Newspaper Page Text
Houston owners
need assistance
in airport battle
Staff Writer
While Perry and Houston
County control the Perry-Houston
County Airport Authority, and are
totally responsible for funding the
airport, Peach County stands to
reap the financial bonanza of taxes
collected from the airport.
The majority of the Perry-
Houston County Airport is located
just over the Peach County border,
including most of the land available
for development, the airport office
building and the hangers, making
Peach County the recipient of most
of the taxes paid at the airport.
Houston County Commission
Chairman Sherrill Stafford told the
authority at their regular meeting
Monday that there were three possi
ble solutions to the problem.
First, the authority could find
someone in Houston County who
would swap his land to Peach
County in return for the airport's
land in Peach County. Stafford said
that there could be some tax bene
fits for someone to do this, with
the differing levels of taxing be
tween Peach County and Houston
In a telephone interview on
Tuesday, Stafford said that land
swap did not have to involve
Houston County land near the air
port, but could involve land any
where along the Houston County-
Peach County border.
Stafford told the authority that
he had spoken to several Peach
County commissioners, who had
indicated that they could support a
land swap for the airport.
A second option, said Stafford,
was changing the Georgia state law
to allow ad valorem taxes at the
airport paid to Houston County.
Stafford said that he had dis
cussed changing the way ad valorem
taxes are paid on aircraft with Rep.
Larry Walker. Currently, aircraft
owners pay taxes in the county
where the plane is kept, meaning
that owners of planes kept at the
Perry-Houston County Airport
would pay taxes to Peach County.
Stafford said that Walker was
willing to change the law to allow
the taxes to be paid at the county
which ran tire airport and was re
sponsible for its upkeep. He also
added that Peach County officials
had indicated their support for such
a move.
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However, this would not take
into account any taxes paid by
businesses that could locate at the
airport, said Stafford. The authority
has indicated its desire to develop
the land around the airport into an
industrial park. Because of F.A.A.
restrictions, most of the available
land around the airport for develop
ment is located in Peach County.
Even if die law could be changed
to allow Houston County to collect
the taxes on planes at the aimort,
Peach County would still collect
taxes on any industries established
at the airport.
The third solution to the prob
lem would be for Houston County
to "annex" the airport into the
county. However, Stafford said this
was the least likely method to solve
the problem because of the compli
cated procedure involved.
A landowner, in this case the au
thority, can petition to have county
boundaries changed. In order to have
the county boundaries changed, the
land owner notifies both county
probate judges of his intentions in
After a publicadon period of the
notices, the probate judge in each
county turns the request over to die
respective grand jury of the county.
Both grand juries must approve the
petition by a two-thirds vote.
If the grand jury approved the
change in county boundaries, then
those results would be certified by
the clerks of the two county's supe
rior courts. The clerks would then
forward the approval to the coun
ties' governing body. In both coun
ties, the governing body must dien
approve the boundary change.
Stafford said that he didn't know
if the county would pursue the third
option, saying the land swap would
be preferred with a legal solution
through the Legislature being the
second preferred way of solving the
"It would be a controversial
topic," said Stafford of a potential
"annexation" of the airport by the
county. "I don't want to embark on
something that would not be suc
cessful. I have doubt Peach County
would approve it (the county
boundary changing to put the air
port in Houston Gounty).”
ii n
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'Checking the Methods...'
Gloria Sikes (standing), customer service manager for
the Bank of Perry, talks with residents of the Older
Americans Council about the advantages of banking.
Sikes told the senior citizens about the advantages of
direct deposits to avoid the possibility of checks being
stolen after mail delivery. (Photo by Jimmy Simpson)
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