Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, November 9,1994, Houston Times-Journal
Page 2A
Ellen Jane Blackwell
Ellen Jane Blackwell passed
away on Sunday, Oct. 29, 1994 at
her residence in Fremont, Ohio.
Miss Blackwell was bom in
Homer, Ga., Banks County and was
the daughter of A.C. and Eliza
Blackwell. She moved with her
family to Perry in 1914. She
graduated from Perry High School
and was a member of First Baptist
Church in Perry. She moved to
Fremont, Ohio in 1942 and was a
homemaker. Survivors: one
sister, Mae Blackwell Ziegler and
brother-in-law, John Ziegler; four
nieces and three nephews, all of
Fremont, Ohio; stepmother, Mrs.
Janette B. Dickey of Perry; two
sister-in-laws, l.ettie Mclntosh of
Floral City, Fla., and Mrs. Marie
Blackwell of Pensacola, Fla.
Services: Funeral services
were held on Tuesday, Nov. 1,
1994 in Old Fort, Ohio. Burial
took place in the Old Fort
William Joseph Boone
William Joseph "Billy" Boone,
70. of 1425 Nancelon, died
Monday, Nov. 7, 1994 in a Macon
hospital. Born in Dooly County,
he was the son of the late William
J. and Floride Conner Boone. He
was a Navy veteran who served in
World War II He was a graduate of
the University of Georgia and a
member of Perry United Methodist
Church and the Men's Bible Class.
He was a branch chief of
procurement, retired from Robins
Air Force Base. Survivors:
wife, Frances Irby Boone of Perry ,
children, Joe Boone of Perry and
l isa Bixme of Winterville.
Services: Will be held
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1994 in the
Evergreen Cemetery at 11 a m Dr.
Marcus Tripp will officiate.
Contributions may be made to
Southeastern Kidney Council, I -ike
Plaza East 900, Ridgefield Suite
150. Raleigh, N.C. 27609.
Watson-Hunt Funeral Home in
Perry has charge o! arrangements.
R. Harry Dumas
Club honors members who died
Society Editor
As is its custom, the Perry Ki
wants Club memorializes those
members lost through death during
the past year
Marion Brown, club member
was laid to rest in Kvergreeen
Cemetery on April 21. HW4.
On Tuesday, Nov 1, 1044, Dr
John O. Yarbrough, pastor of First
Baptist Church, and also a club
member, presented the memorial
service for Marion Brown
Judge George Nunn, Brown's
nephew, spoke lovingly o* his un
cle’s sense of humor, his big heart,
organizational ability, his caring
love for people, and the interests in
Perry to which he devoted his time
and talents; namely. Perry United
Methodist Church, Perry Savings
and Loan (now Georgia Federal),
Perry Country Club. Kiwanis Club
and its Inter-Club; and he filled a
void in die Nunn household when
his sister. Coralie. lost her hus
band, Francis Nunn.
Dr. Yarbrough gave a revelation
that every society has some con
cept of life alter death.. He noted
that the present time is preparation
time for the life to cotne - for the
main event. We are prep;tring for
l ro M^ G
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Death notices
Dumas, 75, of Warner Robins, died
Friday, Nov. 4, 1994 in a Macon
hospital. A native of Upson
County, Mr. Dumas had resided in
Houston County since 1937. He
was a member of The Perry United
Methodist Church where he was a
member of The Men's Bible Class.
He was a member, and past
president, of the Houston County
Farm Bureau and member and past
president of the Agricultural
Stabilization and Conservation
services and of the Sacred Harp
Singing Association. Survivors:
wife, Mildred Dumas of Warner
Services: Were held Sunday,
Nov. 6, 1994 in the Perry United
Methodist Church at 2 p.m. Dr.
Marcus Tripp officiated. Burial
took place in the Centerville
Cemetery. Watson-Hunt Funeral
Home in Perry had charge of
arrangements. Contributions may
be sent to the Men's Bible Class,
Perry United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 73, Perry 31069 or the
American Heart Association, Bibb
County Unit, 2625 Pierce Place
0.0. Box 2065, Macon 31204.
William Hudson
William Hudson, of 2142 Kings
Chapel Rd.. died Friday, Nov. 4.
1994 at his residence. He was the
son of die late Nelson Hudson Jr.
He was educated m Houston
County schools. Survivors:
mother, Adel Hudson of Perry;
sisters and brothers, Vemice Evans
and Catherine Crump, both of
Windsor, Conn , Betty Roberson of
Bloom field. Conn.. Evelyn Hudson
and Rose Mitchell, both of Atlanta.
Darlene Simons of Perry, Nelson
Hudson 111 and David Hudson, both
of Macon, and Kenneth Hudson of
Washington, D C
Services: Will be held
Thursday. Nov. 10. 1994 in the
Kings Chapel CME Church at 2
p.m. Burial will take place in the
Oakgrove Church Cemetery The
Rev. Willie Barber will officiate
The body will be placed in the
church an hour before services
Richardson Funeral Home in Perry
has charge of arrangements
eternity - a time whet; can rest
from our labors Our works tol
low idler us ;utd we leave a legacy
behind "May those who come be
hind us find us liuthtul "
President Mike Drake noted that
over 82,000 people filled the Dome
lor a Billy Graham service hist
week - the most ever in the (he his
tory ot the Dome. He announced
that the Georgia Baptist Conven
tion will be held Nov 15. and Dr
Yarbrough is a candidate lor its
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A Hi fete's
- IQgm root,
Festival a big hit with all
who attented Elko Days
Society Editor
On Nov. 5, 1994 the historic
South Houston County town of
Elko celebrated its second annual
Attractions included community
craft and yard sales with treasures
from yesterday and artwork and pho
tographs by Elko’s resident artists,
which began at 7 to accom
modate early bird bargain hunters.
