Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, June 29, 1994, Page Page 5B, Image 13

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Westfield Tri-Hi-Y members attend assembly
Westfield Tri-Hi-Y members Holly Hartley, left, Leslie Davis, Mrs. Ann Brannen (co
sponsor), Anna Greene and Ashlee McCord recently attended Youth Assembly held at
In Atlanta. The State YMCA Is the parent organization of Tri-Hi-Y. They were
representatives to the Mock State Legislature in Atlanta and sat in the chambers,
presented bills, debated and voted, covering the whole legislative process. Subjects
debated were: Stricter penalties on DUI cases, tougher penalties on all types of
crimes, swift and firmer Justice and limitation of appeals. Their conclusions were
prepared In booklet form and forwarded to the State Legislature. Anna Greene was
appointed House Messenger.
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A/eiv Tahlesia Club members
During their recent "Mothers as Guests" meeting at Houston Lake Country Club, the
Tahlesia Club accepted five new members who are pictured above. They are Terry
Albritton, left, Angela Westmoreland, Kim Waters, Kay Grier and Courtney Craynor.
Kemp essay is classed tops in nation
Staff Writer
Paul Kemp, a 1994 honor gradu
ate of Perry High School, was noti
fied on June 14 that he was a na
tional essay winner for his essay
report on the topic of Narcolepsy.
Thomas S. Kilduff, Ph.D.
(Education Chairman of the Sleep
Research Society in Rochester,
Minnesota), officially notified Paul
of the very prestigious award offered
annually throughout the United
Paul's essay was submitted by
Mrs. Emily Heath, Physics and
Chemistry teacher, of Perry High
School. A total of 23 states
throughout the nation participated
in this year’s program, with only
five winners selected for the 1994
first place honor.
Paul and the other four national
winners will each receive $250 for
their accomplishment.
Paul, the son of Wainwright and
Emily Kemp of Perry, was ranked
as seventh in his graduating class at
Perry High School. He is an active
community service volunteer with
Volunteer Houston County and has
provided community service work
with other organizations, such as
Perry Medical Center, The Atlanta
Committee for the Olympic Games
Dream Team 11, Boy Scputs of
America, 4-H, The Perry Area
Chamber of Commerce, plus other
numerous organizations
In addition to receiving notifica
tion concerning The Sleep Research
honor, Paul was also notified by
Gov. Zell Miller's office staff on
June 8 that he has been nominated
by Gov. Miller to receive the Medal
of Service Award for Community
Service for the State of Georgia.
His application was directed to
Attorney General Janet Reno,
United States Department of
Justice, and is now pending for
possible national recognition. He
was also recommended by Senator
Sam Nunn and Congressman
Sanford Bishop, Jr. for this award.
Paul was advised of this honor by
Ms. Tina Coria of Gov. Miller's of
fice. He was the only youth from
Georgia nominated by Gov. Miller
for the 1993 Medal of Service
Kemp will enter the United States
Coast Guard Academy on July 11
on scholarship in pursuit of a
degree in Marine Science. He was
also awarded scholarships by The
Junior League of Macon (Teens
Who Care Award), The Amateur
Athletic Union (Academic, Cross-
Country, Community Service
Scholarship, Service Merchandise
Corporation, and both the Warner
Robins Elks and Georgia Elks
associations to help defray other
tuition and book fees not covered
by the Coast Guard Scholarship.
Paul was a member of the Perry
High School ROTC and Band pro
grams, received a Mercer University
Presidential Scholar Scholarship
and appointments to both the
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