Newspaper Page Text
Rawls a recent grad
of Ga. State University
Miranda Una Rawls, daughter of
Earl and Bernice Rawls of Fuller
Road, Hawkinsville, graduated
Sunday from Georgia State
University in Atlanta.
She graduated cum laude and
received a bachelor of science degree
in physical therapy.
A 1988 graduate of Perry High
School, Miss Rawls attended
Atlanta University before
transferring to Georgia State.
from 4B
Christmas Tree.
Saturday, Dec. 17, 7 p.m. - Living
Christmas Tree.
Sunday, Dec. 18, 3 p.m.
Matinee - Living Christmas Tree.
Sunday, Dec. 18, 7 p.m. - Living
Christmas Tree.
Monday,, Dec. 19, 6:30 p.m. -
AWANA will meet. (AWANA will
NOT meet on
Dec. 26 or Jan. 2, but will resume
at regularly scheduled time on Jan.
8 1995.) Call Roy Gentry, 988-
8441, if you have questions.
Thursday, Dec. 22, 5:30 p.m. -
Youth Caregivers Progressive
Supper. Meet at Church at 5:30
p.m.; return at 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 25 (Christmas
Day), 10 a.m. - Worship Service.
(Only service that will be held
Dr. Bailey Smith held a one-day
crusade at First Baptist Church on
Sunday, Dec. 11. He was President
of the Southern Baptist Convention
and the Oklahoma Baptist
Convention, simultaneously. Dr.
Smith is the only man in
Convention History to Baptize
2,000 people in a local church in
one year. As a pastor, he was
always a soul-winner and now as a
crusade evangelist, his heart
continues to burn for souls for
Christ. His one-day crusade at First
Baptist was very effective.
from 4B
shew great signs and wonders;
insomuch that, if it were possible,
they shall deceive the very elect.”
There are pages of scriptures wanting
us about the great storm coming.
The message is preptired, be ready,
hike shelter. Thank God, there is a
shelter. A safe one, but only one.
Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and
strength, a very refuge, and
underneath ;ire the everlasting arms."
Those of us who study our Bible, we
can say as Billy Grah;un in his txx>k
"Approaching Hoofbeats', we can
hear the sounds of the approaching
horses. The first winds of the great
storm have reached us. Our thought
for the week: It was not raining
when Noah built the ark.’
ABB §Bd©©s M®ib <& W©aao®[ra <& Domraa©^
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848 Tour Classic Irons 3-PW $189.00 Lady Cobra Irons Graphite 3-PW $675.00
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1448 Sam Nunn Blvd. Perry Hours M-F 9-8 • Sat. 9-7 • Sun. 12:30-6
- Manager * Jon Cason - Asst. Manager
Sandra Kopacz, m.d.
Helene Hubbard, pfiD, md
are pleased to announce the
addition of
Victoria Warner-White, m.d.
to tfie
Middle Georgia
Pediatric Associates
for the care and treatment of
Infants Children Adolescents
Ca a 987-8076
for appointments or emergency
Kathleen Medical Building Highway 247 Kathleen
If Jpß J|
V: S>. ..
FFA students beautify downtown area
Tim Lewis's FFA Horticulture
Class busied themselves Thursday,
Dec. 1, by setting out pansies in
the beds in downtown Perry. All of
us can enjoy the beauty of the
flowers throughout the coming
months when there is a scarcity of
blooming plants.
Those who worked on the project
were: Betsy Faircloth, Dawn Pettis,
Stephanie Andcl, Tenille
I' ial 3 " *# v 1
Kip* ;VP
MC in national program
Macon College student Dawn Karp of Perry visits the
college's National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness booth,
manned by Sgt. Anthony Hubbard of the Macon Police
Department's Crime Prevention Unit and Rick Dungey,
a prevention specialist at the college and coordinator
of its Students Taking a New Direction (STAND), a cam
pus-wide drug and alcohol abuse prevention program.
Macon College is the only Georgia school to receive an
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Program two-year
grant from the U.S. Department of Education's Fund for
the Improvement of Post Secondary Education. Karp,
who is studying computer science, is the recording
secretary for Chi Phi, Macon College's chapter of the
international student honors society, Phi Theta Kappa.
