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Wednosday, August 17,1994, “Houston Times-Journal
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The Chinese Restaurant, located at 1365 Sam Nunn Blvd. In the Perry Marketplace,
held Its grand opening on Friday, Aug. 5. Above, Perry Mayor Jim Worrall and his
wife, Frances, are greeted by co-owner LI Hua Fu. Chi Cheng Fu, Li's husband, Is
the other co-owner of the establishment. For the grand opening, a host of other
relatives were also on hand. (HTJ photo by Pauline Lewis)
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Northrop Grumman presents $5,000 check
Art Grady (left), vice president and manager of Northrop Grumman’s Georgia
Production Site In Perry, and R.M. Bras hear (right), director of Northrop G rum man’s
Warner Robins Regional Support Center, give Sam Register, executive director of
the Houston County-Middle Georgia Red Cross chapter, a check for $5,000 for flood
relief. Northrop Grumman also donated $5,000 to the Baldwin County chapter of the
Red Cross.
Houston Co.
are graded
Staff Writer
Sixteen Houston County
businesses, including six Perry
eateries, have been inspected for
food service guidelines.
The grades are part of a
periodic grading by the Houston
County Environmental Health
Scores are based on overall
cleanliness, employee hygiene,
temperature control of foods or
food sources, facility/equipment
upkeep and storage of cleaning
products or toxic materials.
Those Perry businesses
(grades in parenthesis) included
in the latest tesing include:
Mandarin House (64),
McDonalds (84), Quincy’s (77),
Krystal (100), Baskin Robbins
(100) and Happy Store #433
Warner Robins buisinesses
include: Bo Jim’s Broasted
Chicken (100), Captain D’s
(75), Fincher’s Barbecue (83),
McDonald’s (96), Papa John’s
Pizza (100), Pizza Hut (79),
Subway (100), Rivalry’s Sports
Bar (95) Landings Golf Club
(96), Gunny’s (92).
Grades are derived from three
catagories: Excellent (90-100),
Good (80-89), and Satisfactory
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Flint EMC
named top
Glenn Heck, Flint EMC
Manager of Marketing and Member
Services, received the “Award of
Merit” for Flint Energy Lines, the
company’s newsletter, from the
council of Rural Electric
The award was presented at the
1994 NRECA (National Rural
Electric Cooperative Association)
Marketing, Member Services and
Communication Conference on
July 26 in Snowmass Village,
Flint received the highest award
presented in the catagory. Three
consecutive monthly issues were
required to be submitted for
The October, November, and
December issues were entered.
Barbara Parks was the editor for
October, and Heck was editor for
November and December. Benns
Printing of Buder was the printer
used in 1993.
Rural electric communicators
submitted nearly 500 entries in the
sixth national awards program,
which included news releases,
annual reports, ad campaigns, video
productions, as well as newsletters.
The council developed the awards
program as an annual event to
showcase top-rated performance by
electric cooperatives and related
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Hi jj
Chamber Board will meet Aug. 18
The Board of Directors of the
Perry Area Chamber of Commerce
will meet Aug. 18.
The meeting will begin at 4
p.m. in the conference room of the
Model BDL7OO
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Deerstand by Trax
Dame-O-Flage By
Lucky Lady :
Gheenoe Boat
Galvanized Trailer
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Electric Motor
August 26,27, and 28 ®
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Fit 1 pm. - 9 pm
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For more Inlormatlon Contact Doug Rlthmlre 404-929-3350 fax 404-929-3534
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Glenn Heck
Perry Welcome Center.
Individuals are asked to contact
the chamber office at 987-1234 to
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