Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday. October 26,1994, Houston Times-Journal
Page 4B
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Tucker Elementary School Students of the Week for Oct. 14, 1994: Jeanna Barnes,
Thomas Laster, Ashley West, Adam Kramp, Jessica Davis, Taurean Smith, Marshal
King, Beau Rosner, Danielle Corcoran, Mike Dickson, Tavarious Washington, Joshua
O'Cain, Lakesta Riley, Britney Bass, Tamarquis Gray, Shartae Jackson, Francisca
Gonzalez, Christie Foskey, Robert Hernandez, David Loudermilk, Denise Ridley, Jim
Pund, Shawn Cline, Jason Hunter and Brian Wells.
Perry Middle School Students of the Week for Oct. 21-28, 1994: Magdalyn
Clarington, Eric Cline, Leigh Mullis, Jermaine Allen, Tyler Lawson, Tiffany Harris,
Josh Crockett, Lydia Farmer, Quincey Stephens, Kelly Etheridge, Ernest Hudgens,
Laßon Davis, Wendy Tarpley, Randy Whiddon, Tannica Hawkins, Morris Clarington
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Of Georgia
Senate Resolution No. 203
Resolution Act No. 119
Georgia Laws 1994, p. 2025
■( )YES Shal the Constitution
be amended so as
to authorize counties
() NO and cities to con
tract with neighbor
ing counties and
cities concerning
regional facilities
and the sharing of
support of and ben
efits from such
regional facilities?"
This proposal authorizes
cities and counties to contract
with each other for the devel
opment, operation, and man
agement of certain regional
facilities that are publicly or
privately initiated and to allo
cate ad valorem tax proceeds
and revenues and share
expenses among the con
tracting local governments.
The proposal defines ‘region
al facilities" to mean industrial
parks, business parks, con
ference centers, convention
centers, airports, athletic
facilities, recreation facilities,
jails or correctional facilities,
or other similar or related
economic development
parks, centers, or facilities or
any combination thereof. The
contracting local govern
ments must be located in the
same or contiguous counties
and shall be subject to any
conditions, limitations, or
restrictions imposed by gen
eral law. Unless otherwise
provided by law, such a
regional facility will qualify for
the largest income tax credit
provided by law for any of the
local governments which are
parties to the contract regard
less of the county in which
the business is physically
A copy of this entire proposed
amendment is on file in the
office of the judge of the pro
bate court and is available for *
public inspection.
Senate Resolution No. 395
Resolution Act No. 114
Georgia Laws 1994, p. 2015
“( ) YES Shall the Constitution
be amended so as
to provide that the
() NO General Assembly
may by general law
approved by two
thirds of of the
, members thereof
provide for manda
tory service of sen
tences for persons
convicted of armed
robbery, kidnapping,
rape, aggravated
child molestation,
aggravated sodomy,
or aggravated sexu
al battery and,
when so provided
by such Act, the
State Board of
Pardons and
Paroles shall not
have the authority
to consider such
persons for pardon,
parole, or commuta
tion during that por
tion of the sen
tence: to provide
that the General
Assembly in the
same manner may
provide for the
imposition of sen
tences of life with
out parole for per
sons convicted of
murder and for per
sons who have
been previously
convicted of mur
der, armed robbery,
kidnapping, rape,
aggravated child
molestation, aggra
vated sodomy, or
aggravated sexual
battery and who
subsequently com
mit and are convict
ed of one of such
offenses and to pro
hibit such board
from granting a par
don, parole, or com
mutation in such
cases; to provide
for the ratification
and approval of pre
viously enacted
laws providing for
limitations on sus
pension, probation,
or parole in certain
cases; and to pro
vide exceptions with
respect to a person
convicted of a crime
who is subsequent
ly determined to be
innocent of said
crime or is deter
mined to be med
ically incapacitated
and to provide an
exception with
respect to certain
elderly persons?"
This proposal authorizes the
General Assembly by general
Legal Notice
law approved by two-thirds of
the members elected to each
house to provide for minimum
mandatory sentences, for
sentences which are required
to be served in their entirety,
and for the imposition of sen
tences of life without parole
for persons convicted of cer
tain crimes and offenses and
provides that the State Board
of Pardons and Paroles shall
not have the authority to con
sider such persons for par
don, parole, or commutation.
The proposal ratifies any pre
viously enacted laws provid
ing for life without parole or
for mandatory service of sen
tences without suspension,
probation, or parole, provided
that such laws shall be sub
ject to amendment or repeal
by general law. The State
Board of Pardons and
Paroles is authorized to issue
a medical reprieve to an
entirely incapacitated person
suffering a progressively
debilitating terminal illness or
to parole any person who is
age 62 or older.
A copy of this entire proposed
amendment is on file in the
office of the judge of the pro
bate court and is available for
public inspection.
