Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, December 14,1994, Houston Times-Journal
Page 2A
— *N
Death notices
James B. "Jim"
James B. "Jim" Kerce, 52, of
103 Kings Crest Boulevard, died
Thursday at his residenceHe was the
Editor and General Manager of the
Houston Times Journal, was
previously Editor and General
Manager of the Houston Home
Journal, and had been managing
Editor of the Daily Sun Warner
Robins. Jim had worked in
newspapers in Atlanta, Tallahassee,
Poughkeepsie, NY. and
Harrodsburg, Ky. During his career,
he won numerous awards for
journalistic excellence. The
Houston Home Journal won
General Excellence awards in 1988
and 1989.
Very active in community
affairs, Jim had served; on the Board
of Directors and as President of the
Perry Chamber, served on the
United Way Board, the Perry
Kiwanis Club Board, and the
Military Affairs Committee.
He grew up in Tallahassee, Fla.
and attended Floridal State.
Survivors: wife, Janice Jordan
Kerce, of Perry; daughter Gena
Kerce, Atlanta; son, Clayton Kerce,
also of Atlanta; mother, Catherine
Stout, two brodiers, Joe; Kerce and
John Kerce all of Tallahassee. Fla.;
.brother, Doug Kerce of North
Carolina; three step brothers, Jack
Kerce. Birmington . Ala; Ed Kerce
of Tallahassee, Fla; and Bob Kerce
of Altamonte Springs, Fla.; two
step daughters, Mary Rowe of
Tallahassee, Fla. and Suzanne
Rowe of Perry; two step sons.
Richard Rowe, and Mitchell Rowe
of Tallahassee. Fla.
Services: Were lie Id
December 10 at Watson-Hunt
Chapel and Graveside Services t<x>k
place December 11 in the Rosciawn
Cemetery located in Tallahassee.
Ha. Watson-Hunt Funeral Home in
Warner Robins had charge of local
arrangements and Culley & Son
f uneral Home in Tallahassee
In lieu of flowers the family
requests contributions be made to
the American Heart Association.
26254; Pierce Place. PO. Box
2065. Macon. GA 31204.
Charlie Louise
Rumph McGhee
HENDERSON - Charlie Louise
Rumph McGhee, 87. of Hodge
Road, died Thursday in a Warner
Robins hospital Born in Macon
County, she had lived in Houston
County a number of years She was
the daughter of the late Charlie and
Clara Rumph and attended Macon
County public schools. She was a
member of f riendship Missionary
Baptist Church where she was
Mother of the Church, president of
the Mission Board, member of the
Senior Choir. Usher Board and
King of Honor Lodge. Survivors:
husband. Otis McGhee of
Henderson, and sister. Adeila Webb
of I fenderson.
Services: Were held at 2p in
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Dec. 12, 1994 in Friendship
Missionary Baptist Church. Burial:
the church cemetery. The Rev.
Lawrence Williams officiated.
Oglethorpe Funderal Chapel had
charge of arrangements.
Woodrow W. Cannady
MACON - Woodrow W.
Cannady, 82, of 5778 Satterfield
Drive died Sunday in a local
hospital. Born in Candler County,
he had lived in Macon the past 42
years. He was a member of
Bellevue Baptist Church, the Senior
Couples Sunday School Class and
was a deacon. Survivors: wife,
Eta H. Cannady of Macon; children,
Johnny R. Cannady of Wadley,
William A. Cannady and Julia C.
Wagstaff, both of Warner Robins,
and Kay C. Hunnicutt of Perry;
sister, Eunice Lightsey of
Americus; 12 grandchildren: and 18
Services: 2 p.m. Wednesday
in Bellevue Baptist Church. The
Rev. Larry Jones and Dr. Neal Wall
will officiate. Visitation: The
family will receive friends from 7
until 9 Tuesday in Crest Lawn
Funeral Home and may be contacted
at the residence.
Odie Mae Stanley
PERRY - Odie Mae Stnaley.
84 died Sunday in a local nursing
home. Born in Alexander City,
Ala., she was the daughter of the
late Noland and Amy Moody
Maddox. She moved from Peach
County Houston County in 1955
and established Stanley Furniture
Co., of which she was president for
25 years. She was a member of
Perry l Iniled Methodist Church and
was the widow of R. E. Stanley.
Survivors: children. Anne S.
Wilson and Ronnie Stanley, both
of Perry; sister and brother. Shirley
Westwood of Albany, and Marlin
Maddox of Fort Valley;; five
grandr*’ ’’ ..u; and 10 great
Services: Were held Tuesday.
Dec. 6. 1994 in the Perry United
Methodist Church at 3p in Dr
Marcus Tripp officiated. Burial
took place in the Wood lawn
Cemetery. Watson-Hunt Funeral
Home in Perry had charge of
James Edward Gordon
PITTS - J:unes Edward "Pete"
Gordon. 50 of 200 South Sandy
Mount Road, died Sunday in a local
hospital Bom in Crisp County, he
was a member of Seville Baptist
Church He was tool cutter and
grinder at ILirris Group for 27
years Survivors: wife, Betty
Hancock Gordon of Pitts; mother.
