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Overall seta in infant
boys’ or girls' sizes 12-24
mos. or tot boys’ 2-4.
Reg. 12.99-14.99 set
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“Lit Traveler” baby
carrier with adjustable
handle for rocking or
carrying your little one.
Baby gate has smooth,
nontoxic finish; provides
portable protection for
children. Reg. 10.99
la 8 Ip BBS m«j| B B
111 I I .1 -I [*r
Use our
lay a way!
infants* or
tots' Jpg sots
Adorable wles featurioHj
character prints,
Infants’ 12-24 mos or tot»|
2-4. Reg. 0,99-10.9© Set j
<p ffl ÜBp.
t .;-»? „ ,-.. ■;., -” • -■■'■ l -*?••» V, .Sfc!.«! «s,j!ilMW,« MMW
Tf.&iftdM 1030-6/SBD
30% off
Infants’, tots’ pants
sets in popular styles.
Reg. 9.99-19.99, Sale
6.99-13.08 Infants' 12-24 mos.
or tots’ 2-4 Styles may vary
Baby warmer blanket
Plaid acrylic blanket with
snaps helps keep baby
warm and secure.
■ bl* £*2 a t/Sfe?"
'* ' ''
99 c
Decorated bottles
With silicone nipple;
can be sterilized. Dish
washer safe. Reg. 1.28
S S9
U&nny Lind baby crib
Maple-finish crib with single-drop side
and teething rails on two sides.
25% Off “Dreams” Bedding, Bale 8.24-14.24
'Reduction la off our r©g. prices
a "S-s*-.
■k. /■ wi six it J: h
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Infants’, tots’ pants i
Boys’, girls’ styles in I
infants’ 12-24 mos. or i
tots’ 2-4. Reg. 3.50 A
/' 'HB
Century 3000 car
seat has 6-position
growth harness, 2-seat
ing/recline positions.
3-pack crib blankets
Keep your baby warm!
Made of 100% polyester.
40x45" size. Reg. 5.99
it 1
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Ira sß|m .
MP§?Prw5Sr iVr
30% off
Boy9’ or g/rfs' stvaafers
Choose from great-looking styles including crew-neck or cardigan
styles for boys or pullover styles for girls. Available In boys'
4-7, S-L*; girls' 4-14. Reg. 5.99-19.99, Sale 4.10-13.00
Stytaa may vary by «an fit aurm S-18
' 1 B
Girls' knit pant a
Ribbed or interlock-knit
styles. 4-6 X. Reg. $5
7-14, Reg. am, Sale MB
Colors may very by store
r ■
30% off
O Iris’ bodysuits
Long or short-sleeved
styles. Reg. 8.99-11.99,
Sa/e 6.29-0.39
Sizes 4-14 Styles may vary by store
I ‘-3k* "n.-r. M j
Infanta', girls' aocka
6 prs. bobby socks.
Infants’ 0-18 mos; girls’
4-6)6, 7-11. Reg. 4.44-5.99
c m il
-• Tj'
30% off
Olris' selact fashion
Jeans 5-pocket, relaxed
fit styles. Reg. 9.99-19.99,
Sa/e 0.99-13.00 Ea.
Sizes 4-14
25% Off
LCD quart* watchas
With fun Disney 9 char
acters! Reg. 1.99-12.99,
Sa/e 1.40-8.74
® Walt Disney Productions
Jr. Boys'
29 OSm Boys’ 8-18
mSW Olrla’ 4-14
Boys 9 or
girls 9 fashion
flaoca sots
Fun-to-wear styles feature
screen-print tops with
coordinating pull-on pants.
Made of 100% acrylic
in many great colors.
Boys’ sizes S-L*, Jr.
boys' 4-7 or girls’ 4-14.
Reg. 9.99-13.99 Set
Btyle* may vary by ttore *Ftt 9teaa 8-14
Olrls’ sweater/
skirt sets or
dresses in 4-14.
Reg. 8.99-25.99,
Sale 6.30-3.19
IP* ~ k W
•"*%«> ]
J j ’ jfl
O Reg. 9 99
Jr. boys' tops
Rugby styles In 4-7.
Soya’ Tope », Reg. 0.00-
10.00, Sale *7- SlO
*B-L, fit* 8-18
flgragaßpgfi; ’ ‘
Jr. boys’, boys' Joans
Soft-washed 100% cotton
denim Reg. 7.88-8.88 Ea.
Boy*'B-18 r*o., 8-14 slim
Jr. boy*' 4-7 reg/sllm