House Resolution No. 943
Resolution Act No. 117
Georgia Laws 1994, p. 2022
‘( ) YES Shall the Constitution
be amended so as
to provide that the
General Assembly
( )NO shall have the power
by general law to
authorize contracts
or agreements
among health care
providers and oth
ers for the provision
of health care ser
vices which may
have the effect of
lessening competi
tion if the benefits
and advantages to
the public of such
contracts or agree
ments outweigh the
This proposal grants the
General Assembly the power
to authorize contracts and
agreements among health
care providers and other per
sons for the provision of
health care services which
may lessen competition. The
proposal authorizes an
exception to the general con
stitutional prohibition against
legislation authorizing con
tracts which have the effect of
defeating or lessening com
petition or encouraging a
monopoly; such contracts are
illegal and void. The exercise
of this power is conditioned
on the benefits to the public
of such contracts or agree
ments outweighing the disad
vantages of lessened compe
tition according to criteria to
be established by the
General Assembly Any such
law shall provide for the con
tinuous monitoring of health
care contracts or agreements
to ensure that the benefits
and advantages to the public
continue to outweigh disad
vantages due to lessened
A copy of this entire proposed
amendment is on file in the
office of the judge of the pro
bate court and is available for
public inspection.
House Resolution No. 712
Resolution Act No. 116
Georgia Laws 1994, p. 2020
"( ) YES Shall the Constitution
be amended so as to
authorize the General
,) NO Assembly, upon a
two-thirds’ majority
vote of each house,
to enact general
legislation naming
the political subdivi
sion, judicial circuit,
and existing courts
affected and provid
ing for, as pilot pro
jects of limited dura
tion, nonuniformity
of jurisdiction, pow
ers, rules of prac
tice and procedure,
and selection, quali
fications, terms, and
discipline of judges
within classes of
courts and granting
certain equitable
powers to such pilot
program courts, as
long as such legis
lation does not deny
equal protection of
the laws to any per
This proposal authorizes the
General Assembly by general
law approved by two-thirds of
the members elected to each
house to create for a limited
duration pilot courts which
are not uniform within their
class as to jurisdiction, power.
and procedure and judicial
composition for the purpose
of testing alternate court
organization, operation, and
rules of practice and proce
dure. The constitutional guar
antee of equal protection is
not waived and thus limits the
variations permitted.
Legislation shall name the
political subdivision, judicial
circuit, and existing courts
affected and may grant cer
tain equitable powers to such
pilot courts. The proposal
requires the General
Assembly to enact a proce
dure for submitting proposed
legislation relating to such
pilot programs to the Judicial
Council of Georgia or its suc
cessor for review.
A copy of this entire proposed
amendment is on file in the
office of the judge of the pro
bate court and is available for
public inspection.
Senate Resolution No. 107
Resolution Act No. 118
Georgia Laws 1994, p. 2024
’( ) YES Shall the Constitution
be amended so as
to provide that the
holding of raffles by
() NO nonprofit organizations
shall be lawful under
the Constitution but
may be restricted, reg
ulated, or prohibited by
This proposal provides that on
and after January 1, 1995, the
holding of raffles by nonprofit
organizations shall be lawful and
shall not be prohibited by any law
enacted prior to January 1,1994.
On or after January 1, 1994, the
General Assembly is authorized
to enact laws restricting, regulat
ing, or prohbiting the operation of
such raffles.
Article I, Section 11, Paragraph VIII
currently prohibits all forms of
pari-mutuel betting and casino
gambling and al lotteries and the
sale of lottery tickets except as
specifically authorized by the
Constitution. The Constitution and
state law presently permit the lot
tery operated by the state, bingo
games operated by nonprofit tax
exempt organizations, and recre
ational bingo.
A copy of this entire proposed
amendment is on ie In the office
of the judge of the probate court
and is available for public inspec
House Resolution No. 709
Resolution Act No. 115
Georgia Laws 1994, p. 2018
“( ) YES Shall the Constitution
of the State of
Georgia be amend
ed so that alcoholic
() NO beverages and activi
ties involving nudity
and alcoholic bever
ages, such as in nude
dance dubs, may be
regulated, restricted, or
prohibited by counties
and municipalities and
so that the state shall
have full and complete
authority to regulate
alcoholic beverages
under the powers
granted by the
Twenty-First Amend
ment to the United
States Constitution?”
This proposal asserts for the
State of Georgia the complete
authority to regulate alcoholic
beverages in any manner permit
ted under the Twenty-First
Amendment to the United
States Constitution. The pro
posal delegates this regulato
ry authority to the counties
and municipalities of the state
to be exercised by the adop
tion and enforcement of regu
latory ordinances for the pur
pose of regulating, restricting,
or prohibiting the exhibition of
nudity, partial nudity, or depic
tions of nudity in connection
with the sale or consumption
of alcoholic beverages. The
proposal also authorizes the
General Assembly to exer
cise similar regulatory author
ity by general law and pro
vides that any general law
enacted shall control over
conflicting provisions of a
local ordinance but shall not
preempt local ordinance pro
visions not in direct conflict
with general law.
A copy of this entire proposed
amendment is on file in the
office of the judge of the pro
bate court and Is available for
public inspection.
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