At 10 a.m„ city, county and
state leaders officiated at the open
ing ceremony and welcomed visi
tors. Keeping in the spirit of the
old time town festival, local resi
dents from Houston County pro
vided fun and entertainment every
hour to suit people of all ages.
Delicious food was provided by
“All God’s Children’’ (Houston
County church fund-raising groups)
and the Perry Rotary Club. Visi
tors heard country music band
“Georgia Rhythm”, toured Elko’s
unique carriage shop and enjoyed
carriage rides w ith the proceeds ben
elitting the D A R E. Program.
Families enjoyed the prog nuns
for children, including McGruff the
Crime Dog, the Fire Pup. and a
Fire Safety Theater. The Georgia
Forestry Commission featured
Smokey the Bear Rainbow House
Poppy week honors America's
veterans who fought in all wars
Poppy Week is a tut Kin -wide ef
fort to remember those who have
given their lives for our Country
Poppies, made of red paper, are
distributed each year by the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary as a memorial
to all veterans Donations arc ac
This practice was begun in I'MB
by Moina Michael as she was re
turning to her home in Athens.
Ga . from Naples. Italy
She had seen the red poppy
flowers blooming in the fields of
France row after row where service
men had lost their lives to help
have peace in all nations
■, Today, these poppies are made
by our disabled verterans American
Legion Ladies of local unit 24 will
be standing throughout areas in
Perry , with these poppies Please
accept one for a donation which
will he returned to the veterans lor
rehabilitation and their welfare
Your donations will help give a
"ray of sunshine” to our disabled
veterans here in Georgia areas
SPORTS . . .
Children’s Resource Center pre
sented a puppet performance and an
educational btxith display.
Animal lovers visited a petting
zoo provided by the Future Farmers
of America and learned about pet
adoption and responsibility from
the Animal Rescue Kennel.
Representing law enforcement,
the Houston County SWAT Team
performed a hostage rescue drama
and the Georgia State Patrol pre
sented a bike safety program. Other
groups participating in the festival
were a karate team demonstration,
Henderson-Elko Volunteer Fire De
partment. The Heart of Georgia
Corvair Club, Georgia Department
of Human Resources RSH Project,
D A R E. Drug Prevention Pro
gram, “Georgia Future” Clean
Community System and Georgia
Operation Eilesaver/ hichwav-rail
grade crossing safety.
The annual Elko festival gave a
rare opportunity to enjoy an old
time small town celebration at one
of Houston County’s oldest and
most unique locations. History,
fun and community involvement
made this a very special day Ap
proximately 2.000 ; ample enjoyed
this second annual Elko Festival in
near-perfect weather.
“Wear a poppy as a memorial to
our war dead and help the living to
help themselves".
As the poopulalion in veterans
hospjt;ils is grow ing, so grow their
rhis examination normally costs $35.00 or more. It will include an orthopedic test, a neurological
test, a blood pressure test, a spinal alignment check, an examination for restricted or excessive motior
of the spine, a muscle strength test, and a private consultation to discuss the results. Any further
treatment shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties.
1304 Macon Road • Perry. Georgia • 987-7555
For Your Health
Come and learn to cook new healthy and quick
holiday dishes. Cooking demonstrations
with samples and recipes, and ideas for
holiday gift giving.
Date: Thursday, November 10
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Location: Westfield Schools Cafeteria
Highway 41 South
Cost: $5 (Pre-registration required.)
Learn how to recognize a heart attack and how
to perform American Heart Association CPR
and the choking maneuver.
Date: Saturday, November 19
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Perry Hospital Dining Room
Cost: S2O (Pre-registration required.)
Learn how to respond in emergency situations.
All participants will receive a 240-page First
Aid and Safety Book and certification through
the American Red Cross.
Date: Tuesday, November 29
Time: 3:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Location: Ag Building (733 Carroll Street, Perry)
Cost: $35 (Pre-registration required.)
A series of four classes for the expectant MOM
on the changes and challenges of pregnancy.
Participants will receive an infant car seat
upon attending all four classes.
Dates: Every Tuesday
Time: 9:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m.
Location: Perry Hospital Dining Room
Instructor: Kay Hartley, R.N.C.
(Pre-registration required.) f
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You may have one of these 12
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A comprehensive course designed to
update drivers age 50 and over on the
knowledge and skills of driving. Upon
course completion, participants are
eligible for a 10 percent discount on auto
Dates: Thursday and Friday, December 1 & 2
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Perry Hospital Dining Room
Cost: $8 (Pre-registration is required.)
Celebrate healthy hearts during Heart Fest
while shopping for groceries. We'll
supply you with free coupons, recipes and
samples of Heart Healthy cooking.
Date: Monday, November 21
Time: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location ; Kroger - Perry
Cost: Free
Date: Thursday, November 17
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Perry Hospital Dining Room
Cost: Free
Date: Tuesday, November 29
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Perry Hospital Dining Room
Cost: Free
987-3600 EXTENSION 405.