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Fishing around docks provides action
Dock fishing, or shooting as it's
called by some, can be a very pro
ductive method for catching good
quality bass at all times of the year.
Choosing how to fish and where
to fish the docks is the main key to
catching all these quality bass. The
key is really not what you use
when fishing.
There are several things we look
for when choosing docks are areas
that have docks. At the top of our
list is the location of the docks in
reference to deeper water. It doesn't
matter where you fish for bass, they
will be found close to an escape
route, and most of the time that
route leads to deep water. You im
prove your chances of catching
quality fish by fishing docks located
nearer this deeper water.
After we find the docks located
near deep water, we will start look
ing at the docks individually. We
look for things like shade, construc
tion, location of brush piles and age
of the dock, which is something a
lot of fishermen don’t look at. It
has been our experience that bass
don't usually congregate around the
newer docks, especially those with
creosote posts. It also seems that
the older docks have more fish in
the area.
Dam to be rebuilt by May
Sport* Editor
One of the area's top fishing
lakes was severely damaged when
flood waters topped the dam at Lake
Blackshear, causing a breach in the
Currently the Flint River flows
through the spill section of the dam
at Lake Blackshear, preventing any
further damage of the dam; but, also
causing the lake to experience a se
vere drawdown. Steve Renfroe, di
rector of the Crisp County Power
Commission, said that a "river sit
uation" existed at Lake Blackshear.
While the dam did not entirely
give way, Renfroe said the dam was
"weak," with the drawdown taking
pressure off the dam.
Renfroe said the breach in the
dam should be repaired by May,
1995, with the lake filling up soon
after that for the summer season.
Boating restrictions lifted
Anglers who want to fish in
areas of Georgia affected by the
Hooding caused by Tropical Storm
Alberto may do so without
concern, according to the Fisheries
section of the Department of
Natural Resources, Wildlife
Resources Division in a press
release dated Aug. 9.
The Department of Natural
Resources, Wildlife Resources
Division does not have any
restrictions on access to the rivers
and reservoirs in this area.
Anglers and others were not
permitted on areas such as Lake
Blackshear, Lake Worth, and the
Flint River during the flooding
because of the dangerous water
conditions. Access was also limited
because Wildlife Resources
Division personnel were heavily
involved in flood relief activities
on the water, including such duties
as rescue operations and casket
In addition, anglers should not
be concerned about eating fish
”' 11 "" i
r«r ry Ceorg i n Area
1994 A. M. F. M. Lon'ltude 93.44 Latitude 32.19
AIM Ulnar Major Minor Major Sunrise Suneet Moonrlaa Moon Up Moon Down
1 Mon 01:21 07:33 01:49 07:97 09:47 09:31 1:49a 9:91a 0:13p
2 Tue 02:09 09:19 02:30 09:42 06:49 09:30 2:33a 9:40a 10:09p
3 Ned 02:49 09:02 03:19 09:27 06:40 09:20 3:21a 10:30a 10:99p
4 Thu 03:39 09:47 04:00 10:13 06:49 09:20 4:14a 11:21a U:46p
9 Fri | 04:21 10:34 04:49 10:99 06:90 09:27 9:10a 12:12p
6 Sat • 09:06 11:21 09:34 11:46 06:91 09:27 6:10a l:02p 12:37a
7 Sun • 09:39 06:23 12:10 06:31 09:26 7:lla 1:33p 1:29a
9 Mon | 06:40 12:37 07:14 01:02 06:32 09:29 9:13a 2:42p 2:19a
0 Tue | 07:43 01:31 03:09 01:36 06:33 09:24 0:16a 3:32p 3:07a
10 Ned 09:30 02:26 00:04 02:32 06:33 09:23 10:10a 4:23p 3:97a
11 Thu 00:37 03:23 10:03 03:90 06:94 09:22 11:24a 9:19p 4:43a
12 Frl 10:39 04:22 11:02 04:40 03:39 09:21 12:30p 6:00p 3:41a
13 Sat 11:34 09:20 03:43 09:99 09:20 1:36p 7:09p 6:36a
14 Sun 12:03 06:17 12:32 06:46 06:96 09:10 2:41p 9:02p 7:33a
19 Mon 12:99 07:13 01:29 07:42 06:37 09:19 3:43p 0:01p 9:31a
16 Tue 01:92 09:07 02:21 03:36 06:97 03:17 4:41p 9:39p 0:30a
17 Ned 02:44 09:99 03:12 00:26 06:93 09:13 3:33p 10:94p 10:27a
13 Thu | 03:34 00:49 04:01 10:19 03:90 03:19 3:20p 11:49p 11:22a
10 Frl 1 04:23 10:39 04:49 11:01 06:90 09:14 T:o2p 12:14p
20 Sat I 03:10 11:23 05:33 11:47 07:00 03:13 7:40p 12:30a l:04p
21 Sun O 03:99 06:21 12:00 07:01 09:12 3:14p 1:23a l:31p
22 Mon ■ 06:46 12:34 07:09 12:97 07:01 09:10 9:43p 2:14a 2:36p
23 Tue I 07:34 01:23 07:96 01:43 07:02 03:00 0:20p 2:90a 3:21p
24 Ned I 09:23 02:12 09:43 02:34 07:03 03:03 0:33p 3:43a 4:03p
23 Thu I 00:13 03:02 00:33 03:24 07:03 03:07 10:29p 4:27a 4:40p
26 Fri 10:02 03:31 10:23 04:14 07:04 09:06 U:o4p 9:11a 3:34p
27 Sat 10:92 04:40 11:19 09:04 07:09 09:09 11:44p 9:97a 6:20p
26 Sun 11:41 09:20 09:93 07:09 09:03 6143 a 7:07p
20 Mon 12:09 06:17 12:20 0C:41 07:06 00i02 12:26a 7:31a 7:93p
30 Tue 12:92 07:04 01:17 07:20 07:03 09:01 1:12a 9:20a 3:49p
JLHId Ql_llVft.TlM.-B.tllH 03:19 07:07 03:00 2:02a 0:10a 0133 p
Ma Jor = 2 hour e/Mlnorr l hour Accurate within 1 Minute
O “ Full Moon * - New Moon | 3 Peek activity period of week
Tltn# nJ Jus te«l for DSf
KGone L
Fishing I
David and
Susanne Andel
We also fish the dock a little dif
ferently than a lot of anglers. I
think a lot of angler miss or leave a
lot of fish at the docks.
