressing Problems Facing the !
Farmer, with Low Prices, High Cost of Doing !
Business, They Now Have Another Alternative;
In Ostrich Farming. ;
One Such Farm is
SWIM SHADE IffilKll fill
Located in Fort Valley & Managed by
Kathy Stoffell
For more information on this new and
fascinating business -
Contact Kathy Stoffell
Robins after spending his entire
Civil Service career here.
In noting his ties to the area,
Craig Mathis pointed out, “I know
how important it is, not only for
the economy of this region, but for
the defense of this Nation, for
Robins to remain open and strong.”
Mathis pointed out that he
worked with Congressman Sonny
Callahan (R-Ala) in fighting the
closing of several southern Military
bases that were on the list of the
1988,” said Howard Lawson,
Chairman of the Board. “Each year,
part of the patronage refund has
been paid in cash; the balance has
been placed in an allocated surplus
account for each member. The
allocated surplus has helped the
association build its capital. The
board is pleased that the association
has met its capital requirement goal
and is financially able to retire the
1989 and 1990 allocated surplus.”
Dennis M. Waldrep, President of
the association, stated, “The
association’s members will not
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost is $45.
However, the first four applicants
to pay will receive a $lO discount.
For more information call the
Continuing Education Department
during the registration times at
(912) 929-6800 or (800) 474-1031.
from 3A
County, there was a farmer in our
church who had invited my family
over for lunch on Sunday. The
only way to reach his house was to
travel a long, dirt road, and he
wanted to be certain that I would
make it. It had rained the day
before, and the dirt road was slick
and treacherous. “Preacher,” he
said, “the road is slippery, so you
need to put your front wheels in
those ruts and stay there. Stay in
those ruts, and you’ll be okay.”
That may be good advice for
someone driving on a slick, dirt
road, but it’s terrible advice for
someone’s spiritual life. We need
to get out of our ruts and experience
newness and freshness in our
relationship with Christ.
Are you stuck in a rut? Do you
need some change in your spiritual
life? Draw near to God through
Christ, and experience the change
that only He can bring.
at 825-3745
Base Closure Commission. Said
Mathis, “I have had the experience
of going up against the Closure
Commission, and 1 have learned
valuable lessons from that effort. I
honestly feel that my experience in
dealing with this process, and my
dedication to keeping our bases
open, put me in a unique position
to be of service in the Congress.”
Mathis went on to say, “I make
a solemn promise to the people of
this area. When I am elected to the
Congress, I will use every ounce of
only gain financial benefits from
the surplus retirement, the
revolving of the surplus will help
them see more clearly the linkage
between their investment in the
association and benefits derived
from doing business with the
South Central Farm Credit, a
farmer-owned cooperative, makes
long-term farm and country home
loans, intermediate-term loans for
machinery, equipment and buildings
for short-term production loans.
Credit life insurance, crop
insurance, appraisal services and
leasing programs are also available
through South Central Farm Credit.
On May 31, 1994, South
Central Farm Credit had
approximately S2BO million of
loans outstanding to approximately
5,000 borrowers.
Independence Day Celebration
July2 nd * Nam-llpm
Georgia National Agricenter-'
* * Pertf ,f 1-75 • Exit 42\;:’ *
ggKe».«, E]M ONLY
Ml! Weyerhauter Watermelon Eating k HH Bfl , *5 PER CARLOAD!
MSWMAZTV Hot Dog Eating Bring proof of purchase from either
fcOOWDENFM 105 "Battle of the ■ ■ Lay ” C . Masterpiece Potato Chip, or
ountry * [m any empty can of Coca-Cola to receive
Register at the event for the Apple Pie HIH Bill CI AA tt
Bake-off or Barbeque Cook-off. I I ' | ’ ® Q||
(Bring dith already prepared.) ,/K >1 \f V //V _ ,
General Admisilon
Fireworks Synchronized to Music and Simulcast on Radio
For more information, call: 800/987-3247 (toll-free in Georgia only) or 912/987-3247
Oorgla National Fairgrounds
A Agricenter
il * .SI. TT
♦'V hw * * * ★#* * * JW
Clay chosen fraternity sweetheart
Congratulations to Cathy Clay,
a junior at the University of
Georgia, for being chosen Tau
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity’s
Sweetheart of the Year for 1994.
She was selected because of her
community service participation,
White receives pharmacy degree
Christie White of Perry
graduated from the Mercer
University Southern School of
Pharmacy during commencement
ceremonies at Mercer’s Cecil B.
my strength to protect and defend
the ongoing viability of Robins. I
will work with Senator Nunn and
other members of the Georgia
Delegation to ensure that we do not
lose this National resource.”
Mathis is one of seven
W. Edward Strickland M.D.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
W. Edward Strickland M.D. specializing in
Gynecology, Obstetrics and Primary Care
Providing Medical Services In Our Community For 18 Years
Offering Full Obstetric & Gynecologic Service
• Diseases of women
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1119 Momingside Drive
Perry, Georgia
Call For Appointment
pi fill (912) 987-2827
•*—*• Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Member of Perry Hospital Medical Staff
Brought to you by:
Evert Productions
B A w ' y ' ,h “ us " m
Saturday, June 25,1994 Houston Times -Journal
College notes
academic achievements, and her
dedication to the fraternity. Cathy
is an Early Childhool Education
major at the University, and is the
daughter of Harold and Nelda Clay
of Perry.
Day campus in Adanta. White was
one of 116 students to receive
doctor of pharmacy degrees during
the June 10 ceremony.
democrats who are seeking the seat
being vacated in the House of
Representatives by Congressman J.
Roy Rowland of Dublin, who
chose not to seek re-election. The
Democratic Primary will be held on
July 19.
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