Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, September 14,1994, Houston Times-Journal
Page 6A
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'Canine Ribbon Cutting'
Gay Barrett (center), owner of Canine Cleaners, cuts a
ribbon proclaiming the official opening of her business
recently. The business, located in the Village Shops on
Carroll St., specializes in the complete care for dogs.
Additional staff members include Kim Matlock, Debbie
Pike, Ken Barrett, Johnnie Scott, Janet Kelly and
Sharon Tucker. Pictured with employees above are
Chamber of Commerce and City officials, as well as
Dogwood Festival pageant winners.
School Board given
election approval;
will request Nov. 8
Staff Writer
The Houston County School
Board received good news at their
regular meeting Tuesday, Sept. 13.
The United States Attorney
General’s office hits approved their
district plan for school board elec
In response to the attorney gen
eral’s approval, the board passed a
motion asking the election board to
set the election date for school
board elections on the same date as
the general election, Nov. 8.
Tom Daniel, attorney for the
board, said that he received the letter
informing the board that the district
plan was approved on the morning
of Sept. 13. He said that die quali
fying period would be set by die
election board, with the "legal" ad
announcing the elecdons running
the Times-Journal next Tuesday.
Daniel said there will be a five
day qualifying period. The cam
paign period will shirt no later than
29 days before die elecdon.
The board elections will not
have primaries, since the board
moved to non-partisan elecdons ear
lier in the year.
The school board will be com
posed of seven members, five being
elected from single-member districts
and two from at-large districts.
Four of die single-member dis
tricts are situated north of Highway
96, with South Houston County,
including Perry, composing die
fifth single-member district.
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A call is hereby issued to all registered voters of The
City of Centerville, Georgia for a special municipal
election on Tuesday, November 8,1994. Purpose of the
election is to hold a referendum election to allow
owners of homes who are 70 years of age and over be
exempt from Ad Valorem Tax. Also, a second
referendum to allow the Governing Authority to issue
business licenses to sell distilled spirits for
beverage purposes by the drink, such sales to be for
consumption only on the premises?
Last day to register to vote for this election is
October 7, 1994.
Application for Absentee Ballot available at City
Clerk’s Office.
The school board
will be composed of
seven members, five
being elected from
planned single-member
districts and two from
at-large districts. Four
of the single-member
districts are situated
north of Hwy. 96, with
South Houston County,
including Perry,
composing the sth
single-member district
School board chairman Zell
Blackmon announced earlier this
year that he would not seek an addi
tional term of office, saying it was
time to let someone else have the
privilege of serving.
In other business, die board set
the school calender for the 1995-96
school year and die 1996-97 school
The 1995-96 school year will
start on Aug. 25, 1995, and end
June 7, 1996. Christmas break will
start Dec. 20, with students return
ing to school on Jan. 3.
The 1996-97 school year will
start on Aug. 23, 1996, and end
June 6, 1997. School will break for
Christmas on Dec. 20, with stu
dents returning from break on Jan.
Mayor says lottery spending
may be reason for concern
Staff Writer
Despite multi-million dollar
winners and increased sales,
Georgia lottery monies may be
taking priority over family
necessities believes Mayor Jim
"Some of the folks buying
lottery tickets should be buying
food for their children," Worrall
The mayor said Perry actually
has a "very small" percentage of
people living in poverty
compared to larger cities, but
said he believes the problem is
still cause for concern.
"I don't think that we have
such a problem with poverty in
Perry that you can visibly see
people suffering (from lottery
spendings), but there are
situations that need to be
addressed," he said.
The lottery is speculated as
being in jeopardy by some
Safe Kids Day planned Sat., Sept. 17
In an effort to create awareness
about the prevention of childhood
injuries in the community, Perry
Hospital and Safe Kids of Georgia
in Houston County will sponsor
Safe Kids Day on Saturday, Sept.
17, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at
This fun-filled day will feature
safety exhibits, drawings for free
bike helmets and car seats, bike
registration, child fingerprinting, as
well as snowcones, hot dogs,
balloons, clowns and tours of fire
trucks and ambulances.
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A Unit Of The University System Of Georgia
Robins Resident Center
•ACCT 201 6:00-8:10 TTII Principles of Accounting l
•BIOL 101 6:007:50 TTH Biology I
•BIOL 101 8:2010:10 T Üboratory
•BIOL 101 8:2010:10 TII Üboratorv
•8U51205 8:2010:30 MW Business Communication
•C&CS93 6:008:10 MW Basic Mathematics
•C&CS9S 8301030 MW Intermediate Algebra
•CIS 209 6 008:10 MW Computer Systems & Applications
•CRIUIOO 6:008:10 TTH Criminal Justice
•ECON 105 6:008:10 MW Principles of Economics 1
•ECON 106 8:2010:30 MW Principles of Economics II
•ENGL 101 6:008:10 MW Rhetoric & Composition
•ENGL 102 8:201030 TTH Literature & Composition
•HIST2SI 8:2010:30 MW American History I
•MATH 100 8:2010:30 MW College Algebra
•MATH 114 6:008:10 MW Prccalculus Algebra
•MATH 142 8:2010:30 MW Basic Microcomputing
•MATH 142 TBA-TBA TBA Üboratory . „
•MATH 254 8 2010:30 TTII Analytic Geometry & Calculus II
•MATH 256 8:2010:30 ITII Calculus IV
•PHYS 237 6:007:50 TTH Principles of Physics 1
•PHYS 237 6:008:50 W Üboratory
•POLS 101 6:008:10 TTH American Government
•READ 100 6:008:10 TTII Advanced Reading Skills
•REM 93 6:008:10 MW Career Math
SOCI 105 11:15-12:20 MTWTII Sociology
•SOCI 105 8:2010:30 TTII Sociology
•WRIT 204 8:2010:30 TTH Writing Üboratory
•PYEDI2O 6:00-7:40 MW Walking for Fitness
•PYEDISO 83010:30 TTII Foundations of I lealth
• Evening Class
Georgia voters when they go to
the polls in November's
gubernatorial election. That
speculation came after recent
verbal attacks by both, the Zell
Miller and Guy Millner
Miller supporters say Millner
will put an end to the lottery
program if elected, while Millner
said his only change would be to
manage the lottery program
closer than it is now monitored.
