Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, July 13,1094 " Houston Tlmos-Journal
Page 2B
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Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fauconnlere Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fauconniere
united in marriage March 19
Deborah C. Young of Perry and
Ronald Fauconniere, Jr., also of
Perry were married on Saturday,
March 19, 1994 at 7 p.m. at the
Camellia Gardens of Marshallvillc.
Deborah is the daughter of Ben J.
Cheek Jr. of Augusta and is the
granddaughter of Mrs. Ben J.
Cheek, Sr., also of Augusta.
The bride wore a captivating full
length gown of Candlelight Silk
Taffeta. The gown had a sweetheart
neckline, fitted bodice and Cathedral
train, all graced with beautiful
pearls and irredescent sequins
throughout. She wore a head piece
with a fingertip veil, crowned with
Candlelight roses and pearls.
She carried a lovely cascade
bouquet of fresh white roses, baby’s
breath with strands of pearls, all
woven with ribbons of silk.
Ronald is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald L. Fauconniere, Sr. of
Jacksonville, Fla., and is the
grandson of Minnie Fauconniere of
Rice will become the bride
of Mr. Releford August 6
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rice of
Perry announce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter Letitia
Yvette Rice to Maurice Lorenzo
Releford. He is the son of Rafe
Green of Hawkinsville and Sally
Releford of Perry.
The bride-elect is the
granddaughter of Mr. Edward
Killens and the late Sarah Killens
of Perry and the late Clarence Rice
and Lucille Rice of Perry.
She is a 1986 graduate of Perry
High School. She is employed at
Quincy’s and Denny’s of Perry.
The groom-elect is the grandson
of Marie Releford of Perry. He is a
1990 graduate of Perry High School
and is serving in the U.S. Army at
Fort Gordon in Augusa.
The wedding is planned for
Perry students elected to
post on recent Flint trip
Recently, Flint EMC sent five
high school students and one
teacher from its service area on a
trip to Washington, D.C. These
participants in the annual
Washington Youth Tour were
among 58 Georgia high school
students and over one thousand
students from around the country
who toured our nation’s capitol this
past June. Among the sites toured
by the students were the
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The Rev. John Yarborough
officiated this ceremony
accompanied by the Organist/
Soloist Elaine Dekbar while
Angelia Perry played the harp.
Candice Lasseter of Perry was
Maid of Honor and Ronald L.
Fauconniere, Sr., father of the
groom, was the Best Man.
The Flower Girl was Mallory
Young, daughter of the bride, while
John Wiley Bell and Adam Moyer,
nephews of the groom, were the
Ushers of the wedding were Mark
James and Steve Pruitt, both of
A joyful reception was held at the
Camellia Gardens of Marshallville.
The wedding rehearsal was held at
the Holiday Inn Hotel.
The newlyweds enjoyed a
spectacular wedding trip to Las
Vegas, Nevada. They now reside in
Miss Rice, Mr. Releford
Saturday, August 6, 1994 at 4 p.m.
in the New Hope Baptist Church in
Smithsonian Museum, the
Washington Monument, and the
Capitol building.
Britt Barrett, from Perry High
School, was elected as the 1994
Youth Consulting Board Georgia
Member. In this role, he will
attend the NRECA’s (National
Rural Electric Cooperative
Association) annual meeting and
attend the 1995 Washington Youth
Tour as a chaperone.
Travel safety book is full of
useful tips to remember
“Smart Business Travel: How
to Stay Safe When You’re on the
Road,” by Stacey Ravel Abarbanel
is the most concise and useful
travel safety book to appear yet.
Despite its title, this slim volume
is must-reading for leisure travelers
as well. Along the many useful
•Always use the chain lock
while in your hotel room, even
during the day.
•Consider carrying a lightweight
rubber doorstop with you,
especially if your hotel room
doesn’t have adequate protection.
This can be an effective barrier.
•To prevent unwanted “visitors,”
women staying in a hotel alone,
might want to have cards printed
stating, “Hello, my name is Jane
Doe. I am here to check in and
have a reservation. Please do not
state my name or room number
Le Golf, Anyone?
Just 20 minutes outside Paris in
Versailles, the Trianon Palace is a
gem of a small hotel. This
summer, it’s offering a number of
special packages from July 1 to
August 31. A golf package costs
$1,035 single or $1,420 double,
and includes five nights with
breakfast, plus five greens frees at
prestigious nearby courses. There’s
also a package for those who would
like to compete in the Trianon
Summer Cup golf competition:
$175 per night, per person. Call
your travel agent for details.
London All-You-Can-Eat
for $lB
Claridge’s, one of London’s best
hotels, is offering a two-course
dinner for approximately $lB a
person in its intimate Causerie
restaurant. The menu features a
main course, either from the all
you-can-eat smorgasbord or a
special hot dish of the day, plus
dessert. Call your travel agent for
more information.
New Credit Card Offers
Cruise Points
Carnival Cruise Lines offers a
new Visa card awarding you three
points per hundred dollars charged,
up to 1,200 points per month.
Each point is worth a dollar toward
a cruise, although there are
restrictions, the fee ($25-40) is
waived for the first six months.
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Enjoy These
Not responsible for printing errors. Illustrat
Prices are subject to change due
UMI Janice |
Hf? Walker I
Travel Center I
magazine is published quarterly for
kids ages 2 to 12. Each issue
contains child-oriented information
on Delta destinations, plus a
Please see WALKER, page 4B
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Health Care Reform must mean that no
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