Newspaper Page Text
• Wednesday, October 19,1994, Houston Times-Journa!
Page 2B
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Mrs. David Andrew Watrous
Williford wed at Perry UMC
Miss Kendall Laßue Williford,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
11. Williford of Perry, became the
bride of David Andrew Watrous of
Ledyard, Conn., on July 9th at the
Perry United Methodist Church.
Mr. Watrous is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Philip J. Watrous of
Ledyard, Conn.
The double ring candlelight
ceremony was performed by Pastor
Datha Ellis from the Mustard Seed
Faith Center in Savannah and
Pastor Glenn Clower from Victory
Christian Fellowship in Perry.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a classic silk gazzara
gown featuring a sweetheart
neckline with cap sleeves set off
with silk roses at shoulders. The
fitted bodice richly embroidered
with lace and pearls, dropped to a
Basque waist with a full skirt and a
large butterfly bow in back. Her
chapel length veil was secured by a
matching head piece of silk roses
and pearls. She carried a cascade of
blush roses, calla lillies and
The maid of honor was Miss
Leasa Perkins of Savannah.
Bridesmaids were Miss Amy Ham,
Miss Julie Womble, and Mrs. Patti
Wilds of Savannah. Miss Ashley
Wilds was the junior bridesmaid.
Miss Brooke Chalfant and Miss
Ashley Perkins were flower girls.
Ringbearer was Master William
Henry Dodge, Jr.
Evans, Lilley plan Dec. wedding
Allison Brook Evans of
Gastonia, N.C. and Aaron
Benjamin Lilley of Perry have
announced their plans to be married
on Saturday, Dec. 17, 1994 in the
First Presbyterian Church in
Gastonia, N.C.
Allison is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gary W. Evans of
Gastonia, N.C., and the
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Myzie of Plainfield, NJ,
Mrs. William Theis and the late
Mr. William Theis of Middlebury,
Vermont. She graduated from
Mary Janice Lollis
Mary Janice Lollis was born on
Monday, Sept. 12, 1994 to Chip
and Natalie Lollis of Perry. She is
the granddaughter of Richard and
Gloria Norris and Janice H. Parker
and Sammy and Mary Ann Bowers.
Mary Janice has four sisters and a
brother, Lindsey, Nicole, Ashlee,
Jessi and Ethan.
Pick-Your-Own Kiwi
V . J
Highway 26, Hawkinsville, Georgia
When?: Saturday, October 22 through Sunday,
October 30, 1994
Time: Mon. through Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Sun. 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.)
Telephone: 912-892-3794
(Not a Toll Call from Houston County)
Come and enjoy the fun of picking Kiwi from Georgia's largest
Kiwifruit orchard. We leave our fruit on the vine longer for
maximum sweetness and nutrition, much better than you will
find in the grocery store.
Freshly picked Kiwifruit will keep in a plastic bag in the
refrigerator for several months. To ripen, leave at room tem
perature. Pick enough to enjoy Georgia Kiwi all winter!
Our farm is located on Georgia Highway 26,10
miles East of 1-75 (Exit 41).
You Pick Special On Our Delicious Kiwi Peach,
Kiwi Pepper Jam.
Tim Watrous, brother of the
groom, was best man. Ushers were ■
Mr. Pete Huff and Mr. Will
Watrous of Ledyard, Conn., and
Mr. Will Williford of Perry, brother
of the bride.
Mrs. Nancy Joiner was the
organist while Jeff Edes played
piano and Bruce Scott accompanied
on the flute. Miss Toni Henson
and Mr. R.T. Dodge IV, cousin of
the bride, both sang solos as part of
the ceremony.
After exchanging vows, the
couple was honored at a reception
held in the church fellowship hall.
Mr. Ryland T. Dodge, grandfather
of the bride, sang a solo honoring
the newlyweds. Following, there
were musical selections by Jeff
Edes and Bruce Scott who were later
joined by the groom on saxophone
and his brothers, Tim on trombone,
and Will on trumpet.
The bride, a graduate of;
Northside High/School in Warner
Robins, attended Savannah College
of Art and Design and Armstrong
College before attending Rhema
Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Ok.
The bridegroom, a Rhema Bible
Training Center graduate, is a
Rhema staff member and a
musician traveling with the Rhema
The couple enjoyed a wedding
trip to St. Simons Island before
returning to Tulsa, Ok., where they
currently reside.
Asbrook High School in Gastonia
and from the Meredith College in
Raleigh, N.C. She is employed
with the Gaston County Schools.
Aaron is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Lilley of Perry and
the grandson of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Glass of Perry, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earls of Ocala,
Fla. He graduated from Westfield
Schools and is enlisted with the
United States Military Academy.
He is commissioned 2nd Lieutenant
US Army, Armor Officer Basic
Courses at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
Diamond Engagement and j
Diamond Wedding Ring Se <
x 14 Karat Gold i
Was $625 J
Brown's Jewelers C
AARP to host congressional forum
Society Editor
Mrs. Mildred Smith Kennedy of
Macon celebrated her 90th birthday
on Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1994, joining
the growing number of nonagenari
ans in this area.
Her family honored her with a
luncheon at the Henderson Baptist
Church on Sunday, August 6.
A native of Henderson, Mrs.
Kennedy is the sister of the late
Maida Smith Ragan, also of
Family members who attended
were from Georgia, South Carolina
and Florida. Listed below, all are
from Georgia except as noted other
Those in attendance were: Elgie
Kennedy, her husband; Mr. and
Mrs. Baxter Evans and Jennie
Lynn, all of Macon; Mr. and Mrs.
