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Crankbaits replace
a lot of worms
A lot of anglers will not admit
it, but crankbaits are fast becoming
the "tool of the trade" for many
bass fishermen, even replacing tra
ditional plastic worms and lizards.
The prestigious Bass Masters
Classic has been won over the last
couple of years by anglers using the
infamous crankbait.
Roy Hamilton, in 1992, won
the Classic using a Bill Norman
DD22, Bomber 9A and a lipless
crankbait. It's also worthwhile to
mention that he also caught some
of his fish slow rolling a large
spinner bait; but, the majority of
fish came from cranking.
Last year, David Fritts stunned
the entire B.A.S.S. community by
winning the Classic purely on the
Poe r s crankbait. Both he and Hamil
ton were fishing several humps and
submerged sump fields on Lake
Logan Martin in Alabama.
Since his win, Fritts has contin
ued by his winning ways by finish
ing as Angler of the Year in 1994.
Again, he owes much of his suc
cess to the Poe's Lure.
No time, in my recollection, has
anyone won the Bass Masters Clas
sic and turned around and won An
gler of the Year the following year.
There is a strong possibility that
Fritts may even win an unheard of
two Classics in a row; and, I'll
guarantee you that most of his fish
will be caught on a crankbait.
Years back, hot weather meant
that you put up all the spinnerbaits
and crankbaits, and dragged out the
tons of plastic worms you kept
adding to each year. You threw
them into the boat, hoping that the
added weight wouldn't sink it. This
is the reason for going to a larger
When you got on the water, you
spent nours and hours sitting in tne
Perry Classic scheduled July 16-18
The 1994 C.B.&T. Bank of Middle Georgia Perry
Classic will be played July 16-18 at Perry Country
Club, announced Bill Hobbs, head professional at Perry
Country Club.
Perry Parks and Rec holds Fall signup
The Perry Recreation Depart
ment announced today the registra
tion dates for the Fall youth pro
Park & Recreation Fall Registration Fees
Football - City: S2B (1 Child) $66 (2+ Children)
County: $42 (1 Child) SB4 (2+ Children)
Cheerleading -
City: $8 (1 Child) sl6 (2+ Children)
County: sl2 (1 Child) $24 (2+ Children)
Soccer: City: sl3 + 11.50 (1 Child)
$26 + 11.50 (2+ Children)
County. $19.50 +11.50 (1 Child)
$39 + 11.50 (2+ Children)
\ \ I | FOR ITSELF: "...Recent news reports raise
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\ \ /S^ ROWAN /\\] loyalties may be to the utility companies...
\ V(T V / j)/ However, it looks like Georgia Power
\pM , LJf Company is in such trouble with the feds
y\j>/ over taxes that having helped elect Rowan
/ wont do them any good. * - Cynthia Tucker
\\\ Aj - Atlanta Journal-Constitution writer
Incumbent Bobby Rowan - the PUPPET of the Utllltlesl
State-wide Democratic Primary, July 19.
Paid tor Cry JOHN FRANK COLLINS tor PSC Committee • P.O. BOX 444, PINELAKE, GA 30072
hot drenching sun, s-l-o-w-l-y and
m-e-l-h-o-d-i-c-a-l-l-y dragging that
poor worm until either you caught
a fish, or you gave up and changed
colors, length, size, and on and on.
That's why you had to carry so
many worms.
Susanne and I weighed the
worms that we just carried in the
boat at one time. I’m ashamed to
say that we had over 50 pounds of
worms. And, that didn't even come
close to what we carried in the van
to each tournament —just in case.
Just think, if you could carry 50
pounds of crankbaits what an awe
some gallery you would have.
It's very true that crankbaits are
fast becoming the lure of choice in
most of the tournaments. In the
right hands, a fisherman can cover
about twice as much water in a
given amount of time with
crankbaits as he could using
worms. They will trigger strikes
when nothing else will.
The crankbait industry has made
tremendous advances and improve
ments in quality and realistic ap
pearance. Matching the true colors
of the forage fish in the particular
lake that you fish has been one of
the greatest successes in the indus
This brings me to how to
choose the correct crankbait. If you
follow two things in choosing the
crankbait, you will never go wrong.
First, choose the crankbait ac
cording to the size of the primary
bait fish or crawfish in the lake.
Next, choose a color that will
closely match the color of the bait
fish, and you've basically got the
In other words, when choosing a
crankbait, "match the hatch."
There will always be several
sizes of baitfish in the lake so al-
Registration begins Monday,
July 18, for football, Cheerleading
and soccer. Football and Cheerlead
ing will be for children age 5-12,
Craig Mathis
For Congress
welfare Reform is high on my list of
things that must be done. Welfare has
become a way of life for too many, and
this must change. Those who are able to
work, and will not, must be taken off the
dole, period.
