Newspaper Page Text
Page 2B
Wednesday, October 12,1994, Houston Tlmss-Joumal
Lewis, from P-1B
King on September 22, 1994.
-Michael K. and Stacy (Daub)
Brantley of Perry upon the birth of
their daughter, Cynthia Jean
Brantley on September 22,1994.
-To Barry C. and Eugenia
(Chambers) Wall of Marshallville,
upon the birth of their son,
Ramsey- Taylor Wall on
September 20, 1994, in Perry
-To Jud and Jenny (Oliver)
Green upon the birth of their son,
Evan Lee Green on Wednesday,
October 5, 1994. Paternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs Leon
(Martha Evans) Green of Dublin.
Maternal grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Moody Oliver Jr. of Dublin.
Paternal grandparents are Mrs.
Aurelia Evans of Perry, and the late
Walter B. Evans. Maternal great
grandparents are Mrs. Harold Neal
and the late Mr. Neal of Dublin,
and Mr. and Mrs. Moody Oliver of
-To Army Pvt. Dexter D.
Fluellen of Perry who has com
pleted basic training at Fort
Jackson, S. C.. He is the son of
Mack S. and Denise Fluellen of
Perry and is a graduate of Perry
High School.
-To Retired Brig. Gen. Dan
Bullard 111 who has been named
commander for the 1994-95 year.of
the Middle Georgia Chapter of the
Military Order of the World Wars.
Gen. Bullard is a native Middle
Georgian and friend to many in the
Perry area.
-To Jeffrey “Cowboy” Bloom,
Reginald Lewis and Gennell
Williams, City employees who
have been decorating the downtown
area with cornstalks, and other Fall
-To Kathy Norris who has cele
brated her 20lh anniversary with
the New Perry Nursing Home.
-To Glen Hancock, City em
ployee, who gave the trees in the
downtown area their annual trim in
time for the Fair visitors to Perry.
-To Phyllis Frost Pierson and
Kenneth Blair Lockaby of Perry,,
upon the announcement of their en
gagement. The bride-elect is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rick
Witherington of Macon and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Frost of Madison. She
is the granddaughter of Frances
Frost of Gadsden, Ala., the late W.
D. Frost, Sr. and Lois Harper of
Covington. The groom-elect is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Lockaby of Lilbum. The wedding
is planned
for Oct. 16 at the Bloomfield
Church of God in Macon.
-To Belinda Gail Rouse of Perry
and Cedric Bernard Windom of
Perry, upon the announcement of
their engagement. The bride-elect
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John E. Rouse, Sr. of
Jeffersonville, and the granddaughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. William
Wilmore, Sr. of Cochran, the late
Alberta Boynton of Jeffersonville,
and the late Eddie Rouse of
Newton Falls, Ohio. The groom
elect is the son of Mary Spencer of
Cordele, and the grandson of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Elzie W.
Windom of Cordele. The wedding
is planned for October 22, 1994, at
Faulks Chapel Baptist Church.
-To Raynell Baker and Dwayne
Britt of Fitzgerald who were married
August 20, 1944 at Perry Country
Club in Perry. The bride is the
daughter of Lutrell and Ray Baker
of Byron and the groom is the son
off Eunice and Leslie Britt. A re
ception was held at Perry Country
Club. After a wedding trip to the
North Georgia mountains, the
Britts are living in Perry.
-To Imogene Black, 82, of
Perry, featured in Bill Boyd’s 75-
and-Over Birthday Club.
-To Sanddra N. Johnson, Perry
Hospiital, who has been recognized
by The University of Georgia
College of Pharmacy for comple
tion of a week-long Postgraduate
Pharmacokinetics Workshop, held
in Athens and sponsored by the
University of Georgia College of
Pharmacy and co-sponsored by the
Georgia Center for Continuing
-To Mike and Stacy Bmatley
upon the birth of a daughter,
Cynthia Jean Brantley on
September 22, 1994
-To Tim and Kim Nall upon the
birth of a daughter, McGee Loraine
Nall on September 29, 1994.
Proud grandparents are Mrs. Helen
Poole and Gerry and I lardy Nall.
She joins big sister, Mallory, in
the Nall home.