Weatherford, Crystal McClung,
Tralisha Branded, Parish Sorrow,
Amy Vallely. Also, Kim Brackett,
Jeff Wilson, Ty Jackson, .1. R.
Nipper, Jim Hawk and Dylan
Enfinger. Others helping were
Stanley James, Eric Sutton,
Roderick Barnes, Jessica Nolen,
Margaret Thompson, Brent Collier
and Jonathan Edes.
Family of Carolyn Whipple
will honor her 90th birthday
Carolyn Whipple, a long-time res
ident of Perry, will celebrate her
90th birthday tomorrow, Dec. 15.
Her five children will honor her on
Saturday, Dec. 17, with a reception
at the Perry Country Club from 2-4
p.m. No local invitations are being
sent, and the family wishes to in
vite all friends in the community to
come to the reception and help her
celebrate the occasion.
Mrs. Whipple moved with her
husband, Wendell K. Whipple, to
Perry in 1931 so that her could join
his brother, Allen Whipple, in the
funeral business. During the suc
ceeding years, Wendell was a part
ner in Houston Drug Company,
operated a funeral business with
Gardner Watson, and eventually was
a full-time agent with Connecticut
Mutual Life Insurance Company.
He died in 1989.
Carolyn Whipple assisted him in
the funeral business, and in 1942
opened the first flower shop in
Perry and operated it for many
years. She finally sold it in'order to
Food safety tips to remember this season
Whether giving food items to lo
cal groups, such as P.A.L. or
Loaves and Fishes, or sending food
gifts through the mail this holiday
season, be careful.
According to the Georgia Exten
sion Service, be extra conscious of
food safety.
Foods that have high sugar or salt
content or are very dry are good
choices. They aren't as likely to
Legals Houston Times-Journal
Notice is given that a notice of intent to
dissolve Pike Properties, Incorporated, a
Georgia Corporation with its registered
office at 2285 Peachtree Road, Unit 1407,
Atlanta, GA 30309, has been delivered to
the Secretary of State for filing in
accordance with the Georgia Business
Corporation Code.
12-44 12/14-12/21
RE: Estate of MAY MOY HECK,
{s}) (has) (have) applied for Letters of
Dismission from said trust. This is to
notify all persons concerned to show
cause, if any they can, why said applicant
(s) should not be discharged. All
objections must be in writing, setting forth
the grounds of any such objections, and
filed at or before 10:00 a.m. on the first
Tuesday in January next.
WITNESS the Honorable Frances
V. Annis, Judge
By: Andrea L. Hamsley
Deputy Clerk, Probate Court
12-3 12/14
Re: Estate of GERTRUDE
LARRY WALKER, Executor has
applied for Letters of Dismission from
said trust. This is to notify all persons
concerned to show cause, if any they can,
why said applicant should not be
discharged. All objections must be in
writing, setting forth the grounds of any
such objections, and filed at or before
10:00 a.m. on the first Tuesday in January
WITNESS the Honorable Frances V.
«nms, juage
By: Betty J. Kees, Chief Clerk, Probate
Wednesday, December 14,1334, Houston Times -Journal ■
work tuil-tnne as office manager tor
her husband's insurance agency. In
1969, at the age of 64, she took the
examination for and received her
own insurance license, and a few
weeks later passed the examination
for the National Association of Se
curities Dealers. For several years
she served as the local correspon
dent for the Macon Telegraph.
In addition, Carolyn has been in
volved in many community activi
ties, including the earliest efforts to
establish a library in Perry and
membership on the library board:
she is a charter member of the
Sorosis Club, was active for many
years in the PTA. holding a variety
ot offices, and served in many ca
pacities in the Perry Methodist
Church, especially with Sunday
School and youth activities. As a
member of the garden club, she
promoted beautification activities,
and she has also participated in
many other civic projects, often
working quietly behind the scenes.
She and Wendell raised a fiunily of
spoil during shipping and don't re
quire much care after giving.
Jams, jellies, preserves, pickles,
candies, dried bean soup mixes,
cookies and most breads fall into
that category.
