Houston times-journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1994-1999, November 16, 1994, Page PAGE 3B, Image 11
Church news Perry United Methodist Coming activities at Perry United Methodist Church include: Sun., Nov. 20 - Prepare Thanksgiving baskets Tues., Nov. 22 - Deliver bas kets. Sun., Nov. 27 - Angel Tree up in Cross Way. Decorate back porch and poinsettia sale begins. Thurs., Dec. 1 - Youth Council meets at 6 p.m. On Sun., Dec. 1, the church will be hosting the Indian Children’s Choir. Sun.., Dec. 11 - Poinsettias placed in sanctuary. Sun. Evening, Dec. 18 - Youth Choir Christmas Music. Mon. & Tues., Dec. 19 & 20 - Youth Dinner Theater, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”. Dec. 30 - Jan 2 - Senior high ski trip to Snowshoe, WV. A few seats remain for the trip to Callaway Gardens on Dec. 3. Cost is S3O and can be paid in the church office anytime prior to the trip. Crossroads Methodist The Vision 2000 leadership team has requested that Sunday, Nov. 20 bee set aside as "Vision Sunday." Plan to be in church on that Sunday to hear the committee share the vision that has come through the months and months of their planning, and participate in this meaningful service. * * * The Crossroads United Methodist Church will hold their annual Cajun Barbecue on Saturday, Dec. 3. Tickets will be on sale from members. * * * The Crossroads United Methodist Church is milking plans for Singles at Crossroads The church will hold its first singles meeting over lunch. Nov. 29. Houston Lake Baptist On Sunday, Nov. 13. Houston I .ake Baptist Church observed a day of prayer for Robins Air Force Base. t. The clergy and laity of Central Georgia joined the 21st Century Partnership in calling for this Educators meet On Saturday, Sept. 10, 1994 the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, an international organization of women educators, met at the New Perry Hotel. Approximately 60 members attended. Members attending from Perry were: Emily Heath, Lynn Asbury, Billie Mostelltr, Irene Tuggle, Kathy Shelton, Sue Lott, Kathy James, Susan Pierce, Faye Doane, Brenda Bullard, Cathy Bell, Addis Colvin, Linda Loewen, Margaret Talton and Frances Worrall. The community service project for the month of September involved helping area Head Start programs. Members were asked to contribute school supplies that might be used in these classrooms. Many useful materials were collected. A memorial service was held in honor of Miss Frances Couey. Miss Couey dedicated 40 years of her life to educating children. Flea Market, Homemade Crafts, Pecans, and Food Andrew United Methodist Church, 2418 Hwy. 127, Sat. 19, Nov., 8 AM to 3 P.M. CLASS RINQSJH A/nder the Tree Jlpp o< iguggi |Psl79 " in Solid 10K QoId! Jones Jewelers 904 Carroll St. Perry, Georgia 31069 Limitations Apply. So* Jtwoler for Ootoilsl Order Before Dor. 3rd to Racoivo by rL ~r r ill i • special day of prayer. The church encourages every church in Central Georgia to desig nate an appropriate time in their main worship service to make men tion of this event and to have these prayer requests, and others you might have, available so that peo ple in your church can use them in prayer during the week. Prayer needs for the base: 1. Thank God for the privilege to be an American citizen. 2. Thank God for Robins Air Force Base, its contribution to our national security and pray that lit remains open and active 3. Pray for our government; na tional state and local, that they will seek spiritual guidance lin their de cision making. 4. That all Middle Georgians will make a new commitment to God and His leadership. 5. That we will all stand against the evil of our nation. 6. That we remember that the freedoms we enjoy carry responsi bility. 7. Thank God for the great eco nomic opportunities we enjoy in Middle Georgia. 8. Pray for the victims of the July, 1994 flood. 9. Pray for divine intervention in nations that are economically, po litically and spiritually depressed. 10. Pray for our military now stationed in other places throughout the world. 