Newspaper Page Text
Houston Times -Journal
“ Perry, Ga.
this week
Volume 125-No. 79-24
get a call!
Subscription drive
is in final days
During the last few weeks a
team of telephone sales people
have been calling local homes
seeking subscriptions on be
half of the paper. The calls are
in conjunction with a subscrip
tion drive the Times-Joumal is
During the drive, the paper
has been offering new and re
newal subscriptions at our
regular price, with part of the
money going to the local Scout
ing effort and to help fund
Perry's Senior Citizens' Cen
The drive is nearing an end,
and we encourage all readers
who are considering subscrib
ing to the paper to do so now .
That way part of the subscrip
tion money will go to a worthy
If our operators fail to call,
you may take advantage of our
offer be calling 987-1823.
j In Sympathy
The community's sympathy
is extended to the families of
those who recently died. They
include: Marvin E. Arrington Sr.,
Americas; Mary Elizabeth
Schultz Layman, Unadilla;
Walter Renner, Milledgeville.
See details page 2A.
\ " Sports
Hornets' hopes dashed
Westfield Hornets saw their
dreams of competing in a state
championship game die last
weekend as they took a 30-3
beating from the Tattnall Tro
jans. See the story on Page
■ ■ -
Home shopping...
Big-time tv sales channel QVC
announced the winners of its
Georgia product search this
week. Fora look at the winners
and their products, see story
on PageSA.
Perry author
Perry native Lida Elizabeth
Lafferty visited the area during
the Thanksgiving holiday pe
riod and donated a copy of her
recently published children's
book to the local library. See
the details on Page 2A.
Remember When...
Turn back the pages of the
Houston Home Journal with
Pauline Lewis and live the his
tory of Perry. See Page 4A.
Don't forget!
The Perry Kiwanis Club will
hold its semi-annual Pancake
Breakfast in conjunction with
the Christmas at the Cross
roads Festival Saturday morn
ing, Dec. 3. Plates cost $3 and
will be served from 6:30-10:30.
The breakfast will be held at
the Perry Agricultural Exten
sion Building on Carroll Street.
nas activities
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Artwork honors 'Fessor Staples
The unveiling of artist Pete Henderson's painting of '"Fessor Staples and His Boys"
was held at the Holiday Inn in Perry Friday, Nov. 25. Pictured are Representative
Larry Walker, left, Sherry Staples Hubbard, Porter Staples and Tom "Boot" Hunt and
Henderson. The painting will be placed in the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame in Macon.
Legislators will speak at forum
News Editor
Two legislative leaders will be in
Perry Monday, Dec. 12 to discuss
federal and state issues in the 1995
legislative session and to answer
questions from area citizens.
Congressman John Lewis and Ge
orgia Department of Natural Re
sources Commissioner im D. Tan
ner will speak at a Pre-Legislative
Forum to be held at the Perry Agri
center. The forum is sponsored by
the Georgia Chamber of Commerce
and will be hosted by the Perry
Area Chamber of Commerce. The
forum begins at noon and lunch
will be provided. The cost to attend
is $12.50 per person and reserva
tions can be made by calling the
Perry chamber at 987-1234.
"It is an honor for us to be able to
host this forum There will only be
14 such forums held in the state
this year and I can't remember the
last time Perry was asked to host
one of them. Also, it could be five
years or more before we’re asked to
host one again." Perry Area Cham
ber of Commerce President Peggie
Williams said this week. Williams
urges the public to attend the fo
Commissioner Tanner is a native
Georgian, raised in the Emanuel
County community o Twin City.
He attended the University of Geor
gia. where he majored in Business
Administration. He also attended
Georgia Tech.
He was Commissioner of the
DNR from its creation in 1972 un
til May 1984 when he was ap
pointed Commissioner of Labor by
Gov. Joe Frank Harris. He returned
to the DNR as Commissioner in
Dec. 1990 at the request of Gov.
Zell Miller.
Congressman Lewis was first
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Members of the Perry High School Air Force Junior ROTC Drill Team and the
trophies they won at a recent meet in Clayton County.
Official Legal Organ for Houston County, City of Perry and the State of Georgia
Local sports scene
Congressman John Lewis
elected in 1986 to represent Geor
gia's Fifth Congressional District.
He developed a commitment to
the Civil Rights Movement at an
early age and by 1963 was recog
nized as one of the "Big Six" lead
ers of the movement. Lewis’ first
electoral success came in 1981
when he was elected to the Atlanta
City Council.
In Congress, Lewis is a member
of the House Ways and Means
Perry Players announce
audition dates for play
The Perry Players will be holding auditions for "The Sound
of Music" on Saturday, December 10 at 10 a.nm. for youth and
teens, on Sunday, Dec. 11 at 2 p.m. and Monday Dec. 12 at 7
p.m. for adults. The auditions will be held at 909 Main Street
in Perry at the Players' community theatre..
The show dates are February 22-March 5. For more
information call 987-5354 or 922-5097.
