Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, July 06, 1994, Page Page 2A, Image 2
- Wednesday, July S, 19*4‘Houston Tim**Journal Page 2A Death notices S. Frances Couey S Frances Couey, 94, of 904 Duncan Ave., died Friday, July 1,1994. Bom m Whitfield County, she was the daughter of the late Joel £. and Mamie Rogers Coney. Miss Couey had lived is Perry most of her life and wan a public school teacher for 42 year and was the first principle of T ocher Elementary School is Perry. She was a charter member of Alpha Lambda Chapter of the Delta Kappa Game Society. Mm Couey graduated from Ga. Teachers College in Statesboro and received her Masters from Mercer University. A member of fee Perry United Methodbi Church, she was a member of fee Susannah Wesley Sunday School class and fee United Mefeodm Women Survivors: three nieces, Betty Cooey of Birmingham, Ala., Caryn Cooey Wood of Seattle, Washington, and Bryn Couey Darnel of Atlanta: and one nephew, James H. Couey HI of Seattle. Services: Were held Sunday. JaJy 3, 1994 in the Perry United Methodist Church at 2 p n. The officiating clergy was Dr. Marcos Tripp. Burial took place in the Evergreen Cemetery. Memorial contriburicns m ay be made to the Perry United Methodist Church, Perry , Ga. Shirley Desalvo Shirley Desalvo, 72, of 20! Shane Circle, died Sunday, July 3, 199-i in a local hospital. Bom in Bedford Hills, N.Y., she was the daughter of fee late Charles and Francis Kroosz. She was a homemaker and had lived in Perry for % years. She is preceded in death by her husband. Survivors: daughter, Ellen Giampaok) of Perry; and one granddaughter, Cristina GiampaoSo. also of Perry Services: Were held Tuesday. July 5, 1994 at 2 p.m. The Rev Ron Notes officiated Maggie Long WARNER ROBINS-Maggie J. Long, 86, of 729 Houston Road, died Saturday, July 2, 1994. Bern in Twiggs County, she lived in Warner Robins the past 45 years She was the daughter of the late Frank and Liia Sapp Long. She was a member of Evergreen Baptist Church and a homemaker. Survivors: children. Ruby A. Hcrren and Frances AmOid, both of Warner Robins, Margurite Barth of Winter Haven, Fla., Annie Ruth Ryman of Finksburg, Md., Felton C. Long of Cochran and Emmette L. Long of Atlanta; two stepsons, Albert L. Long of Macon and Lucius Long of Atlanta; sister and brother, Sybil King of Dublin and Baron Fowler of Clmchfield; 13 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and two grearigreat-grandchildren. Services Were held Tuesday, July 5,1994 in the McCullough Funeral Home in Warner Robins at 10 a.m. Burial took place in the Pulaski- Bleckley Memorial Gardens in Cochran. The Revs. Rastus Salter and Keith Yefverton officiated. u.l. Subscribe Today Call 987-1823 Quality jebmy repair • Rings Sized • Watch Repair • Chains Repaired • Watch Batteries • Remounts • Prong Repair * >• -• " | Visit us today for all your jewelry repair needs and : experience our quality work ; and fast service! j Perry Market Place • 988-8252 | j Elect A Friend of Houston County ■r and Rural Georgia Robert fl. (Bobby) Rowan Bobby Rowan: • Gave us county-wide calling • Reduced our telephone rates • Eliminated Zone Charges on phone bills • Supported Expanded Toll Free Calling Re-Elect A Friend Bobby Rowan Public Service Commissioner Paid For By The Bobby Rowan Campaign Craig Mathis For Congress The high cost of crime is sapping our nation s strength. Criminals must not keep trie upper hand Every citizen, urban or rural, should feel safe in trieir homes and communities Our policy should be pull trie crime, serve trie time P-Bir? for By cn of good »ant to Vr* era*} Maenr m cor*r**/. Contributions keep D.A.R.E. program alive By BRJGETTE LOUOERWLK Editor Yes, fee use of illegal drugs and their sale las spread to Perry. But. at fee same tune, the local police department and count; school beard are teaching our school children to lead a drug-free life. Perry D.A.R.E. Officer Bill Hafecock teaches the Drug Abase Resistance Education class to all Perry fifth and sixth grade students But, nothing comes free, and Hafecock is not only responsible for teaching Perry 's youths the ben efits of a chug-free life, he must also rai.se the funds needed to sup port the program. The county school board provides Hafecock SSQO each year for his training and books. The cost to teach fee D.A.R.E. program, pro vide activities for fee students and hold fee annual graduation is roughly 64,200. So, where doc- fee money come from? Congressman Bishop will ’blaze' across the 2nd district Washington Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. announced that he will blaze through fee enure Second Congressional District in his chevy blazer as part of his n 7 both isf d mm\ SOFA & LOVESEAT W 9 pieces im&tWWßi ■■ NVr r e\ ill i*!! ) i K.■* I II I H*f|n II REFRIGERATOR * Features 2 perma-white m ■ ■ ■ slide-out adjustable 1881 shelves, 2 crispers, igSjgK; ■ vV up-front controls & A U a W a W reversible textured steel doors. B' TSKI TAKE-ALONGVJffI^ • 5* Portable Black & White TV % Q • Detachable Cassette •With approved credit. Terma and pricea do not apply to prior purchases. All items in limited quantity and sub|ect to prior sale. »£■■■■■■■■■ IQIO Main Street • Perry • 987-3058 Mostly criric clubs and local busi nesses. Groups such as fee Perry Kiwams Club, Perry Lions Club and Perry Exchange Club donate money to the program each year. Bus messes such as Kroger and Kentucky Fried Chicken donate money and supplies. Northrop do nates fee money they make from barbecue sales to D-A^RJE. Then there are private individuals and groups that also contribute. Perry Country Club will donate money raised for fee upcoming Perry Golf Classic to D.AJLE. ’All the money raised for fee pro gram is spent on fee kids. W'e ap preciate every business, club and private organization that gives do nations to D.A.R.E.,’ Hafecock said. He uses fee money to buy sup plies such as pencils and rulers for fee classroom, balloons, hats and T-shirts for activities, and plaques and trophies that are presented at fee annual graduation. reclection campaign. The “Bishop Blaze" blasts off the started July Ist and won’t stop until July 11, when the Congressman must return to Jflk\ J I 1 J ';.•. Pjjf 1 ,0-rv DJLR.E Officer Bin Hsthcock, right, thanks Perry Country Club Golf Pro Bat Hobbs lor the dub’s decision to donate part of the proceeds to be raised during the upcoming Perry Golf Classic. Activities planned for fee students range from softball games and cockouts to skating ponies and a trip to an Atlanta Braves game. There is also a D.A.R.E. Club at Perry Middle School. For those activities, Hafecock also depends or. fee generosity of Washington. The tour will include approximately 50 locations in fee eleven day period. “Richard Petty would be proud of me when this is finished,” said BLACK LACQUER 4-PIECE BEDROOM MmiH M * Queen/Full Headboard • Double Dresser • Mirror • Nightstand If fTj l.'.TOJienggSr*- - : ” others, mainly for transportation and adult supervision for the chil dren. He said he'd like to organize activ ities to involve fee children in fee community, such as planting flow ers at Rozar Park, but he needs adults to help supervise Bishop. I’m not stopping for anything but food, fuel and sleep. I will visit as many places as I can visit, shake as many hands as I can reach, and listen to as many 200-LB. //cggS'CAPACITY and lid, one adjustable thermostat. 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