Newspaper Page Text
Local calendar
The Masons of Houston
Lodge No. 35 F&AM, Perry
(Thomas Fast, secretary, 987-2376)
meets every second and fourth
Monday night of each month at the
Masonic Building, Jemigan Street.
Meals are served at a nominal
charge beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Regular meetings begin at 7:30
p.m. All member Master Masons
and visiting brethren are welcomed.
Perry High Booster Club:
Meets every second Monday of each
month at Perry High School at
7:30 p.m.
The Perry Evening
Optimist Club meets the first
and third Thursday of each month at
Perry Exchange Club meets
each Thursday at Quincy's at noon.
The Perry Wilderness
Society meets at 6:30 p.m. on the
first Thursday of each month at the
Perry United Methodist Church lo
cated at 1001 Carroll Street in
Perry. Newcomers are welcome.
Tuesdays & Thursdays:
Step Aerobics from 6:30-8 p.m.
Sponsored by the Perry Recreation
Department. Saturdays from 9 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m. at the Perry High
RK Can Change
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Radial Keratotomy (for nearsightedness) and
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Call Central Georgia Eye Center to schedule an
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Ophthalmologists: CENTRAL GEORGIA
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The nation's largest builder of on-your-lot. single-family homes. Since 1946. over 300.000 built.
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CRC 052378 WV 006536 AZ 032077 N 0794
School Cafeteria. Deborah Hamlin,
ACE Certified Instructor. 10 weeks
is S3O. This is an on-going
Saturday, July 9: The
Houston County Board of Elections
and local NAACP Chapter will
host a voter registration drive from
noon until 4 p.m. Drives will be
held at the Perry KMart and in
Warner Robins at Food Max, North
Houston Road.
July 11-15: Houston
Lake Baptist Vacation Bible
School will be held at 9 a.m.
until noon for ages three through
those who have just finished sixth
grade. There will be songs, crafts,
Bible stories, mission stories,
recreation, laughter and more!
Don't miss out on the fabulous fun
this summer. Any questions or
request for additional information,
call Stephanie McMillan, 912/987-
July 21: Alzheimers
Support Group for the
Perry/Peach County Caregivers will
meet Thursday, July 21st at the
Perry Hospital cafeteria from 7
p.m. to 9 p.m. Call Eddie 987-
4364 for further information.
Craig Mathis
For Congress
l will totally oppose all efforts to reduce
benefits to our veterans. At the very
time our veterans need assistance the
most, there are those who would deny
them. We must keep our V.A. hospitals
open, and improve our services to these
brave americans.
"Paid for by lots of good people who want to see
Craig Mathis in Congress"
PHS teacher to participate
in AP reading program
San Antonio, Texas: Ms.
Sharon Lee of Perry High School,
Perry, Ga., was selected to
participate this June in the annual
reading and scoring of Advanced
Placement Examinations in
Each year the AP Program,
sponsored by the College Board,
gives hundreds of thousands of
capable high school students an
opportunity to take rigorous
college-level courses and
examinations and, based on their
exam performance, to receive credit
and/or advanced placement when
they enter college.
More than 69,500 examinations
in 16 disciplines were evaluated by
over 2,800 faculty consultants from
high schools and universities across
the United States. Drawn from
various ethnic groups and from
nearly every state, these men and
women are some of the best high
school and college educators in the
country. Many represent some of
the finest academic institutions in
North America. In addition, we
have faculty consultants from
Germany and Japan.
The AP Reading is one of the
few settings in which dialogue
between school and college
educators is strongly encouraged.
“The Reading is the ideal
environment for high school
teachers and college faculty to
Hot Summer Savings
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Maalox Extra Strength,
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tion, heartburn, sour Eif A
stomach and more. Mint,
lemon or cherry flavor.
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exchange ideas and foster
professionalism within the
discipline,” said Dr. Wade Curry,
AP Program Director at the College
Board. “At a time when the nation
is fochsing on ways to ensure and
improve quality in education, it is
vital to recognize the contributions
of educators like Ms. Lee, who is
making a commitment to education
and following it through.”
There s only one way to rid your lawn of fire ants: Snuff \ J 3 ■
out the queen. Unfortunately, she's hidden in the depths I
of the mound. Somewhere at the end ofan intricate maze I
of tunnels. Protected by thousands of workers. Doing battle with her ~~~
takes a professional fire ant killer, like your lawn care operator. When he
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with AMDRO? a weapon specially formulated to hit the target. Dead center Though lethal to
all the fire ants in a mound, the ammo he uses can be applied where children, pets’* or wildlife
are found. And it's biodegradable, too. If you're ready to take a shot at fire ants, make sure you
hit the bull's-eye. Hire a professional fire ant kilJer today:
A& A Contractors • 300 Valley Dr. • (912) 987-0003
‘See label lot specific instructions
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PVC Folding Chair.
PVC Folding Lounger,
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Alkaline Batteries, ry|«T»l
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’PHOpH| Why wait
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Martin, from ia
1995,” Martin added. “Right now,
we are concerned, but cautiously
In support of his own opti
mism, Martin concluded by reading
an excerpt from an article recently
published in an Air Force magazine
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Video Tapes, two SX
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Wednesday, July 6, 1994 Houston Times -Journo!
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Soap, 5 oz bars. S
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for your skin
which he found particularly encour
“Robins Air Force Base appear
to be fairly safe and, because of it
great diversity, is one of the leas
likely to fall under the knife,
Martin read.
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