Loss ends Hornet season
Full local sports coverage appears on — 6-7A
If Cw
Commissioner Joe D. Tanner
Committee and the Committee on
the District of Columbia. He serves
as Chief Deputy Majority Whip and
sits on the influential Steering and
Policy Committee. Lewis is a
member of the Congressional
Coalition on Soviet Jewry and the
Democratic Congressional Cam
paign Committee. He is co-chair
man of the Congressional Urban
gears up for
'95 festival
Special section outlines events
News Editor
It's "Christmas in Olde Perry" ami
die community will celebrate the
season this weekend ;uid the official
kick-off of the annual Christmas at
the Crossroads Festival begins.
Downtown Perry is the place to
be this weekend for good food, fel
lowship and lots of fun.
Take the family out early and en
joy a hearty Kiwanis Club pancake
breakfast before joining, or watch
ing, the runners and walkers begin
the annual SK.
Then, browse downtown, have the
kids' pictures taken with Santa and
find a good spot to watch the pa
rade. This year, RAFB General
William Ilallin will be the Grand
Marshall. If your didn't get your
Holidays can be a
happy time for all
News Editor
'Tis the season for giving and the
local community is being called
upon to ensure a Merry Christmas
for all.
Project Agape Love (P.A.L.)
needs help to provide 400-450 f ami
lies with food and toys this holiday
season according to P.A.L. team
member Alvalyn Pope.
"The people of south Houston
County have not let us down in the
past in our endeavors and we're hop
ing for the same outpouring of gen
erosity this year," Pope said.
The campaign is well underway
with contests in the schools, Wish
ing Trees in place at KMart,
Quincy's and Hildebrands and local
churches have initiated campaigns
to collect needed items.
Due to the limited number of vol
unteers working with the program,
items to contribute are limited to
non-perishable food items and toys.
Take a tag from one of the three
Wishing Trees in town to purchase
a gift for a particular child. The tag
will specify the child's age and gen
der. Once the toy is purchased,
place it under the tree, unwrapped,
and a P.A.L. volunteer will collect
the toy for distribution. Gifts are
needed for boys and girls from three
months to 12 years old.
Pope said contributions can also
be made through Kroger. A Kroger
employee will greet shoppers and
explain the P.A.L. program. For
each shopper that donates $3.50 to
P.A.L., Kroger will prepare a food
Local drill team wins
awards at Nov. meet
Seventeen members of the Perry
High School Air Force Junior
ROTC Drill Team traveled to
Clayton County on Saturday, Nov.
5, to compete in the Clayton
County Invitational Drill Meet. In
the end, the cadets captured five
trophies, including that of grand
Under the leadership of fourth year
cadet Cadet Major Jason Little, die
Perry team won first place in
regulation, drill and regulation
Cadet Major Lee Danielson
commanded the Armed Exhibition
team to a second place finish.
Cadet First Lieutenant Jennifer
Grubb commanded the girls color
guard team made up of Grubb, Cadet
TSgts Shanandra Findley, Gwen
Smith and Lakena Admits. There
Index to Features
Classified 12A Lewis 4A
Deaths 2A Loudt milk 4A
Phil Clark 6A Sports 6A
Legals 9A Police report 3A
Letters 4A Remember when4A
shopping done early, stay late—
merchants downtown will keep
longer hours throughout the month.
Sunday is the Community Can
dlelight Service. This is an oppor
tunity to share in the holiday spirit
and to give back to die community.
Besides the candle lighting cere
mony, there will be special speak
ers and a performance from the
Houston County Honor Choir.
Bring a canned food item to help
feed the less fortunate this holiday
There me many other activities
planned by local businesses and
churches to fill the tnondi with the
spirit of Christmas. Today's Hous
ton Times-Joumal features a special
section outlining each event.
Financial gifts are also needed.
Checks can be mailed to P.A.L.,
1600 Main St., Perry, GA 31069.
Another drop-off point for gifts
and food items is the load chamber
office on Washington Street.
For questions or to arrange for
pick-up of gifts or food contact
Pope at 987-0219, Aileen Hardeen
at 987-3434, Claudia Luckey at
987-4381 or the chamber at 987-
1234. All donations must be made
before December 17.
Chief R. Shellnut
suffers mild stroke
over the weekend
News Editor
The community has missed a fa
miliar face this week.
Assistant Police Chief Roy
Shellnut suffered a mild stroke this
weekend and, as of press time Tues
day, was still hospitalized.
"He’s a very dedicated, loyal, long
time employee of the city who is
well-respected. We hope he returns
soon," Mayor James E. Worrall
said this week.
Chief Shellnut joined the local
police department 34 years ago as
one of only three uniformed pa
trolmen. He was promoted to As
sistant Chief in 1965 under Chief
B E. Dennard. He and his wife.
Please see SHELLNUT, page 9A
were 17 teams in the competition
which was completed at
approximately 3:30 p.m.
LtCol (Ret) Don Netzinger the
Aerospace Science Instructor and
Drill Team Advisor at Perry High
said, “I am proud of their
accomplishment at this meet, but
dtey will have to work very hard to
continue winning at dtis rate.”
flic drill team practices alter school
four days a week.
The regulation, inspection and
drill teams were made up of David
Geisman, Lee Danielson, Gwen
Smith, Alex Lumpkin, Paul
Lorenzana, James Mann, Shawn
Coffee, Nick Thesasiri, Jason Little,
Jenny Grubb, Jonathan Holland,
Michael Huff, Ramona Studstill and
William Sheets.