Newspaper Page Text
(The following items are in
cident reports from the Perry
Police Department for the
period Oct. 4-Oct. 7)
Terroristic threats
Timothy English, 35, of a
Jewell Drive address in Perry, com
plained to police of terroristic
threats and acts Oct. 5 at 3:30 p.m.
Theft of services
Employees of the New Peiry
Motel at 800 Main Street in Perry
called police Oct. 6 at 12:29 p.m.
about an unnamed guest leaving the
motel without paying for lodging
or phone calls.
Criminal trespass
Employees of Crossroads Motel
at 317 Courtney Hodges Boulevard
called police Oct. 6 at 12:30 p.m.
on a complaint of criminal trespass.
Several items were reported dam
aged including a sitting table with
one leg broken worth SIOO, a chair
with a broken back worth S6O, and
a door frame molding with the inner
door damaged worth $25. Suspects
were unknown.
Domestic violence
Pat Comer of a Perry residence
called police Oct. 6 around 1:30
p.m. to her apartment, complaining
that her ex-boyfriend had beat her
Possession of cocaine
Freddie Lee Johnson of a
Wisdom Street address in Perry was
arrested Oct. 6 at 11:18 p.m. for
possession of a small quantity of
cocaine and a crack pipe.
Public drunkenness
Clifford Eugene Paul, 28, of a
Halifax, Penn., address was arrested
for public drunkenness on General
Courtney shortly after midnight on
Oct. 7.
Suspended license
Billy Wayne Livingston, 28, of
an Arkansas address was charged
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Perry police report
Oct. 7 with driving with a sus
pended license after being pulled
over shortly after midnight.
Criminal trespass
Employees of Hamby Chevorlet
on Highway 41 South called police
Oct. 7, shortly before 1 a.m. to
complain about criminal trespass
on a 1995 Chevorlet Cargo Van.
Driving under
the influence
Oscar Mitchell Jr. of a Jeanne
Street address in Perry was stopped
for weaving over the center line.
After a breathalyzer, Mitchell was
charged with DUI.
False report of a crime
An unnamed resident of the Joe
Louis Drive area of Perry called in a
false report of gunshots in the area
Oct. 5, 11:02 p.m.
Aggravated assault
Rickey Collier, 38, of a
Patterson Street address in Perry,
flagged down a patrolman in the K-
Mart parking lot Oct. 5 at 11:35
p.m. complaining that he had been
assaulted. Subsequent investigation
indicated that the incident was drug
Simple battery
Yolanda Curry, 20, of a Gaines
Drive residence in Perry called the
police department Oct. 5 at 11:35
p.m. complaining of simple bat
Aggravated assault
Bruce Gail of a Macon address
called police to the Red Gables Inn
Oct. 5 at 10:37 p.m. to complain
of an assault. The officer investigat
ing the incident checked that the
weapon involved was a knife.
Contempt of court
Jay Kinnas, 33, of a Smoke
Ave. address in Perry was cited for
violating a restraining order on a
conditional bond Oct. 5 at 8:12
Theft of lost or
mislaid property
Edna Brown, 75, of a Patterson
Street address in Perry, called the
police department Oct. 5 at 5:32
p.m. She complained that she had
left her pocketbook in McDonalds.
When she came back for her pock
etbook, she said it was gone.
Criminal trespass
Employees of Catos contacted
the Perry Police Department Oct. 5
at 4:24 p.m. about criminal tres
pass. No other details were given.
Theft by deception
Employees at Zebs Zip-ln called
police on Oct. 4 at 10:58 a.m.
about a white man driving a Ford
Bronco with Florida tags driving off
witli $14.25 worth of gas. The sus
pect told the clerk that he would re
turn with the money to pay for the
gas; but, did not return.
Theft by taking
John Blanchard of a Florida ad
dress complained to police Oct. 4 at
10 a.m. that a van he was driving
had been broken into at 700 Valley
Dr., and several items were miss
Honor graduate
Leslie Danese Rundles of Perry,
Ga., recently graduated cum laude
from Mercer University, Macon,
Ga. She received a Bachelor of Arts
Degree in Learning Disabilities
Content. She is the daughter of
Michael and Becky Rundles.
Fall festival set
The Tucker PTO is planning a
Fall Festival for Saturday. Oct. 22,
1994 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Activities will include: bowling,
go fish, basketball shoot, darts,
softball throw and many others.
Tickets will be 25 cents each.
27 local young people are honored
for their volunteer work at hospital
After spending their summer va
cation helping patients, delivering
cards and flowers, and assisting staff
throughout the hospital for over
1,300 hours of service, 27 local
teenagers were recognized for their
outstanding work at a special recep
tion held at Perry Hospital.
Those Volunteens assisted the
hospital’s nursing staff by deliver
ing mail, flowers and gifts to pa
tients, as well as distributing other
items such as ice, water and juiees.
Many of the Volunteens worked
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in offices throughout the hospital
such as Administration, Quality
Management, Admissions and the
Registration Desks where they
helped hospital staff answer tele
phones, run errands, prepare mail
ings and make photocopies.
Hospital Volunteens also assisted
during die Flood Disaster Relief ef
forts by working with the
Hospital’s Auxiliary to serve re
freshments at the Ag Center.
This year’s Volunteens include:
Allison Alford. Windv Biggers,
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Leigh Cabasares, Tammy Clark,
Lane Coffee, Crystal Daniel,
Melissa Davis, Tara Dobbs,
Samantha Dunn, Skytina Felder,
Terri Franks, Katina Glenn, Dawn
Also, Melissa Killoran, Gamble
Lewis, Mandi McLeod, Sheneik
Scott, Shwonder Simon, Kelly
Smith, Jennifer Peaster, Rhoda
Vance, Beverly Wright, Tonicia
Yarbrough, Alexis
Nikitopoulos, Courtney Pitts, Niki
Robinson and Paul Lorenzana.
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