Worrall, a former educator,
said that the goal of the lottery
program was to provide students
with more in the classroom by
means of lottery proceeds. But
now, said the mayor, he's
somewhat disappointed in the
"I’m glad that extra money is
going to our schools," Worrall
said, "but I'm disappointed that
the schools aren't getting any
more (money) than they are out
of it..."
Perry celebrities will be on hand
to bag groceries to raise money for
Safe Kids of Georgia in Houston
According to the American
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Warner Robins Campus
ACCT2OI 8:10-9:00 DAILY Principles of Accounting I
* ACCT 201 8301030 TTH Principles of Accounting I
BIOL 101 11:10-1:00 TTH Biology I
BIOL 101 130-330 T Laboratory
BIOL 101 130-330 TH Laboratory
•BIOL 111 6:00-730 MW Anatomy 4c Physiology I
BIOL 241 9:10-10:00 DAILY Man & His Environment
•BUSI2IO 6.00-8:10 MW Bus. Organization & Operation
CAcCS 90 8:10-900 DAILY Fundamentals of English
C4cCS9O 12:10-1:15 MTTHF Fundamentals of English
• C4cCS 90 600-8:10 TTH Fundamentals of English
C4eCS9I 9:10-10:00 DAILY Reading
*C4cCS9I 830-1030 TTH Reading
C&CS93 11:10-12:00 DAILY Basic Mathematics
*C4cCS93 830-1030 TTH Basic Mathematics
CicCS 95 10:1011:00 DAILY Intermediate Algebra
•C4cCS9S 6:00-8:10 TTH Intermediate Algebra
CIS 209 12:10-2:20 TTH Computer Systems & Appl.
•CIS 209 830-1030 MW Computer Systems & Appl.
•ECONIO6 6:00-1030 TH Principles ot Economics U
•EDUC2G3 6:00-10:00 T Introduction to Education
•ENGR2IO 830-1030 MW Statistics
ENGL 101 8:10-9:00 DAILY Rhetoric & Composition
ENGL 101 10:10-11:00 DAILY Rhetoric 8c Composition
ENGL 101 12:10-1:15 MTTHF Rhetoric & Composition
•ENGL 101 6:00-8:10 TTH Rhetoric & Composition
ENGL 102 9:10-1030 DAILY Literature & Composition
ENGL 102 11:10-12:00 DAILY Literature & Composition
•ENGL 102 830-1030 TTH Literature 4c Composition
ENGL 201 8:10-9:00 DAILY Western World Literature I
•ESL9O 6:00-8:10 TTH English as a Second Language
•HIST 111 630-8:10 MW World Civilization I
HIST 251 10:10-11:00 DAILY American History I
HIST 252 12:10-1:15 MTTHF American History II
•HIST 252 830-1030 MW American History II
MATH 100 9:10-10:00 DAILY College Algebra
MATH 100 10:10-11:00 DAILY College Algebra
•MATH 100 630-8:10 TTH College Algebra
MATH 105 11:10-12:25 MW Math for the Health Sciences
MATH 114 8:10-930 DAILY Precalculus Algebra
MUSI 100 10:10-11:00 DAILY Music Appreciation
PSd 101 11:10-130 MW Physical Science
PSa 101 130-330 W Laboratory
POLS 101 8:10-930 DAILY American Government
•POLS 101 830-1030 TTH American Government
PSYCIOI 11:10-12:00 DAILY General Psychology
PSYCIOI 12:101:15 MTTHF General Psychology
•PSYCIOI 630-8:10 TTH General Psychology
•PSYC2I2 8301030 MW Human Development
REM 93 11:1012:00 DAILY Career Math
•REM 93 8301030 TTH Career Math
SOQIOS 9:101030 DAILY Sociology
•SOaios 6308:10 MW Sociology
50C1260 10:1011:00 DAILY Soda' Problems
•SPAN 101 6308:10 MW Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 101 TBA-TBA TBA Üboratory
•PYEDI2O 6307:40 TTH Walking for Fitness
•PYEDI26 6307:40 M Basketball
•PYEDISO 530830 W Foundations of Health
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