America's United Miss & Master America
Saturday, October 15 » Holiday Inn, Perry
* Divisions
G' rls: 0-12 mo., 1-2 yrs., 3-4 yrs., 5-7 yrs., 8-10 yrs., 11-12
r *y rs ’ 1 3-15 yrs., 16-up. Boys: 0-3 yrs., 4-7 yrs.
Crowns - Trophies - Pageant Bears
r No Experience Needed! Call Director (803) 681-3650
-To Joann E. Bass and Johnny
Attaway of Perry, who were
married Sept. 3 at East Macon
United Methodist Church. The
bride is the daughter of Margaret
Elkins and the late Joe Elkins; the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Attaway.
Isaac Davis of Perry was a
After a wedding trip to
Savannah, the couple is living in
Bits and Pieces:
A new personal care home in
Perry, Willow Ridge, is located at
1900 Macon Road near Cheshire
The Ladies Golf Association,
Perry Country Club Luncheon will
be held at 12:30 p..m.. on
Tuesday, October 18. For further
information, call Karrie Hale, 987-
Learn more about breast cancer
and the importance of early detec
tion, including mammography, and
the many options now available for
successful treatment. Take the time
to learn about your health and well
ness. for the following two pro
grams, reservations are required by
calling 987-3600 ext.4os:
Early Detection & Aggressive
Treatment, Tuesday, Oct 11, 7
p..m., Perry Hospital Dining
Room; speaker, Horatio V.
Cabasares, M. D.: cost is Free.
Woman to Woman: Getting a
Mammogram, Wednesday,, Oct.
10, 12 noon - 1 p.m., Perry
Hospital Dining Room; speaker -
Susan McCollum, R. R., R. M.;
cost: $3.50 (includes lunch).
Perry - Peach County Support
Group of Alzheimer’s Caregivers
will meet Thursday, Oct. 20, 7-9
p.m. at the Perry Hospital
Cafeteria. Come join in sharing.
Call Eddie, 987-4364.
The Perry High School Band is
selling tickets ($5) for their fund
raiser barbecue to be held at the
school cafeteria on Thursday,
October 13, from 4 - 6:30 p..m.
October is National Domestic
Violence Awareness Month. A
canndlelight vigil to remember
those who are victims of domestic
violence will be held at 7 p..m. on
Thursday, October 13, in front of
City Hall in Warner Robins. The
public is invited to attend.
The vigil is a collaborative effort
between the Salvation Army Safe
House and the Houston Family
Violence Prevention Council. This
is die second year that the candle
light vigil has been held.
I’hc Benefit Cookout for Leroy
Douthit was very successful, rais
ing over $4,500.
The Northrop-Grumman em
ployees wish to thank the commu
nity and merchants for their contri
butions and support, without
which, success would not have been
They also announce that thee
Benefit Airplane Rides have been
re-scheduled to Oct. 16, 2-6 p..m.
at the Perry-Houston County
Airport, for a generous donation of
$5.00 per person. (Weather permit
They will be serving hot dogs
and cokes. Everyone is invited
too come out and give their sup
port to the Douthit family in their
..time of need.
The Douthit family says that
“Words can’t express all the thanks
that we owe for the calls and the
prayers and the love that you
show. Friends give the strength to
help us on through but, we
couldn’t have made it without good
friends like you. Love always,
Leßoy, Rose, Mellisa and Daniel.”
Flu shots offered
Andrew United Methodist
Church in Kathleen announces,
“We live chicken, but we hate the
flu!” On Wednesday, Oct. 19,
1994, at 6:30 p.m., the public is
invited to a free home-cooked
chicken supper for the whole
Following the dinner, all adults
who wish to receive flu shots may
receive them from visiting Health
Department nurses. The dinner is
free. There will be a $5 fee for the
flu vaccine.
Tyson, Morrow set wedding date
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Morrow of
Ashbum announce the engagement
and forth coming marriage of their
daughter, Carol Renau, to Clarry
Scott Tyson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clary Tyson of Cordele.
The bride-elect is the
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Morrow of Perry and the late Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Passmore of
Hawkinsvillc. She is a 1992
graduate of Crisp County High
School and is attending Macon
Technical Institute where she will
receive a Medical Assistant Degree.
She is employed by The WEE
Center of Macon.