"Pala for bv lots of good people who want to see
Craig Mathis in Congress”
ways have several sizes of
crankbaits on board, and let the bass
dictate what they want to feed on.
How and where you fish a
crankbait is just as important as the
size and color of the bait. If you're
not bumping rock, brush, stumps,
trees, bridge pilings or dock pil
ings, you're fishing in the wrong
place. If you're not getting hung up
occasionally, you’re not fishing in
the right place.
You have got to fish a crankbait
in places where the bass will be ly
ing, hiding so that they can ambush
an unsuspecting morsel of food.
He's not going to swim out in the
middle of the lake, where there is
no protection for him, and get your
lure. If you think this, then you
might as well not spend your
money on crankbaits.
Sure, you're going to lose a few
lures every once in a while; but, the
investment in one of the many lure
retrievers will save you a bundle of
money. I made my lure retriever for
about $2, and it works better than
any of the ones you could buy in a
The main thing is if you want
to find a faster way to catch bass,
cover more territory and possibly
catch a monster in the hot weather,
then try cranking.
If you try this technique of bass
ing, don't just make two or three
casts and lay the rod down. Make
yourself stick with it—experiment
with different colors and sizes, vary
your retrieve, or give it a little jerk.
Try to find out what it takes to
trigger that strike, and when you
do, remember every little detail that
led up to the strike and duplicate
this on the next cast.
Soon, you will have yourself a
pattern, and the rest will be history.
Until next time . . . we've gone
Over 300 golfers will participate in one of the three
tournaments at the course, with 100 professionals and
50 amateurs taking Dart in the main tournament, a 36
Please see Classic, page 7A
while soccer will be for children age
5-16. Registration will continue
until August 19, or until the teams
are filled.
Soccer will be affiliated this year
with the Georgia Youth Soccer As
sociation, and there is a mandatory
$11.50 per player state registration
fee in addition to the regular regis
tration fee. Information will be
provided about soccer at the time of
The age control date for football
and cheerlcading is the age prior to
Sept. 1 of the current year. For soc
cer, the age control date is the age
prior to Aug. 1 of the current year.
Individuals registering for the
first time with the Perry Recreation
Department need to bring a copy of
their birth certificate to keep on
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Houston Times-Journal
If not for the rules, perhaps
Crossroads could have held both
ends of the Ochlahatchee Junior
League championship, after win
ning the regular season title with a
12-2 mark. As it was, Crossroads
finished second in the tournament,
losing to Harold's Amoco in extra
innings, 6-2.
The rules only permit a pitcher
to pitch six innings in a game. Ju
nior League Pitcher of the Year,
Jimmy Gray, had held Harold's
Amoco to two runs through six in
nings, scattering six hits through
the regulation six innings.
But, Gray was unable to con
tinue into the seventh because of
the rules. The next three pitchers
were ineffective for Crossroads, al
lowing four runners to cross the
plate on six walks, giving no hits
in the inning.
Mark Hulbert would walk with
Area golf courses in great shape
Sports Editor
Despite the bursting of Houston
Lake Dam, Houston Lake Country
Club is in great shape, said Hous
ton Lake Country Club golf pro
Mike McCollum.
"We are playing all 18 holes,”
said McCollum. "We are a lot bet
ter than a couple of golf courses in
the county." He added that most
courses in the county only had nine
holes open.
However, with the dam gone, so
is Houston Lake. "There is not any
lake," said McCollum, "it is only a
"We feel very fortunate," said
McCollum, who said that many
courses in South Georgia were
under water. "It could've been
However, getting to Houston
Lake from Perry is a little different,
with the bridge on Houston Lake
Road washed out around a half-mile
west of the golf course.
Golfers wishing to play at
Houston Lake need to take
Please see Courses, page 7A
jk . g ya -
— 1 r M
Although the lake Is gone around Houston Lake Country Club, there Is no damage to
the golf course, with all 16 holes open for play.
Wednesday, July 13,1994 "Houston Timos-Journal
Page 6A
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Jimmy Gray throws a pitch for Crossroads against
Harold's Amoco. Rules prevented Gray from pitching In
the seventh Inning.
one out to score Brandon
Spainhour, who crossed the plate
with the winning run with one out
in the inning. Spainhour, the win
ning pitcher for Harold's Amoco,
would come back in the bottom of
the seventh to strike out the side,
preserving the win for Harold's
How to get to Houston Lake C.C.
73 To Macon
5 Highway 96
j® Houston County
High School
in r
t— p
a ?T
3 73
§ S
S “■
Houston Lake
O Country Club
To Cordele
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Even though they came out on
the losing end of the game, Cross
roads would score first in the game,
breaking open a scoreless game in
the bottom of the third.
With one out, Presley Rice
reached on a single. He was joined
on base when Phillip Gentry
Please see Harold's, page 7A