Even these gifts, though, need
some care.
Before shipping, check jar seals
carefully, and pack into sturdy
boxes with plenty of cushioning
STEPHEN G. WILSON, Executors have
applied for Letters of Dismission from trust.
This is to notify all persons concerned to
show cause, if any they can, why said
applicants should not be discharged. All
objections must be in writing, setting forth
the grounds of any such objections, and
filed at or before 10:00 a.m. on the first
Tuesday in January next.
WITNESS the Honorable Frances V.
Annis, Judge
By: Andrea L. Hamsley, Deputy Clerk
Probate Court, Houston County,
12-10 12/14
RE: Estate of JOHN L. KING, Deceased
JOHN KARLO KING, Executor has
applied for Letters of Dismission from said
trust. This is to notify all persons concerned
to show cause, if any they can, why said
applicant should not be discharged. All
objections must be in writing, setting forth
the grounds of any such objections, and
filed at or before 10:00 a.m. on the first
Tuesday in January next.
WITNESS the Honorable Frances V.
Annis, Judge
By: Andrea L. Hamsley, Deputy Clerk
Probate Court, Houston County,
12-11 12/14
RE: Estate of DALE LEO TYO
BARBARA JOYCE TYO, Administrator
has applied for Letters of Dismission from
said trust. This is to notify all persons
concerned to show cause, if any they can,
why said applicant should not be
discharged. All objections must be in writing,
setting forth the grounds of any such
objections, and filed at or before 10:00 a.m.
on the first Tuesday in January next.
Notice of Rezoning
City of Perry, Georgia
Notice is hereby given the Perry City Council will hold a
public hearing on Tuesday, January 3, 1994 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Perry City Hall for the purpose of receiving any
comments on a rezoning petition. The petition requests
a change from R-3 to R-3A on property located off
Creekwood Drive, approximately 1,200 feet west of
Courtney Hodges Boulevard as indicated on the map
below: , .
: J »ine ~ ■
I. j'j
William H. Chambless, Jr.
Building Official
Carolyn Whipple
five children who graduated from
Perry High School and went on to
acquire four-year and advanced col
lege degrees. Carolyn now has 16
grandchildren and eight great-grand
children, many of whom will gather
here this weekend to celebrate this
landmark birthday.
material. Double-wrap baked goods
with clear plastic wrap, with foil
over that.
Be wary of sending perishable
food gifts through the mail. Pack
solidly frozen f(x>d into a water
tight container and then into the
shipping box. Include a cold
source-frozen gel packs or dry ice
to make sure the food stays cold.
WITNESS the Honorable Frances V.
Annis, Judge
By: Andrea L. Hamsley, Deputy Clerk
12-30 12/14
Notice is hereby given that the business
operated at 3972 Northside Drive, Macon,
Georgia, 31210 in the trade name of
HOMEWORKS is owned and carried on by
Warner Robins Supply Company, Inc.,
whose address is 2756 Watson Boulevard,
Warner Robins, Georgia, 31093, and that
statement relating thereto required by
O.C.G.A. Sec. 10-1-490, has been filed
with the Clerk of the Superior Court of
Houston County, Georgia.
12-40 12/14-12/21
Notice is given that articles of
incorporation which w'll incorporate:
Country Lake Estates, Inc. will be delivered
to the Secretary of State for filing in
accordance with the Georgia Corporation
Code (O.C.G.A. § 14-2-201.1). The initial
registered office will be located at 2768
Watson Blvd., Centerville, Ga. 31028 and
its initial registered agent at such address
is John C. Hall.
12-41 12/14-12/21
Notice is given that articles of
incorporation which will incorporate WRJ,
Inc. will be delivered to the Secretary of
State for filing in accordance with the
Georgia Business Corporation Code. The
initial registered office of the corporation
will be located at 302 Ball Street, Perry,
Houston County, Georgia, 31069 and its
initial registered agent at such address is
William R. Jackson.
Michael G. Gray
Walker, Hulbert, Gray & Byrd
909 Bali Street
P.O. Box 1234
Perry, Georgia 31069
12-42 12/14-12/21
Page 5B