The groom-elect is the grandson
of Mr. Casey Tyson and the late
Mrs. Frances Tyson of Cordele and
the late Mr. and Mrs. Earl Purvis of
Vienna. He is a 1990 graduate of
Crisp County High School and a
1992 graduate of The Medical
Center of Central Georgia School
of Radiologic Technology and is
now attending Macon College. He
is employed by the Medical Center
of Central Georgia in Macon.
I. I
: , ' v ' "fe.■■...
wrlTMfiii'PniTMii^) iiiTn'Yni * 43m*:
Youngster demonstrates skateboard trick for kids
Library kids enjoy skateboarders
Becky Yeatinan, Children’s
Specialist with the Perry Library,
arranged for the Pencil Factory
skateboarders team to hold a
demonstration in the Library
parking lot recently for Perry
Library young readers.
The children appeared spell
bound as the skateboarders
performed their feats of acrobatics
with their skateboards.
Some were more skillful in their
performances than others. The
children enjoyed all of the
performances, including a few spills
in which no one was hurt.
They gave a second
demonstration a few days later at
Perry Vista Park in Smoak
7ou haven't been anywhere f # t
until you have been to Mossy Creek," g; •
Barbara & Richard Keldorf of Albion, N.y. j
0CT.15-16 W,
NEAR j \
Off Lake Joy v i 4 \
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* Junior/Misses Sizes
Junior/Misses & Plus Sizes
See Store for Details
Junior/Misses/Plus & Girls sizes' 4-14 Fashions & Accessories (Cato Kids at select Cato stores) '
Morrow, Tyson
The wedding is planned for
Saturday, Nov. 12, 1994 in the
Penia Baptist Church of Cordele at
2 p.m. All friends and relatives are
invited to attend.
Subdivision at the home of Aaron
The following young men were
involved in the first
Mike Mcßee, John Ochoa, Les
Collier, Aaron Coble, Michael
Marks, Scott Collier, Brian
Drennan, Dave Nable, Danny
Higgs, Josh Marks, Damon
Fondulic, Matt Roth and Chris
“Tree” Ulrich
Those involved with tire second
demonstration were: Aaron Coble,
David Fondulis, David Marks,
Josh Marks, Michael Marks, Les
Collier, Chris “TRee” Ulrich,
Danny Higgs and Mike Balducci.
r;iit : r :
Prickett, Bellamy
Bellamy, Prickett plan wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Adams of
Montezuma announce the
engagement and forth coming
marriage of their daughter Pamela
Adams Prickett to William Thomas
Bellany, son of Mrs. Sarawill Lee
Bellamy of Perry and the late
Thomas Rogers Bellamy of
Askerville, N.C.
The bride-elect is the
granddaughter of Mrs. Teorine
Adams of Thomaston and the late
Elder Bentley Adams and Mrs.
Barbara Hudgins of Thomaston and
the late Melvin Hudgins. She is a
1985 graduate of Macon County
High School. She attended South
NOTICE: Flint EMC Members
GRAND PRIZE. .. a recycled Flint pickup truck
Come to the Flint
Annual Members’
• Annual Report to Members
• Election of Directors
• Vote on Bylaw amendments
• View Energy Exhibits
• Grand Prize - Pickup Truck
All members are urged to attend. The annual meeting is open
to Flint members, consumers, and their immediate families and
will conclude with lunch. Join us for this special event!
Date: October 20, 1994
Place: Reaves Arena at the Georgia National
Fairgrounds & Agricenter, Perry, Ga.,
401 Larry Walker Parkway.
From 1-75, Exit 42.
Registration: Opens 8:30 a.m.
Closes promptly at 10:00 a.m.
S4Y£ $ 30
October 9-22
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Georgia Technical Institute and is
presently employed at Carl Adams
Insurance Agency in Montezuma.
The future groom is the
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
C. Lee of Tifton and Mrs. Clarice
Bellamy of Camesville and the late
Buren Bellamy. He is a 1985
graduate of Rabun Gap-Nachoochee
School and a 1989 graduate of
South Georgia Technical Institute
in Programs of Diesel Mechanics,
Machine Tool Technology and
Drafting. He is employed by
Warner Robins Air Logistic Center.
The wedding is planned for
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1994 in Negril,
• Free Barbecue Lunch
• Drawing for many Prizes
• South Georgia Quartet
will Entertain
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