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Police report
(The following items are
incident reports from the
Perry Police Department for
the period Sept. 7-Sept. 13)
Shoplifter arrested
Alonzo James Williams, of
1010 Kings Circle, was arrested by
police on Aug. 9 after an employee
of K-Mart noticed the man stealing
items there.
Theft by taking
Diann Wilson, of 367 Faye
Circle, complained to officers on
Aug. 9 that someone had stolen
items from that residence sometime
between Aug. 8 at 5 p.m. and Aug.
9 at 7:03 p.m.
Harassing calls
Velma Robinson, of 1333
Jackson Lane, complained to police
Aug. 9 at 8:33 p.m. that she had
been receiving harassing telephone
calls .
Miscellaneous incident
Celeste Sevoboda, of 1012
Talton Place, told officers of a
miscellaneous incident that
happened at that location on Aug. 9
at 5:11 p.m.
Driving wrong way
Charles C. Byrd, of a Memphis,
Tenn. address, was arrested by
police on Aug. 9 at 11:54 p.m.
after an officer noticed the man
traveling the wrong way on a one
way street. The man was charged
with driving the wrong way, failure
to stop, and obedience to traffic
control devices.
Criminal trespassing
Stacy Wheeler, of 1302 Davis
Ave., complained to police on Aug.
9 at 11:09 p.m. that an unwanted
man was at her residence and refused
to leave. Officers then asked the
man to leave the property, and he
Theft by taking
Ezell Louis, of 708 Walcott St.,
told police on Aug. 9 at 2 p.m. that
she had noticed SIOO in cash and
S2OO in food stamps missing from
her residence.
Husband breaks windows
Stephanne Garbett, of 2499
Marshallville Rd., told police that
her ex-husband had broken two
windows out of a 1992 Dodge van
she and a friend were occupying on
Aug. 9 at 11:50 p.m. Damage was
estimated at S4OO.
Terroristic threats
Douglas Mayo, of a Unadilla
address, told police that while he
was at a location on Sam Nunn
Blvd. on Aug. 9 at 9:51 a.m. an
unknown person had pointed a gun
at him.
Domestic problem
Lance G. Crivellone, of 1705
Sewell Circle, was arrested by
police after reports of a domestic
dispute at his home on Aug. 10 at
3:08 p.m. The man was charged
with false imprisonment.
Disorderly conduct
Beatrice B. Lester, of an Elko
address, was arrested by officers
after a reports of a disturbance at the
Happy Store on Washington St. on
Aug. 10 at 8:58 p.m. The woman
was charged with disorderly
Criminal trespass
Shirley Ann Felder, of 909 Bess
St., told officers that a black male
had come onto her property between
12:45 a.m.-l p.m. on Aug. 10 and
had broken an antenna on her car.
Miscellaneous incident
Jerry Whitney, owner of the
Perry Pawn Shop, complained to
police on Aug. 10 at 10:30 a.m.
that someone had stolen a leaf
blower from his business.
Arson reported
Gary Deibert, of 1410 Main St.,
told police that someone had set fire
to property at a 1506 Sunshine
Ave. address on Aug. 10 at 5:35
Criminal trespass
Michael Kendrick, of 1316
Houston St., told officers on Aug.
11 at about 2 a.m. that he had seen
a black male looking through a
window in his home. The man,
who had tom the screen, left the
Perry Area
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scene after being spotted. The
screen was valued at about S2O.
Simple battery
Denise Bennett, of 704 Patterson
St., told police on Aug. 11 at
10:23 p.m. that an unknown black
male had pushed her down and
injured her left leg.
Theft by taking
Jim Kyle, of 1502 Windsor Rd.,
complained to police that someone
had stolen a bicycle from his
residence sometime between 12:45
am. and 8:16 p.m. on Aug. 11.
Samuel Piper, of 405 Goray St.,
told officers that someone had taken
$67 in cash from his residence
between 10 a.m. and 12;15 p.m. on
Aug. 11.
No parking
While on patrol, Cpl. Bruce
Ham noticed a 1988 Ford Escort
abandoned at the intersection of
Houston St. and State Ave. on
Aug. 11 at 9:15 a.m. The car was
said to be creating a traffic hazard.
Battery complaint
Earline Womack, of 200 Meens
Rd., complained to police that she
was the victim of simple battery on
Aug. 11 at 12:40 p.m.
Car entered
Jerry Taylor, of a Hwy. 41
address, complained to police that
someone had entered his 1995
Chevrolet Blazer without
permission while parked at that
address sometime between Aug. 10
at 5 p.m. and Aug. 11 at 1:30 a.m.
There were no signs of forced entry
Driving intoxicated
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Jack Randall Davis, of a Macon
address, was arrested by police on
Aug. 12 at 10:03 p.m. after officers
noticed the man's car weaving on
the roadway.
Theft by taking
Thomas Davis, of a Macon
address, told officers that someone
had stolen a hub cap from his
vehicle while parked at a business
here. The theft occured sometime
between 8:10 p.m. and 8:20 p.m.
on Aug. 12.
Bicycle stolen
Walter C. Little, of 1407
Cambridge Rd., told police that
someone had taken a bicycle from
his residence sometime between 8
p.m. on Aug. 11 and 6 a.m. on
Aug. 12.
Criminal trespass
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Lane, told police that someone had
came onto his property without
permission on Aug. 12 at about
7:14 p.m.
Traci Edwards, of 1222 Oakhill
Dr., complained to officers that she
was harassed by another white
female on Aug. 12 at about 7:10
Theft by conversion
Sherry Blair, an employee of
McFrugal Auto Rental, located at
525 Courtney Hodges Blvd., told
police that someone had stolen
items from a vehicle at that
business sometime between 10:59
p.m. on Aug. 6 and 4 p.m. on
Aug. 12.
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