Irene Gill Gordon of Cordele,
children. Clint Gordon of Pitts.
Beverly Ann Moore of Rochelle,
and Sheila Lynn Athon of Cordele:
brothers and sisters, William
Gordon and John Gordon Jr., both
of Hatley. Olin Gordon of Cordele.
Walter Gordon of Fitzgerald.
Elizabeth Dorough of Tampa, Fla.,
Dianne Morgan of Perry, Janice
Raphael of Tanzania, Nina Hobbs
of Reynolds, and Ophelia Dean of
St. Petersburg, Fla.; and three
Services: Were held at 2 p.m.
Tuesday Dec. 13 in Seville Baptist
Church. Burial: Seville Cemetery.
Visitation: The family received
friends at Hughes & Wright Funeral
Home .
Harold Eugene Lones
Eugene "Gene" Lones, 47, of 155
Elaine Drive, Lot 333 died Saturday
in a local hospital. Bom in Lima,
Ohio, he was the son of the late
Harold Bliss Lones. He had served
in the Georgia National Guard and
was employed by Robins Air Force
Base as an electronic mechanic. He
had lived in Warner Robins for the
past five years. Survivors:
mother. Carrie Lones Rodriguez of
Perry, son, Jerry Lones of Perry;
sister and brother, Linda Sue L.
Bilopavlovich of Bolivar, Tenn.,
Sheila L. Sweitzer of Marshallville,
and Terry Jones of Perry: and one
Services: Services were held
Tuesday, Dec. 13. 1994 at 2 p.m.
Burial at Magnolia Park Cemetery,
the Rev. Robin Tedder officiated.
Herman William Crumley
William Crumley, died Sunday in a
Ureal hospital after a brief illness.
Born in Jackson County, he was
retired from New Holland textile
mill. He was a member of the Lula
Congregational Holiness Church
Survivors: wife. Rosalee
Crumley of Gainesville; children,
Gloria Tapp of Gainesville.
Maureen Green ;uid Ruby C. ('nice,
both of Lakeland, Gla.. Laetus
Crumley of Rome, and I.alon
Crumley of Douglasviile; brother
and sisters, Curtis Crumley of
Kathleen. Mable Smallwood of
Snellville, and Adell Tiller and
Iraelia Couch, both of Jefferson; 13
grandchildren; and 19 great
Services: Were held
Wednesday, Dec 14. i 994 in
stesetm to
cm num
Memorial Park Funeral Home,
Gainesville Burial was in Memorial
Park Cemetery. The Rev. Roland
Arrowood officiated.
Exie P. Rozar
OREGON, ILL - Exie P. Rozar,
90 died Sunday. Bom in Felton, she
was die dauther of the late John and
Ida Cook Gamer. She lived in Perry
most of her life before she moved
to Illiinois two years ago. She was
a former member of First Baptist
Church in Perry. She was the
widow of J. Frank Rozar and was a
homemaker. Survivors: daughter,
Frances Rozar Strouse of Oregon,
111.; brothers, Fred Gamer of Rome,
and Truman Gamer of Stevenson,
Ala.; five grandchildren, and a great
Services: Were held Dec. 10,
1994 in Watson-Hunt Funeral
Home, Perry. Burial: Rozar
Cemetery in Dodge County.
Officiating at the services was Dr.
John O. Yarbrough.
Willie R. King
KATHLEEN - Willie R. King
This examination normally coifs $35.00 or more. It will include an orthopedic test, a neurological
test, a blood pressure test, a spinal alignment check, an examination for restricted or excessive motion
of the spine, a muscle strength test, and a private consultation to discuss the results. Any further
treatment shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties.
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died Tuesday in an Atlanta hospital.
She was the daughter of the late
Will and Nacy Valentine Stowder
and was the widow of Joe King.
She was a member of Sandbed
Baptist Church. Survivors:
sisters, Nettie Strowder Scott and
Lacy Strowder, both of Atlanta; and
nieces and nephews she raised as her
own, Betty Jean Green of Atlanta,
Rosetta White of Decatur. Mary S.
Kimberly’s Barbecue
is honored to have
served Perry ,the surrounding
communities, and traveling public.
We hope that the Christmas and
New Year Spirit will bring family
and friends together and that
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Jones, Martha Strowder, Billy
Stowder and Joseph Strowder, all of
Services: Were held Dec. 10
in King's Chapel CME Church,
Perry. Burial: Was in the church
cemetery. The Rev. George Brooks
officiated. Richardson & Son
Funeral Home in Warner Robins
had charge of arrangements.
MON.-SAT. 9-9