Susanne and I will start in the
very back of the dock, pitching and
flipping as far as possible un
derneath the dock, working the lure
around each and every piling and
cross brace. We'll work like this
until we have been completely
around the dock.
Then we will concentrate on any
brushpiles located in the surround
ing area of the dock.
We will also use several different
lures while we are fishing the dock.
Usually, we will use a big worm
and lizard rigged Texas style and a
jig rigged with a crawfish in the
worm months or pork in the winter
months. One of us will pitch a
crankbait or spinnerbait under the
dock to try to entice the stubborn
bass to bite.
He added the rate of refill in the lake
would be determined by the amount
of rainfall received in the area, with
the lake being full by the beginning
of the summer season.
While the lake and its fish are
gone this summer, Renfroe said the
drawdown should help fishing long
term at the lake. "A long sustained
drawdown is good for the lake,” he
said. "In the long term, this should
be beneficial."
Damage to the dam is estimated
at $2 million to $4 million.
Lake Blackshear is a 8,515 acre
lake operated by the Crisp County
Power Commission. The lake was
originally formed in 1930, and has
14 boat ramps.
The Georgia Department of
Natural Resources had predicted ex
cellent bass fishing on the lake this
which are caught from these areas.
Sewage and other contaminants
which were introduced to the water
systems during the flood have been
flushed through the area by moving
water. Anglers should always make
sure the fish are cooked well
before consuming them.
(The only consumption
advisories for these areas are the
ones which are listed on pages 20 -
21 in the 1994 -1995 Freshwater
and Saltwater Sport Fishing
Regulations which can be found at
all regional fisheries management
offices or wherever fishing licenses
are sold.)
While access is not restricted on
public waters, anglers may find
access limited on private ponds.
Anglers should check with the
landowner before fishing on any of
these areas.
For more information about
fishing in southwest Georgia,
contact the regional fisheries
management office in Albany at
(912) 430-4256.
, Moon Times
Solunar/lunar times accurate within 1 minute
A lot of people think that if they
catch a single bass from under the
dock, that is all the fish there.
Wrong! We have seen some docks
that have five or six fish around
In order to catch more than that
first fish, you have to be a little pa
tient and keep trying. Sometimes,
it pays to leave the dock alone for a
I fought the squirrel and the
I broke the law last week!
I didn't intend to break it and
didn't know that I had until I read
the newspaper and saw the national
news on TV.
I ran home from the office about
10 a.m. one day last week to take
the mail to my wife. When I pulled
into our backyard, I saw my wife,
my daughter and my two grand
daughters standing in the back yard
staring at our wide open back door.
My son, Rob, came driving into the
back yard at the same time that I
I wondered if the house was on
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little while, coming back to it later.
Chances are, there will be another
hungry fish waiting after the first
one is caught.
There is one particular dock on
Lake Sinclair that I can go to each
and every time I'm on the lake and
catch two bass, each weighing
about two pounds. That's all I catch
at that dock; put, I can go there ev
ery day and catch those two.
fire or if we had a burglar in the
house. It was far more serious than
that. A squirrel had darted into the
house when my wife, Irene, opened
the back door, and had taken pos
session of the den.
Rob and I armed ourselves with
a broom, donned pairs of gloves
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Wednesday, August 17,1994, "H0u5t0n Times-Journal
Quietness and presentation are
the two main keys to being suc
cessful at dock fishing.
If you approach the dock by run
ning the outboard, I think you can
pretty well forget catching any
thing. Also, making noises like
slapping the lure on presentation
rather than slipping the lure in the
water by the pilings will put you in
good shape to go home empty
and bravely entered the house to
take on the vicious creature. The
squirrel took refuge behind the gun
cabinet and prepared to take on all
After a fierce battle, I managed
to subdue the squirrel with three
whacks of the broom handle to the
head. The only casualties were the
squirrel and the broom handle—
broken in three places. My two
year-old granddaughter, informed
me that I would have to buy her
grandmother a new broom.
Now, I will explain how I broke
the law. You have probably read in
r Tomahawk
100% Nylon Trackless
Carpet, Stain Resistant
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To Flood Victims By
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These Manufacturers Are Giving
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Purchased By Those Affected
By The Flood
handed. In other words, you have to
be quiet and positive in every cast
you make.
When the bass are hanging with
their noses jammed up against a
piling, they are not going to move
more than a couple of inches one
way or the other. This means that
you have to get the lure to glide
into the water just as close to the
Please see Fishing, page 11A
law won
the newspaper and seen on the na
tional news that a gardener in New
Jersey spotted a large rat in the
garden that he was tending. As any
sane person would do, he dis
patched the rat with his hoe handle.
Now the good part, an animal
rights group in New Jersey has
taken out a warrant and had the
gardener arrested for cruelty to
animals. He faces a large fine and
possibly a jail sentence for killing a
rat! Can you imagine what they
will do to me when they find that I
have killed a squirrel?
Please see Tuggle, page 1 1A
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