11. Pray for a stronger commit ment to family and family values. First Baptist Upcoming events at First Bap tist Church include: On Thursday, Nov. 17, Youth Prayer Breakfast will be held at Chick-Fil-A at 7 a.m. On Fri., Nov. 18, Youth Prayer Breakfast will be held at Perry High. On Sat., Nov 19, Brotherhood Breakfast will be held at 9 a.m. Thanksgiving Praise Service, will include dessert and prayer, Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 6 p.m. A Visit from Lottie Moon, a dramatic presentation by Freddie Neel will be given on Sunday, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. Pprry Presbyterian The deacons of Perry Presbyte rian Church are offering the sale of two used pianos in the church for SIOO.OO each. The moving of the piaho would be your responsibility. Call the church office (987- 1403/1495) this week if interested. BSR Enterprises • Janitorial • Transportation • Bed, Bath and Breakfast • Experienced Sitter Service Available 929-4211 24 Hours A Day / 7 Days Mrs. Housewife... If you are paying more than $84.90 + tax per 100 gals, of gas, you are paying too much. Call 1-800-841-5879 Star Gas - Vienna, GA A MORE BEAUTIFUL FUTURE CAN BE YOURS! F Hw * ;■ J. The Sunday afternoon reception at Autumn Terrace was a lovely affair, attended by family members and friends of the residents. Family groups visited in the great room and dining area where delicious refresh ments were served. The Barfield family group is shown above: Jane Barfield, Edgar Barfield and Gladwyn Sproull Barfield, all of Perry. Cheeks serve as delegates during national FFA alumni convention Norma and Earl Cheek served as official state delegates at the 23rd National FFA Alumni Convention on November 9 in Kansas City. The FFA Alumni convention was held in conjunction with the 67th National FFA Convention in Kansas City. The national FFA convention was attended by more than 32,000 FFA and FFA Alumni members. FFA Alumni delegates, representing 41 states, were present to conduct the business of the 39,000-member FFA Alumni Association. The delegates also attended workshops and the FFA Greater Union Baptist to hold gospel festival The Music Department of the Greater Union Baptist Church will celebrate their Annual Gospel Fesl on Sunday, Nov. 20, 1994 at 5 p.m. This event will be held at the Greater Union Baptist Church located at 1006 Marion Street, Perry. Permanent No Needle Method Electrolysis for Men and Women By Appointment Only FREE CONSULTATIONS Exclusively offered at Eden's EXectroCusis NOW AT NEW LOCATION! 2038 Watson Blvd. » Warner Robins, GA (Between PoFolks & Ken's Stereo Junction) (91 2) 923-0930 Look for our new sign 1247-C Watson Blvd. Warner Robins, GA (Next to Title Pawns) 922-1999 Autumn Terrace Holds Reception Alumni awards luncheon and banquet. An auction was conducted to raise money for FFA scholarships. James Knight was the FFA Alumni convention keynote speaker. The FFA Alumni Association is dedicated to assisting the FFA, promoting a greater knowledge of the agricultural industry, and supporting agricultural education. FFA is a national organization of 428,109 members. There tire 7,257 local chapters located throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. Office Space For Rent Ideal Downtown Location, Across from Courthouse Can Rent One or More Offices Call 987-1823 Hr .. .Tt’ .vHHB &Slil I , HR Jim H’ : Wednesday, November 16,1994, Houston Times -Journal Accept No Substitutes Fight Fat and Win! Activate your ability to burn calories without additional exercise and radical diet changes. Thermogenics Plus is the only clinically tested thermogenic product that provides significant adrenal support, a requirement to Sromote optimum health for lese important glands. Major research nas been conducted at Harvard Medical School. A U.S. Patent has been issued. Christmas Cree Sale Crossroads United TOetbodist TOen's Club Sold at 1600 flSaln Street Crossroads United ?Detl>odist Cburcf) Sale Starts: November 25,1994 TDonday tt)ru Saturday 9 a.m. til 8 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m. til 5 p.m. Tree Varieties: Fraser Fir Leyland Cypress Virginia Pine n Flu Season Is Coming! Get your Flu Shot now. $5.00 No Charge to Medicaid and Medicare Spurgeon Green, Jr., M.DJ 4 013 Perry, Ga 31069 (912) 987-5080 Fax (912) 987-5426 t • \ ■ Term limits for all members of Congress ■ Truth in sentencing to keep criminals and dmg dealers off our streets ■ Workfare - not welfare ■ Protect gun ownership rights ■ Family and middle class tax cuts ■ Protect our vital agriculture and defense jobs The choice is Chambliss on November 8! Bth Congressional District 107 E. Central Avenue • Moultrie. Georgia 31768 • (912) 890-1994 • fax (912) 985-6869 3113 Vineville Avetnue • Macon, Georgia 31204 • (912) 750-1994 • lax (912) 750-1101 Paid lo< by Chambku lot Congress Three Capsules a Day Bums the Fat Away! Subscribe Today Call 987-1823 MEDICAL CENTER URGENT CARE §jj£ oil Thank You SAXBY CHAMBLISS U.S. CONGRESS "tmiwfwiuiw VQociuwuctxfNT: Meets A.P.R.L. Certification Standard Satisfaction Guaranteed! Life Tree Main St. Plaza Perry,Ga. 987-8070 (Aracely Walker Physicians Asst. Giving Flu Shot) PAGE 3B