Johnnie Ragan, Mrs. Betty Kersey
and Dr. Billy Ragan of Henderson.
Family honors Mrs. Kennedy at 90
Staff Writer
The Perry AARP will sponsor
an Bth Congressional District
Forum in the New South Arena at
the Georgia Fairgrounds and
Agricenter, Perry, Ga„ on
Saturday, Oct. 22, from 10 a.m. to
12 noon.
The Bth Congressional District
stretches from Macon to Valdosta,
and good attendance from the area is
Mayor Jim Worrall will wel
come the audience and participants
to the Forum.
The Perry Welcome Center will
set up an information table; and
local grocers will set up a table of
light refreshments. Coffee and seat
ing will be between 10 a.m. and
11 a..m. The Forum will begin at
11 a.m.
This will be a non-partisan
event. Craig Mathis and Saxby
Andrew UMC plans church supper
Andrew United Methodist
Women are sponsoring a blackeyed
peas and cornbread supper on
Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Instead of the usual “bring a
covered-dish” supper, all you have
to do on this night is come and eat!
The United Methodist Women will
do the rest. Andrew UMC is
Overton Jewelers
Bridal Registry
Kathy Moore and Jim McKinney Nov. 5
Johanna Compton and James Wessells Nov. 5
April Dorsett and Michael Sain Dec. 17
Allison Evans and Aharon Lilley Dec. 17
Keri Griggs and Brian Dolan Dec. 17
Tennis * 1
$4 0000
Bracelet 1
Overton JezoeCers
905 Carroll Street
Perry, GA 31069 ““
Mon - Sat 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. A ‘Tradition of Quality and Service
Perry Chiropractic Health
Center Is Proud To Bring You
This Special Offer
Relief For:
1. Headaches and Migraines
2. Low Back and Leg Pains
3. Pain Between Shoulders
4. "Popping" Noises in Neck
and Spine
5. Stiffness of Neck
Dr. John Magac
Those attending from Perry were
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bryant and
Brenton; Mrs. Joyce Wilder,
Heather and Trey; Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Ragan and Chad; and
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Bennett
Others present were Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Ragan and Brett; and
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ragan, Adam
and David, all of Unadilla; Ms.
Rhonda Garrett of Columbia, S.
C.; Dusty and Pam Shutllesworth
and Ms. Elizabeth Smith, all of
Warner Robins: Ms. Miriam A.
Russell of Suwannee, Fla.; Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Ragan and Mr. and Mrs.
Bart Williams, all of Thomasville;
Mr. Bobby Ragan and Ms. Gerin
Ragan, both of Duluth; Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Ragan of Smyrna; Mr.
and Mrs. Charley Johnson of
Milledgeville; Ms Michele Cloud
and Mr. Matt Cloud, both of
Athens; and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny
Chappell and Ansley of Dudley.
Chambliss have agreed to be there,
10 a..m. to 12 noon, and Bill
Powell, WMAZ-TV personality,
will serve as moderator.
The audience will be allowed to
submit questions for presentation to
the candidates.
AARP will lumish lunch at 12
AARP will also have informa
tion on women’s rights, auto and
home safety, widows’ rights, finan
cial affairs, Medicaid and AARP
available after the meeting. AARP
will have two dozen volunteers to
manage affairs and answer ques
tions. The local AARP will partic
ipate and assist.
The Perry AARP chapter will
hold its regular meeting and bingo
at 2 p.m., 0ct.22, in the Houston
County Agricultural Building on
Carroll Street. For further informa
tion, contact Ray Bethune, club
president (912) 987-0793.
located on Georgia Highway 127
between Houston Lake and Moody
Road in Kathleen.
Cost is reasonable and no
reservations are necessary. For
more information contact Shelby
Arnold, UMW President, at 987-
9439 or 987-1397.
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Solid Waste Management Services Public Notice
Full Cost Report
The Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act requires that Houston County
develop a strategy for reducing the amount of garbage going into landfills and other disposal
facilities in the State by 25 percent per person between 1992 and 1996. This reduction may
be accomplished by many techniques including recycling materials such as plastic, newspa
per, and aluminum cans. It can also be accomplished by diverting yard trimmings from the
disposal facility into backyard or other composting operations. Many other innovative methods
for reducing our local waste stream are available. Most of these methods involve your
cooperation and effort so that Houston County can ensure sufficient waste disposal capacity
and a safe environment for our community in the furture. If you are interested in information
about what you can do to help, please feel free to contact Tommy Stalnaker, who can be
reached daily at 912-987-4280.
The Act also requires that Houston County inform our citizens about the actual cost of providing
solid waste management services to the community. As part of that public education effort,
Houston County presents the following information about solid waste management in Houston
Fiscal Year July 1,1993 to June 30,1994
wasta aorricos: 670,326
Total coot of ootid waste oorvicot per ponon 2 0 45
for (asuco of government)
Charged to Citizens Actual Coot to Government
1-Collection 405,784 405,784
3- Education Included in collecti >n and disposal funds
4. Recycling Included in collecti m and disposal funds
Ton* of waste disposed of por parson for 49
Coot pm- ton to citizens of 'name of 4 2.15
For further information about the data included in this notice or about the Annual Solid Waste
Management Survey and Full Cost Report, please contact the local government by calling:
Tommy Stalnaker, 2018 Kings Chapel Road, Perry, GA 31069, 912-987-4280, Monday
through Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Ellen Evans
(2) X-RAYS
Offer Expires 11/15/95
(Good With Coupon Only)
* Any further treatment shall be
agreed upon, in writing, and signed
by both parties